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Last active July 25, 2016 09:22
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  • Save ChALkeR/9fc933caa0faca63ba5105b9bc453ec2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ChALkeR/9fc933caa0faca63ba5105b9bc453ec2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The effective diff of the doc output of node pull #7757. `all.html` and `all.json` excluded, those are just a copy of everything
diff -r out/doc-master/api/repl.html out/doc-7757/api/repl.html
< </div><p> Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use <code>NODE_REPL_HISTORY</code> instead.</p>
< <p>Previously in Node.js/io.js v2.x, REPL history was controlled by using a
> </div><pre class="api_stability api_stability_0">Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use <code>NODE_REPL_HISTORY</code> instead.</pre><p>Previously in Node.js/io.js v2.x, REPL history was controlled by using a
diff -r out/doc-master/api/buffer.json out/doc-7757/api/buffer.json
> "textRaw": "`arrayBuffer` {ArrayBuffer} The `.buffer` property of a [`TypedArray`] or [`ArrayBuffer`] ",
> "name": "arrayBuffer",
> "type": "ArrayBuffer",
> "desc": "The `.buffer` property of a [`TypedArray`] or [`ArrayBuffer`]"
> },
> {
> "textRaw": "`byteOffset` {Integer} Where to start copying from `arrayBuffer`. **Default:** `0` ",
> "name": "byteOffset",
> "type": "Integer",
> "desc": "Where to start copying from `arrayBuffer`. **Default:** `0`",
> "optional": true
> },
> {
> "textRaw": "`length` {Integer} How many bytes to copy from `arrayBuffer`. **Default:** `arrayBuffer.length - byteOffset` ",
> "name": "length",
> "type": "Integer",
> "desc": "How many bytes to copy from `arrayBuffer`. **Default:** `arrayBuffer.length - byteOffset`",
> "optional": true
> }
> ],
> "desc": "<p>Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use\n[<code>Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset [, length]])</code>][<code>Buffer.from(arrayBuffer)</code>]\ninstead.</p>\n<p>When passed a reference to the <code>.buffer</code> property of a [<code>TypedArray</code>] instance,\nthe newly created <code>Buffer</code> will share the same allocated memory as the\n[<code>TypedArray</code>].</p>\n<p>The optional <code>byteOffset</code> and <code>length</code> arguments specify a memory range within\nthe <code>arrayBuffer</code> that will be shared by the <code>Buffer</code>.</p>\n<p>Example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">const arr = new Uint16Array(2);\n\narr[0] = 5000;\narr[1] = 4000;\n\n// Shares memory with `arr`\nconst buf = new Buffer(arr.buffer);\n\n// Prints: &lt;Buffer 88 13 a0 0f&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// Changing the original Uint16Array changes the Buffer also\narr[1] = 6000;\n\n// Prints: &lt;Buffer 88 13 70 17&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n</code></pre>\n"
> },
> {
> "params": [
> {
< "desc": "<pre><code>Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use\n[`Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset [, length]])`][`Buffer.from(arrayBuffer)`]\ninstead.\n</code></pre><ul>\n<li><code>arrayBuffer</code> {ArrayBuffer} The <code>.buffer</code> property of a [<code>TypedArray</code>] or\n[<code>ArrayBuffer</code>]</li>\n<li><code>byteOffset</code> {Integer} Where to start copying from <code>arrayBuffer</code>. <strong>Default:</strong> <code>0</code></li>\n<li><code>length</code> {Integer} How many bytes to copy from <code>arrayBuffer</code>.\n<strong>Default:</strong> <code>arrayBuffer.length - byteOffset</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>When passed a reference to the <code>.buffer</code> property of a [<code>TypedArray</code>] instance,\nthe newly created <code>Buffer</code> will share the same allocated memory as the\n[<code>TypedArray</code>].