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Created September 7, 2013 18:54
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LSTAR1 model
Smooth Transition Autoregression
Dijk, Dick van, Timo Terasvirta, and Philip Hans Franses. 2002.
"Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models - a Survey of Recent Developments."
Econometric Reviews 21 (1): 1-47.
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.base.model as base
import statsmodels.tsa.base.tsa_model as tsbase
import statsmodels.miscmodels.nonlinls as nls
from import approx_fprime
from statsmodels.tsa.tsatools import add_constant, lagmat
from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS
from scipy import optimize
class LSTAR1(base.Model):
Logistic Smooth Transition Autoregression Model
Estimates the model
:math:`y_t = \phi_1'x_t + (\phi_2 - \phi_1)'x_t G(s_t;\gamma,c) + \varepsilon_t`
where :math:`\gamma` is the smoothness parameter and :math:`c` is the
threshold parameter.
endog : array-like
The endogenous variable.
ar_order : integer
The order of the autoregressive parameters.
threshold_var : array-like or integer, optional
The threshold variable. Either an array of the same length as `endog`
or an integer from 1 - `ar_order` as the delay parameter for a
self-exiting model.
trend : str {'c','nc'}
Whether to include a constant or not
'c' includes constant
'nc' no constant
smoothness : float, optional
The smoothness parameter. If not specified, will be estimated via
non-linear least squares.
theshold : float, optional
The threshold parameter. If not specified, will be estimated via
non-linear least squares.
smoothness_grid_size : integer, optional
The size of the grid in the smoothness dimension. Used to select start
parameters for non-linear least squares.
smoothness_grid_int : iterable, optional
The interval on which the smoothness dimension of the grid is
threshold_grid_size : integer, optional
The approximate number of elements in the threshold grid if a grid
search is used.
threshold_grid_int : iterable, optional
The trim parameters of the threshold variable on which the threshold
dimension of the grid is constructed. For example, (0.1, 0.9) will
construct `threshold_grid_size` evenly spaced values between the 10th
and 90th percentiles of the threshold variable values.
def __init__(self, endog, ar_order, threshold_var=1, trend='c',
smoothness=None, threshold=None,
smoothness_grid_size=40, smoothness_grid_int=(1,100),
threshold_grid_size=100, threshold_grid_int=(0.1, 0.9),
dates=None, freq=None, missing='none'):
if ((smoothness is None and threshold is not None) or
(threshold is None and smoothness is not None)):
raise ValueError('Must specify both or neither of `smoothness` and'
' `threshold` arguments.')
self.nobs_initial = ar_order
self.nobs = endog.shape[0] - ar_order
self.ar_order = ar_order
self.k_trend = int(trend == 'c')
self.k = self.ar_order + self.k_trend
self.smoothness = smoothness
self.threshold = threshold
self.cov_hyperparams = None
self.threshold_grid_size = threshold_grid_size
self.threshold_grid_int = threshold_grid_int
self.smoothness_grid_size = smoothness_grid_size
self.smoothness_grid_int = smoothness_grid_int
orig_endog = endog
orig_exog = lagmat(orig_endog, ar_order)
if self.k_trend:
orig_exog = add_constant(orig_exog)
# Create datasets / complete initialization
endog = orig_endog[self.nobs_initial:]
exog = orig_exog[self.nobs_initial:]
super(LSTAR1, self).__init__(endog, exog,
hasconst=self.k_trend, missing=missing)
# Overwrite originals = orig_endog = orig_exog
# Create the threshold variable
if isinstance(threshold_var, int):
if threshold_var < 1 or threshold_var > ar_order:
raise ValueError('Delay parameter (from `threshold_var`) must'
' be an integer in the range [1, %d].'
' Got %d.' % (ar_order, threshold_var))
self.threshold_var = self.exog[:,-threshold_var]
threshold_var = np.asanyarray(threshold_var)
if not threshold_var.shape[0] == endog.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('Threshold variable must be of the same'
' length as the endogenous variable.'
' Expected length %d, got %d.' %
(endog.shape[0], threshold_var.shape[0]))
self.threshold_var = threshold_var
def _fit(self, params):
smoothness, threshold = params
transition = 1/(1 + np.exp(-smoothness*(self.threshold_var - threshold)))
exog = np.c_[
np.multiply(self.exog.T, transition).T
return OLS(self.endog, exog).fit()
def _ssr(self, params):
return self._fit(params).ssr
def score(self, params):
Gradient of log-likelihood evaluated at params
kwds = {}
kwds.setdefault('centered', True)
return approx_fprime(params, self._ssr, **kwds).ravel()
def jac(self, params, **kwds):
Jacobian/Gradient of log-likelihood evaluated at params for each
#kwds.setdefault('epsilon', 1e-4)
kwds.setdefault('centered', True)
return approx_fprime(params, self._ssr, **kwds)
def hessian(self, params):
Hessian of log-likelihood evaluated at params
from import approx_hess
# need options for hess (epsilon)
return approx_hess(params, self._ssr)
def start_params(self):
t_start, t_stop = self.threshold_grid_int
t_step = (t_stop - t_start) / self.threshold_grid_size
threshold_grid = (t_start, t_stop, t_step)
s_start, s_stop = self.smoothness_grid_int
s_step = (s_stop - s_start) / self.smoothness_grid_size
smoothness_grid = (s_start, s_stop, s_step)
