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array manipulation ops

Runtime Features

  5. CAFFE : ✖ CAFFE
  6. CPU_AVX : ✔ CPU_AVX
  7. CPU_AVX2 : ✖ CPU_AVX2
  8. CPU_SSE : ✔ CPU_SSE
  9. CPU_SSE2 : ✔ CPU_SSE2
  10. CPU_SSE3 : ✔ CPU_SSE3
  11. CPU_SSE4A : ✖ CPU_SSE4A
  12. CPU_SSE4_1 : ✔ CPU_SSE4_1
  13. CPU_SSE4_2 : ✔ CPU_SSE4_2
  14. CUDA : ✖ CUDA
  16. CUDNN : ✖ CUDNN
  17. CXX14 : ✖ CXX14
  18. DEBUG : ✖ DEBUG
  20. F16C : ✔ F16C
  25. NCCL : ✖ NCCL
  30. SSE : ✖ SSE
  32. TVM_OP : ✖ TVM_OP

Benchmark Results

Operator Inputs Max Mem Usage (Storage) (Bytes) Avg Forward Time (ms) Avg. Backward Time (ms)
Activation {'data': (1024, 1024), 'act_type': 'relu'} 1564139.25 0.0566 0.0686
Activation {'data': (1024, 1024), 'act_type': 'sigmoid'} 1566236.375 0.506 0.8792
Activation {'data': (1024, 1024), 'act_type': 'softrelu'} 1568333.5 0.1783 0.8208
Activation {'data': (1024, 1024), 'act_type': 'softsign'} 1570430.625 0.3635 0.0677
Activation {'data': (1024, 1024), 'act_type': 'tanh'} 1572527.75 0.2232 1.7112
BatchNorm {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'gamma': (3,), 'beta': (3,), 'moving_mean': (3,), 'moving_var': (3,), 'eps': 1e-08, 'axis': 1} 416853.1562 2.6452 1.378
BatchNorm {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'gamma': (3,), 'beta': (3,), 'moving_mean': (3,), 'moving_var': (3,), 'eps': 1e-08, 'axis': 1} 442670.25 6.2914 1.9779
BilinearSampler {'data': (32, 2, 256, 256), 'grid': (32, 2, 256, 256)} 25165.8242 103.9467 116.2548
BlockGrad {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.4 ---
BlockGrad {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0101 ---
BlockGrad {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.3253 ---
CTCLoss {'data': (1024, 100, 100), 'label': (100, 100)} 5406962.5 60.1745 ---
Convolution {'data': (32, 3, 64, 64), 'weight': (64, 3, 3, 3), 'bias': (64,), 'kernel': (3, 3), 'stride': (1, 1), 'dilate': (1, 1), 'pad': (0, 0), 'num_filter': 64, 'layout': 'NCHW'} 4707539.5 2.1701 4.1398
Correlation {'data1': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'data2': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'kernel_size': 3, 'max_displacement': 2, 'stride1': 2, 'stride2': 2} 475636.0625 491.1135 2688.7466
Correlation {'data1': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'data2': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'kernel_size': 3, 'max_displacement': 2, 'stride1': 2, 'stride2': 2} 491383.3438 353.6813 1713.1298
Custom {'args': [(1024, 1024)], 'op_type': 'CustomAddOne'} 5530295.0 0.0097 0.0099
Custom {'args': [(10000, 1)], 'op_type': 'CustomAddOne'} 5530295.0 0.0113 0.0093
Custom {'args': [(10000, 10)], 'op_type': 'CustomAddOne'} 5530295.0 0.0101 0.0106
Deconvolution {'data': (32, 3, 64, 64), 'weight': (3, 64, 3, 3), 'bias': (64,), 'kernel': (3, 3), 'stride': (1, 1), 'dilate': (1, 1), 'pad': (0, 0), 'num_filter': 64, 'no_bias': False, 'layout': 'NCHW'} 5386482.0 25.3685 24.9116
Dropout {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'p': 1, 'mode': 'always', 'axes': [0, 1]} 485106.5938 1.4163 0.94
Dropout {'data': (10000, 10), 'p': 1, 'mode': 'always', 'axes': [0, 1]} 472792.625 0.1068 0.0812
ElementWiseSum {'args': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0934 ---
Embedding {'data': (1024, 1024), 'weight': (3, 4), 'input_dim': 3, 'output_dim': 4, 'dtype': 'float32', 'sparse_grad': False} 497758.4375 0.4161 ---
Embedding {'data': (10000, 1), 'weight': (3, 4), 'input_dim': 3, 'output_dim': 4, 'dtype': 'int32', 'sparse_grad': False} 489529.8125 0.0385 ---
Embedding {'data': (10000, 100), 'weight': (3, 4), 'input_dim': 3, 'output_dim': 4, 'dtype': 'float32', 'sparse_grad': False} 505449.8125 0.4026 ---
FullyConnected {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'weight': (64, 196608), 'bias': (64,), 'num_hidden': 64, 'flatten': True} 497462.125 1.7125 4.8088
FullyConnected {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'weight': (64, 10), 'bias': (64,), 'num_hidden': 64, 'flatten': False} 743222.125 44.2965 76.7286
GridGenerator {'data': (32, 2, 256, 256), 'transform_type': 'warp', 'target_shape': (256, 6)} 17039.3594 10.911 8.744
GridGenerator {'data': (256, 6), 'transform_type': 'affine', 'target_shape': (256, 6)} 1582.08 0.5582 1.5901
GroupNorm {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'gamma': (1,), 'beta': (1,), 'num_groups': 1, 'eps': 1e-08} 658091.0 11.7595 175.6284
GroupNorm {'data': (32, 10, 10000, 10), 'gamma': (10,), 'beta': (10,), 'num_groups': 10, 'eps': 1e-08} 895288.6875 52.0266 255.2737
InstanceNorm {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'gamma': (3,), 'beta': (3,), 'eps': 1e-08} 869036.5 11.2944 184.461
InstanceNorm {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'gamma': (3,), 'beta': (3,), 'eps': 1e-08} 894853.625 24.1254 281.2478
L2Normalization {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'eps': 1e-08, 'mode': 'channel'} 917596.25 4.2096 9.7036
L2Normalization {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'eps': 1e-08, 'mode': 'instance'} 925984.9375 0.7249 1.4459
L2Normalization {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'eps': 1e-08, 'mode': 'spatial'} 938568.0 0.6508 7.5462
LRN {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'alpha': 0.001, 'beta': 0.2, 'nsize': 3} 963733.625 22.1928 53.8383
LRN {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'alpha': 0.001, 'beta': 0.2, 'nsize': 3} 989550.6875 46.5718 94.5082
LayerNorm {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'gamma': (32,), 'beta': (32,), 'axis': 0, 'eps': 1e-08} 1008885.875 13.4946 22.2397
LayerNorm {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'gamma': (32,), 'beta': (32,), 'axis': 0, 'eps': 1e-08} 1048485.875 20.7723 33.9548
LeakyReLU {'data': (1024, 1024), 'act_type': 'leaky'} 1576722.125 0.0538 0.0649
LeakyReLU {'data': (1024, 1024), 'act_type': 'elu'} 1578819.25 0.1205 0.76
LeakyReLU {'data': (1024, 1024), 'act_type': 'selu'} 1580916.375 0.7919 0.3222
