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Last active July 10, 2024 11:21
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Save ChHaeni/aa7683259711285990a14355b0f714c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My Rprofile tweaks
## vim: ft=r
if (interactive()) {
## rprofile environment ----------------------------------------
# to be attached to search path
rprofile_env <- environment()
# # get attached packages for "restart"
# assign('.base_packages', c(
# "package:stats",
# "package:graphics",
# "package:grDevices",
# "package:utils",
# "package:datasets",
# "package:methods",
# "package:base"), envir = rprofile_env)
## terminal appearance ----------------------------------------
# show working directory in R prompt (setwd is masked)
assign('update_terminal', function(...) {
# update prompt
# options(prompt = paste0(mount_prompt(), error_prompt(), "\033[0;32m ", system('pwd | sed "s=$HOME=~="', intern = TRUE), "\033[0m \033[1;33m>\033[0m "))
options(prompt = paste0(mount_prompt(), error_prompt(), logging_prompt(),
"\033[0;32m ", sub(Sys.getenv('HOME'), '~', getwd(), fixed = TRUE), "\033[0m \033[1;33m>\033[0m "))
# update terminal width
width <- as.integer(Sys.getenv('COLUMNS'))
if (! options(width = width)
# return TRUE
}, envir = rprofile_env)
# call it after top-level tasks
addTaskCallback(get('update_terminal', envir = rprofile_env))
# check error function
assign('error_prompt', function() {
if (is.null(getOption('error'))) {
} else {
'\033[1;33m err'
}, envir = rprofile_env)
# check logging function
assign('logging_prompt', function() {
if (getOption('tmux_logging', FALSE)) {
'\033[1;31m %'
} else {
}, envir = rprofile_env)
# check LFE mounted function
assign('mount_prompt', function() {
if (length(suppressWarnings(
system('grep -e "/mnt/smb-ceph" -e "mnt/smb.hdd.rbd/HAFL" /proc/mounts', intern = TRUE)
)) == 0) {
} else {
'\033[1;34m *'
}, envir = rprofile_env)
# # reset terminal width on resize
# options(setWidthOnResize = TRUE)
# continue in red
options(continue = ' \033[1;31m+\033[0m ')
# colorize terminal output (
# my colors
normal = 109,
number = 172,
negnum = 167,
zero = 226,
date = 179,
string = 117,
const = 131,
false = 202,
true = 150,
infinite = 123,
index = 30,
stderror = 110,
# warn = c(1, 16, 196),
# error = c(160, 231),
# zero.limit = NA,
verbose = FALSE
# custom patterns (copied from
# define colors
lightgrey <- '\x1b[38;2;135;145;144m'
lightblue <- '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m'
# custom patterns data.table
# colorout::addPattern('[0-9]*:', '\x1b[38;2;143;188;187m') # Row num
colorout::addPattern('[0-9]*:', lightgrey) # Row num
colorout::addPattern('---', '\x1b[38;2;76;86;106m') # Row splitter
colorout::addPattern('<[A-z]*>', lightgrey) # Col class
# Fix <NA>
colorout::addPattern('<NA>', 131) # Col class
# Dates with my locale
# mm/dd/YYYY is type char
colorout::addPattern('[0-3][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]/[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]', 109)
colorout::addPattern('[0-3][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]/[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]', 109)
# as is
colorout::addPattern('[0-3][0-9].[0-3][0-9].[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]', 109)
colorout::addPattern('[0-3][0-9].[0-3][0-9].[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]', 109)
# this is true date
colorout::addPattern('[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]', 179)
# Date-Times
colorout::addPattern('[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]', 179)
colorout::addPattern('[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9]', 179)
# Fix number ranges
colorout::addPattern('[0-9]*:[0-9]*', 172)
# ibts obj row names
'[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] ',
' - ',
' [ -~][ -~][ -~]'
), lightgrey) # Row date-times
'[1-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]-[0-3][0-9] ',
' - ',
' [ -~][ -~][ -~]'
), lightgrey) # Row date-times
colorout::addPattern('[[a-z]*]', lightgrey) # Column class
colorout::addPattern('***', lightgrey) # Row snip
colorout::addPattern('----', lightgrey) # Percentage line
colorout::addPattern('(100.0%)', lightgrey) # Percentage
colorout::addPattern('([0-9][0-9].[0-9]%)', lightgrey) # Percentage
# librar(colorspaces)
# hex(RGB(143/256, 188/256, 187/256))
# round(hex2RGB("#86908F")@coords * 256)
# custom patterns str
## List
colorout::addPattern('List of [0-9]*', '\x1b[38;2;235;203;139;48;2;76;86;106;1m')