f = lambda params, *args: self._ssr(params, *args)
return optimize.brute(f, (threshold_grid, smoothness_grid),
def fit(self, start_params=None, method='bfgs', maxiter=100,
full_output=True, disp=True, fargs=(), callback=None,
retall=False, **kwargs):
if not self.smoothness or not self.threshold:
# Extract kwargs specific to fit_regularized calling fit
cov_params_func = kwargs.setdefault('cov_params_func', None)
Hinv = None # JP error if full_output=0, Hinv not defined
methods = ['bfgs']
if start_params is None:
start_params = self.start_params()
if method.lower() not in methods:
message = "Unknown fit method %s" % method
raise ValueError(message)
method = method.lower()
nobs = self.endog.shape[0]
f = lambda params, *args: self._ssr(params, *args)
score = lambda params: -self.score(params) / nobs
hess = lambda params: -self.hessian(params) / nobs
hess = None
fit_funcs = {
'bfgs': _fit_bfgs
func = fit_funcs[method]
xopt, retvals = func(f, score, start_params, fargs, kwargs,
disp=disp, maxiter=maxiter, callback=callback,
retall=retall, full_output=full_output,
if not full_output: # xopt should be None and retvals is argmin
xopt = retvals
elif cov_params_func:
Hinv = cov_params_func(self, xopt, retvals)
Hinv = np.linalg.inv(-1 * self.hessian(xopt))
#might want custom warning ResultsWarning? NumericalWarning?
from warnings import warn
warndoc = ('Inverting hessian failed, no bse or '
'cov_params available')
warn(warndoc, Warning)
Hinv = None
self.smoothness, self.threshold = xopt
self.cov_hyperparams = Hinv
res = self._fit((self.smoothness, self.threshold))
return res.params, res.ssr
def _fit_bfgs(f, score, start_params, fargs, kwargs, disp=True,
maxiter=100, callback=None, retall=False,
full_output=True, hess=None):
gtol = kwargs.setdefault('gtol', 1.0000000000000001e-05)
norm = kwargs.setdefault('norm', np.Inf)
epsilon = kwargs.setdefault('epsilon', 1.4901161193847656e-08)
retvals = optimize.fmin_bfgs(f, start_params, score, args=fargs,
gtol=gtol, norm=norm, epsilon=epsilon,
maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output,
disp=disp, retall=retall, callback=callback)
if full_output:
if not retall:
xopt, fopt, gopt, Hinv, fcalls, gcalls, warnflag = retvals
(xopt, fopt, gopt, Hinv, fcalls,
gcalls, warnflag, allvecs) = retvals
converged = not warnflag
retvals = {'fopt': fopt, 'gopt': gopt, 'Hinv': Hinv,
'fcalls': fcalls, 'gcalls': gcalls, 'warnflag':
warnflag, 'converged': converged}
if retall:
retvals.update({'allvecs': allvecs})
xopt = None
return xopt, retvals
if __name__=='__main__':
import statsmodels.api as sm
import pandas as pd
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
# Load the sunspots dataset
dta = sm.datasets.sunspots.load_pandas().data
dta.index = pd.Index(sm.tsa.datetools.dates_from_range('1700', '2008'))
dta = dta[dta.YEAR <= 1988]
del dta["YEAR"]
dta.SUNACTIVITY = 2*(np.sqrt(1 + dta.SUNACTIVITY) - 1)
# Adjustments to match R sunspots dataset
dta.SUNACTIVITY.iloc[[262, 280, 281, 287]] = [
# Test against tsDyn output, specifying the smoothness and threshold
mod = LSTAR1(dta.SUNACTIVITY, 2, smoothness=0.4737064, threshold=7.67034)
params, ssr =
assert_almost_equal(ssr, 1352.506, 3)
assert_almost_equal(params, (2.1401445, 1.5967946, -0.3190053, -3.94325109, -0.30183168, 0.01058212))
# Test against tsDyn smoothness and threshold selection
# Note: the optimizer is selecting slightly different smoothness
# and threshold parameters, which is why I can only assert
# almost equal to 2 decimal places. But the objective (ssr)
# is the same, so I think it's not a problem.
mod = LSTAR1(dta.SUNACTIVITY, 2)
params, ssr =
assert_almost_equal(ssr, 1352.506, 3)
assert_almost_equal(mod.smoothness, 0.4737064, 2)
assert_almost_equal(mod.threshold, 7.67034, 2)
assert_almost_equal(params, (2.1401445, 1.5967946, -0.3190053, -3.94325109, -0.30183168, 0.01058212), 3)
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j-grana6 commented Sep 7, 2013

Confession: I haven't read the paper yet so I'm only commenting on the code
There are a lot of variables in the init, can any of them be hidden from the user?

Also, maybe Josef may be able to comment better on this but when writing tests, I find it better to not import the whole api. The reason being is that if you are working in a directory other than the directory you install statsmodels to, you cannot import the api ( I think it is because the cython files haven't been built yet). Therefore, if you nosetest while in the working directory, it won't be able to run.

In line 205, it is very dangerous to do a try/except without specifying which type of error can go unnoticed. Maybe it would be better off to be if instead it was just if hess is not None.

Also, you have self.nobs = endog.ehape[0] - ar_order and then later define a local nobs in the fit function as self.endog.shape. Since the user might call self.nobs, I think it would be better to have self.nobs the true number of observations.

Using kwargs in _fit_bfgs not as a keywords argument but as a required argument is a bit confusing. I would suggest either changing the name or making it a true keywords argument.

Are you planning on using fit methods other than bfgs? If not, I think you can cut out the method argument.

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