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Last active May 9, 2024 04:59
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Detect Cycle in an Undirected Graph [TC: O(V+E); SC: O(V)]
// Problem Link:
// Solution Status: Accepted by GFG Judge
* GYTWrkz Solutions Interview Question
* ------------------------------------
* Question 1: Given an Undirected Graph, find whether the Graph has a Cycle or Not (Discussed the approach with the interviewer).
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
bool DFSRec(vector<int> *G, vector<bool> &visited, int s, int parent) {
visited[s] = true; // mark the current vertex (which is 's') as visited
for(int v: G[s]) // for each adjacent vertex 'v' of the current vertex 's'
if(!visited[v]) { // if 'v' is not visited
if(DFSRec(G, visited, v, s)) return true; // call DFS Recursively on 'v', passing the parent as 's', because v's parent is 's' (or, we came through 's', to get to 'v')
else if(v != parent) return true; // if 'v' is visited, but if it is not the parent vertex, then in that case, this is a back-edge, and so, there's a cycle.
return false; // Base case: if there's no cycle after traversing through all the edges in the adj.list, we'll return false -> indicating that there's not cycle in the given graph G.
/* This function is used to detect a cycle in undirected graph
* G[]: array of vectors to represent graph
* V: number of vertices
bool isCyclic(vector<int> G[], int V) {
vector<bool> visited(V, false); // initiate the visited[] vector to all `false` values
for(int i = 0; i < V; ++i) // loop to handle different components of the Graph - G[], in case the G is disconnected
if(!visited[i]) // if the vertex is not visited
if(DFSRec(G, visited, i, -1)) // Apply DFS Recursively by initiating the parent as -1. Even when we find another vertex of some other connected component, do the same.
return true; // if there's a cycle, return true
return false; // if we haven't found any cycle after traversing through all the vertices, return false
// For GFG Judge, this function not needed
void addEdge(vector<int> *G, int u, int v) {
// Since Undirected, we add an edge from u->v & v->u
// For GFG Judge, this function not needed
int main() {
int t; cin >> t; // Test cases
while(t--) {
int V, E, u, v; cin >> V >> E; // V => #Vertices, E => #Edges
vector<int> G[V]; // Graph: G[], with 'V' Vertices (NOTE: For vertices from 1 to V, create a graph of vertices V+1 => vector<int> G[V+1];
for(int i = 0; i < E; ++i) { // Adding the Edges to the Graph - G
cin >> u >> v;
addEdge(G, u, v);
cout << (isCyclic(G, V) ? "not-cyclic" : "cyclic") << "\n";
return 0;
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Ch-sriram commented May 9, 2024

Code provided seems to give runtime error especially for problem start vertex from to be considered from 1 to V. To fix small changes need to be done on line 49, vector G size should be declared as [V+1].

Makes sense. I can added a comment and mentioned that the graph needs to have V+1 vertices if vertices go from 1 to V.

Thanks for pointing this out @Mohdsafwan7.

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