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Forked from OlesenkoViktor/PS3Dualshock_10_15.plist
Created October 4, 2018 07:34
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DualShock 3 + Mac OS
You are happy owner of macbook with new os and dream to play favorite new games via Steam or old-school via emulators...
And in one day you checked Amazon and WOW - PS gamepad copy only for 12$?! Awesome! "Shut up and take my money!"©
You aren't stupid and googled first, that macOS supports ps gamepads from scratch - Double-Awesome!
And here is that day - you opened gamepad box and followed instruction or
But... NOTHINK WORKS!!! Oh my god! Is your controller is a fake?!
OS: mac OS Sierra / Hight Sierra
Controller: DualShock 3 PANHAI
Controller statuses:
- fast blinking - connecting
- slow blinking - connected
- no lights - off
1. macOS - open Bluetooth settings and turn on bluetooth (also check 'Show in menu bar' for convenience
2. Connect controller via USB. It shoul appear in BT devices list as new with id - XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX or with name - PLAYSTATION(R)3Conteroller-PANHAI
3. Disconnect controller from USB. It start fast blinks and can be displayed as connected but will disconnect after some time
4. Remember device id in format (you can check it if pressed Control+Click on device in BT list)
5. Disable BT and close BT settings window
6. Go to '/Library/Preferences/' (can use Go-To-Folder (Command+Shifg+G) option in Finder) and find the file. Copy it to desktop (or anywhere you want)
7. Open copied file. Go to DeviceCache section -
8. Find device with your id and add a new sections to it:
- 'Services' with 'Data' type and content: <040b7374 7265616d 74797065 6481e803 84014084 8484074e 53417272 61790084 84084e53 4f626a65 63740085 84016902 92848484 1b494f42 6c756574 6f6f7468 53445053 65727669 63655265 636f7264 00949284 84841149 4f426c75 65746f6f 74684465 76696365 00848411 494f426c 7565746f 6f74684f 626a6563 74009492 84848406 4e534461 74610094 95068404 5b36635d 34c7311b 2be78686 92848484 0c4e5344 69637469 6f6e6172 79009495 18928484 84084e53 4e756d62 65720084 84074e53 56616c75 65009484 012a8495 95008692 84848419 494f426c 7565746f 6f746853 44504461 7461456c 656d656e 74009484 014301a0 0284014c 0492849f 9e848401 71a28200 00010086 8692849f 9ea19581 0a028692 84a3a005 a000a101 92849f9e 84840173 a3018686 92849f9e a1958107 02869284 a3a006a0 05a10892 8484840e 4e534d75 7461626c 65417272 61790093 95019284 a3a006a0 05a10692 84ad9502 9284a3a0 01a001a1 0292849f 9ea19581 09048686 9284a3a0 01a001a1 0292849f 9ea19581 00018686 86868686 92849f9e a1958104 02869284 a3a005a0 00a10192 a8869284 9f9ea195 0d869284 a3a006a0 05a10f92 84ad9501 9284a3a0 06a005a1 0d9284ad 95029284 a3a006a0 05a10692 84ad9502 9284a3a0 03a001a1 02928484 8412494f 426c7565 746f6f74 68534450 55554944 009b9284 9b950284 045b3263 5d010086 86869284 a3a001a0 01a10292 849f9ea1 95138686 86869284 a3a006a0 05a10392 84ad9501 9284a3a0 03a001a1 029284bf 92849b95 02a60011 86868686 86868686 8692849f 9ea19581 0c028692 84a3a001 a001a102 92849f9e a1958180 3e868692 849f9ea1 95810102 869284a3 a001a001 a10292b3 8692b392 84a3a004 a005a113 92849b95 1384055b 3139635d 57697265 6c657373 20436f6e 74726f6c 6c657286 8692849f 9ea19581 09028692 84a3a005 a000a101 92a88692 849f9ea1 95810602 869284a3 a006a005 a1819a00 9284ad95 019284a3 a006a005 a1819800 9284ad95 029284a3 a001a000 a1019284 9f9ea9a3 22868692 84a3a004 a005a181 94009284 9b958194 0084065b 31343863 5d050109 04a101a1 02850175 08950115 0026ff00 81037501 95131500 25013500 45010509 19012913 81027501 950d0600 ff810315 0026ff00 05010901 a1007508 95043500 46ff0009 30093109 32093581 02c00501 75089527 09018102 75089530 09019102 75089530 0901b102 c0a10285 02750895 300901b1 02c0a102 85ee7508 95300901 b102c0a1 0285ef75 08953009 01b102c0 c0868686 86868692 849f9ea1 95048692 84a3a006 a005a10d 9284ad95 029284a3 a006a005 