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Created November 28, 2022 17:55
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Toggle for debug echoing
# set -x
# Turn some bugs into errors
set -o errexit -o pipefail -o noclobber -o nounset
# Shellcheck is a utility which checks bash scripts for common errors and weak
# points in the language. If you need to suppress an error, put a suppression
# comment before the offending line. E.g. `# shellcheck disable=SC2086`.
shellcheck "$(dirname "$0")/"*
# Function definitions
cat << USAGE
Usage: $(basename "$0") [-a <arch>] -B <builddir> [-n <buildnumber>]
[-m <mirror>] [--sdk <package>] [-s <suite>]
-a, --arch CPU architecture to build for (i386, amd64, armhf, arm64)
-B, --builddir working directory and artifact output
-n, --buildnumber buildnumber to be concatenated to the release version
-c, --clean destroy and reprovision the cached build environment
-h, --help print this usage message
-m, --mirror mirror to download packages from
-S, --sdk path to a .deb build-time dependency. can be specified multiple times.
-s, --suite OS release to build for (stretch, buster, xenial, bionic)
# Given a filepath argument, attempt to umount that path.
if [ ! -d "$upath" ]; then
echo "Folder \"$upath\" doesn't exist, therefore it isn't mounted."
return 0
upath="$(realpath "$upath")"
echo "Attempting to umount \"$upath\"..."
declare -i attempts
# Keep attempting to umount as long as this verbatim path appears in the mount list
while mount | awk '{print $3}' | grep -qe "^$upath$"; do
echo "+ umount -R \"$upath\""
umount -R "$upath"
if (( attempts > 10 )); then
echo "Ten failed umount attempts; exiting..."
return 1
# Parse options
# Ensure that we have a version of getopt recent enough to understand --longoptions.
! getopt --test > /dev/null
if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 4 ]]; then
echo "getopt too old: \`getopt --test\` failed to parse in this environment." >&2
exit 1
# -use ! and PIPESTATUS to get exit code with errexit set
# -temporarily store output to be able to check for errors
# -activate quoting/enhanced mode (e.g. by writing out “--options”)
# -pass arguments only via -- "$@" to separate them correctly
! PARSED=$(getopt --options=$OPTIONS --longoptions=$LONGOPTS --name "$0" -- "$@")
if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ]]; then
# getopt has complained about wrong arguments to stdout.
exit 2
# Read getopt’s output this way to handle the quoting right.
eval set -- "$PARSED"
# Set default option values.
# Parse options.
while true; do
case "$1" in
-a|--arch) ARCH="$2"; shift 2;;
-B|--builddir) BUILDDIR="$(realpath "$2")"; shift 2;;
-n|--buildnumber) BUILDNUMBER="$2"; shift 2;;
-c|--clean) CLEAN="true"; shift 1;;
-h|--help) usage; exit 0;;
-m|--mirror) MIRROR="$2"; shift 2;;
-S|--sdk) SDK+=("$2"); shift 2;;
-s|--suite) SUITE="$2"; shift 2;;
--) shift; break;;
*) echo "ERROR: Unknown option $1" >&2; usage; exit 1;;
# Ensure elevated permissions.
if [[ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Rerun this script using elevated permissions." >&2
exit 1
# Ensure mandatory option.
if [[ -z "$BUILDDIR" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Missing --builddir option" >&2
exit 1
# If the mirror is undefined then use defaults.
if [[ -z $MIRROR ]]; then
case "$SUITE" in
case "$ARCH" in
echo "ERROR: Architecture $ARCH has not been tested." >&2
exit 1
echo "ERROR: Suite $SUITE has not been tested." >&2
exit 1
# Xenial's debootstrap is too old to know about buster.
# If there is no buster script, just use sid's, since it's identical anyway.
if [ -f /usr/share/deboostrap/scripts/buster ]; then
ln -s /usr/share/deboostrap/scripts/sid /usr/share/deboostrap/scripts/buster
echo "This script: [$0]"
# Usually the script is sitting within the source repo.
pushd "$(dirname "$0")/../../"
SRC_ROOT="$(realpath "$PWD")"
echo "Project source folder is: [$SRC_ROOT]"
# Disallow build folders inside the source tree to prevent accidentally including
# build artifacts in the packages.
if [[ "$BUILDDIR" == "$SRC_ROOT"* ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Choose a builddir outside the source tree." >&2
exit 1
# Provision build environment
# In order that builds should be clean and predictable, provision a pristine
# build environment using debootstrap. This ensures we only build and link
# against the intended code and libraries.
# Since the build environment will initially be the same each time, save time
# and bandwidth time by caching it under /var/cache/buildchroot/ and mount it
# read-only using overlayfs. Writes are redirected to folders under $BUILDDIR.
if [[ ! -z $CLEAN ]]; then
echo "Deleting cached build environment $PRISTINE_BUILDCHROOT"
if [[ -d $PRISTINE_BUILDCHROOT ]]; then
echo "Build environment already exists! Using cache..."
