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Testing indexed state monad transformers
-- Copyright : (C) 2008 Edward Kmett, 2016 Mazdak Farrokhzad
-- License : BSD-style
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleInstances,
UndecidableInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Control.Applicative(Alternative)
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Writer
-- IxFunctor:
class IxFunctor f where
(#<$>) :: (a -> b) -> f j k a -> f j k b
infixl 4 #<$>
imap :: IxFunctor f => (a -> b) -> f j k a -> f j k b
imap = (#<$>)
instance IxFunctor f => Functor (f j k) where
fmap = (#<$>)
-- IxPointed, IxCopointed:
class IxFunctor m => IxPointed m where
ireturn :: a -> m i i a
class IxFunctor w => IxCopointed w where
iextract :: w i i a -> a
-- IxApplicative:
class IxPointed f => IxApplicative f where
(#<*>) :: f i j (a -> b) -> f j k a -> f i k b
infixl 4 #<*>
iliftA :: IxApplicative m => (a -> b) -> m j k a -> m j k b
iliftA = (#<*>) . ireturn
instance IxApplicative f => IxFunctor f where
(#<$>) = iliftA
instance IxApplicative f => Applicative (f j j) where
pure = ireturn
(<*>) = (#<*>)
-- IxMonad:
class IxApplicative m => IxMonad m where
(#>>=) :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
(#=<<) :: IxMonad m => (a -> m j k b) -> m i j a -> m i k b
(#=<<) = flip (#>>=)
(#>>) :: IxMonad m => m i j a -> m j k b -> m i k b
(#>>) mx = (mx #>>=) . const
(#>=>) :: IxMonad m => (a -> m i j b) -> (b -> m j k c) -> a -> m i k c
(#>=>) f g a = f a #>>= g
(#<=<) :: IxMonad m => (b -> m j k c) -> (a -> m i j b) -> a -> m i k c
(#<=<) = flip (#>=>)
infixl 1 #>>=, #>>
infixr 1 #=<<, #>=>, #<=<
ibind :: IxMonad m => m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
ibind = (#>>=)
ijoin :: IxMonad m => m i j (m j k a) -> m i k a
ijoin = (#=<<) id
iliftM :: IxMonad m => (a -> b) -> m j k a -> m j k b
iliftM f m = m #>>= ireturn . f
iliftM2 :: IxMonad m => (a -> b -> c) -> m i j a -> m j k b -> m i k c
iliftM2 f m1 m2 = f #<$> m1 #<*> m2
iliftM3 :: IxMonad m => (a -> b -> c -> d)
-> m i j a -> m j k b -> m k l c -> m i l d
iliftM3 f m1 m2 m3 = iliftM2 f m1 m2 #<*> m3
iliftM4 :: IxMonad m => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e)
-> m i j a -> m j k b -> m k l c -> m l n d -> m i n e
iliftM4 f m1 m2 m3 m4 = iliftM3 f m1 m2 m3 #<*> m4
iliftM5 :: IxMonad m => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f)
-> m i j a -> m j k b -> m k l c -> m l n d -> m n o e -> m i o f
iliftM5 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 = iliftM4 f m1 m2 m3 m4 #<*> m5
iap :: IxMonad m => m i j (a -> b) -> m j k a -> m i k b
iap mf m = mf #>>= \f -> m #>>= ireturn . f
instance IxMonad m => IxApplicative m where
(#<*>) = iap
instance IxMonad m => Monad (m j j) where
return = ireturn
(>>=) = (#>>=)
-- IxMonadZero, IxMonadPlus:
class IxMonad m => IxMonadZero m where
imzero :: m i j a
class IxMonadZero m => IxMonadPlus m where
implus :: m i j a -> m i j a -> m i j a
instance (IxMonadPlus m, Alternative (m j j)) => MonadPlus (m j j) where
mzero = imzero
mplus = implus
-- IxMonadFix:
class IxMonad m => IxMonadFix m where
imfix :: (a -> m i i a) -> m i i a
instance IxMonadFix m => MonadFix (m i i) where
mfix = imfix
-- IxMonadTrans:
class IxMonadTrans t where
ilift :: Monad m => m a -> t m i i a
