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Last active November 1, 2020 19:51
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Area of Container with the Most Amount of Water [TC: O(N); SC: O(N)]
// Problem Link:
// Test Link:
// Solution Status: Could not find this particular problem anywhere on any online judge
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <climits>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// Time Complexity: O(N)
void emptyTheStack(stack<pair<int, int>> &s, vector<int> &FS, int sentinal) {
while(!s.empty()) {
FS[] = sentinal;
// Time: O(4N); Space: O(3N)
int findMaxRectangularArea(vector<int> &heights, const int n) {
// STEP 2: Find the set of buildings (parallel to each other) which cover the max rectangular area => container.
// To find the largest rectangular area, we need to find the First Smaller (not smallest) Building to a
// building 'i', both on the left side and right side.
// For that, we can use a stack to know the First Smaller Building on the left from building 'i', denoted
// as FSL[i]. And similarly, we can find FSR[i] denoting the First Smaller Building on the right from
// building 'i'.
stack<pair<int, int>> s; // commonly used for generating both FSR[] and FSL[]
// Populate FSR[] with the first smaller elements of the respective 'i'th building/height on the right side
vector<int> FSR(n);
int i = 0;
// Time & Space: O(N);
while(i < n) {
if(s.empty()) {
s.push(make_pair(heights[i], i));
} else {
while((!s.empty()) && ( <= heights[i]) && (i < n)) {
s.push(make_pair(heights[i], i));
if(i == n) break;
while((!s.empty()) && ( > heights[i])) {
FSR[] = i;
// The remaining elements in the stack don't have a smaller element in heights[] compared to themselves,
// so remove them from the stack, and mark FSR[] of that element as itself.
emptyTheStack(s, FSR, n);
// Populate FSR[] with the first smaller elements of the respective 'i'th building/height on the right side
vector<int> FSL(n);
i = n-1;
// Time & Space: O(N)
while(i >= 0) {
if(s.empty()) {
s.push(make_pair(heights[i], i));
} else {
while((!s.empty()) && ( <= heights[i]) && (i >= 0)) {
s.push(make_pair(heights[i], i));
if(i < 0) break;
while((!s.empty()) && ( > heights[i])) {
FSL[] = i;
// The remaining elements in the stack don't have a smaller element in heights[] compared to themselves,
// so remove them from the stack, and mark FSR[] of that element as itself.
emptyTheStack(s, FSL, -1);
int maxArea = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// Since we're excluding one of the lines, the x-axis is subtracted by 2
// Otherwise, we would subtract only 1, which is commented below in line #85.
maxArea = max(maxArea, heights[i] * (FSR[i] - FSL[i] - 2));
// maxArea = max(maxArea, heights[i] * (FSR[i] - FSL[i] - 1));
return maxArea;
// Time: O(2N); Space: O(N);
void replaceWaterWithBuildings(vector<int> &heights, const int n) {
// STEP 1: Find the Water on top of each building 'i' by finding the highest building on the left side of building
// 'i' and then finding the highest building on the right side of building 'i'.
vector<int> LM(n); // contains the heights of the highest building on the left side of building 'i'
LM[0] = heights[0];
for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
LM[i] = max(LM[i-1], heights[i]); // Carrying forward the old height into the new one
int RM = INT_MIN; // contains the height of the highest building on the right side of building - 'i'
// STEP 1.1: Here, we are converting the original building heights into
// buildings of old height + water on top of them.
// Basically, converting the problem so that, there's no water on top of any building,
for(int i = n-1; i > -1; --i) {
RM = max(RM, heights[i]);
heights[i] = min(LM[i], RM);
// Asymptotic Time: O(N); Asymptotic Space: O(N);
int findMaxContainerArea(vector<int> &heights, const int n) {
replaceWaterWithBuildings(heights, n);
return findMaxRectangularArea(heights, n);
int main() {
int t; cin >> t;
while(t--) {
int n; cin >> n;
vector<int> heights(n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cin >> heights[i];
cout << findMaxContainerArea(heights, n) << endl;
return 0;
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