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Created December 7, 2022 08:52
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Linux - basic commands
pwd ->shows current path
ls ->shows files in current path
ls -l ->shows files with right in current path
ls -la ->shows files with right in current path + invisible once
cd Downloads/ ->changes directory to folder "Downloads"
cd .. ->changes directory to folder above
cd ->changes directory to home folder
mkdir test ->creates a folder named "test"
touch test.txt ->to create a file named "test.txt"
wget ->lets you download the wiki page to wget
du -h Wget ->shows the filezise of your newly downloaded article. -h makes it more readable
cat test.txt ->to see the content of the file
head test.txt ->shows the first line of file
tail text.txt ->shows the last line of file
mv text.txt Downloads/ ->moves the file to "Downloads/"
mv Downloads/test.txt . ->moves the file back to current path
cp test.txt ~/Downloads/test.txt ->creates a copy of the file in another folder
rmdir test ->will remove the directory
rm test.txt ->removes the file
find ~ -name test.txt ->searches for a file name in a certain directory
locate test.txt ->locates all files with certain name in filesystem
ps ->shows running processes in shell
top ->shows an overview of current running processes
strg+c (keys) ->exit out of command like top
free ->shows memory usage
uptime ->shows uptime of system
uname -a ->gives information about system
whoami ->shows current used user
groups ->shows the groups you're in
passwd ->to change password of user
passwd test ->to change the password of user test
w ->shows logged in users
alias ipconfig=ifconfig -a ->creates an alias, where can get used as shortcut (you can just enter ipconfig (Windows))
clear ->clears terminal screen
man chmod ->opens the manual for chmod command, to explain you how to use it
history ->shows the comand line history
poweroff ->turn system off
reboot ->lets system reboot
exit ->exits console
sudo ->added in front of command to do it as superuser
sudo!! ->in case sudo gets forgetten and you want to repeat last command as superuser
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