LeakyReLU {'data': (1024, 1024), 'act_type': 'gelu'} 1583013.625 0.296 2.1755
LinearRegressionOutput {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'label': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'grad_scale': 0.5} 1065834.625 1.5131 ---
LinearRegressionOutput {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'label': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'grad_scale': 0.5} 1091651.625 5.034 ---
LogisticRegressionOutput {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'label': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'grad_scale': 0.5} 1110200.375 4.4785 ---
LogisticRegressionOutput {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'label': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'grad_scale': 0.5} 1136017.5 9.3099 ---
MAERegressionOutput {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'label': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'grad_scale': 0.5} 1154566.25 1.2484 ---
MAERegressionOutput {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'label': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'grad_scale': 0.5} 1180383.375 4.9788 ---
MakeLoss {'data': (1024, 1024), 'grad_scale': 0.5, 'normalization': 'batch'} 5392774.0 0.0569 0.0411
MakeLoss {'data': (10000, 1), 'grad_scale': 0.5, 'normalization': 'batch'} 5390716.5 0.0356 0.031
MakeLoss {'data': (10000, 100), 'grad_scale': 0.5, 'normalization': 'batch'} 5394696.5 0.0611 0.0398
Pooling {'data': (32, 3, 64, 64), 'kernel': (3, 3), 'pool_type': 'sum', 'global_pool': 1, 'stride': (1, 1), 'pad': (0, 0)} 1749846.0 0.5543 0.2783
RNN {'data': (32, 4, 4), 'parameters': (7,), 'state': (1, 4, 1), 'state_size': 1, 'num_layers': 1, 'mode': 'rnn_relu', 'p': 0.5} 1161186.0 0.9437 1.3606
RNN {'data': (512, 10000, 10), 'parameters': (104,), 'state': (2, 10000, 4), 'state_size': 4, 'num_layers': 2, 'mode': 'rnn_tanh', 'p': 0.5} 1284088.375 434.3607 753.2392
ROIPooling {'data': (32, 3, 64, 64), 'rois': (32, 5), 'pooled_size': (2, 2), 'spatial_scale': 0.5} 1749851.875 0.541 0.0435
SVMOutput {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'label': (32, 3, 256), 'margin': 0.5, 'regularization_coefficient': 0.5} 1321837.125 2.5928 29.7243
SVMOutput {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'label': (32, 3, 10000), 'margin': 0.5, 'regularization_coefficient': 0.5} 1347654.25 5.5232 64.2004
SequenceLast {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 5530301.0 0.049 ---
SequenceLast {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 5530299.0 0.0483 ---
SequenceLast {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 5530299.5 0.0477 ---
SequenceMask {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 5536590.5 0.5358 0.2289
SequenceMask {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 5534533.5 0.0406 0.0344
SequenceMask {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 5538513.5 0.3242 0.223
SequenceReverse {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 5542805.0 1.085 1.0869
SequenceReverse {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 5540747.5 0.0704 0.0329
SequenceReverse {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 5544727.5 1.3211 1.2445
Softmax {'data': (1024, 1024), 'label': (1024, 1024), 'grad_scale': 0.5, 'normalization': 'batch'} 1587207.875 0.101 ---
Softmax {'data': (10000, 1), 'label': (10000, 1), 'grad_scale': 0.5, 'normalization': 'batch'} 1585150.75 0.1121 ---
Softmax {'data': (10000, 100), 'label': (10000, 100), 'grad_scale': 0.5, 'normalization': 'batch'} 1589130.75 0.2125 ---
SoftmaxActivation {'data': (1024, 1024)} 1593422.125 0.7383 1.1597
SoftmaxActivation {'data': (10000, 1)} 1591365.0 0.0376 0.0678
SoftmaxActivation {'data': (10000, 100)} 1595345.0 0.7143 1.1253
SoftmaxOutput {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'label': (32, 3, 256), 'grad_scale': 0.5, 'normalization': 'batch'} 1366203.0 4.5316 0.5743
SoftmaxOutput {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'label': (32, 3, 10000), 'grad_scale': 0.5, 'normalization': 'batch'} 1392020.0 9.957 1.5397
SpatialTransformer {'data': (32, 3, 256, 6), 'loc': (32, 6), 'target_shape': (32, 6), 'transform_type': 'affine', 'sampler_type': 'bilinear'} 1372961.0 2.8351 0.5095
SpatialTransformer {'data': (256, 3, 10000, 6), 'loc': (256, 6), 'target_shape': (256, 6), 'transform_type': 'affine', 'sampler_type': 'bilinear'} 1379257.0 182.0544 53.164
SwapAxis {'data': (1024, 1024), 'dim1': 0, 'dim2': 1} 248309.8594 1.4315 1.5278
SwapAxis {'data': (10000, 1), 'dim1': 0, 'dim2': 1} 246252.7188 0.0397 0.0377
SwapAxis {'data': (10000, 100), 'dim1': 0, 'dim2': 1} 250232.7188 1.2698 1.264
UpSampling {'args': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'scale': 2, 'sample_type': 'nearest'} 5549906.5 16.3392 3.3291
UpSampling {'args': (32, 3, 10000, 1), 'scale': 4, 'sample_type': 'nearest'} 5561015.0 10.6011 2.3157
abs {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0434 0.2535
abs {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0139 0.0177
abs {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.0526 0.3456
adam_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'mean': (1024, 1024), 'var': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'beta1': 0.1, 'beta2': 0.1, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4698086.0 0.4284 ---
adam_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'mean': (10000, 1), 'var': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'beta1': 0.5, 'beta2': 0.5, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4696028.5 0.0406 ---
adam_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'mean': (10000, 100), 'var': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'beta1': 0.9, 'beta2': 0.9, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4700008.5 0.7697 ---
add_n {'args': [(1024, 1024)]} 5398911.5 0.0352 ---
add_n {'args': [(10000, 1)]} 5398911.5 0.0364 ---
add_n {'args': [(10000, 10)]} 5398911.5 0.0353 ---
all_finite {'data': (1024, 1024)} 5542727.5 0.092 ---