</p>\n<p>The optional <code>byteOffset</code> and <code>length</code> arguments specify a memory range within\nthe <code>arrayBuffer</code> that will be shared by the <code>Buffer</code>.</p>\n<p>Example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">const arr = new Uint16Array(2);\n\narr[0] = 5000;\narr[1] = 4000;\n\n// Shares memory with `arr`\nconst buf = new Buffer(arr.buffer);\n\n// Prints: &lt;Buffer 88 13 a0 0f&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// Changing the original Uint16Array changes the Buffer also\narr[1] = 6000;\n\n// Prints: &lt;Buffer 88 13 70 17&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n</code></pre>\n"
> "desc": "<p>Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use\n[<code>Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset [, length]])</code>][<code>Buffer.from(arrayBuffer)</code>]\ninstead.</p>\n<p>When passed a reference to the <code>.buffer</code> property of a [<code>TypedArray</code>] instance,\nthe newly created <code>Buffer</code> will share the same allocated memory as the\n[<code>TypedArray</code>].</p>\n<p>The optional <code>byteOffset</code> and <code>length</code> arguments specify a memory range within\nthe <code>arrayBuffer</code> that will be shared by the <code>Buffer</code>.</p>\n<p>Example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">const arr = new Uint16Array(2);\n\narr[0] = 5000;\narr[1] = 4000;\n\n// Shares memory with `arr`\nconst buf = new Buffer(arr.buffer);\n\n// Prints: &lt;Buffer 88 13 a0 0f&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n\n// Changing the original Uint16Array changes the Buffer also\narr[1] = 6000;\n\n// Prints: &lt;Buffer 88 13 70 17&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n</code></pre>\n"
> },
> {
> "params": [
> {
> "textRaw": "`size` {Integer} The desired length of the new `Buffer` ",
> "name": "size",
> "type": "Integer",
> "desc": "The desired length of the new `Buffer`"
> }
> ],
> "desc": "<p>Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use [<code>Buffer.alloc()</code>] instead (also see\n[<code>Buffer.allocUnsafe()</code>]).</p>\n<p>Allocates a new <code>Buffer</code> of <code>size</code> bytes. The <code>size</code> must be less than or equal\nto the value of [<code>buffer.kMaxLength</code>]. Otherwise, a [<code>RangeError</code>] is thrown.\nA zero-length <code>Buffer</code> will be created if <code>size &lt;= 0</code>.</p>\n<p>Unlike [<code>ArrayBuffers</code>][<code>ArrayBuffer</code>], the underlying memory for <code>Buffer</code> instances\ncreated in this way is <em>not initialized</em>. The contents of a newly created <code>Buffer</code>\nare unknown and <em>could contain sensitive data</em>. Use [<code>buf.fill(0)</code>][<code>buf.fill()</code>]\nto initialize a <code>Buffer</code> to zeroes.</p>\n<p>Example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">const buf = new Buffer(5);\n\n// Prints (contents may vary): &lt;Buffer 78 e0 82 02 01&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.fill(0);\n\n// Prints: &lt;Buffer 00 00 00 00 00&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n</code></pre>\n"
< "desc": "<pre><code>Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use [`Buffer.alloc()`] instead (also see\n[`Buffer.allocUnsafe()`]).\n</code></pre><ul>\n<li><code>size</code> {Integer} The desired length of the new <code>Buffer</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Allocates a new <code>Buffer</code> of <code>size</code> bytes. The <code>size</code> must be less than or equal\nto the value of [<code>buffer.kMaxLength</code>]. Otherwise, a [<code>RangeError</code>] is thrown.\nA zero-length <code>Buffer</code> will be created if <code>size &lt;= 0</code>.</p>\n<p>Unlike [<code>ArrayBuffers</code>][<code>ArrayBuffer</code>], the underlying memory for <code>Buffer</code> instances\ncreated in this way is <em>not initialized</em>. The contents of a newly created <code>Buffer</code>\nare unknown and <em>could contain sensitive data</em>. Use [<code>buf.fill(0)</code>][<code>buf.fill()</code>]\nto initialize a <code>Buffer</code> to zeroes.</p>\n<p>Example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">const buf = new Buffer(5);\n\n// Prints (contents may vary): &lt;Buffer 78 e0 82 02 01&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.fill(0);\n\n// Prints: &lt;Buffer 00 00 00 00 00&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n</code></pre>\n"