-- IxMonadState:
class IxMonad m => IxMonadState m where
iget :: m i i i
iput :: j -> m i j ()
imodify :: IxMonadState m => (i -> j) -> m i j ()
imodify f = iget #>>= iput . f
igets :: IxMonadState m => (i -> a) -> m i i a
igets f = iget #>>= ireturn . f
instance IxMonadState m => MonadState i (m i i) where
get = iget
put = iput
-- IxStateT:
newtype IxStateT m i j a = IxStateT { runIxStateT :: i -> m (a, j) }
evalIxStateT :: Functor f => IxStateT f i j b -> i -> f b
evalIxStateT m i = fst <$> runIxStateT m i
execIxStateT :: Functor f => IxStateT f i j a -> i -> f j
execIxStateT m i = snd <$> runIxStateT m i
instance Monad m => IxPointed (IxStateT m) where
ireturn a = IxStateT $ \s -> return (a, s)
instance Monad m => IxMonad (IxStateT m) where
m #>>= k = IxStateT $ runIxStateT m >=> \ ~(a, o) -> runIxStateT (k a) o
instance Monad m => IxMonadState (IxStateT m) where
iget = IxStateT $ \s -> return (s, s)
iput s = IxStateT $ \_ -> return ((), s)
instance MonadPlus m => IxMonadZero (IxStateT m) where
imzero = IxStateT $ const mzero
instance MonadPlus m => IxMonadPlus (IxStateT m) where
implus m n = IxStateT $ \s -> runIxStateT m s `mplus` runIxStateT n s
instance MonadFix m => IxMonadFix (IxStateT m) where
imfix f = IxStateT $ \s -> mfix $ \ ~(a, _) -> runIxStateT (f a) s
instance IxMonadTrans IxStateT where
ilift m = IxStateT $ \s -> m >>= \a -> return (a, s)
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (IxStateT m i i) where
liftIO = ilift . liftIO
instance MonadError e m => MonadError e (IxStateT m i i) where
throwError = ilift . throwError
m `catchError` h = IxStateT $ \s -> runIxStateT m s `catchError`
\e -> runIxStateT (h e) s
instance MonadWriter w m => MonadWriter w (IxStateT m i i) where
tell = ilift . tell
listen m = IxStateT $ \s -> do
~((a, s'), w) <- listen (runIxStateT m s)
return ((a, w), s')
pass m = IxStateT $ \s -> pass $ do
~((a, f), s') <- runIxStateT m s
return ((a, s'), f)
-- IxSEWT:
runIxSEWT :: IxSEWT e w m i j a -> i -> m (Either e (a, j), w)
runIxSEWT ev e = runWriterT $ runExceptT $ runIxStateT (_runIxSEWT ev) e
newtype IxSEWT e w m i j a = IxSEWT {
_runIxSEWT :: IxStateT (ExceptT e (WriterT w m)) i j a }
deriving (IxPointed ,IxMonad, IxMonadState,
IxMonadFix,IxMonadZero, IxMonadPlus)
instance Monoid w => IxMonadTrans (IxSEWT e w) where
ilift = IxSEWT . ilift . lift . lift
instance (Monoid w, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (IxSEWT e w m i i) where
liftIO = IxSEWT . liftIO
instance (Monoid w, Monad m) => MonadError e (IxSEWT e w m i i) where
throwError = IxSEWT . throwError
m `catchError` h = IxSEWT $ catchError (_runIxSEWT m) (_runIxSEWT . h)
instance (Monoid w, Monad m) => MonadWriter w (IxSEWT e w m i i) where
tell = IxSEWT . tell
listen = IxSEWT . listen . _runIxSEWT
pass = IxSEWT . pass . _runIxSEWT
type Test i j a = IxSEWT Int [Int] Identity i j a
t0 :: Test i i a -> (a -> Test i i b) -> Test i i b
t0 = (>>=)
t1 :: Test i i (a -> b) -> Test i i a -> Test i i b
t1 = (<*>)
t2 :: Test i i i
t2 = get
t3 :: i -> Test i i ()
t3 = put
t4 :: (a -> Test i i a) -> Test i i a
t4 = mfix
t5 :: Int -> Test i i a
t5 = throwError
t6 :: [Int] -> Test i i ()
t6 = tell
t7 :: IO a -> IxSEWT Int [Int] IO i i a
t7 = liftIO
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