all_finite {'data': (10000, 1)} 5542727.5 0.0499 ---
all_finite {'data': (10000, 100)} 5542727.5 0.0926 ---
amp_cast {'data': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float32'} 2097.1521 0.0847 0.0733
amp_cast {'data': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'int32'} 20.0 0.352 0.3344
amp_cast {'data': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float32'} 2000.0 0.0872 0.0756
amp_multicast {'args': [(1024, 1024)], 'num_outputs': 1} 0.004 0.0913 0.0808
amp_multicast {'args': [(10000, 1)], 'num_outputs': 1} 0.008 0.0538 0.0504
arccos {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 1.1368 0.9571
arccos {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0376 0.0342
arccos {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.813 0.6066
arccosh {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.6973 0.7103
arccosh {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0459 0.0333
arccosh {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.7189 0.6841
arcsin {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.7536 0.6546
arcsin {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0469 0.0325
arcsin {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.7938 0.7792
arcsinh {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 1.7109 0.5158
arcsinh {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0449 0.035
arcsinh {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 1.5514 0.4768
arctan {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.9648 0.083
arctan {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0377 0.036
arctan {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.9344 0.0813
arctanh {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 1.3064 0.0814
arctanh {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.042 0.0356
arctanh {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 1.2438 0.0809
argmax {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223297.25 7.6787 ---
argmax {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223295.2031 0.0867 ---
argmax {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223295.6094 6.6238 ---
argmax_channel {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2.048 0.2884 ---
argmax_channel {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0385 ---
argmax_channel {'data': (10000, 100)} 20.0 0.303 ---
argmin {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223301.5469 7.6812 ---
argmin {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223299.5 0.0861 ---
argmin {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223299.9062 6.6216 ---
argsort {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float32'} 229591.1562 35.6613 ---
argsort {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'int32'} 227534.0 1.1665 ---
argsort {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float32'} 231514.0 31.1643 ---
batch_dot {'lhs': (32, 1024, 1024), 'rhs': (32, 1024, 1024)} 134217.7344 550.3716 ---
batch_dot {'lhs': (32, 1000, 10), 'rhs': (32, 1000, 10), 'transpose_b': True} 128000.0 380.5898 ---
batch_dot {'lhs': (32, 1000, 1), 'rhs': (32, 100, 1000), 'transpose_a': True, 'transpose_b': True} 12.8 4.2182 ---
broadcast_add {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0959 0.1302
broadcast_add {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0573 0.0481
broadcast_add {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0328 0.036
broadcast_axes {'data': (1, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'size': 2} 293046.875 0.031 ---
broadcast_axes {'data': (1, 1), 'axis': 0, 'size': 2} 293042.7812 0.0306 ---
broadcast_axes {'data': (1, 100), 'axis': 0, 'size': 2} 293043.5938 0.0311 ---
broadcast_axis {'data': (1, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'size': 2} 293055.4688 0.0358 ---
broadcast_axis {'data': (1, 1), 'axis': 0, 'size': 2} 293051.375 0.0314 ---
broadcast_axis {'data': (1, 100), 'axis': 0, 'size': 2} 293052.1875 0.0331 ---
broadcast_div {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.0857 0.1299
broadcast_div {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0335 0.0459
broadcast_div {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0268 0.0423
broadcast_equal {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0742 ---
broadcast_equal {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.0326 ---
broadcast_equal {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0263 ---
broadcast_greater {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0766 ---
broadcast_greater {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.0328 ---
broadcast_greater {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0283 ---
broadcast_greater_equal {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0753 ---
broadcast_greater_equal {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.0326 ---
broadcast_greater_equal {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0271 ---
broadcast_hypot {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.4796 1.0338
broadcast_hypot {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0735 0.1301
broadcast_hypot {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0393 0.0522
broadcast_lesser {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0756 ---
broadcast_lesser {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0374 ---
broadcast_lesser {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0317 ---
broadcast_lesser_equal {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.0995 ---
broadcast_lesser_equal {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0371 ---
broadcast_lesser_equal {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0311 ---
broadcast_like {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 299343.25 0.7073 ---
broadcast_like {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 297646.0938 0.1026 ---
broadcast_like {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 297486.0938 0.0417 ---