echo "Build environment does not exist yet. Creating..."
dpkg --add-architecture "$ARCH"
# use true to ignore apt-get failures in pipelines
apt-get update || true
qemu-debootstrap --arch "$ARCH" "$SUITE" "$PRISTINE_BUILDCHROOT" "$MIRROR"
# Initial setup beyond what debootstrap does.
# We want to cache this too, because installing build-essential is slow.
cp "$SRC_ROOT/scripts/debian/" "$PRISTINE_BUILDCHROOT"
chroot "$PRISTINE_BUILDCHROOT" /bin/bash -c "su - -c '/'"
# Debian package builds do not support incremental builds.
# Ensure we start with a clean (although possibly cached) build environment.
tryumount "$BUILDCHROOT/dev/"
tryumount "$BUILDCHROOT/sys/"
tryumount "$BUILDCHROOT/proc/"
tryumount "$BUILDCHROOT"
rm -rf "${BUILDDIR:?}"/*"-$SUITE-$ARCH"
# Do our work in an overlay on top of the read-only pristine environment.
mkdir -p "$BUILDCHROOT"
mkdir -p "$UPPERDIR"
mkdir -p "$WORKDIR"
mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir="$PRISTINE_BUILDCHROOT",upperdir="$UPPERDIR",workdir="$WORKDIR" "$BUILDCHROOT"
# Create source package
# Debian binary packages are derived from source packages, which obey certain
# rules. After we have wrapped our code & manifests into a source package, we
# should not edit them during the build process or dpkg will complain that the
# files have changed.
# Make last-minute code edits before saving code into the source package.
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
source "$(dirname "$0")/" "$BUILDNUMBER"
# Parse name and version from the changelog
pushd "$SRC_ROOT"
PKG_NAME=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -S Source)
PKG_VERSION=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -S Version | sed -rne 's,([^-\+]+)(\+dfsg)?.*,\1,p')
echo "Package name: $PKG_NAME"
echo "Package version: $PKG_VERSION"
echo "Full package name: $PKG_FULLNAME"
# Debian wants the source folder name to match the package name and version when we build the source package.
# Unfortunately the tools don't respect symbolic links and want to place files in the true parent folder.
# To prevent clutter, make a temporary mount location and wrap the source package there.
# This prevents race conditions when building multiple architectures at once: each invocation wraps the
# source package in a separate folder, instead of thrashing each other in "$SRC_ROOT/.."
SRC_TMP=$(mktemp -d)
mkdir -p "$SRC_SRC"
mount --bind "$SRC_ROOT" "$SRC_SRC"
pushd "$SRC_SRC"
# Let dpkg do it's thing.
dpkg-source --before-build .
fakeroot debian/rules clean
echo Creating tarball...
tar caf "../${PKG_FULLNAME}.orig.tar.gz" --exclude "./debian" --exclude "./.git" --exclude "./buildout" .
echo Creating source package...
dpkg-source --build .
# Copy the three components of the source package into the build environment:
# description, upstream source, debian-specific
mkdir -p "$BUILDCHROOT/home/builder/"
cp "$SRC_TMP/$PKG_FULLNAME"*.{dsc,orig.tar.gz,debian.tar.xz} "$BUILDCHROOT/home/builder/"
# Cleanup the temp folder we used for source packaging
umount -lR "$SRC_SRC"
rm -rf "$SRC_TMP"
# Build binary package
# Copy the source package and its dependencies into the build environment, then build it.
# All dependencies should be declared in debian/control.
# Any package available in the official repos will be installed automatically.
# If a package is not available from the official repos, use the --sdk argument to
cp "$SRC_ROOT/scripts/debian/" "$BUILDCHROOT"
# Copy over non-repo dependencies
if [[ ${#SDK[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "No non-repo dependencies to copy."
mkdir -p "$BUILDCHROOT/deps"
echo "Copying ${#SDK[@]} non-repo dependencies into build environment..."
