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Last active August 16, 2022 16:05
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A variant of how to assert the response body in Spring MVC tests with AssertJ
@Autowired private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
@Autowired private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void create_when_all_is_correct_then_201_Created() throws Exception {
ResultActions result = mockMvc.perform(post(USERS)
.content(toJson(new UserRequest("user")))
// instead of this:
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.id", notNullValue()))
.andExpect(jsonPath("$.name", is("user")));
// we can do something like this:
var expected = new UserResponse("user");
assertBody(result, expected, "id") // ignore 'id' field
.satisfies(body -> assertThat(body.getId()).isNotNull()); // and check if it's not null
private <T> ObjectAssert<T> assertBody(ResultActions result, T expected, String... ignoredFields) throws Exception {
String body = result.andReturn().getResponse().getContentAsString();
//noinspection unchecked
return (ObjectAssert<T>) assertThat(objectMapper.readValue(body, expected.getClass()))
.isEqualToIgnoringGivenFields(expected, ignoredFields);
private String toJson(Object object) throws JsonProcessingException {
return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(object);
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