broadcast_logical_and {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0797 ---
broadcast_logical_and {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.0378 ---
broadcast_logical_and {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0393 ---
broadcast_logical_or {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.1025 ---
broadcast_logical_or {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.0363 ---
broadcast_logical_or {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0415 ---
broadcast_logical_xor {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.1622 ---
broadcast_logical_xor {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0418 ---
broadcast_logical_xor {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0463 ---
broadcast_maximum {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0892 0.1256
broadcast_maximum {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.0355 0.0498
broadcast_maximum {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0315 0.0506
broadcast_minimum {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.1152 0.1305
broadcast_minimum {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.0375 0.051
broadcast_minimum {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0325 0.052
broadcast_minus {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0753 ---
broadcast_minus {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0389 ---
broadcast_minus {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0299 ---
broadcast_mod {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 1.9691 0.2051
broadcast_mod {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.2143 0.0547
broadcast_mod {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.047 0.045
broadcast_mul {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0667 0.1019
broadcast_mul {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.0382 0.0509
broadcast_mul {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0321 0.0404
broadcast_not_equal {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.0955 ---
broadcast_not_equal {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0375 ---
broadcast_not_equal {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0326 ---
broadcast_plus {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0713 ---
broadcast_plus {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0376 ---
broadcast_plus {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0289 ---
broadcast_power {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 2.4365 5.7618
broadcast_power {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.3054 0.6323
broadcast_power {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0534 0.0925
broadcast_sub {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0696 0.0863
broadcast_sub {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 200.0 0.0386 0.0498
broadcast_sub {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0304 0.0364
broadcast_to {'data': (1, 1024), 'shape': (1024, 1024)} 303757.5312 0.711 ---
broadcast_to {'data': (1, 1), 'shape': (10000, 1)} 301700.375 0.0369 ---
broadcast_to {'data': (1, 100), 'shape': (10000, 100)} 305680.375 0.4137 ---
cast {'data': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float32'} 2097.1521 --- 0.7171
cast {'data': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'int32'} 40.0 --- 0.0616
cast {'data': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float32'} 2000.0 --- 1.3491
cast_storage {'data': (1024, 1024), 'stype': 'default'} 5549019.0 0.4026 ---
cast_storage {'data': (10000, 1), 'stype': 'csr'} 5547122.0 0.1022 ---
cast_storage {'data': (10000, 100), 'stype': 'row_sparse'} 5551102.0 0.6637 ---
cbrt {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 1.3934 0.0854
cbrt {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.045 0.0364
cbrt {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 1.335 0.0852
ceil {'data': (1024, 1024)} 341655.75 0.1613 ---
ceil {'data': (10000, 1)} 339598.5938 0.0319 ---
ceil {'data': (10000, 100)} 343578.5938 0.153 ---
choose_element_0index {'data': (1024, 1024), 'index': (1, 1024), 'axis': 0} 4.096 0.0371 ---
choose_element_0index {'data': (10000, 1), 'index': (1, 1), 'axis': 0} 0.004 0.0365 ---
choose_element_0index {'data': (10000, 100), 'index': (1, 100), 'axis': 0} 0.4 0.0362 ---
clip {'data': (1024, 1024), 'a_min': 0.1, 'a_max': 0.9} 5555353.5 0.2876 0.2823
clip {'data': (10000, 1), 'a_min': 0.1, 'a_max': 0.9} 5553296.5 0.0356 0.0323
clip {'data': (10000, 100), 'a_min': 0.1, 'a_max': 0.9} 5557276.5 0.2733 0.2671
col2im {'data': (32, 64, 256), 'output_size': (64, 16, 1), 'kernel': (1, 1, 1), 'stride': (2, 2, 2)} 1387898.625 22.5543 21.4321
col2im {'data': (32, 64, 256), 'output_size': (32, 8, 1), 'kernel': (1, 1, 1), 'stride': (1, 1, 1)} 1385801.375 21.7266 20.5925
concat {'args0': '<NDArray 100x100 @cpu(0)>', 'args1': '<NDArray 100x100 @cpu(0)>', 'args2': '<NDArray 100x100 @cpu(0)>'} 372830.125 --- ---
cos {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.5013 0.5392
cos {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0382 0.0324
cos {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.4034 0.369
cosh {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.6531 1.0635
cosh {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0364 0.0355
cosh {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.7704 1.3442
ctc_loss {'data': (1024, 100, 100), 'label': (100, 100)} 5433657.5 62.4658 ---
cumsum {'a': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float32'} 5561568.0 1.1224 ---
cumsum {'a': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'int32'} 5563665.0 1.576 ---
cumsum {'a': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float32'} 5565762.0 1.1237 ---
degrees {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.063 0.051
degrees {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0275 0.0263
degrees {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.0502 0.0455
