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Last active August 30, 2017 05:58
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where {
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes);
import Data.Function (on);
import Data.List (group,intersperse,sort,sortBy,groupBy);
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S;
--import Control.Monad.Writer;
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP;
data Code
= PutChar Int -- putchar(p[n]);
| GetChar Int -- p[n] = getchar();
| Advance Int -- p += n;
| Increment Int Int -- p[i] += a;
| While [Code] -- while(*p) { ... }
| Set Int Int -- p[i] = a;
| AddTo [(Int,Int)] (Int,Int)
-- deriving (Eq,Ord,Show);
deriving (Eq,Ord);
wsLF :: ShowS;
wsLF = showString "\n";
wsTab :: ShowS;
wsTab = showString "\t";
wsSpace :: ShowS;
wsSpace = showString " ";
wsInt :: Int -> ShowS;
wsInt n
| n > 0 = wsSpace . bits n . wsLF
| n < 0 = wsTab . bits (-n) . wsLF
| n == 0 = wsSpace . wsSpace . wsLF
where {
bits 0 = id;
bits x = bits (x `div` 2)
. case (x `mod` 2) of {
0 -> wsSpace;
1 -> wsTab;
-- The top of the stack at the beginning of a Brainfuck command is always the index of the pointer.
data WhitespaceBytecode
= PushInt Int -- Push n
| StackDiscard -- Pop the top item on the stack.
| StackDup -- Duplicate the top item on the stack.
| StackSwap -- Swap the top two items on the stack.
| InputChar -- Input a character and put it on the top of the stack.
| OutputChar -- Output top of stack.
| StackAdd -- Pop and add the top two items on the stack and push the sum on the stack.
| StackMul -- Pop and multiply the top two items on the stack and push the product on the stack.
| StackMod -- Pop and modulo the top two items on the stack and push the product on the stack.
| HeapRetrieve -- Pop the top item of the stack and use it as an index to retrieve an item from the heap. Push the heap item.
| HeapStore -- Pop the value and then the item from the stack. Store the value on the heap at the index.
| MarkLocation Int -- Mark a location. This does not alter the stack.
| JumpAlways Int -- Jump to the location unconditionally. This does not alter the stack.
| JumpZero Int -- Pop a value from the stack and jump to the given location if it is zero.
| JumpNegative Int -- Pop a value from the stack and jump to the given location if it is negative.
| WhitespaceTerminate
deriving (Show)
-- Print Whitespace bytecode as whitespace.
whitespacePrint :: WhitespaceBytecode -> ShowS;
whitespacePrint (PushInt i)
= wsSpace
. wsSpace
. wsInt i
whitespacePrint (StackDiscard)
= wsSpace
. wsLF . wsLF
whitespacePrint (StackDup)
= wsSpace
. wsLF . wsSpace
whitespacePrint (StackSwap)
= wsSpace
. wsLF . wsTab
whitespacePrint (InputChar)
= wsTab . wsLF
. wsTab . wsSpace
whitespacePrint (OutputChar)
= wsTab . wsLF
. wsSpace . wsSpace
whitespacePrint (StackAdd)
= wsTab . wsSpace
. wsSpace . wsSpace
whitespacePrint (StackMul)
= wsTab . wsSpace
. wsSpace . wsLF
whitespacePrint (StackMod)
= wsTab . wsSpace
. wsTab . wsTab
whitespacePrint (HeapRetrieve)
= wsTab . wsTab
. wsTab
whitespacePrint (HeapStore)
= wsTab . wsTab
. wsSpace
whitespacePrint (MarkLocation loc)
= wsLF
. wsSpace . wsSpace
. wsInt loc
whitespacePrint (JumpAlways loc)
= wsLF
. wsSpace . wsLF
. wsInt loc
whitespacePrint (JumpZero loc)
= wsLF
. wsTab . wsSpace
. wsInt loc
whitespacePrint (JumpNegative loc)
= wsLF
. wsTab . wsTab
. wsInt loc
whitespacePrint (WhitespaceTerminate)
= wsLF
. wsLF . wsLF
-- With the base index at the top of the stack, push the sum of the base pointer and the index.
