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Created July 20, 2012 02:43
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Update: Still waiting for new server :-( Snail mail is involved, lolwhut?

Hello Internet and Gronkhers in particular! Quick cheat sheet for Terasology while our site is down :-)


README with lots of basic instructions:

Official downloads (actual builds, not just source code), temporarily put on GitHub while our server was busy turning to slag:

  • - tweaked build with more usability, mainly in the form of a lot of starting goodies!
  • - first "server melted" manual build from our main develop branch
  • - highly unstable branch with a new options UI and reflective water if you enable it (make sure graphics are also set to Epic - this takes a beefy computer!). Note that movement keys are somewhat wonky and part of the menu doesn't work
  • - our Lead Architect's branch where he's working a physics arc, stairs just started working like actual stairs and you start with a convenient chest with some in it along with TNT. You can place the chest then use 'e' on it to open a UI and move items back and forth. You can also destroy the chest to make it drop again, then move it, put it back down, and the stuff is still in it! :D


  • Make sure you've got one of the actual builds listed above (or from our Jenkins) rather than the source downloads
  • Make sure you've got Java installed (1.6 preferred)
  • Make sure your graphic driver is updated to the latest
  • Check for a log file in the /logs directory if the game doesn't load right or crashes
  • Post an issue on our GitHub home for support with as much info as you can get (or come see us on IRC for live support - don't feel bad if nobody responds, we often idle in there)

Some more features not covered in the video from Gronkh at

  • Activate the secondary bar (the vertical toolbar) with 'x' and then you can place little "minions" (one per slot) and have them do things for you (left click on top of a block to place, hold right mouse for a popup menu)
  • Use the console (tab key) to grant yourself blocks and items that do not generate in the world yet (or are craftable yet) - there's some limited help available ("help" command and "help commandList")
  • Potions: giveItem "core:purplepotion" lets you have a speed potion, green is poison, orange cures poison, red restores health (not all perfectly working yet)
  • Books: giveBlock "Bookcase" gets you a bookcase you can put books from giveItem "core:book" in. Use 'e' to open a placed bookcase, left click with a held book reads it (which does nothing, 'esc' to close)
  • Minerals: giveBlock "Abenakiite" to "YellowSandStone" - 53 different blocks just in this section!

Some assorted comments to questions and observations:

  • Biomes are pretty limited at the moment - we want to vary them a fair bit more. One contributor recently submitted a patch allowing for mountains with more plateaus, just need to integrate that as a new mountain type :D
  • Trees have taken several shapes over time, both tiny little things, in betweeners, and the current giants. Expecting to eventually have dramatically different forest biomes (with trees that, gasp fall down if you cut the whole trunk!)
  • We love the huge mountains, and they might get even bigger! You can usually find places where you can see the mountains would actually generate higher, but get cut off and turn flat (then trees still somehow manage to grow above that point). They might be a challenge to climb, but when did players turn down a challenge? ;-)
  • One of these days - yeah, you'll climb one of those things and see some village generated in a mountain valley :D
  • Inventory screen, heart bar, book UI etc are all placeholder graphics and are likely to be replaced
  • Textures are based on Good Morning Craft! from (was easier to get started) which is a great texture pack, but over time will likely be replaced (we've got about a hundred of our own blocks, just need to make those generate in the world instead)


  • Keep an eye on the server making a come-back. It is feeling better and some stuff is up again, tho not fully as of this writing
  • We're eager to welcome any interested contributors! We hope to see multiple "flavors" of games or game-modes within or based on Terasology and any vision is welcome if it comes with intent to help implement :D
  • Keep in touch via the official site when it is back up, come join us on Freenode IRC in #terasology, hop on Twitter, Facebook, or G+


Let the following Google Translate snippet (from the article at live in infamy, I've had some great fun today with my rusty German (originally from Denmark) necessitating some hilarious translations:

"What was then started as a small fun project and without the ulterior motives of a truly releasbaren Games presents itself today as the once brazen copy of Mojang between gold donkey, but with some changes."

Look to the coming of the golden donkey at the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east

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