depth_to_space {'data': (1, 4, 2, 4), 'block_size': 2} 248232.9062 0.0708 ---
depth_to_space {'data': (10, 25, 10, 100), 'block_size': 5} 249232.8438 0.8308 ---
diag {'data': (1024, 1024), 'k': 1} 274096.3125 0.0311 0.3142
diag {'data': (10000, 1), 'k': 1} --- 0.0294 0.0456
diag {'data': (10000, 100), 'k': 1} 274094.6875 0.0375 0.3087
dot {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 5.3503 7.048
dot {'lhs': (1000, 10), 'rhs': (1000, 10), 'transpose_b': True} 2000.0 0.423 4.6241
dot {'lhs': (1000, 1), 'rhs': (100, 1000), 'transpose_a': True, 'transpose_b': True} 0.2 0.1632 0.2758
elemwise_add {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.1915 ---
elemwise_add {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0545 ---
elemwise_add {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0526 ---
elemwise_div {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.17 ---
elemwise_div {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0354 ---
elemwise_div {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.033 ---
elemwise_mul {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.2112 ---
elemwise_mul {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0441 ---
elemwise_mul {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0315 ---
elemwise_sub {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.0944 ---
elemwise_sub {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 400.0 0.0507 ---
elemwise_sub {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0308 ---
erf {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.9296 0.7832
erf {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0399 0.0349
erf {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.9264 0.7504
erfinv {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 2.5779 0.5366
erfinv {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0601 0.0363
erfinv {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 2.9925 0.6673
exp {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.3765 ---
exp {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0361 ---
exp {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.3574 ---
expand_dims {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 309971.8438 0.0476 ---
expand_dims {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 307914.6875 0.0466 ---
expand_dims {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 311894.6875 0.0785 ---
expm1 {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.7082 0.4433
expm1 {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0385 0.0339
expm1 {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.795 0.5046
fill_element_0index {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'mhs': (1024,), 'rhs': (1024,)} 5569956.5 0.105 ---
fill_element_0index {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'mhs': (10000,), 'rhs': (10000,)} 5567899.0 0.0326 ---
fill_element_0index {'lhs': (10000, 100), 'mhs': (10000,), 'rhs': (10000,)} 5571879.0 0.1058 ---
fix {'data': (1024, 1024)} 347870.0625 0.3468 ---
fix {'data': (10000, 1)} 345812.9062 0.0329 ---
fix {'data': (10000, 100)} 349792.9062 0.337 ---
flatten {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.3266 ---
flatten {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0516 ---
flatten {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.0738 ---
flip {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 255024.2969 0.4731 ---
flip {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 252967.1406 0.0365 ---
flip {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 256947.1406 0.4615 ---
floor {'data': (1024, 1024)} 354084.3438 0.1206 ---
floor {'data': (10000, 1)} 352027.2188 0.0289 ---
floor {'data': (10000, 100)} 356007.2188 0.111 ---
ftml_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'd': (1024, 1024), 'v': (1024, 1024), 'z': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'beta1': 0.1, 'beta2': 0.1, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 't': 1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'clip_grad': -1.0} 4704300.0 1.5838 ---
ftml_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'd': (10000, 1), 'v': (10000, 1), 'z': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'beta1': 0.5, 'beta2': 0.5, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 't': 1, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'clip_grad': -1.0} 4702243.0 0.0561 ---
ftml_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'd': (10000, 100), 'v': (10000, 100), 'z': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'beta1': 0.9, 'beta2': 0.9, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 't': 1, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'clip_grad': -1.0} 4706223.0 1.5817 ---
ftrl_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'z': (1024, 1024), 'n': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4710514.5 1.2678 ---
ftrl_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'z': (10000, 1), 'n': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4708457.5 0.0425 ---
ftrl_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'z': (10000, 100), 'n': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4712437.5 1.2607 ---
gamma {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 3.2805 5.8549
gamma {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0714 0.099
gamma {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 3.2982 5.7524
gammaln {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 25.025 3.1289
gammaln {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.2754 0.0555
gammaln {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 24.0462 2.2594
gather_nd {'data': (1024, 1024), 'indices': (1, 1)} 235738.75 0.0534 ---
gather_nd {'data': (10000, 1), 'indices': (1, 1)} 235736.7031 0.0534 ---
gather_nd {'data': (10000, 100), 'indices': (1, 1)} 235737.1094 0.0539 ---
hard_sigmoid {'data': (1024, 1024)} 1599636.5 0.1093 0.128
hard_sigmoid {'data': (10000, 1)} 1597579.375 0.032 0.0269
