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Created September 2, 2013 21:23
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Save ChadSki/6417398 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sparky's Entitly-style 'weap.ent' plugin
<plugin class="weap" author="sparky" version="4.0" headersize="Main">
<bitmask16 name="Flags" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x02" visible="true">
<option name="Does Not Cast Shadow" value="15"/>
<option name="Transparent Self-Occlusion" value="14"/>
<option name="Brighter Than It Should Be" value="13"/>
<option name="Not a Pathfinding Obstacle" value="12"/>
<float name="Bounding Radius" note="world units" info="" info_img="" offset="0x04" visible="true"/>
<float name="Bounding Offset: x" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x08" visible="true"/>
<float name="Bounding Offset: y" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x0C" visible="true"/>
<float name="Bounding Offset: z" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x10" visible="true"/>
<float name="Origin Offset: x" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x14" visible="true"/>
<float name="Origin Offset: y" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x18" visible="true"/>
<float name="Origin Offset: z" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x1C" visible="true"/>
<float name="Acceleration Scale" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x20" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Model" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x28" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Animation Graph" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x38" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Collision Model" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x70" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Physics" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x80" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Modifier Shader" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x90" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Creation Effect" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0xA0" visible="true"/>
<float name="Render Bounding Radius" note="world units" info="" info_img="" offset="0x104" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Export to Functions.A in" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x108" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Body Vitality" value="01"/>
<option name="Shield Vitality" value="02"/>
<option name="Recent Body Damage" value="03"/>
<option name="Recent Shield Damage" value="04"/>
<option name="Random Constant" value="05"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="06"/>
<option name="Shield Stun" value="07"/>
<option name="Recent Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="08"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Stun" value="09"/>
<option name="Region #00 Damage" value="10"/>
<option name="Region #01 Damage" value="11"/>
<option name="Region #02 Damage" value="12"/>
<option name="Region #03 Damage" value="13"/>
<option name="Region #04 Damage" value="14"/>
<option name="Region #05 Damage" value="15"/>
<option name="Region #06 Damage" value="16"/>
<option name="Region #07 Damage" value="17"/>
<option name="Alive" value="18"/>
<option name="Compass" value="19"/>
<enum16 name="Export to Functions.B in" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x10A" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Body Vitality" value="01"/>
<option name="Shield Vitality" value="02"/>
<option name="Recent Body Damage" value="03"/>
<option name="Recent Shield Damage" value="04"/>
<option name="Random Constant" value="05"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="06"/>
<option name="Shield Stun" value="07"/>
<option name="Recent Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="08"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Stun" value="09"/>
<option name="Region #00 Damage" value="10"/>
<option name="Region #01 Damage" value="11"/>
<option name="Region #02 Damage" value="12"/>
<option name="Region #03 Damage" value="13"/>
<option name="Region #04 Damage" value="14"/>
<option name="Region #05 Damage" value="15"/>
<option name="Region #06 Damage" value="16"/>
<option name="Region #07 Damage" value="17"/>
<option name="Alive" value="18"/>
<option name="Compass" value="19"/>
<enum16 name="Export to Functions.C in" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x10C" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Body Vitality" value="01"/>
<option name="Shield Vitality" value="02"/>
<option name="Recent Body Damage" value="03"/>
<option name="Recent Shield Damage" value="04"/>
<option name="Random Constant" value="05"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="06"/>
<option name="Shield Stun" value="07"/>
<option name="Recent Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="08"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Stun" value="09"/>
<option name="Region #00 Damage" value="10"/>
<option name="Region #01 Damage" value="11"/>
<option name="Region #02 Damage" value="12"/>
<option name="Region #03 Damage" value="13"/>
<option name="Region #04 Damage" value="14"/>
<option name="Region #05 Damage" value="15"/>
<option name="Region #06 Damage" value="16"/>
<option name="Region #07 Damage" value="17"/>
<option name="Alive" value="18"/>
<option name="Compass" value="19"/>
<enum16 name="Export to Functions.D in" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x10E" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Body Vitality" value="01"/>
<option name="Shield Vitality" value="02"/>
<option name="Recent Body Damage" value="03"/>
<option name="Recent Shield Damage" value="04"/>
<option name="Random Constant" value="05"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="06"/>
<option name="Shield Stun" value="07"/>
<option name="Recent Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="08"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Stun" value="09"/>
<option name="Region #00 Damage" value="10"/>