whitecodeRelativeIndex i =
[StackDup -- [base,base]
,PushInt i -- [base,base,i]
,StackAdd -- [base,base+i]
-- Translate Brainfuck bytecode to Whitespace bytecode.
whitespaceBytecode :: Code -> S.State Int [WhitespaceBytecode];
whitespaceBytecode (PutChar i) = return $
whitecodeRelativeIndex i ++ -- [base,base+i]
[HeapRetrieve -- [base,array[base+i]]
,OutputChar -- [base]
whitespaceBytecode (GetChar i) = return $
whitecodeRelativeIndex i ++ -- [base,base+i]
[InputChar -- [base,base+i,c]
,PushInt 256 -- [base,base+i,c,256]
,StackMod -- [base,base+i,c % 256]
,HeapStore -- [base]
whitespaceBytecode (Advance i) = return $
[PushInt i -- [base,i]
,StackAdd -- [base+i]
whitespaceBytecode (Increment i a) = return $
[StackDup] ++ -- [base,base]
whitecodeRelativeIndex i ++ -- [base,base,base+i]
[HeapRetrieve -- [base,base,array[base+i]]
,PushInt a -- [base,base,array[base+i],a]
,StackAdd -- [base,base,array[base+i]+a]
,StackSwap] ++ -- [base,array[base+i]+a,base]
whitecodeRelativeIndex i ++ -- [base,array[base+i]+a,base,base+i]
[StackSwap -- [base,array[base+i]+a,base+i,base]
,StackDiscard -- [base,array[base+i]+a,base+i]
,StackSwap -- [base,base+i,array[base+i]+a]
,PushInt 256 -- [base,base+i,array[base+i]+a,256]
,StackMod -- [base,base+i,(array[base+i]+a) % 256]
,HeapStore -- [base]
whitespaceBytecode (While xs) = do {
locBegin <- S.get;
S.put (locBegin+1);
middle <- mapM whitespaceBytecode xs;
locEnd <- S.get;
S.put (locEnd+1);
return $
[MarkLocation locBegin -- [base]
,StackDup -- [base,base]
,HeapRetrieve -- [base,array[base]]
,JumpZero locEnd] ++ -- [base]
(concat middle) ++
[JumpAlways locBegin -- [base]
,MarkLocation locEnd -- [base]
whitespaceBytecode (Set i a) = return $
whitecodeRelativeIndex i ++ -- [base,base+i]
[PushInt a -- [base,base+i,a]
,PushInt 256 -- [base,base+i,array[base+i]+a,256]
,StackMod -- [base,base+i,(array[base+i]+a) % 256]
,HeapStore -- [base]
whitespaceBytecode (AddTo incs (index,1)) = let {
-- Map (i,amount) to the command p[i] += p[index]*amount;
addmul :: (Int,Int) -> [WhitespaceBytecode];
addmul (i,amount) =
[StackDup] ++ -- [base,base]
whitecodeRelativeIndex i ++ -- [base,base,base+i]
[StackSwap] ++ -- [base,base+i,base]
whitecodeRelativeIndex index ++ -- [base,base+i,base,base+index]
[HeapRetrieve -- [base,base+i,base,array[base+index]]
,PushInt amount -- [base,base+i,base,array[base+index],amount]
,StackMul -- [base,base+i,base,array[base+index]*amount]
,StackSwap] ++ -- [base,base+i,array[base+index]*amount,base]
whitecodeRelativeIndex i ++ -- [base,base+i,array[base+index]*amount,base,base+i]
[StackSwap -- [base,base+i,array[base+index]*amount,base+i,base]
,StackDiscard -- [base,base+i,array[base+index]*amount,base+i]
,HeapRetrieve -- [base,base+i,array[base+index]*amount,array[base+i]]
,StackAdd -- [base,base+i,array[base+index]*amount+array[base+i]]
,PushInt 256 -- [base,base+i,array[base+i]+a,256]
,StackMod -- [base,base+i,(array[base+i]+a) % 256]
,HeapStore] -- [base]
} in return $
(concatMap addmul incs) ++
whitecodeRelativeIndex index ++ -- [base,base+index]
[PushInt 0 -- [base,base+index,0]
,HeapStore -- [base]
-- Print Brainfuck bytecode as C.