hard_sigmoid {'data': (10000, 100)} 1601559.375 0.1088 0.1215
identity {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.4072 ---
identity {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0244 ---
identity {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.3965 ---
im2col {'data': (32, 3, 256, 256), 'kernel': (3,), 'stride': (1,), 'dilate': (1,), 'pad': (1,)} 1385195.25 1.4523 1.353
im2col {'data': (32, 3, 10000, 10), 'kernel': (3, 3), 'stride': (1, 1), 'dilate': (1, 1), 'pad': (1, 1)} 1730647.75 342.6642 133.3937
khatri_rao {'args': [(32, 32), (32, 32)]} 0.008 0.0505 ---
khatri_rao {'args': [(64, 64), (64, 64)]} 0.008 0.0522 ---
lamb_update_phase1 {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'mean': (1024, 1024), 'var': (1024, 1024), 'beta1': 0.1, 'beta2': 0.1, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 't': 1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4716729.0 0.9193 ---
lamb_update_phase1 {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'mean': (10000, 1), 'var': (10000, 1), 'beta1': 0.5, 'beta2': 0.5, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 't': 1, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4714671.5 0.0428 ---
lamb_update_phase1 {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'mean': (10000, 100), 'var': (10000, 100), 'beta1': 0.9, 'beta2': 0.9, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 't': 1, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4718651.5 2.0237 ---
lamb_update_phase2 {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'g': (1024, 1024), 'r1': (1, 1024), 'r2': (1, 1024), 'lr': 0.1} 4722943.0 0.236 ---
lamb_update_phase2 {'weight': (10000, 1), 'g': (10000, 1), 'r1': (1, 1), 'r2': (1, 1), 'lr': 0.5} 4720886.0 0.0414 ---
lamb_update_phase2 {'weight': (10000, 100), 'g': (10000, 100), 'r1': (1, 100), 'r2': (1, 100), 'lr': 0.9} 4724866.0 0.2239 ---
linalg_det {'A': (1024, 1024)} 5586581.5 15.4087 39.9563
linalg_extractdiag {'A': (1024, 1024)} 5584488.5 0.0517 0.0562
linalg_extracttrian {'A': (1024, 1024)} 5587635.0 0.6429 0.6641
linalg_gelqf {'A': (1024, 1024)} 5599168.5 182.5085 ---
linalg_gemm {'A': (1024, 1024), 'B': (1024, 1024), 'C': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 5601265.5 3.8929 6.7858
linalg_gemm2 {'A': (1024, 1024), 'B': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 5605460.0 2.8579 5.8484
linalg_inverse {'A': (1024, 1024)} 5609654.0 58.9799 8.6117
linalg_makediag {'A': (1024, 1024)} 12050008.0 558.6019 4.2716
linalg_maketrian {'A': (1024, 1035)} 9914966.0 1.304 1.1431
linalg_potrf {'A': [[1, 0], [0, 1]]} 5584482.0 0.0351 ---
linalg_potrf {'A': [[2, -1, 0], [-1, 2, -1], [0, -1, 2]]} 5584482.0 0.0917 ---
linalg_potri {'A': (1024, 1024)} 9917110.0 20.7041 12.2103
linalg_slogdet {'A': (1024, 1024)} 9917112.0 17.7089 ---
linalg_sumlogdiag {'A': (1024, 1024)} 9915013.0 0.0604 0.4945
linalg_syrk {'A': (1024, 1024)} 9921304.0 3.4626 5.865
linalg_trmm {'A': (1024, 1024), 'B': (1024, 1024)} 9925499.0 2.5562 5.658
linalg_trsm {'A': (1024, 1024), 'B': (1024, 1024)} 9929693.0 3.4078 7.5423
log {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.6218 0.044
log {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0416 0.031
log {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.8078 0.067
log10 {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.9951 0.0784
log10 {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0414 0.0299
log10 {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.9594 0.0769
log1p {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.9963 0.0909
log1p {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0398 0.0332
log1p {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.9476 0.0786
log2 {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.829 0.0758
log2 {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.039 0.0291
log2 {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.7962 0.0781
log_softmax {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float16'} 1602705.0 3.269 2.0835
log_softmax {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float32'} 1601696.5 0.5576 0.268
log_softmax {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float64'} 1609676.5 5.5442 4.5522
logical_not {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.1906 ---
logical_not {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0294 ---
logical_not {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.0566 ---
make_loss {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.4085 ---
make_loss {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0203 ---
make_loss {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.3917 ---
max {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223247.9219 0.7283 0.7584
max {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223245.875 0.1406 0.038
max {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223246.2812 0.6682 0.7202
max_axis {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223252.2188 0.7647 ---
max_axis {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223250.1719 0.1397 ---
max_axis {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223250.5781 0.7048 ---
mean {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223256.5156 0.8271 1.4
mean {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223254.4688 0.242 0.0494
mean {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223254.875 1.2087 1.3809
min {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223262.8594 0.7243 0.7596
min {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223260.8125 0.1407 0.0372
min {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223261.2188 0.6795 0.7245
min_axis {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223267.1562 0.7068 ---
min_axis {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223265.125 0.139 ---
min_axis {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223265.5156 0.6728 ---