<option name="Region #01 Damage" value="11"/>
<option name="Region #02 Damage" value="12"/>
<option name="Region #03 Damage" value="13"/>
<option name="Region #04 Damage" value="14"/>
<option name="Region #05 Damage" value="15"/>
<option name="Region #06 Damage" value="16"/>
<option name="Region #07 Damage" value="17"/>
<option name="Alive" value="18"/>
<option name="Compass" value="19"/>
<short name="Export to Functions.HUD Text Message Index" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x13C" visible="true"/>
<short name="Export to Functions.Forced Shader Permutation Index" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x13E" visible="true"/>
<struct name="Attachments" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x140" visible="true" size="72">
<dependency name="Type" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x00" visible="true"/>
<string32 name="Marker" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x10" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Primary Scale" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x30" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="A out" value="01"/>
<option name="B out" value="02"/>
<option name="C out" value="03"/>
<option name="D out" value="04"/>
<enum16 name="Secondary Scale" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x32" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="A out" value="01"/>
<option name="B out" value="02"/>
<option name="C out" value="03"/>
<option name="D out" value="04"/>
<enum16 name="Change Color" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x34" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="A" value="01"/>
<option name="B" value="02"/>
<option name="C" value="03"/>
<option name="D" value="04"/>
<struct name="Widgets" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x14C" visible="true" size="32">
<dependency name="Reference" note="" info="antenna, flag, glow, light_volume or lightning" info_img="" offset="0x0" visible="true"/>
<struct name="Functions" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x158" visible="true" size="360">
<bitmask32 name="Flags" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x0" visible="true">
<option name="Invert" note="" info="result of function is one minus actual result" info_img="" value="31"/>
<option name="Additive" value="30"/>
<option name="Always Active" note="" info="function does not deactivate when at or below lower bound" info_img="" value="29"/>
<float name="Period" note="seconds" info="lower values make the function oscillate quickly, higher values make it oscillate more slowly" info_img="" offset="0x04" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Scale Period By" note="" info="multiply this function by the above period" info_img="" offset="0x08" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="A in" value="01"/>
<option name="B in" value="02"/>
<option name="C in" value="03"/>
<option name="D in" value="04"/>
<option name="A out" value="05"/>
<option name="B out" value="06"/>
<option name="C out" value="07"/>
<option name="D out" value="08"/>
<enum16 name="Function" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x0A" visible="true">
<option name="One" value="00"/>
<option name="Zero" value="01"/>
<option name="Cosine" value="02"/>
<option name="Cosine (variable period)" value="03"/>
<option name="Diagonal Wave" value="04"/>
<option name="Diagonal Wave (variable period)" value="05"/>
<option name="Slide" value="06"/>
<option name="Slide (variable period)" value="07"/>
<option name="Noise" value="08"/>
<option name="Jitter" value="09"/>
<option name="Wander" value="10"/>
<option name="Spark" value="11"/>
<enum16 name="Scale Function By" note="" info="multiply this function by the result of the above function" info_img="" offset="0x0C" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="A in" value="01"/>
<option name="B in" value="02"/>
<option name="C in" value="03"/>
<option name="D in" value="04"/>
<option name="A out" value="05"/>
<option name="B out" value="06"/>
<option name="C out" value="07"/>
<option name="D out" value="08"/>
<enum16 name="Wobble Function" note="" info="the curve used for the wobble" info_img="" offset="0x0E" visible="true">
<option name="One" value="00"/>
<option name="Zero" value="01"/>
<option name="Cosine" value="02"/>
<option name="Cosine (variable period)" value="03"/>
<option name="Diagonal Wave" value="04"/>
<option name="Diagonal Wave (variable period)" value="05"/>
<option name="Slide" value="06"/>
<option name="Slide (variable period)" value="07"/>
<option name="Noise" value="08"/>
<option name="Jitter" value="09"/>
<option name="Wander" value="10"/>
<option name="Spark" value="11"/>
<float name="Wobble Period" note="seconds" info="the length of time it takes for the magnitude of this function to complete a wobble" info_img="" offset="0x10" visible="true"/>
<float name="Wobble Magnitude" note="percent" info="the amount of random wobble in the magnitude" info_img="" offset="0x14" visible="true"/>
<float name="Square Wave Threshold" note="0 - 1 only" info="if non-zero, all values above the square wave threshold are snapped to 1.0, and all values below it are snapped to 0.0 to create a square wave" info_img="" offset="0x18" visible="true"/>
<short name="Step Count" note="" info="the number of discrete values to snap to; eg. a step count of 5 would snap the function to 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or 1" info_img="" offset="0x1C" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Map to" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x1E" visible="true">
<option name="Linear" value="00"/>
<option name="Early" value="01"/>
<option name="Very Early" value="02"/>
<option name="Late" value="03"/>
<option name="Very Late" value="04"/>
<option name="Cosine" value="05"/>
<short name="Sawtooth Count" note="" info="the number of times this function should repeat; eg. 5 would give the function a value of 1.0 at each of 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.0" info_img="" offset="0x20" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Add" note="" info="add this function to the final result of all the above math" info_img="" offset="0x22" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="A in" value="01"/>
