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Last active September 23, 2018 09:21
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  • Save Chaffelson/21b3ba85d99c91f695ab21bbc44bc21b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Chaffelson/21b3ba85d99c91f695ab21bbc44bc21b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
RENAME THIS FILE TO .profile.yml before putting your secrets in it, so you don't commit them to the repo!
Then delete these two lines - they are here to cause an error if you don't read instructions
EC2: # EC2 matches the Provider Service name that libcloud uses, do not change for AWS users
key: ... # Key for your AWS Credential
secret: ... # Secret for your AWS Credential
region: eu-central-1 # Region to deploy everything in
infraarn: arn:aws:iam::<account>:instance-profile/<InfRoleName> # ARN for Cloudbreak Credential, see bottom note #1
credarn: arn:aws:iam::<account>:instance-profile/<CredRoleName> # ARN for Cloudbreak Credential, see bottom note #1
namespace: whoville- # This namespace will be prefixed to any object created in a session
globalpurge: false # CAUTION: Whoville will delete anything it finds starting with this namespace when set
email: # Email to login to Cloudbreak, does not have to be real email address
username: admin # Username applied to Clusters, some demos have it hardcoded
password: admin-password1 # Username applied to Clusters, some demos have it hardcoded
sshkey_name: <sshkeyname> # Name for your SSH Keypair, either to be created or already existing
sshkey_pub: ssh-rsa ... # Public key for your SSH Keypair
githubuser: # Github username if you want to pull directly from Github
githubtoken: # Account token for Github, see bottom note #2
- loc: local # local or github are accepted
uri: resources/v2 # Path to resources. If using from Docker ensure the volume is mounted appropriately
objectstore: s3 # Objectstore to target if using objectstore backing for services
bucket: whoville # Bucketname in Objectstore if using objectstore backing for services
bucketrole: arn:aws:iam::<account>:instance-profile/<CredRoleName> # ARN for Cloudbreak Credential, see bottom note #1
# Note #1
# Cloudbreak works best on AWS from Credential Roles rather than Keys, particularly if you want to use S3
# See the following guide for creating suitable roles
# Note #2
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