for sdk in "${SDK[@]}"; do
echo "Copying dependency '$sdk'"
# Use unquoted ls to resolve wildcards in paths.
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
sdk_realpath="$(ls -- $sdk)"
echo "Real path is '$sdk_realpath'"
cp "$sdk_realpath" "$BUILDCHROOT/deps"
echo "Non-repo dependencies have been copied:"
ls "$BUILDCHROOT/deps"
# Make proc, sys, and dev visible to the build environment (needed for many tasks).
mount -t proc /proc "$BUILDCHROOT/proc/"
mount --rbind --make-rslave /sys "$BUILDCHROOT/sys/"
mount --rbind --make-rslave /dev "$BUILDCHROOT/dev/"
# Run the remaining steps inside the build environment.
chroot "$BUILDCHROOT" /bin/bash -c "su - -c '/ $BUILDNUMBER'"
# Copy binary packages out of chroot environment.
mkdir -p "$ARTIFACTDIR"
cp "${BUILDCHROOT}/home/builder/"*.deb "$ARTIFACTDIR"
tryumount "$BUILDCHROOT/dev/"
tryumount "$BUILDCHROOT/sys/"
tryumount "$BUILDCHROOT/proc/"
tryumount "$BUILDCHROOT"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Toggle for debug echoing
set -x
# Turn some bugs into errors.
set -o errexit -o pipefail -o noclobber -o nounset
# If a glob doesn't match, expand to nothing
shopt -s nullglob
# Extract source package and cd into the folder.
pushd /home/builder || exit 1
dpkg-source -x ./*.dsc
pushd ./*/ || exit 1
# Install non-repo build dependencies.
for debfile in /deps/*.deb; do
dpkg -i "$debfile"
# Install any missing dependencies of those packages.
apt-get install -y -f
# Install repo build dependencies.
mk-build-deps -i -t "apt-get -y"
# Clang
apt-get install -y clang
pushd /usr/bin
echo "Forcibly replacing C compilers with Clang..."
for filename in /usr/bin/*gcc{,-[0-9]*}; do
rm "$filename"
ln -s clang "$filename"
echo "Forcibly replacing C++ compilers with Clang++..."
for filename in /usr/bin/{g++,*gnu-cpp,*gnu-g++}{,-[0-9]*}; do
rm "$filename"
ln -s clang++ "$filename"
# Build binary package.
if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then
debuild -uc -us --source-option=--include-binaries
debuild --set-envvar BUILDNUMBER="$1" -uc -us --source-option=--include-binaries
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Toggle for debug echoing
set -x
# Turn some bugs into errors.
set -o errexit -o pipefail -o nounset
# First install and configure the language and timezone.
apt-get update
apt-get install -y locales tzdata
# Uncomment the en_US locale.
sed -i -e 's/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen
echo 'LANG="en_US.UTF-8"' > /etc/default/locale
# Regenerate locale.
dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales
update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
# Configure timezone.
echo "America/Los_Angeles" > /etc/timezone
dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata
# If Ubuntu, enable all repos so we can install build dependencies.
if grep -q Ubuntu "/etc/"; then
apt-get install -y software-properties-common lsb-release
case $(uname -m) in
*86*) repo= ;;
*) repo= ;;
suite=$(lsb_release -sc)
add-apt-repository "deb $repo $suite main universe restricted multiverse"
add-apt-repository "deb $repo ${suite}-updates main universe restricted multiverse"
add-apt-repository "deb $repo ${suite}-backports main universe restricted multiverse"
add-apt-repository "deb $repo ${suite}-security main universe restricted multiverse"
apt-get update
# Ensure we get the latest package updates. Specifically gcc-5-base version 5.4.0 for Xenial.
if [[ "$suite" == "xenial" ]]; then
# Upgrade hangs on the console-setup package unless we provide this answer ahead of time.
echo "console-setup console-setup/charmap47 select UTF-8" > encoding.conf
debconf-set-selections encoding.conf
rm encoding.conf
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install -y equivs
# The 'buildd' flavor of debootstrap should already have picked these up, but just in case...
apt-get install -y build-essential devscripts
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ensure elevated permissions
if [[ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Rerun this script using elevated permissions." >&2
exit 1
apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential debhelper debianutils devscripts \
binfmt-support qemu qemu-user-static debootstrap \
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Edit debian/changelog version to match {RELEASE_VERSION}-1
sed -i -r "1 s/\\([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\)/($RELEASE_VERSION-1)/" "$SRC_ROOT/debian/changelog"
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