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Created April 1, 2021 11:49
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Building UEFI bootable mini image for ipa.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -r TEMP_MOUNT="$(mktemp -d)"
declare -r TITLE="Python Ironic Agent"
declare -r DESTINATION="${1:-out.iso}"
declare -r KERNEL="${2:-kernel}"
declare -r INITRAMFS="${3:-initramfs}"
dd if=/dev/zero of=${DESTINATION} bs=1M count=514
sgdisk --new=1:1MiB:513MiB ${DESTINATION}
sgdisk --change-name 1:efi ${DESTINATION}
sgdisk --typecode 1:ef00 ${DESTINATION}
sgdisk --print ${DESTINATION}
LOOPBACK=$(sudo losetup --partscan --find --show ${DESTINATION})
sudo partprobe ${LOOPBACK}
sudo mkfs.fat -F 32 -n EFIBOOT "${LOOPBACK}p1"
sudo mount "${LOOPBACK}p1" ${TEMP_MOUNT}
sudo bootctl --esp-path=${TEMP_MOUNT} install
sudo cp ${KERNEL} "${TEMP_MOUNT}/vmlinuz"
sudo cp ${INITRAMFS} "${TEMP_MOUNT}/initrd"
sudo bash -c "cat <<EOT >> ${TEMP_MOUNT}/loader/entries/default.conf
title ${TITLE}
linux /vmlinuz
initrd /initrd
options nofb nomodeset vga=normal BOOTIF=None ---
cat ${TEMP_MOUNT}/loader/entries/default.conf
sudo umount -R ${TEMP_MOUNT}
sudo losetup -d ${LOOPBACK}
rm -rf "${TEMP_MOUNT}"
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