> "desc": "<p>Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use [<code>Buffer.alloc()</code>] instead (also see\n[<code>Buffer.allocUnsafe()</code>]).</p>\n<p>Allocates a new <code>Buffer</code> of <code>size</code> bytes. The <code>size</code> must be less than or equal\nto the value of [<code>buffer.kMaxLength</code>]. Otherwise, a [<code>RangeError</code>] is thrown.\nA zero-length <code>Buffer</code> will be created if <code>size &lt;= 0</code>.</p>\n<p>Unlike [<code>ArrayBuffers</code>][<code>ArrayBuffer</code>], the underlying memory for <code>Buffer</code> instances\ncreated in this way is <em>not initialized</em>. The contents of a newly created <code>Buffer</code>\nare unknown and <em>could contain sensitive data</em>. Use [<code>buf.fill(0)</code>][<code>buf.fill()</code>]\nto initialize a <code>Buffer</code> to zeroes.</p>\n<p>Example:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">const buf = new Buffer(5);\n\n// Prints (contents may vary): &lt;Buffer 78 e0 82 02 01&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n\nbuf.fill(0);\n\n// Prints: &lt;Buffer 00 00 00 00 00&gt;\nconsole.log(buf);\n</code></pre>\n"
> },
> {
> "params": [
> {
> "textRaw": "`string` {String} String to encode ",
> "name": "string",
> "type": "String",
> "desc": "String to encode"
> },
> {
> "textRaw": "`encoding` {String} The encoding of `string`. **Default:** `'utf8'` ",
> "name": "encoding",
> "type": "String",
> "desc": "The encoding of `string`. **Default:** `'utf8'`",
> "optional": true
> }
> ],
> "desc": "<p>Stability: 0 - Deprecated:\nUse [<code>Buffer.from(string[, encoding])</code>][<code>Buffer.from(string)</code>] instead.</p>\n<p>Creates a new <code>Buffer</code> containing the given JavaScript string <code>string</code>. If\nprovided, the <code>encoding</code> parameter identifies the character encoding of <code>string</code>.</p>\n<p>Examples:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">const buf1 = new Buffer(&#39;this is a tést&#39;);\n\n// Prints: this is a tést\nconsole.log(buf1.toString());\n\n// Prints: this is a tC)st\nconsole.log(buf1.toString(&#39;ascii&#39;));\n\n\nconst buf2 = new Buffer(&#39;7468697320697320612074c3a97374&#39;, &#39;hex&#39;);\n\n// Prints: this is a tést\nconsole.log(buf2.toString());\n</code></pre>\n"
< "desc": "<pre><code>Stability: 0 - Deprecated:\nUse [`Buffer.from(string[, encoding])`][`Buffer.from(string)`] instead.\n</code></pre><ul>\n<li><code>string</code> {String} String to encode</li>\n<li><code>encoding</code> {String} The encoding of <code>string</code>. <strong>Default:</strong> <code>&#39;utf8&#39;</code></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Creates a new <code>Buffer</code> containing the given JavaScript string <code>string</code>. If\nprovided, the <code>encoding</code> parameter identifies the character encoding of <code>string</code>.</p>\n<p>Examples:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">const buf1 = new Buffer(&#39;this is a tést&#39;);\n\n// Prints: this is a tést\nconsole.log(buf1.toString());\n\n// Prints: this is a tC)st\nconsole.log(buf1.toString(&#39;ascii&#39;));\n\n\nconst buf2 = new Buffer(&#39;7468697320697320612074c3a97374&#39;, &#39;hex&#39;);\n\n// Prints: this is a tést\nconsole.log(buf2.toString());\n</code></pre>\n"