<option name="B in" value="02"/>
<option name="C in" value="03"/>
<option name="D in" value="04"/>
<option name="A out" value="05"/>
<option name="B out" value="06"/>
<option name="C out" value="07"/>
<option name="D out" value="08"/>
<enum16 name="Scale Result by" note="" info="multiply this function (from a weapon, vehicle, etc.) by the final result of all the above math" info_img="" offset="0x24" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="A in" value="01"/>
<option name="B in" value="02"/>
<option name="C in" value="03"/>
<option name="D in" value="04"/>
<option name="A out" value="05"/>
<option name="B out" value="06"/>
<option name="C out" value="07"/>
<option name="D out" value="08"/>
<enum16 name="Bounds Mode" note="" info="controls how the bounds, below, are used" info_img="" offset="0x26" visible="true">
<option name="Clip" value="00"/>
<option name="Clip and Normalize" value="01"/>
<option name="Scale to Fit" value="02"/>
<float name="Bounds: from" note="0 - 1 only" info="" info_img="" offset="0x28" visible="true"/>
<float name="Bounds: to" note="0 - 1 only" info="" info_img="" offset="0x2C" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Turn off with" note="" info="If the specified function is off, so is this function" info_img="" offset="0x36" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="65535"/>
<option name="A out (Function 1)" value="00"/>
<option name="B out (Function 2)" value="01"/>
<option name="C out (Function 3)" value="02"/>
<option name="D out (Function 4)" value="03"/>
<float name="Scale by" note="" info="applied before clip; ignored if zero" info_img="" offset="0x38" visible="true"/>
<float name="Function Acceleration Scale" note="0 = function is disabled" info="tested by 002. 'When playing with the banshee's wingtip, I noticed that 0 disabled the contrail, causing the contrail sound to be at lowest. Setting it to 50 causes the function to speed up in acceleration and maxed out the contrail and contrail pitch, reminding me why they called it the 'Banshee'.'" info_img="" offset="0x138" visible="true"/>
<string32 name="Usage" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x148" visible="true"/>
<struct name="Change Colors" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x164" visible="true" size="44">
<enum16 name="Darken by" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x00" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="A in" value="01"/>
<option name="B in" value="02"/>
<option name="C in" value="03"/>
<option name="D in" value="04"/>
<option name="A out" value="05"/>
<option name="B out" value="06"/>
<option name="C out" value="07"/>
<option name="D out" value="08"/>
<enum16 name="Scale by" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x02" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="A in" value="01"/>
<option name="B in" value="02"/>
<option name="C in" value="03"/>
<option name="D in" value="04"/>
<option name="A out" value="05"/>
<option name="B out" value="06"/>
<option name="C out" value="07"/>
<option name="D out" value="08"/>
<bitmask32 name="Scale Flags" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x04" visible="true">
<option name="Blend in HSV" note="" info="blends colors in hsv rather than rgb space" info_img="" value="31"/>
<option name="...More Colors" note="" info="blends colors through more hues (goes the long way around the color wheel)" info_img="" value="30"/>
<colorRGB name="Color Lower Bound" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x08" visible="true"/>
<colorRGB name="Color Upper Bound" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x14" visible="true"/>
<struct name="Permutations" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x20" visible="true" size="28">
<float name="Weight" note="" info="confusing formula, ask Sparky for help if this matters to you, otherwise don't touch" info_img="" offset="0x00" visible="true"/>
<colorRGB name="Color Lower Bound" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x04" visible="true"/>
<colorRGB name="Color Upper Bound" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x10" visible="true"/>
<bitmask16 name="Item.Flags" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x17C" visible="true">
<option name="Always Mantains Z Up" value="15"/>
<option name="Destroyed by Explosions" value="14"/>
<option name="Unaffected by Gravity" value="13"/>
<short name="Item.Message-Index.Message Index" note="" info="" info_img="weap Message-Index.png" offset="0x180" visible="true"/>
<short name="Item.Message-Index.Sort Order" note="" info="" info_img="weap Message-Index.png" offset="0x182" visible="true"/>
<float name="Item.Message-Index.Scale" note="" info="" info_img="weap Message-Index.png" offset="0x184" visible="true"/>
<short name="Item.Message-Index.HUD Message Value Scale" note="" info="" info_img="weap Message-Index.png" offset="0x188" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Item.Message-Index.A in" note="" info="I have no idea what this does" info_img="weap Message-Index.png" offset="0x18A" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Body Vitality" value="01"/>
<option name="Shield Vitality" value="02"/>
<option name="Recent Body Damage" value="03"/>
<option name="Recent Shield Damage" value="04"/>
<option name="Random Constant" value="05"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="06"/>
<option name="Shield Stun" value="07"/>
<option name="Recent Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="08"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Stun" value="09"/>
<option name="Region #00 Damage" value="10"/>
<option name="Region #01 Damage" value="11"/>
<option name="Region #02 Damage" value="12"/>
<option name="Region #03 Damage" value="13"/>
<option name="Region #04 Damage" value="14"/>
<option name="Region #05 Damage" value="15"/>
<option name="Region #06 Damage" value="16"/>