instance Show Code where {
showList xs = foldl (.) id $ intersperse (showString "\n") $ map shows xs;
showsPrec _ (PutChar 0) = showString "putchar(*p);";
showsPrec _ (PutChar i) = showString "putchar(p[" . shows i . showString "]);";
showsPrec _ (GetChar 0) = showString "*p = getchar();";
showsPrec _ (GetChar i) = showString "p[" . shows i . showString "] = getchar();";
showsPrec _ (Advance n) = showString "p += " . shows n . showString ";";
showsPrec _ (Increment 0 n) = showString "*p += " . shows n . showString ";";
showsPrec _ (Increment i n) = showString "p[" . shows i . showString "] += " . shows n . showString ";";
showsPrec _ (Set 0 n) = showString "*p = " . shows n . showString ";";
showsPrec _ (Set i n) = showString "p[" . shows i . showString "] = " . shows n . showString ";";
showsPrec _ (While xs) = showString "while(*p) {\n" . showList xs . showString "\n}";
showsPrec _ (AddTo xs (ib,1)) = let {
makeAdd (index,increment) =
showString "p[" . shows index . showString "] += " . showMultiply increment
showMultiply 1 = showString "p[" . shows ib . showString "]";
showMultiply increment = shows increment . showString " * p[" . shows ib . showString "]";
} in (foldl (.) id $ intersperse (showString "\n") $ map (\x -> makeAdd x . showString ";") xs)
. showString "p[" . shows ib . showString "] = 0;";
showsPrec _ (AddTo xs a) = let {
makeAdd amount (index,increment) =
showString "p[" . shows index . showString "] += " . shows increment . showString " * " . shows amount;
} in foldl (.) id $ intersperse (showString "\n") $ map (\x -> makeAdd a x . showString ";") xs;
-- Stationary instructions do not move the index.
isStationary :: Code -> Bool;
isStationary (Advance n) = n == 0;
isStationary (While xs) = all isStationary xs;
isStationary _ = True;
-- Parse Brainfuck source code.
bf :: ReadP [Code];
bf = let {
f t x = do {
char t;
return x;
tree = do {
tree <- bf';
return $ While tree;
bf' = do {
xs <- many
(between (char '[') (char ']') tree)
(choice [
f ',' $ GetChar 0,
f '.' $ PutChar 0,
f '<' $ Advance (-1),
f '>' $ Advance (1),
f '-' $ Increment 0 (-1),
f '+' $ Increment 0 (1)
return xs;
} in do {
xs <- bf';
return xs;
-- Optimize Brainfuck bytecode.