a1069284 ad950292 84a3a003 a001a102 9284bf92 849b9502 a6010086 86869284 a3a001a0 01a10292 849f9ea1 95118686 86869284 a3a006a0 05a10392 84ad9501 9284a3a0 03a001a1 029284bf 92849b95 02a60011 86868686 86868692 849f9ea1 95810e02 869284a3 a005a000 a1019284 9f9ea9a3 00868692 849f9ea1 95810302 869284a3 a001a000 a1019284 9f9ea9a3 21868692 849f9ea1 95810201 869284a3 a004a005 a11b9284 9b951b84 055b3237 635d536f 6e792043 6f6d7075 74657220 456e7465 72746169 6e6d656e 74868692 849f9ea1 95018692 84a3a006 a005a103 9284ad95 019284a3 a003a001 a1029284 bf92849b 9502a611 24868686 86869284 9f9ea195 810b0286 9284a3a0 01a001a1 0292b386 92849f9e a1958100 02869284 a3a001a0 01a10292 b3869284 9f9ea195 09869284 a3a006a0 05a10892 84ad9501 9284a3a0 06a005a1 069284ad 95029284 a3a003a0 01a10292 84bf9284 9b9502a6 11248686 869284a3 a001a001 a10292b3 86868686 8692849f 9ea19581 08028692 84a3a005 a000a101 92eb8692 849f9ea1 95068692 84a3a006 a005a109 9284ad95 039284a3 a001a001 a1029284 9f9ea195 816e6586 869284a3 a001a001 a1029284 9f9ea195 6a868692 84a3a001 a001a102 92b38686 8692849f 9ea19581 05028692 84a3a005 a000a101 92a88692 849f9ea1 95810d02 869284a3 a005a000 a10192eb 8692849f 9ea19581 02028692 84a3a001 a000a101 92eb8692 849f9ea1 95810101 869284a3 a004a005 a1139284 9b9513a7 57697265 6c657373 20436f6e 74726f6c 6c657286 86868692 84969297 92849d95 0c929e92 84a3a001 a002a104 92849f9e a5a28201 00010086 86921592 84a3a004 a005a11a 92849b95 1a84055b 3236635d 504c4159 53544154 494f4e28 52293320 436f6e74 726f6c6c 65728686 920f9284 a3a001a0 01a10292 849f9ea1 95028686 92fc9284 a3a006a0 05a10892 84ad9501 9284a3a0 06a005a1 069284ad 95029284 a3a003a0 01a10292 84bf9284 9b9502a6 12008686 869284a3 a001a001 a10292b3 86868686 8692cb92 84a3a001 a001a102 92849f9e a195814c 05868692 ec9284a3 a001a001 a10292b3 8692f292 84a3a006 a005a103 9284ad95 019284a3 a003a001 a1029284 bf92849b 9502a612 00868686 868692b4 9284a3a0 05a000a1 0192a886 92139284 a3a001a0 01a10292 849f9ea1 95816802 868692fa 9284a3a0 01a001a1 0292b386 92079284 a3a006a0 05a10992 84ad9503 9284a3a0 01a001a1 02920b86 9284a3a0 01a001a1 02920d86 9284a3a0 01a001a1 0292b386 868692da 9284a3a0 06a005a1 0d9284ad 95029284 a3a006a0 05a10692 84ad9502 9284a3a0 03a001a1 029284bf 92849b95 02a60100 86868692 84a3a001 a001a102 92f28686 869284a3 a006a005 a1039284 ad950192 84a3a003 a001a102 9284bf92 849b9502 a6000186 86868686 86868686 86>
- 'LastServiceUpdate' with 'Date' type and content: current date
- also find 'ClassOfDevice' and change it's value to 1,288 (This valu automatically was changed by system for me and I don't check if this is required)
Result -
9. Save file and move it to '/Library/Preferences' with replacement
10. Go to '~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/' and look for '' file and delete it (You can make a backup copy if want, but this file recreated by system at start, for me)
11. Open 'Terminal' app and paste next command 'defaults read /Library/Preferences/'. Hit Return/Enter to execute command (caching new file)
12. Reboot your macbook
13. Turn On BT from menu bar and press P3 button on gamepad. BT icon should be change on new (with dots) and gamepad should blink slowly after few seconds (after connect)
14. If is that - congratulations! You have succesfully connected your new gamepad with your notebook. No additional system configs required (Only in-app binding for some specific cases)
If you have other Chinese gamepad - you also can check this flow. If it doesn't help - please check original thread -
P.S. This is short single-page of @MrRocketman and @nickmodernized solution. Thank you guys for your research and results.
I copied your images, bcs don't have enought time for duplicating
Here is links to original texts:
- here -
- and here -
P.P.S. Checked for 2 DualShock 3 PANHAI gamepads on macOS Hight Sierra. Both works fine and in parallel
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