<option name="Region #07 Damage" value="17"/>
<option name="Alive" value="18"/>
<option name="Compass" value="19"/>
<enum16 name="Item.Message-Index.B in" note="" info="I have no idea what this does" info_img="weap Message-Index.png" offset="0x1B9" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Body Vitality" value="01"/>
<option name="Shield Vitality" value="02"/>
<option name="Recent Body Damage" value="03"/>
<option name="Recent Shield Damage" value="04"/>
<option name="Random Constant" value="05"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="06"/>
<option name="Shield Stun" value="07"/>
<option name="Recent Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="08"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Stun" value="09"/>
<option name="Region #00 Damage" value="10"/>
<option name="Region #01 Damage" value="11"/>
<option name="Region #02 Damage" value="12"/>
<option name="Region #03 Damage" value="13"/>
<option name="Region #04 Damage" value="14"/>
<option name="Region #05 Damage" value="15"/>
<option name="Region #06 Damage" value="16"/>
<option name="Region #07 Damage" value="17"/>
<option name="Alive" value="18"/>
<option name="Compass" value="19"/>
<enum16 name="Item.Message-Index.C in" note="" info="I have no idea what this does" info_img="weap Message-Index.png" offset="0x1E8" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Body Vitality" value="01"/>
<option name="Shield Vitality" value="02"/>
<option name="Recent Body Damage" value="03"/>
<option name="Recent Shield Damage" value="04"/>
<option name="Random Constant" value="05"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="06"/>
<option name="Shield Stun" value="07"/>
<option name="Recent Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="08"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Stun" value="09"/>
<option name="Region #00 Damage" value="10"/>
<option name="Region #01 Damage" value="11"/>
<option name="Region #02 Damage" value="12"/>
<option name="Region #03 Damage" value="13"/>
<option name="Region #04 Damage" value="14"/>
<option name="Region #05 Damage" value="15"/>
<option name="Region #06 Damage" value="16"/>
<option name="Region #07 Damage" value="17"/>
<option name="Alive" value="18"/>
<option name="Compass" value="19"/>
<enum16 name="Item.Message-Index.D in" note="" info="I have no idea what this does" info_img="weap Message-Index.png" offset="0x217" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Body Vitality" value="01"/>
<option name="Shield Vitality" value="02"/>
<option name="Recent Body Damage" value="03"/>
<option name="Recent Shield Damage" value="04"/>
<option name="Random Constant" value="05"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="06"/>
<option name="Shield Stun" value="07"/>
<option name="Recent Umbrella Shield Vitality" value="08"/>
<option name="Umbrella Shield Stun" value="09"/>
<option name="Region #00 Damage" value="10"/>
<option name="Region #01 Damage" value="11"/>
<option name="Region #02 Damage" value="12"/>
<option name="Region #03 Damage" value="13"/>
<option name="Region #04 Damage" value="14"/>
<option name="Region #05 Damage" value="15"/>
<option name="Region #06 Damage" value="16"/>
<option name="Region #07 Damage" value="17"/>
<option name="Alive" value="18"/>
<option name="Compass" value="19"/>
<dependency name="Item.Material Effects" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x248" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Item.Collision Sound" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x258" visible="true"/>
<float name="Item.Detonation Delay: from" note="seconds" info="" info_img="" offset="0x2E0" visible="true"/>
<float name="Item.Detonation Delay: to" note="seconds" info="" info_img="" offset="0x2E4" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Item.Detonating Effect" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x2E8" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Item.Detonation Effect" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x2F8" visible="true"/>
<bitmask32 name="Weapon.Flags" note="" info="" info_img="weap Weapon.png" offset="0x308" visible="true">
<option name="Vertical Heat Display" value="31"/>
<option name="Mutually Exclusive Triggers" value="30"/>
<option name="Attacks Automatically on Bump" value="29"/>
<option name="Must Be Readied" value="28"/>
<option name="Doesn't Count Toward Maximum" value="27"/>
<option name="Aim Assists Only When Zoomed" value="26"/>
<option name="Prevents Grenade Throwing" value="25"/>
<option name="Must Be Picked Up" note="" info="Draconic74: 'Overrides held weapons limit.'" info_img="" value="24"/>
<option name="Holds Triggers When Dropped" value="23"/>
<option name="Prevents Melee Attack" value="22"/>
<option name="Detonates When Dropped" value="21"/>
<option name="Cannot Fire at Maximum Age" value="20"/>
<option name="Secondary Trigger Overrides Grenades" value="19"/>
<option name="(OBSOLETE) Does Not Depower Active Camo in Multiplayer" value="18"/>
<option name="Enables Integrated Night Vision" value="17"/>
<option name="AIs Use Weapon Melee Damage" value="16"/>
<string32 name="Weapon.Label" note="" info="the string used to match this weapon to an animation mode in the unit carrying it; Fuel: 'Weapon/User Ability'; originally a string32 value, enum32 was also provided at the request of Mgalekgolo from MGM." info_img="weap Weapon.png" offset="0x30C" visible="true"/>
<enum32 name="Weapon.Label" note="" info="the string used to match this weapon to an animation mode in the unit carrying it; Fuel: 'Weapon/User Ability'; originally a string32 value, enum32 was also provided at the request of Mgalekgolo from MGM." info_img="weap Weapon.png" offset="0x30C" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="AI: Sentinel Beam (ar)" value="1694528097"/>
<option name="Special: Skull Ball (b)" value="98"/>
<option name="Special: Flag (f)" value="1811939430"/>
<option name="Vehicle (Covenant): Type-26 Banshee; Type-32 RAV Ghost; Type-25 (and Type-52?) Wraith (gun)" value="7239015"/>
<option name="Vehicle (Covenant): Type-26 ASG Shade Gun Turret; DX-class Spirit Dropship (gt)" value="29799"/>
