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Created August 30, 2010 19:25
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# example of how to use a Guassian Copula to create random draws from
# normally distributed data
#make this reproducable
#how many draws in our starting data set?
n <- 1e4
# how many draws do we want from this distribution?
drawCount <- 1e4
# ourData will be my starting data which we'll
# base our model on
myData <- rnorm(n, 5, .6)
yourData <- myData + rnorm(n, 8, .25)
hisData <- myData + rnorm(n, 6, .4)
herData <- hisData + rnorm(n, 8, .35)
ourData <- data.frame(myData, yourData, hisData, herData)
# now we have raw correlations in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Funny how that
# works out
#set up some simple functions for normalizing (Z Score) and
normalMoments <- function(t) {
as.list(c(mean=mean(t), sd=sd(t)))
normalize <- function(x) {
(x - mean(x)) / sd(x)
deNormalize <- function(x, sampleMean, sampleSd) {
(x * sampleSd + sampleMean)
# create an object with the mean and sd of each
# of the margins... you can do this without plyr
# using apply() if you're into that sort of thing
# but alply makes it so easy to work with the results
# we will use these later to denormalize
normalMomentList <- alply(ourData, 2, normalMoments)
# normalize i.e. create Z score
# I think you don't HAVE to do this with gaussian marginals,
# but you DO with non-gaussian... so I'm in the habit.
ourDataZ <- data.frame(apply(ourData, 2, normalize))
# now ourDataZ is a data frame of Z scores.
# prove this to yourself by checking the
# mean and SD of each margin
apply(ourDataZ, 2, mean)
apply(ourDataZ, 2, sd)
#looks like mean of 0 and sd of 1 to me
# this fixes positive def, fits a copula, and makes draws
# in one line of code. Try that in Excel, bitches.
myDraws <- rcopula.gauss(n=drawCount,
# rcopula.gauss spits out points from 0-1 (i.e. q values) so we need to turn those into
# Z scores by doing a little norm inversion.
myDraws <- qnorm(myDraws)
#check the mean and sd
apply(myDraws, 2, mean)
apply(myDraws, 2, sd)
#should be 0, 1... and they are close..
# but we can do better than that... we know statistics!
# let's do a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to see if these
# samples come from the same distribution
# KS does not check correlation,
# it only tests if two sets of samples
# came from same dist.. we'll check each column
for (i in 1:ncol(ourData)){
print(ks.test(myDraws[[i]], ourDataZ[[i]]))
# if the p-value of the KS test is < .05 then we
# reject that the distributions are equal
# they all look > .05 to me.
# Kolmogorov-Smirnov makes me want to drink, for some odd reason
# If your starting sample is small, you'll notice that a couple of the variables
# fail or just barely pass the KS test. This is common because KS is non-parametric and
# the starting sample will be 'lumpy' and not that big. If starting n gets up
# to, say, 10K, then they all do better. That's why I started with 10K and still
# it can be hit or miss
# so we have a metric shit ton of random draws. But they are Z scores
# and we want them put back in their original shapes. So let's do that:
myDrawsDenorm <- myDraws
for (i in 1:ncol(myDrawsDenorm)) {
myDrawsDenorm[,i] <- deNormalize(myDraws[,i],
myDrawsDenorm <- data.frame(myDrawsDenorm)
names(myDrawsDenorm) <- names(ourData)
#let's look at the mean and standard dev of the starting data
apply(ourData, 2, mean)
apply(ourData, 2, sd)
#compare that with our sample data
apply(myDrawsDenorm, 2, mean)
apply(myDrawsDenorm, 2, sd)
# so myDrawsDenorm contains the final draws
# let's check Kolmogorov-Smirnov between the starting data
# and the final draws
for (i in 1:ncol(ourData)){
print(ks.test(myDrawsDenorm[[i]], ourData[[i]]))
# holy shit. it works!
#look at the correlation matrices
#it's fun to plot the variables and see if the PDFs line up
#you could do this for each variable. It's a good sanity check.
lines(density(ourData$myData), col="red")
# there's a test to see if the corr matricices are the same
# but I'm too lazy to google for it
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