> "desc": "<p>Stability: 0 - Deprecated:\nUse [<code>Buffer.from(string[, encoding])</code>][<code>Buffer.from(string)</code>] instead.</p>\n<p>Creates a new <code>Buffer</code> containing the given JavaScript string <code>string</code>. If\nprovided, the <code>encoding</code> parameter identifies the character encoding of <code>string</code>.</p>\n<p>Examples:</p>\n<pre><code class=\"lang-js\">const buf1 = new Buffer(&#39;this is a tést&#39;);\n\n// Prints: this is a tést\nconsole.log(buf1.toString());\n\n// Prints: this is a tC)st\nconsole.log(buf1.toString(&#39;ascii&#39;));\n\n\nconst buf2 = new Buffer(&#39;7468697320697320612074c3a97374&#39;, &#39;hex&#39;);\n\n// Prints: this is a tést\nconsole.log(buf2.toString());\n</code></pre>\n"
diff -r out/doc-master/api/domain.json out/doc-7757/api/domain.json
< "desc": "<pre><code>Stability: 0 - Deprecated. Please recover from failed IO actions\nexplicitly via error event handlers set on the domain.\n</code></pre><p>Once <code>dispose</code> has been called, the domain will no longer be used by callbacks\nbound into the domain via <code>run</code>, <code>bind</code>, or <code>intercept</code>, and a <code>&#39;dispose&#39;</code> event\nis emitted.</p>\n",
> "desc": "<p>Stability: 0 - Deprecated. Please recover from failed IO actions\nexplicitly via error event handlers set on the domain.</p>\n<p>Once <code>dispose</code> has been called, the domain will no longer be used by callbacks\nbound into the domain via <code>run</code>, <code>bind</code>, or <code>intercept</code>, and a <code>&#39;dispose&#39;</code> event\nis emitted.</p>\n",
diff -r out/doc-master/api/fs.json out/doc-7757/api/fs.json
< "desc": "<pre><code>Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use [`fs.statSync()`][] or [`fs.accessSync()`][]\ninstead.\n</code></pre><ul>\n<li><code>path</code> {String | Buffer}</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Synchronous version of [<code>fs.exists()</code>][].\nReturns <code>true</code> if the file exists, <code>false</code> otherwise.</p>\n",
> "desc": "<p>Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use [<code>fs.statSync()</code>][] or [<code>fs.accessSync()</code>][]\ninstead.</p>\n<p>Synchronous version of [<code>fs.exists()</code>][].\nReturns <code>true</code> if the file exists, <code>false</code> otherwise.</p>\n",
> {
> "params": [
> {
> "textRaw": "`path` {String | Buffer} ",
> "name": "path",
> "type": "String | Buffer"
> }
> ]
> },
diff -r out/doc-master/api/repl.json out/doc-7757/api/repl.json
< "desc": "<p> Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use <code>NODE_REPL_HISTORY</code> instead.</p>\n<p>Previously in Node.js/io.js v2.x, REPL history was controlled by using a\n<code>NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE</code> environment variable, and the history was saved in JSON\nformat. This variable has now been deprecated, and the old JSON REPL history\nfile will be automatically converted to a simplified plain text format. This new\nfile will be saved to either the user&#39;s home directory, or a directory defined\nby the <code>NODE_REPL_HISTORY</code> variable, as documented in the\n<a href=\"#repl_environment_variable_options\">Environment Variable Options</a>.</p>\n",
> "stability": 0,
> "stabilityText": "Deprecated: Use `NODE_REPL_HISTORY` instead.",
> "desc": "<p>Previously in Node.js/io.js v2.x, REPL history was controlled by using a\n<code>NODE_REPL_HISTORY_FILE</code> environment variable, and the history was saved in JSON\nformat. This variable has now been deprecated, and the old JSON REPL history\nfile will be automatically converted to a simplified plain text format. This new\nfile will be saved to either the user&#39;s home directory, or a directory defined\nby the <code>NODE_REPL_HISTORY</code> variable, as documented in the\n<a href=\"#repl_environment_variable_options\">Environment Variable Options</a>.</p>\n",
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