<option name="Vehicle (Human): M12 Warthog (cg)" value="26467"/>
<option name="Vehicle (Human): M808B MBT Scorpion (cannon)" value="1852727651"/>
<option name="Weapon (Human): MA5 Assault Rifle; Gravity Rifle (ar)" value="1811968609"/>
<option name="Weapon (Human): M7057 Flamethrower (ft)" value="1811969126"/>
<option name="Weapon (Human): M6 Pistol (hp)" value="28776"/>
<option name="Weapon (Human): M19 SSM / M41 SSR Rocket Launcher (rl)" value="1811967090"/>
<option name="Weapon (Human): M90 CAWS Shotgun (sg)" value="1811965811"/>
<option name="Weapon (Human): 99D-S2 Sniper Rifle (sr)" value="1811968627"/>
<option name="Weapon, Melee (Covenant): Energy Sword (fb)" value="25190"/>
<option name="Weapon (Covenant): Type-33 Fuel Rod Gun (fr)" value="1811968614"/>
<option name="Weapon (Covenant): Type-33 GML Needler (ne)" value="1811965294"/>
<option name="Weapon (Covenant): Plasma Pistol (pp)" value="1811968112"/>
<option name="Weapon (Covenant): Plasma Rifle (pr)" value="1811968624"/>
<option name="Weapon (Covenant): Plasma Cannon (pc)" value="1811964784"/>
<enum16 name="Weapon.Secondary Trigger Mode" note="" info="" info_img="weap Weapon.png" offset="0x32C" visible="true">
<option name="Normal" value="00"/>
<option name="Slaved to Primary" value="01"/>
<option name="Inhibits Primary" value="02"/>
<option name="Loads Alternate Ammunition" value="03"/>
<option name="Loads Multiple Primary Ammunition" value="04"/>
<short name="Weapon.Maximum Alternate Shots Loaded" note="" info="if the secondary trigger loads alternate ammunition, this is the maximum number of shots that can be loaded at a time" info_img="weap Weapon.png" offset="0x32E" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Export to Functions.A in" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x330" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Heat" value="01"/>
<option name="Primary Ammunition" value="02"/>
<option name="Secondary Ammunition" value="03"/>
<option name="Primary Rate of Fire" value="04"/>
<option name="Secondary Rate of Fire" value="05"/>
<option name="Ready" value="06"/>
<option name="Primary Ejection Port" value="07"/>
<option name="Secondary Ejection Port" value="08"/>
<option name="Overheated" value="09"/>
<option name="Primary Charged" value="10"/>
<option name="Secondary Charged" value="11"/>
<option name="Illumination" value="12"/>
<option name="Age" value="13"/>
<option name="Integrated Light" value="14"/>
<option name="Primary Firing" value="15"/>
<option name="Secondary Firing" value="16"/>
<option name="Primary Firing On" value="17"/>
<option name="Secondary Firing On" value="18"/>
<enum16 name="Export to Functions.B in" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x332" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Heat" value="01"/>
<option name="Primary Ammunition" value="02"/>
<option name="Secondary Ammunition" value="03"/>
<option name="Primary Rate of Fire" value="04"/>
<option name="Secondary Rate of Fire" value="05"/>
<option name="Ready" value="06"/>
<option name="Primary Ejection Port" value="07"/>
<option name="Secondary Ejection Port" value="08"/>
<option name="Overheated" value="09"/>
<option name="Primary Charged" value="10"/>
<option name="Secondary Charged" value="11"/>
<option name="Illumination" value="12"/>
<option name="Age" value="13"/>
<option name="Integrated Light" value="14"/>
<option name="Primary Firing" value="15"/>
<option name="Secondary Firing" value="16"/>
<option name="Primary Firing On" value="17"/>
<option name="Secondary Firing On" value="18"/>
<enum16 name="Export to Functions.C in" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x334" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Heat" value="01"/>
<option name="Primary Ammunition" value="02"/>
<option name="Secondary Ammunition" value="03"/>
<option name="Primary Rate of Fire" value="04"/>
<option name="Secondary Rate of Fire" value="05"/>
<option name="Ready" value="06"/>
<option name="Primary Ejection Port" value="07"/>
<option name="Secondary Ejection Port" value="08"/>
<option name="Overheated" value="09"/>
<option name="Primary Charged" value="10"/>
<option name="Secondary Charged" value="11"/>
<option name="Illumination" value="12"/>
<option name="Age" value="13"/>
<option name="Integrated Light" value="14"/>
<option name="Primary Firing" value="15"/>
<option name="Secondary Firing" value="16"/>
<option name="Primary Firing On" value="17"/>
<option name="Secondary Firing On" value="18"/>
<enum16 name="Export to Functions.D in" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x336" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="00"/>
<option name="Heat" value="01"/>
<option name="Primary Ammunition" value="02"/>
<option name="Secondary Ammunition" value="03"/>
<option name="Primary Rate of Fire" value="04"/>
<option name="Secondary Rate of Fire" value="05"/>
<option name="Ready" value="06"/>
<option name="Primary Ejection Port" value="07"/>
<option name="Secondary Ejection Port" value="08"/>
<option name="Overheated" value="09"/>
<option name="Primary Charged" value="10"/>
<option name="Secondary Charged" value="11"/>
<option name="Illumination" value="12"/>
<option name="Age" value="13"/>
<option name="Integrated Light" value="14"/>
<option name="Primary Firing" value="15"/>
<option name="Secondary Firing" value="16"/>
<option name="Primary Firing On" value="17"/>
<option name="Secondary Firing On" value="18"/>
<float name="Export to Functions.Ready Time" note="seconds" info="" info_img="" offset="0x338" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Export to Functions.Ready Effect" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x33C" visible="true"/>
<float name="Heat.Heat Recovery Threshold" note="0 - 1 only" info="the heat value a weapon must return to after overheating in order to be usable again" info_img="" offset="0x34C" visible="true"/>
<float name="Heat.Overheated Threshold" note="0 - 1 only" info="the maximum heat value the weapon can withstand before overheating" info_img="" offset="0x350" visible="true"/>
