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Last active June 10, 2021 20:21
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  • Save ChadDevOps/3c9e3697fb71a76df95c1bb5dbb575bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ChadDevOps/3c9e3697fb71a76df95c1bb5dbb575bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Run as admin
# Summary: Generates a random shortname for directories and generates png from stl
# Pre-req:
# Install OpenSCAD (Ex using chocolatey: choco install openscad -y)
# Enable Shortnames in Windows 10 by running the following commands (helps with 260 char. limits):
# fsutil 8dot3name query
# fsutil behavior set disable8dot3 0
# Post [optional]
# If you want to convert png to jpg run the following from wsl (you'll need imagemagick and parallel)
# find . -iname "*.png" | parallel convert -quality 95% {} {.}.jpg
# find . -iname "*.png" | parallel rm {}
# Change all dates - windows (useful to get the photos app to show all images under one date, eg. 2099-02-02):
# Change all dates - linux/wsl:
# sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl
# find . -iname "*.jpg" | parallel "exiftool -overwrite_original -AllDates='2099:02:02 02:02:02' -datetime='2099:02:02 02:02:02' {} && touch -a -m -t 209902020202 {}"
# Copy all jpgs and file structure - linux/wsl:
# find . -name '*.jpg' | parallel "cp -u --parents {} ../all_images"
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Directory | ForEach-Object {
# or in reverse comment out above and uncomment below
# Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Directory | sort @{expression = {$_.fullname}} -DESC | ForEach-Object {
$fullpath = $_.FullName
$foldername = $_.Name
$ShortPath = (New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject).GetFolder($fullpath).ShortPath
$ShortName = $ShortPath|split-path -leaf
if($ShortName.Contains('~')) {
#echo "'$foldername' is MSDOS: $ShortName"
if ($ShortName.length -gt 8) {
if($foldername -match '^[a-zA-Z0-9]'){
[string]$first = $foldername.SubString(0,1)
[string]$first = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 9
[string]$num = Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 9999
[string]$newShortName = $first + $num + '~1'
echo "creating MSDOS $newShortName for '$foldername' at $ShortPath"
& fsutil.exe file setshortname "$ShortPath" $newShortName
# do nothing or set shortname to nothing by uncommenting the below
& fsutil.exe file setshortname "$ShortPath" """"
$ShortPath = (New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject).GetFolder($fullpath).ShortPath
Get-ChildItem -Path "$ShortPath/*.stl" | ForEach-Object {
[string]$stlname = $_.Name
[string]$stlpath = $ShortPath + '\' + $stlname
[string]$name = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension("$stlpath")
[string]$pngname = $name + '.png'
[string]$jpgname = $name + '.jpg'
[string]$file = $ShortPath + '\' + $pngname
[string]$file2 = $ShortPath + '\' + $jpgname
if (-not(Test-Path -LiteralPath "$file" -PathType Leaf)) {
if (-not(Test-Path -LiteralPath "$file2" -PathType Leaf)) {
[string]$tmpname = "__tmpSTL4L1F3__" + $name + "__tmp"
[string]$tmppath = $ShortPath + '\' + $tmpname
cmd.exe /c "echo import(""$stlname""); >""$tmppath"""
cmd.exe /c "c:/PROGRA~1/OpenSCAD/openscad.exe -o ""$file"" --autocenter --viewall --imgsize=1080,1080 ""$tmppath"" > nul 2>&1"
echo "creating '$pngname' for '$ShortPath\$stlname'"
rm $ShortPath/__tmpSTL4L1F3*
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