moments {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axes': [0, 1]} 9927596.0 34.0742 ---
moments {'data': (10000, 1), 'axes': [0, 1]} 9927596.0 0.4383 ---
moments {'data': (10000, 100), 'axes': [0, 1]} 9927596.0 30.9714 ---
mp_nag_mom_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'mom': (1024, 1024), 'weight32': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4729157.5 0.3158 ---
mp_nag_mom_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'mom': (10000, 1), 'weight32': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4727100.5 0.0407 ---
mp_nag_mom_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'mom': (10000, 100), 'weight32': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4731080.5 0.2828 ---
mp_sgd_mom_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'mom': (1024, 1024), 'weight32': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4735371.5 0.2167 ---
mp_sgd_mom_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'mom': (10000, 1), 'weight32': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4733314.5 0.0405 ---
mp_sgd_mom_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'mom': (10000, 100), 'weight32': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4737294.5 0.2028 ---
mp_sgd_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'weight32': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4741586.0 0.49 ---
mp_sgd_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'weight32': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4739529.0 0.0438 ---
mp_sgd_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'weight32': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4743509.0 0.1801 ---
multi_all_finite {'args': [(1024, 1024)], 'num_arrays': 1} 5398911.5 0.0459 ---
multi_all_finite {'args': [(10000, 1)], 'num_arrays': 1} 5398911.5 0.0968 ---
multi_all_finite {'args': [(10000, 10)], 'num_arrays': 1} 5398911.5 0.0438 ---
multi_lars {'lrs': (1024, 1024), 'weights_sum_sq': (1024, 1024), 'grads_sum_sq': (1024, 1024), 'wds': (1024, 1024), 'eta': 0.5, 'eps': 1e-08, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 5576170.5 0.9196 ---
multi_lars {'lrs': (10000, 1), 'weights_sum_sq': (10000, 1), 'grads_sum_sq': (10000, 1), 'wds': (10000, 1), 'eta': 0.5, 'eps': 1e-08, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 5574113.5 0.039 ---
multi_lars {'lrs': (10000, 100), 'weights_sum_sq': (10000, 100), 'grads_sum_sq': (10000, 100), 'wds': (10000, 100), 'eta': 0.5, 'eps': 1e-08, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 5578093.5 0.9514 ---
multi_mp_sgd_mom_update {'args0': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args1': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args2': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args3': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'lrs': 0.1, 'wds': 0.2, 'out': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>'} --- 0.0403 ---
multi_mp_sgd_update {'args0': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args1': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args2': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'lrs': 0.1, 'wds': 0.2, 'out': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>'} --- 0.0332 ---
multi_sgd_mom_update {'args0': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args1': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args2': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'lrs': 0.1, 'wds': 0.2, 'out': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>'} --- 0.0352 ---
multi_sgd_update {'args0': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args1': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'lrs': 0.1, 'wds': 0.2, 'out': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>'} --- 0.0364 ---
multi_sum_sq {'args': [(1024, 1024)], 'num_arrays': 1} 5398911.5 0.0298 ---
multi_sum_sq {'args': [(10000, 1)], 'num_arrays': 1} 5398911.5 0.0308 ---
multi_sum_sq {'args': [(10000, 10)], 'num_arrays': 1} 5398911.5 0.0309 ---
nag_mom_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'mom': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4747800.5 0.2863 ---
nag_mom_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'mom': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4745743.0 0.0655 ---
nag_mom_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'mom': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4749723.0 0.3044 ---
nanprod {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223271.4531 0.7834 0.7836
nanprod {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223269.4219 0.14 0.0384
nanprod {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223269.8125 0.6744 0.7459
nansum {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223275.7656 0.796 0.8368
nansum {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223273.7188 0.1565 0.0383
nansum {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223274.1094 0.7841 0.7963
negative {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0551 ---
negative {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0271 ---
negative {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.0585 ---
norm {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223280.0625 0.9442 0.8252
norm {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223278.0156 0.1732 0.0399
norm {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223278.4062 0.8574 0.7871
one_hot {'indices': (1, 1), 'depth': 0, 'dtype': 'float32'} --- 0.0137 ---
one_hot {'indices': (1, 1), 'depth': 0, 'dtype': 'int32'} --- 0.0136 ---
one_hot {'indices': (1, 1), 'depth': 0, 'dtype': 'float32'} --- 0.0139 ---
ones_like {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0543 ---
ones_like {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0246 ---
ones_like {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.0536 ---
pad {'data': (1, 4, 2, 4), 'mode': 'constant', 'pad_width': (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)} 309895.2812 --- ---