<float name="Heat.Heat Detonation Threshold" note="0 - 1 only" info="the heat value above which the weapon has a chance of exploding each time it is fired" info_img="" offset="0x354" visible="true"/>
<float name="Heat.Heat Detonation Fraction" note="0 - 1 only" info="the percent chance (0.0 to 1.0) the weapon will explode when fired over the heat detonation threshold" info_img="" offset="0x358" visible="true"/>
<float name="Heat.Heat Loss per Second" note="0 - 1 only" info="the amount of heat lost per second when the weapon is not being fired" info_img="" offset="0x35C" visible="true"/>
<float name="Heat.Heat Illumination" note="0 - 1 only" info="the amount of illumination given off when the weapon is overheated" info_img="" offset="0x360" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Heat.Overheated" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x374" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Heat.Detonation" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x384" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Player Melee Damage" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x394" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Player Melee Response" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x3A4" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Actor Firing Parameters" note="" info="" info_img="weap Actor Firing Parameters.png" offset="0x3BC" visible="true"/>
<float name="Reticle.Near Reticle Range" note="world units" info="the range at which the closer of the two static target reticles will be drawn" info_img="" offset="0x3CC" visible="true"/>
<float name="Reticle.Far Reticle Range" note="world units" info="the range at which the farther of the two static target reticles will be drawn" info_img="" offset="0x3D0" visible="true"/>
<float name="Reticle.Intersection Reticle Range" note="world units" info="the maximum range at which the dynamic target reticle will be drawn" info_img="" offset="0x3D4" visible="true"/>
<short name="Zoom.Magnification Levels" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x3DA" visible="true"/>
<float name="Zoom.Magnification Range: from" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x3DC" visible="true"/>
<float name="Zoom.Magnification Range: to" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x3E0" visible="true"/>
<float name="Aim Assist.Autoaim Angle" note="radians" info="the maximum angle that autoaim works at full strength" info_img="" offset="0x3E4" visible="true"/>
<float name="Aim Assist.Autoaim Range" note="world units" info="the maximum distance that autoaim works at full strength" info_img="" offset="0x3E8" visible="true"/>
<float name="Aim Assist.Magnetism Angle" note="radians" info="the maximum angle that magnetism works at full strength" info_img="" offset="0x3EC" visible="true"/>
<float name="Aim Assist.Magnetism Range" note="world units" info="the maximum distance that magnetism works at full strength" info_img="" offset="0x3F0" visible="true"/>
<float name="Aim Assist.Deviation Angle" note="radians" info="the naximum angle that a projectile is allowed to deviate from the gun barrel" info_img="" offset="0x3F4" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Movement.Movement Penalized" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x3FC" visible="true">
<option name="Always" value="00"/>
<option name="When Zoomed" value="01"/>
<option name="When Zoomed or Reloading" value="02"/>
<float name="Movement.Forward Movement Penalty" note="" info="percent slowdown to forward movement for units carrying this weapon" info_img="" offset="0x400" visible="true"/>
<float name="Movement.Sideways Movement Penalty" note="" info="percent slowdown to sideways and backward movement for units carrying this weapon" info_img="" offset="0x404" visible="true"/>
<float name="AI Targeting Parameters.Minimum Target Range" note="" info="minimum range of an enemy from the actor where the actor will use this weapon" info_img="" offset="0x40C" visible="true"/>
<float name="AI Targeting Parameters.Looking Time Modifier" note="0 = unchanged" info="how much faster actors look around idly when using this weapon" info_img="" offset="0x410" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Light Power-On Time" note="seconds" info="" info_img="" offset="0x418" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Light Power-Off Time" note="seconds" info="" info_img="" offset="0x41C" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Miscellaneous.Light Power-On Effect" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x420" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Miscellaneous.Light Power-Off Effect" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x430" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Age Heat Recovery Penalty" note="" info="how much the weapon's heat recovery is penalized as it ages" info_img="" offset="0x440" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Age Rate of Fire Penalty" note="" info="how much the weapon's rate of fire is penalized as it ages" info_img="" offset="0x444" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Age Misfire Start" note="0 - 1 only" info="the age threshold when the weapon begins to misfire" info_img="" offset="0x448" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Age Misfire Chance" note="0 - 1 only" info="at age 1.0, the misfire chance per shot" info_img="" offset="0x44C" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Interface.First Person Model" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x45C" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Interface.First Person Animations" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x46C" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Interface.HUD Interface" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x480" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Interface.Pickup Sound" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x490" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Interface.Zoom-In Sound" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x4A0" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Interface.Zoom-Out Sound" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x4B0" visible="true"/>
