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Forked from zHaytam/Socks5.cs
Created January 30, 2021 13:54
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A Socks5 implementation in .NET Core (C# 8)
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Socks
public static class Socks5
public static async Task<Socket> Connect(Func<Socket> socketFactory, Socks5Options options)
if (options == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));
var socket = socketFactory();
await socket.ConnectAsync(options.ProxyHost, options.ProxyPort);
await SelectAuth(socket, options);
await Connect(socket, options);
return socket;
private static async Task SelectAuth(Socket socket, Socks5Options options)
| 1 | 1 | 1 to 255 |
var buffer = new byte[4] {
Socks5Constants.AuthMethodNoAuthenticationRequired, Socks5Constants.AuthMethodUsernamePassword
await socket.SendAsync(buffer, SocketFlags.None);
| 1 | 1 |
var response = new byte[2];
var read = await socket.ReceiveAsync(response, SocketFlags.None);
if (read != 2)
throw new SocksocketException($"Failed to select an authentication method, the server sent {read} bytes.");
if (response[1] == Socks5Constants.AuthMethodReplyNoAcceptableMethods)
throw new SocksocketException("The proxy destination does not accept the supported proxy client authentication methods.");
if (response[1] == Socks5Constants.AuthMethodUsernamePassword && options.Auth == AuthType.None)
throw new SocksocketException("The proxy destination requires a username and password for authentication.");
if (response[1] == Socks5Constants.AuthMethodNoAuthenticationRequired)
await PerformAuth(socket, options);
private static async Task PerformAuth(Socket socket, Socks5Options options)
| 1 | 1 | 1 to 255 | 1 | 1 to 255 |
var buffer = ConstructAuthBuffer(options.Credentials.Username, options.Credentials.Password);
await socket.SendAsync(buffer, SocketFlags.None);
| 1 | 1 |
var response = new byte[2];
var read = await socket.ReceiveAsync(response, SocketFlags.None);
if (read != 2)
throw new SocksocketException($"Failed to perform authentication, the server sent {read} bytes.");
if (response[1] != 0)
throw new SocksocketException("Proxy authentication failed.");
private static async Task Connect(Socket socket, Socks5Options options)
+--- -+-----+-------+------+----------+----------+
| 1 | 1 | X'00' | 1 | Variable | 2 |
var addressType = GetDestAddressType(options.DestinationHost);
var destAddr = GetDestAddressBytes(addressType, options.DestinationHost);
var destPort = GetDestPortBytes(options.DestinationPort);
var buffer = new byte[6 + options.DestinationHost.Length];
buffer[0] = 5;
buffer[1] = Socks5Constants.CmdConnect;
buffer[2] = Socks5Constants.Reserved;
buffer[3] = addressType;
destAddr.CopyTo(buffer, 4);
destPort.CopyTo(buffer, 4 + destAddr.Length);
await socket.SendAsync(buffer, SocketFlags.None);
+---- +-----+-------+------+----------+----------+
| 1 | 1 | X'00' | 1 | Variable | 2 |
var response = new byte[255];
await socket.ReceiveAsync(response, SocketFlags.None);
if (response[1] != Socks5Constants.CmdReplySucceeded)
HandleProxyCommandError(response, options.DestinationHost, options.DestinationPort);
private static void HandleProxyCommandError(byte[] response, string destinationHost, int destinationPort)
var replyCode = response[1];
var proxyErrorText = replyCode switch
Socks5Constants.CmdReplyGeneralSocksServerFailure => "a general socks destination failure occurred",
Socks5Constants.CmdReplyConnectionNotAllowedByRuleset => "the connection is not allowed by proxy destination rule set",
Socks5Constants.CmdReplyNetworkUnreachable => "the network was unreachable",
Socks5Constants.CmdReplyHostUnreachable => "the host was unreachable",
Socks5Constants.CmdReplyConnectionRefused => "the connection was refused by the remote network",
Socks5Constants.CmdReplyTtlExpired => "the time to live (TTL) has expired",
Socks5Constants.CmdReplyCommandNotSupported => "the command issued by the proxy client is not supported by the proxy destination",
Socks5Constants.CmdReplyAddressTypeNotSupported => "the address type specified is not supported",
_ => string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"an unknown SOCKS reply with the code value '{0}' was received",