## Class
classcol <- lightgrey
colorout::addPattern(' num ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern(' int ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern(' dbl ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern(' chr ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern(' logi ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern(' lglc ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern(' Factor ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern(' Ord.factor ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern(' POSIXct, ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern('function ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern(' lgcl ', classcol)
colorout::addPattern(' cplx ', classcol)
# Misc
colorout::addPattern('$ ', '\x1b[38;2;76;86;106m')
# comments
colorout::addPattern('#[ -~]*', '\x1b[38;2;76;86;106m')
# remove colors
rm(lightgrey, lightblue, classcol)
## add "aliases" ----------------------------------------
# active binding helper
assign_with_print <- function(nm, fun, env) {
# assign class
assign(nm, structure(list(), class = paste0('my_', nm)), envir = env)
# register method
registerS3method('print', paste0('my_', nm), fun, .GlobalEnv)
# exit R
assign_with_print('exit', function(x, ...) q('no'), rprofile_env)
# clear workspace
assign_with_print('clear', function(x, ...) rm(list = ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), envir = .GlobalEnv), rprofile_env)
# # restart R (crashes when using gc() afterwards, though!)
# assign_with_print('restart', function(x, ...) {
# # get packages attached by user
# pkgs <- setdiff(grep('package:', search(), value = TRUE), .base_packages)
# # unload if any
# if (length(pkgs) > 0) {
# invisible(
# lapply(pkgs, detach, unload = TRUE, character.only = TRUE, force = TRUE)
# )
# }
# # clear workspace completely
# rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE, envir = .GlobalEnv), envir = .GlobalEnv)
# # detach rprofile_tweaks environment
# detach('rprofile_tweaks', character.only = TRUE)
# # source .Rprofile
# base::source('~/.Rprofile')
# }, rprofile_env)
# close all devices
assign_with_print('goff', function(x, ...), rprofile_env)
# pseudo bash mode (passing command line to system)
assign('sh', structure(function(path = getwd()){
path <- path.expand(path)
if (!dir.exists(path) && dir.exists(dn <- dirname(path))) {
path <- dn
} else if(!dir.exists(path)) {
path <- getwd()
system(paste0('bash -c "cd ', path, '; bash --rcfile <(cat ~/.profile; echo \\"PROMPT_COMMAND=\'\';PS1=\'\\033[1;31m \\w $\\033[0m \'\\")"'))
}, class = 'my_sh'), envir = rprofile_env)
# register method
registerS3method('print', 'my_sh', function(x, ...){
}, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# use geeqie from R to check figures
assign('geeqie', structure(function(path = getwd()){
path <- path.expand(path)
pinfo <-
if ($isdir)) {
path <- getwd()
system(paste0('geeqie ', path), wait = FALSE)
cat('opening geeqie at "', path, '"...\n', sep = '')
}, class = 'my_geeqie'), envir = rprofile_env)
# register method
registerS3method('print', 'my_geeqie', function(x, ...){
}, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# use one single function for x11, pdf, png, ...
# DOES NOT WORK INSIDE A BLOCK (and, obviously, in a script)! (due to the way of parsing code)
# usage example:
# dev()
# # par(cex = 2)
# plot(1)
# #/
options(dev.fu = 'x11')
assign('dev', function(fu = getOption('dev.fu', 'x11'),
width = 7, height = 7, units = 'in', res = 300, quality = 100,
file = paste0('Rplot%03d.', sub('postscript', 'ps', fu)),
filename = paste0('Rplot%03d.', sub('postscript', 'ps', fu)),
...) {
pframe <- parent.frame()
# get function name
if (!is.character(fu)) {
fu <- deparse(substitute(fu))
# check function and get argument names
anames <- switch(fu
, 'x11' = formalArgs(x11)
, 'png' =
, 'jpeg' =
, 'tiff' =
, 'pdf' =
, 'postscript' = {
# close device on exit
, {
# use first argument as filename if both 'file' and 'filename' are missing
if (missing(file) && missing(filename)) {
file <- filename <- fu
fu <- getOption('dev.fu', 'x11')
if (fu != 'x11') on.exit(
} else {
stop('argument fu not valid')
# fix arguments
if (missing(file)) file <- filename
if (missing(filename)) filename <- file
fixed_args <- list(width = width, height = height,
file = file, filename = filename,
units = units, res = res, quality = quality)
if ('...' %in% anames) {
all_args <- c(fixed_args, '...' = list(...))