<float name="Interface.Active Camo Ding" note="" info="how much to decrease active camo when a round is fired" info_img="" offset="0x4CC" visible="true"/>
<float name="Interface.Active Camo Regrowth Rate" note="" info="how fast to increase active camo (per tick, or 1/30th of a second) when a round is fired" info_img="" offset="0x4D0" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="More Miscellaneous.Weapon Type" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x4E2" visible="true">
<option name="Undefined" value="00"/>
<option name="Shotgun" value="01"/>
<option name="Needler" value="02"/>
<option name="Plasma Pistol" value="03"/>
<option name="Plasma Rifle" value="04"/>
<struct name="Magazines" note="" info="1 = primary, 2 = secondary" info_img="" offset="0x4F0" visible="true" size="112">
<bitmask32 name="Flags" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x0" visible="true">
<option name="Wastes Rounds When Reloaded" value="31"/>
<option name="Every Round Must Be Chambered" value="30"/>
<short name="Rounds Recharged" note="per second" info="" info_img="" offset="0x4" visible="true"/>
<short name="Rounds Total Initial" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x6" visible="true"/>
<short name="Rounds Total Maximum" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x8" visible="true"/>
<short name="Rounds Loaded Maximum" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0xA" visible="true"/>
<float name="Reload Time" note="" info="the length of time it takes to load a single magazine into the weapon" info_img="" offset="0x14" visible="true"/>
<short name="Rounds Reloaded" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x18" visible="true"/>
<float name="Chamber Time" note="" info="the length of time it takes to chamber the next round" info_img="" offset="0x1C" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Reloading Effect" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x38" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Chambering Effect" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x48" visible="true"/>
<struct name="(Equipment) Magazines" note="" info="1 = primary, 2 = secondary" info_img="" offset="0x64" visible="true" size="28">
<short name="(Equipment) Rounds" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x0" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Equipment" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0xC" visible="true"/>
<struct name="Triggers" note="" info="1 = primary, 2 = secondary" info_img="" offset="0x4FC" visible="true" size="276">
<bitmask32 name="Flags" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x0" visible="true">
<option name="Tracks Fired Projectile" note="" info="poo poo ca ca pee pee; Sparky says, 'Say whaaaaaaa?!'" info_img="" value="31"/>
<option name="Random Firing Effects" note="" info="rather than being chosen sequentially, firing effects are chosen randomly" info_img="" value="30"/>
<option name="Can Fire With Partial Ammo" note="" info="allows a weapon to be fired as long as there is a non-zero amount of ammunition loaded" info_img="" value="29"/>
<option name="Does Not Repeat Automatically" note="" info="once fired, this trigger must be released and pressed to fire again" info_img="" value="28"/>
<option name="Locks in On/Off State" note="" info="once depressed, this trigger must be released and pressed again to turn it off (and likewise to turn it back on)" info_img="" value="27"/>
<option name="Projectiles Use Weapon Origin" note="" info="instead of coming out of the magic first person camera origin, the projectiles for this weapon actually come out of the gun" info_img="" value="26"/>
<option name="Sticks When Dropped" note="" info="if this trigger is pressed when its owner drops the weapon (for whatever reason), this trigger stays down" info_img="" value="25"/>
<option name="Ejects During Chamber" note="" info="this trigger's ejection port is started during the key frame of its chamber animation" info_img="" value="24"/>
<option name="Discharging Spews" value="23"/>
<option name="Analog Rate of Fire" note="" info="Sparky says, 'this may help with lag'" info_img="" value="22"/>
<option name="Use Error When Unzoomed" value="21"/>
<option name="Projectile Vector Cannot Be Adjusted" note="" info="projectiles fired by this weapon cannot have their direction adjusted by the AI to hit the target" info_img="" value="20"/>
<option name="Projectiles Have Identical Error" value="19"/>
<option name="Projectile is Client-Side Only" value="18"/>
<float name="Firing.Rounds per Second: from" note="" info="the number of firing effects created per second" info_img="" offset="0x4" visible="true"/>
<float name="Firing.Rounds per Second: to" note="" info="the number of firing effects created per second" info_img="" offset="0x8" visible="true"/>
<float name="Firing.Acceleration Time" note="" info="the continuous firing time it takes for the weapon to achieve its final rounds per second" info_img="" offset="0xC" visible="true"/>
<float name="Firing.Deceleration Time" note="" info="the continuous idle time it takes for the weapon to return from its final rounds per second to its initial" info_img="" offset="0x10" visible="true"/>
<float name="Firing.Blurred Rate of Fire" note="0 - 1 only" info="a percentage between 0 and 1 which controls how soon in its firing animation the weapon blurs" info_img="" offset="0x14" visible="true"/>
<index name="Firing.Magazine" note="" info="Chunk 1 = primary, Chunk 2 = secondary; the magazine from which this trigger draws its ammunition" info_img="" offset="0x20" reflexive="Main:Magazines (1 = primary, 2 = secondary)" visible="true"/>
<short name="Firing.Rounds per Shot" note="" info="the number of rounds expended to create a single firing effect" info_img="" offset="0x22" visible="true"/>
<short name="Firing.Minimum Rounds Loaded" note="" info="the minimum number of rounds necessary to fire the weapon" info_img="" offset="0x24" visible="true"/>
