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Created October 9, 2015 14:10
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import sys
import itertools
import time
N = 9
S = 3
def process(f):
def printBoard(board,level=0):
for i in range(N):
row = ' '.join([('_' if x == 0 else str(x)) for x in board[i]])
print('{}{}'.format(' '*level,row))
# Find positions on the board that are unfilled.
def findEmpties(board):
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if board[i][j] is 0:
yield (i,j)
# Compute the set of all valid values that can be placed in the empty position at (r,c).
def possibleOpenings(board, r, c):
# Collect the values for every batch that contains this position.
row = board[r]
column = [board[i][c] for i in range(N)]
subsquare = [board[i + (r // S)*S][j + (c // S)*S] for i in range(S) for j in range(S)]
# Return the complement of the values in those batches.
return set(range(1,10)).difference(set(row + column + subsquare))
# If any of the empty positions has an unambiguous solution then use that solution.
def setUniques(board):
for (r,c) in findEmpties(board):
# This position has an unambigous move if and only if there is only one possible opening.
openings = list(possibleOpenings(board, r, c))
if len(openings) == 1:
board[r][c] = openings[0]
# Determine if a (possibly incomplete) board lacks conflicting positions.
def consistent(board):
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
# Temporarily vacate the position in order to find possible openings.
t = board[i][j]
board[i][j] = 0
openings = possibleOpenings(board,i,j)
board[i][j] = t
# The board is inconsistent if there are no openings or a filled value is not in the openings (the value is in an associated batch).
if len(openings) == 0 or (t != 0 and t not in openings):
return False
return True
# Compile the unfilled positions for every batch on the board. The result is a tuple consisting of an indicator for the
# batch type, the index of the batch, and the indexes inside the batch of the unfilled positions.
def findBatchEmpty(board):
results = []
# These are the rows. The batch index is just the row index. The intra-batch indexes are the column indexes.
for r in range(N):
row = board[r]
indexes = [i for (i,x) in zip(range(N),row) if x is 0]
if len(indexes) > 0:
results += [('row',r,indexes)]
# These are the columns. The batch index is just the column index. The intra-batch indexes are the row indexes.
for c in range(N):
column = [board[r][c] for r in range(N)]
indexes = [i for (i,x) in zip(range(N),column) if x is 0]
if len(indexes) > 0:
results += [('column',c,indexes)]
# These are the nine subsquares. The subsquares use a row major ordering. The intra-batch indexes are also row major.
for sr in range(S):
for sc in range(S):
subsquare = [board[sr * S + r][sc * S + c] for r in range(S) for c in range(S)]
indexes = [i for (i,x) in zip(range(N),subsquare) if x is 0]
if len(indexes) > 0:
results += [('subsquare',sr*S+sc,indexes)]
# Return the results sorted by the number of empty slots.
return sorted(results,key=lambda x: len(x[2]))
def solve(board):
# Reject this board if it is not consistent. There can be no possible solutions.
if not consistent(board):
# This is a special case of the permutation visitations. We visit the trivial
# permutations in one go to avoid unnecessary recursion. This is merely an optimization.
# Find the unfilled positions and their associated batches.
batchEmpties = findBatchEmpty(board)
# Yield and return this board as a solution if there are no empty positions.
if len(batchEmpties) == 0:
yield board
# We want to enumerate the smallest permutation.
(task,index,indexes) = batchEmpties[0]
# Get the missing values for the batch. First get the elemnts from the batch.
if task == 'row':
batch = board[index]
elif task == 'column':
batch = [board[i][index] for i in range(N)]
elif task == 'subsquare':
r = index // S
c = index % S
batch = [board[i + r*S][j + c*S] for i in range(S) for j in range(S)]
# Now complement the set of batch elements.
missing = list(set(range(1,10)).difference(set(batch)))
# Visit the permutations of the unfilled positions in the batch.
for pindexes in itertools.permutations(indexes):
# We want to give the subsequent recursive calls a new board and
# fill the empty batch positions with permutations of the missing values.
newboard = [[board[i][j] for j in range(N)] for i in range(N)]
# Get the board positions of all of the batch elements.
if task == 'row':
positions = [(index,i) for i in range(N)]
elif task == 'column':
positions = [(i,index )for i in range(N)]
elif task == 'subsquare':
r = index // S
c = index % S
positions = [(i + r*S, j + c*S) for i in range(S) for j in range(S)]
# Fill the new board with the permuted missing values.
for i,j in zip(range(N),pindexes):
(r,c) = positions[j]
newboard[r][c] = missing[i]
yield from solve(newboard)
# Load the board. Filled values are represented by the digits from 1 to 9. Other characters indicate
# unfilled positions. Columns are separated by spaces and rows are separated into lines.
inboard = []
for _ in range(N):
line = f.readline()
items = map(lambda x: int(x) if x in "123456789" else 0,line.split())
inboard += [list(items)]
if not consistent(inboard):
print('The board is not consistent!')
print('\nThese are the only solutions:\n')
# Start the timer. There is no need to time the parsing and sanity checking.
startTime = time.clock()
for solution in solve(inboard):
print('(This solution was found within {} seconds.)\n'.format(time.clock() - startTime))
print('(The exhaustive search took {} seconds.)\n'.format(time.clock() - startTime))
def main():
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
filename = sys.argv[1]
with open(filename,'r') as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# This is a hard Sudoku puzzle as well as the format for input files.
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ 3 6 _ _ _ _ _
_ 7 _ _ 9 _ 2 _ _
_ 5 _ _ _ 7 _ _ _
_ _ _ _ 4 5 7 _ _
_ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 3 _
_ _ 1 _ _ _ _ 6 8
_ _ 8 5 _ _ _ 1 _
_ 9 _ _ _ _ 4 _ _
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