optimize :: [Code] -> [Code];
optimize (Advance 0:xs) = optimize $ xs;
optimize (Increment _ 0:xs) = optimize $ xs;
optimize (Advance ia:Increment ib b:xs) = optimize $ Increment (ia+ib) b:Advance ia:xs;
optimize (Advance ia:Set ib b:xs) = optimize $ Set (ia+ib) b:Advance ia:xs;
optimize (Advance ia:PutChar ib:xs) = optimize $ PutChar (ia+ib):Advance ia:xs;
optimize (Advance ia:GetChar ib:xs) = optimize $ GetChar (ia+ib):Advance ia:xs;
optimize (Advance ia:AddTo items (ib,amount) :xs) =
(AddTo (map (\(i,increment) -> (ia+i,increment)) items) (ib+ia,amount)) : optimize (Advance ia:xs);
optimize (AddTo items (ib,amount) :xs) = let {
ts = map (\x -> (fst $ head x, sum $ map snd x)) $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortBy (compare `on` snd) items;
} in AddTo ts (ib,amount):optimize xs;
optimize (Advance a:Advance b:xs) = optimize $ Advance (a+b):xs;
optimize (Increment ia a:Increment ib b:xs) =
if ia == ib
then optimize $ Increment ia (a+b):xs
else Increment ia a:optimize (Increment ib b:xs)
optimize (Set ia a:Increment ib b:xs) =
if ia == ib
then optimize $ Set ia (a+b):xs;
else Set ia a:optimize (Increment ib b:xs);
optimize (While [Increment 0 n]:xs) =
if n == 0
then While []:optimize xs
else optimize (Set 0 0:xs)
optimize (While ws:xs) = let {
isAssignment (Increment _ _) = True;
-- isAssignment (Set _ _) = True;
-- isAssignment (While xs) = all isAssignment xs;
isAssignment _ = False;
rec xs = let {
findIncrement (Increment 0 _) = True;
findIncrement _ = False;
Increment _ amount:_ = dropWhile (not . findIncrement) xs;
getIndex (Increment i s) = Just (i,s);
getIndex _ = Nothing;
indexes = catMaybes $ map getIndex xs;
} in if amount == (-1)
then AddTo (filter ((/=0) . fst) indexes) (0,-amount)
else While $ optimize xs
} in if (all isAssignment ws) && (not $ null ws)
then (rec ws): optimize xs
else (While $ optimize ws) : optimize xs;
optimize (x:xs) = x:optimize xs;
optimize [] = [];
-- Compute a fixed point. f (fixedpoint f x) == fixedpoint f x
fixedPoint :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a;
fixedPoint f x =
let {
y = f x;
} in if y == x then x else fixedPoint f y;
-- Write Brainfuck bytecode as C.
outputC :: [Code] -> ShowS;
outputC codes = let {
prologue = showString "int main() { char array[65536] = {0}; char * p = array;";
epilogue = showString "return 0; }";
} in
. showList codes
. epilogue
-- Write Brainfuck bytecode as Whitespace.
outputWhitespace :: [Code] -> ShowS;
outputWhitespace codes = let {
--codes = fst $ head $ readP_to_S bf $ filter (`elem` "[]<>+-.,") $ str;
initializeHeap heapSize = do {
beginLoc <- S.get;
S.put $ beginLoc + 1;
[PushInt 0 -- [base,i]
,MarkLocation beginLoc -- [base,i]
,StackDup -- [base,i,i]
,PushInt 0 -- [base,i,i,0]
,HeapStore -- [base,i]
,PushInt 1 -- [base,i,1]
,StackAdd -- [base,i+1]
,StackDup -- [base,i+1,i+1]
,PushInt (-heapSize) -- [base,i+1,i+1,-heapSize]
,StackAdd -- [base,i+1,i+1-heapSize]
,JumpNegative beginLoc -- [base,i+1],
,StackDiscard -- [base]
heapSize = 6000; -- Should be 30000
ws :: [WhitespaceBytecode];
ws = fst $ (flip S.runState) 0 $ do {
heapInit <- initializeHeap heapSize;
whitespaceCodes <- mapM whitespaceBytecode codes;
return $ concat $ ([PushInt 0]:[heapInit] ++ whitespaceCodes ++ [[WhitespaceTerminate]]);
} in foldl (.) id $ map whitespacePrint $ ws;
--} in foldl (.) id $ intersperse (showString "\n") $ map shows $ ws;
main = do {
str <- getContents;
let { codes = fixedPoint optimize $ fst $ head $ readP_to_S bf $ filter (`elem` "[]<>+-.,") $ str; };
putStrLn $ outputWhitespace codes "";
--putStrLn $ outputC codes "";
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