<short name="Firing.Rounds Between Tracers" note="" info="the number of non-tracer rounds fired between tracers" info_img="" offset="0x26" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Firing.Firing Noise" note="" info="how loud this weapon sounds to the AI" info_img="" offset="0x2E" visible="true">
<option name="Silent" value="0"/>
<option name="Medium" value="1"/>
<option name="Loud" value="2"/>
<option name="Shout" value="3"/>
<option name="Quiet" value="4"/>
<float name="Error.Error: from" note="0 - 1 only" info="the accuracy between 0 and 1 of the weapon during firing" info_img="" offset="0x30" visible="true"/>
<float name="Error.Error: to" note="0 - 1 only" info="the accuracy between 0 and 1 of the weapon during firing" info_img="" offset="0x34" visible="true"/>
<float name="Error.Acceleration Time" note="seconds" info="the continuous firing time it takes for the weapon to achieve its final error" info_img="" offset="0x38" visible="true"/>
<float name="Error.Deceleration Time" note="seconds" info="the continuous idle time it takes for the weapon to return its initial error" info_img="" offset="0x3C" visible="true"/>
<float name="Charging.Charging Time" note="seconds" info="the amount of time it takes for this trigger to become fully charged" info_img="" offset="0x48" visible="true"/>
<float name="Charging.Charged Time" note="seconds" info="the amount of time this trigger can be charged before becoming overcharged" info_img="" offset="0x4C" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Charging.Overcharged Action" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x50" visible="true">
<option name="None" value="0"/>
<option name="Explode" value="1"/>
<option name="Discharge" value="2"/>
<float name="Charging.Charged Illumination" note="0 - 1 only" info="the amount of illumination given off when the weapon is fully charged" info_img="" offset="0x54" visible="true"/>
<float name="Charging.Spew Time" note="seconds" info="length of time the weapon will spew (fire continuously) while discharging" info_img="" offset="0x58" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Charging.Charging Effect" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x5C" visible="true"/>
<enum16 name="Projectile.Distribution Function" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x6C" visible="true">
<option name="Point" value="0"/>
<option name="Horizontal Fan" value="1"/>
<short name="Projectile.Projectiles per Shot" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x6E" visible="true"/>
<float name="Projectile.Distribution Angle" note="degrees" info="" info_img="" offset="0x70" visible="true"/>
<float name="Projectile.Minimum Error" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x78" visible="true"/>
<float name="Projectile.Error Angle: from" note="radians" info="" info_img="" offset="0x7C" visible="true"/>
<float name="Projectile.Error Angle: to" note="radians" info="" info_img="" offset="0x80" visible="true"/>
<float name="Projectile.First Person Offset: x" note="" info="+x is forward, +z is up, +y is left" info_img="" offset="0x84" visible="true"/>
<float name="Projectile.First Person Offset: y" note="" info="+x is forward, +z is up, +y is left" info_img="" offset="0x88" visible="true"/>
<float name="Projectile.First Person Offset: z" note="" info="+x is forward, +z is up, +y is left" info_img="" offset="0x8C" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Projectile.Projectile" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x94" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Ejection Port Recovery Time" note="seconds" info="the amount of time it takes the ejection port to transition from 1.0 (open) to 0.0 (closed) after a shot has been fired" info_img="" offset="0xA4" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Illumination Recovery Time" note="seconds" info="the amount of time it takes the illumination function to transition from 1.0 (bright) to 0.0 (dark) after a shot has been fired" info_img="" offset="0xA8" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Heat Generated per Round" note="0 - 1 only" info="the amount of heat generated from each shot" info_img="" offset="0xB8" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Age Generated per Round" note="0 - 1 only" info="the amount the weapon ages each time the trigger is fired" info_img="" offset="0xBC" visible="true"/>
<float name="Miscellaneous.Overload Time" note="seconds" info="the next trigger fires this often while holding down this trigger" info_img="" offset="0xC4" visible="true"/>
<struct name="Firing Effects" note="" info="" info_img="" offset="0x108" visible="true" size="132">
<short name="Shot Count Lower Bound" note="" info="the minimum number of times this firing effect will be used once it has been chosen" info_img="" offset="0x0" visible="true"/>
<short name="Shot Count Upper Bound" note="" info="the maximum number of times this firing effect will be used once it has been chosen" info_img="" offset="0x2" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Firing Effect" note="" info="this sound or effect is used when the weapon is loaded and fired normally" info_img="" offset="0x24" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Misfire Effect" note="" info="this sound or effect is used when the weapon is loaded but fired while overheated" info_img="" offset="0x34" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Empty Effect" note="" info="this sound or effect is used when the weapon is not loaded" info_img="" offset="0x44" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Firing Damage" note="" info="this jpt! is used when the weapon is loaded and fired normally" info_img="" offset="0x54" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Misfire Damage" note="" info="this jpt! is used when the weapon is loaded but fired while overheated" info_img="" offset="0x64" visible="true"/>
<dependency name="Empty Damage" note="" info="this jpt! is used when the weapon is not loaded" info_img="" offset="0x74" visible="true"/>
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