} else {
all_args <- c(fixed_args, list(...))
# call function, all_args[names(all_args) %in% anames])
cmd <- ''
while (TRUE) {
cmd0 <- readline(paste0('\033[1;34m', fu,
'()\033[1;35m: exit by "\033[0m\033[1;1m#/\033[1;35m" \033[1;34m>>\033[0m '))
if (grepl('^\\s*#/\\s*$', cmd0)) break
cmd <- paste(cmd, cmd0, sep = '\n')
ecmd <- try(
eval(parse(text = cmd), envir = pframe)
, silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(ecmd, 'try-error')) {
cmd <- ''
eval(parse(text = cmd), envir = pframe)
}, envir = rprofile_env)
assign_with_print('setdev', function(x, ...) {
fu <- getOption('dev.fu', 'x11')
newfu <- 'undefined'
while (!(newfu %in% c('x11', 'png', 'jpeg', 'tiff', 'pdf',
'postscript', ''))) {
newfu <- readline(paste0('\033[1;34m current device ', fu,
'()\033[1;35m - define new device:\033[0m '))
if (newfu == '') newfu <- 'x11'
cat(paste0('\033[1;34mUsing device ', newfu, '()\033[0m\n'))
options(dev.fu = newfu)
}, rprofile_env)
assign_with_print('checkdev', function(x, ...) {
fu <- getOption('dev.fu', 'x11')
cat(paste0('\033[1;34mUsing device ', fu, '()\033[0m\n'))
}, rprofile_env)
# pseudo bash commands (simplified passing commands to system)
assign('%$%', function(x, y) {
x <- substitute(x)
y <- substitute(y)
if (!is.character(x)) x <- deparse1(x)
if (!is.character(y)) y <- deparse1(y)
system(paste(x, y))
}, envir = rprofile_env)
# mount/unmount drives
assign_with_print('md', function(x, ...) system('bash -i -c md'), rprofile_env)
assign_with_print('umd', function(x, ...) system('bash -i -c umd'), rprofile_env)
# open with neovim
assign('nv', structure(function(file = getwd()){
system(paste0('bash -il -c "nv \\"',
normalizePath(file), '\\""'))
}, class = 'my_nv'), envir = rprofile_env)
# register method
registerS3method('print', 'my_nv', function(x, ...){
}, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# use sendmail to notify me from server
assign('sendmail', function(subject = '', body = '', recipient = NULL) {
if (is.null(recipient)) {
recipient <- system('git config', intern = TRUE)
msg <- paste0('EOF\n',
'Subject: ', subject, '\n\n',
body, '\nEOF')
system(paste('sendmail', recipient, '<<', msg))
}, envir = rprofile_env)
# don't process code after error occured:
# + show stack trace as described in
# add option to turn on
assign_with_print('err', function(x, ...) {
options(error = function() {
calls <- sys.calls()
msg <- geterrmessage()
...error... <- ''
while (interactive() & !grepl('^j+$', ...error...)) {
...error... <- readline('\033[1;35merror:\033[0m type "\033[1;1mj\033[0m" to return: ')
cat(paste0("\033[1;37;41m", sub('\\n$', '', msg), "\033[0m", "\n"))
if (length(calls) >= 2L) {
calls <- rev(calls[-length(calls)])
for (i in seq_along(calls)) {
cat(i, ": ", deparse(calls[[i]], nlines = 1L), "\n", sep = "")
if (!interactive()) {
q(status = 1)
}, rprofile_env)
# add option to turn off
assign_with_print('noerr', function(x, ...) {
options(error = NULL)
}, rprofile_env)
# log R session on tmux
assign_with_print('toggle_logging', function(x, ...) {
if (getOption('tmux_logging', FALSE)) {
# stop logging
system('tmux pipe-pane')
options(tmux_logging = FALSE)
} else {
# start logging
cmd <- paste0(
"for s in $(tmux list-windows -F '#{pane_tty}:#S:#I'); do ",
"s_tty=$(echo $s | sed -E 's=(.*):.*:.*$=\\1='); ",
"if [ \"$(tty)\" = \"$s_tty\" ]; then ",
"echo $s | sed -E 's=.*:(.*:.*)=\\1='; ",
"break; ",
"fi; ",
current_session <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
if (length(current_session) == 0) {
cat('not inside a tmux session!\n')
system(paste0("tmux pipe-pane 'cat >> ", file.path(getwd(), '#h_#S_#I_#P.rlog'), "'"))
reg.finalizer(.GlobalEnv, function(x) system('tmux pipe-pane'))
options(tmux_logging = TRUE)
}, rprofile_env)
# improved ls
assign('lsx', function(sort_col = 1, class = NULL, envir = parent.frame(), ...) {
ls_obj <- ls(envir = envir, ...)