string exceptionMsg = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"proxy error: {0} for destination host {1} port number {2}.",
proxyErrorText, destinationHost, destinationPort);
throw new SocksocketException(exceptionMsg);
private static byte[] ConstructAuthBuffer(string username, string password)
var credentials = new byte[3 + username.Length + password.Length];
credentials[0] = 0x01;
credentials[1] = (byte)username.Length;
Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(username), 0, credentials, 2, username.Length);
credentials[username.Length + 2] = (byte)password.Length;
Array.Copy(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(password), 0, credentials, 2, password.Length);
return credentials;
private static byte GetDestAddressType(string host)
if (!IPAddress.TryParse(host, out var ipAddr))
return Socks5Constants.AddrtypeDomainName;
switch (ipAddr.AddressFamily)
case AddressFamily.InterNetwork:
return Socks5Constants.AddrtypeIpv4;
case AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6:
return Socks5Constants.AddrtypeIpv6;
throw new SocksocketException(
string.Format("The host addess {0} of type '{1}' is not a supported address type.\n" +
"The supported types are InterNetwork and InterNetworkV6.", host,
Enum.GetName(typeof(AddressFamily), ipAddr.AddressFamily)));
private static byte[] GetDestAddressBytes(byte addressType, string host)
switch (addressType)
case Socks5Constants.AddrtypeIpv4:
case Socks5Constants.AddrtypeIpv6:
return IPAddress.Parse(host).GetAddressBytes();
case Socks5Constants.AddrtypeDomainName:
byte[] bytes = new byte[host.Length + 1];
bytes[0] = Convert.ToByte(host.Length);
Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(host).CopyTo(bytes, 1);
return bytes;
return null;
private static byte[] GetDestPortBytes(int value)
return new byte[2]
Convert.ToByte(value / 256),
Convert.ToByte(value % 256)
namespace Socks
public class Socks5Constants
public const byte Reserved = 0x00;
public const byte AuthNumberOfAuthMethodsSupported = 2;
public const byte AuthMethodNoAuthenticationRequired = 0x00;
public const byte AuthMethodGssapi = 0x01;
public const byte AuthMethodUsernamePassword = 0x02;
public const byte AuthMethodIanaAssignedRangeBegin = 0x03;
public const byte AuthMethodIanaAssignedRangeEnd = 0x7f;
public const byte AuthMethodReservedRangeBegin = 0x80;
public const byte AuthMethodReservedRangeEnd = 0xfe;
public const byte AuthMethodReplyNoAcceptableMethods = 0xff;
public const byte CmdConnect = 0x01;
public const byte CmdBind = 0x02;
public const byte CmdUdpAssociate = 0x03;
public const byte CmdReplySucceeded = 0x00;
public const byte CmdReplyGeneralSocksServerFailure = 0x01;
public const byte CmdReplyConnectionNotAllowedByRuleset = 0x02;
public const byte CmdReplyNetworkUnreachable = 0x03;
public const byte CmdReplyHostUnreachable = 0x04;
public const byte CmdReplyConnectionRefused = 0x05;
public const byte CmdReplyTtlExpired = 0x06;
public const byte CmdReplyCommandNotSupported = 0x07;
public const byte CmdReplyAddressTypeNotSupported = 0x08;
public const byte AddrtypeIpv4 = 0x01;
public const byte AddrtypeDomainName = 0x03;
public const byte AddrtypeIpv6 = 0x04;
namespace Socks
public class Socks5Options
public string ProxyHost { get; }
public int ProxyPort { get; }
public string DestinationHost { get; }
public int DestinationPort { get; }
public AuthType? Auth { get; }
public (string Username, string Password) Credentials { get; }
public Socks5Options(string proxyHost, int proxyPort, string destHost, int destPort)
ProxyHost = proxyHost;
ProxyPort = proxyPort;
DestinationHost = destHost;
DestinationPort = destPort;
Auth = AuthType.None;
public Socks5Options(string proxyHost, string destHost, int destPort) : this(proxyHost, 1080, destHost, destPort) { }
public Socks5Options(string proxyHost, int proxyPort, string destHost, int destPort, string username,
string password) : this(proxyHost, proxyPort, destHost, destPort)
Auth = AuthType.UsernamePassword;
Credentials = (username, password);
public Socks5Options(string proxyHost, string destHost, int destPort, string username, string password) :
this(proxyHost, 1080, destHost, destPort, username, password)
{ }
public enum AuthType
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