if (!length(ls_obj)) return(ls_obj)
obj_info <- lapply(ls_obj, function(x) {
obj <- get(x, envir = envir)
cls <- class(obj)
if (!is.null(class) && !any(class %in% cls)) return(NULL)
if (length(cls) > 1) cls <- paste0(cls[1], ' (', paste(cls[-1], collapse = ','), ')')
nr <- nrow(obj)
if (is.null(nr)) nr <- '-'
os <- object.size(obj)
data.frame( = x,
obj.class = cls,
obj.size = format(os, unit = 'auto'),
os = as.numeric(os),
nrows = nr,
'length/ncol' = length(obj),
'content' = deparse(obj, width.cutoff = 40, control =
c('quoteExpressions', 'keepNA', 'niceNames'), nlines = 1L),
check.names = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
ind <- !sapply(obj_info, is.null)
if (any(ind)) {
obj_info <- obj_info[ind]
} else {
out <- structure(, obj_info), class = c('lsx', 'data.frame'))
# align classes
maxpos <- max(unlist(regexec(' ', out[[2]])))
if ((nch <- nchar(names(out)[2])) < maxpos) {
names(out)[2] <- paste(c(
rep(' ', floor((maxpos - nch) / 2)),
collapse = '')
out[[2]] <- align(out[[2]], ' ')
# align sizes
out[[3]] <- align(out[[3]], ' ')
maxpos <- max(nchar(out[[3]]))
if ((nch <- nchar(names(out)[3])) < maxpos) {
names(out)[3] <- paste(c(
rep(' ', floor((maxpos - nch) / 2)),
collapse = '')
# right align nrows
al5 <- align(c(names(out)[5], out[[5]]), '$')
out[[5]] <- al5[-1]
names(out)[5] <- al5[1]
# right align length/cols
al6 <- align(c(names(out)[6], out[[6]]), '$')
out[[6]] <- al6[-1]
names(out)[6] <- al6[1]
# sort
if (!missing(sort_col)) {
os <- out[[4]]
out <- out[, -4]
sb <- abs(sort_col)
sig <- sign(sort_col)
if (sb == 3) {
ind <- order(as.numeric(sub(' [a-zA-Z]+$', '', os)), decreasing = sig < 0)
} else {
ind <- order(out[[sb]], decreasing = sig < 0)
out <- out[ind, ]
} else {
out <- out[, -4]
}, envir = rprofile_env)
assign('align', function(x, pattern = '[.]') {
nc <- unlist(regexec(pattern, x)) - 1
nc <- nc + (nc < 0) * (nchar(x) + 2)
mc <- max(nc)
paste0(sapply(mc - nc, function(x) paste(rep(' ', x), collapse = '')), x)
}, envir = rprofile_env)
registerS3method('print', 'lsx', function(x, ...) {, row.names = FALSE, right = FALSE, ...)
}, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# ll & la -> improved dir()
assign('ll', structure(function(path = getwd()) {
path <- path.expand(path)
system(paste0('ls -lhF --color=auto "', path, '"'))
}, class = 'll'), envir = rprofile_env)
registerS3method('print', 'll', function(x, ...) {
}, envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign('la', structure(function(path = getwd()) {
path <- path.expand(path)
system(paste0('ls -AlhF --color=auto "', path, '"'))
}, class = 'la'), envir = rprofile_env)
registerS3method('print', 'la', function(x, ...) {
}, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# rg -> find pattern in workspace object names
assign('rg', function(pattern, which_classes = c('data.frame', 'list'), pos = -1L,
envir = as.environment(pos), return_obj = FALSE, ...) {
if (!is.environment(envir)) {
if (inherits(envir, 'list') && is.character(envir[[1]]) && is.environment(envir[[2]])) {
lapply(envir[[1]], function(x) rg(pattern, which_classes,
envir = as.environment(get(x, envir = envir[[2]])),
return_obj, ...)),
envir <- as.environment(envir)
obj_names <- ls(envir = envir)
objs <- lapply(obj_names, function(x) {
obj <- get(x, envir = envir)
if (inherits(obj, which_classes)) {
# grep(pattern, obj, ...)
out <- grep(pattern, names(obj), value = TRUE)
if (length(out)) {
if (return_obj) {
if (inherits(obj, 'data.table')) {
out <- obj[, out, with = FALSE]
} else if (inherits(obj, c('data.frame', 'matrix'))) {
out <- obj[, out]
} else {
out <- obj[out]
ind <- !sapply(objs, is.null)
if (any(ind)) {
setNames(objs[ind], obj_names[ind])
} else {
}, envir = rprofile_env)
# color name to hex
assign('col2hex', function(name, alpha) {
m <- col2rgb(name) / 255
rgb(m[1, ], m[2, ], m[3,], alpha)
}, envir = rprofile_env)
# source can handle wildcard if find exists
ope <- getOption("error")
sem <- getOption("show.error.messages")
options(show.error.messages = FALSE, error = function() return(1))
# try to call printf
out <- try(system(paste('printf "%s\\n"', normalizePath('~')), intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE))
if (!inherits(out, 'try-error')) {
assign('source', function(path, local = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
envir <- if (do_attach <- is.character(local) && length(local) == 1) {
env_name <- local
} else if (isTRUE(local)) {
} else if (isFALSE(local)) {
} else if (is.environment(local)) {
} else {
stop("'local' must be TRUE, FALSE, search path name or an environment")
files <- system(paste('printf "%s\\n"', path), intern = TRUE)
if (length(files) == 1 && !file.exists(files)) {
stop('No files found!')
for (file in files) {
if (verbose) cat('sourcing file:', file, '\n')
base::source(file, local = envir, ...)
if (do_attach) {
try(detach(env_name, character.only = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
attach(envir, name = env_name)
cat("Attaching environment '", env_name, "' to searchpaths().\n\nattached objects:\n",
sep = '')
print(ls(envir = envir))
}, envir = rprofile_env)
options(show.error.messages = sem, error = ope)
rm(ope, sem)
## general settings ----------------------------------------
# help as text
help_type = "text",
# don't use annoying guis to select from choices = FALSE,
# bat as pager (
pager = "'bat --pager 'less -RF' -l 'RhelpPages' --theme gruvbox-rhelp --style plain'",
# set shiny port for X forwarding
shiny.port = 7207,
# decrease datatable untruncated row print
datatable.print.nrows = 30,
# don't throw error on user interruption
interrupt = function() {}
# set CRAN mirror
r <- getOption("repos")
r["CRAN"] <- ""
options(repos = r)
# limit to one thread
if(interactive() && requireNamespace("RhpcBLASctl", quietly = TRUE)){
set_blas_threads <- function(n)RhpcBLASctl::blas_set_num_threads(n)
get_blas_threads <- RhpcBLASctl::blas_get_num_procs
## initialize objects ----------------------------------------
if (interactive()) {
# attach environment
attach(rprofile_env, name = 'user:.Rprofile', warn.conflicts = FALSE)
# set error prompt if interactive
# initialize prompt
# clear workspace
# rm(list = c(ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), '.base_packages'), envir = .GlobalEnv)
rm(list = ls(envir = .GlobalEnv), envir = .GlobalEnv)
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