pad {'data': (10, 25, 10, 100), 'mode': 'constant', 'pad_width': (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)} 311119.0625 --- ---
pick {'data': (1024, 1024), 'index': (1, 1024), 'axis': 0} 235743.0469 0.0411 0.286
pick {'data': (10000, 1), 'index': (1, 1), 'axis': 0} 235741.0 0.0372 0.0492
pick {'data': (10000, 100), 'index': (1, 100), 'axis': 0} 235741.4062 0.0384 0.2822
preloaded_multi_mp_sgd_mom_update {'args0': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args1': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args2': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args3': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args4': '<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>', 'args5': '<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>', 'out': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>'} --- 0.0353 ---
preloaded_multi_mp_sgd_update {'args0': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args1': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args2': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args3': '<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>', 'args4': '<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>', 'out': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>'} --- 0.0341 ---
preloaded_multi_sgd_mom_update {'args0': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args1': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args2': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args3': '<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>', 'args4': '<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>', 'out': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>'} --- 0.0341 ---
preloaded_multi_sgd_update {'args0': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args1': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>', 'args4': '<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>', 'args5': '<NDArray 1 @cpu(0)>', 'out': '<NDArray 5x5 @cpu(0)>'} --- 0.0328 ---
prod {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223284.3594 0.7798 0.7656
prod {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223282.3125 0.1594 0.0406
prod {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223282.7031 0.7659 0.9068
radians {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0504 0.0417
radians {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0301 0.0287
radians {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.0507 0.0403
random_exponential {'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16'} 2097.1521 2.5186 ---
random_exponential {'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32'} 20.0 0.0514 ---
random_exponential {'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64'} 8000.0 2.2788 ---
random_gamma {'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16'} 2097.1521 6.947 ---
random_gamma {'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32'} 20.0 0.0989 ---
random_gamma {'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64'} 8000.0 8.3352 ---
random_generalized_negative_binomial {'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16'} 2097.1521 9.38 ---
random_generalized_negative_binomial {'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32'} 20.0 0.1396 ---
random_generalized_negative_binomial {'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64'} 8000.0 8.9768 ---
random_negative_binomial {'k': 1, 'p': 1, 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16'} 2097.1521 6.5638 ---
random_negative_binomial {'k': 1, 'p': 1, 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32'} 40.0 0.1053 ---
random_negative_binomial {'k': 1, 'p': 1, 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64'} 8000.0 7.8058 ---
random_normal {'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16'} 1048.576 3.0816 ---
random_normal {'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32'} 20.0 0.0512 ---
random_normal {'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64'} 4000.0 2.6179 ---
random_pdf_dirichlet {'sample': (2,), 'alpha': [0.0, 2.5]} 0.002 0.0372 ---
random_pdf_exponential {'sample': (2,), 'lam': [1.0, 8.5]} 0.004 0.0355 ---
random_pdf_gamma {'sample': (2,), 'alpha': [0.0, 2.5], 'beta': [1.0, 0.7]} 0.008 0.0411 ---
random_pdf_generalized_negative_binomial {'sample': (2,), 'mu': [2.0, 2.5], 'alpha': [0.0, 2.5]} 0.004 0.034 ---
random_pdf_negative_binomial {'sample': (2,), 'k': [20, 49], 'p': [0.4, 0.77]} 0.008 0.0347 ---
random_pdf_normal {'sample': (2,), 'mu': [2.0, 2.5], 'sigma': [1.0, 3.7]} 0.008 0.0355 ---
random_pdf_poisson {'sample': (2,), 'lam': [1.0, 8.5]} 0.004 0.0356 ---
random_pdf_uniform {'sample': (2,), 'low': [0.0, 2.5], 'high': [1.0, 3.7]} 0.004 0.0335 ---
random_poisson {'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16'} 1048.576 2.0767 ---
random_poisson {'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32'} 20.0 0.0537 ---
random_poisson {'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64'} 4000.0 1.5296 ---
random_randint {'low': 0, 'high': 5, 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'int32'} 4194.3042 1.3714 ---
random_randint {'low': 0, 'high': 5, 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'int64'} 40.0 0.0434 ---
random_randint {'low': 0, 'high': 5, 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'int32'} 2000.0 1.3065 ---
random_uniform {'low': 0, 'high': 5, 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16'} 2097.1521 0.9942 ---
random_uniform {'low': 0, 'high': 5, 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32'} 20.0 0.0394 ---
random_uniform {'low': 0, 'high': 5, 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64'} 4000.0 0.9265 ---
ravel_multi_index {'data': (2, 1024), 'shape': (1024, 1024)} 235747.3438 0.0381 ---
ravel_multi_index {'data': (2, 1024), 'shape': (10000, 1)} 235749.3906 0.0368 ---
ravel_multi_index {'data': (2, 1024), 'shape': (10000, 100)} 235751.4375 0.0378 ---
rcbrt {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 1.3384 1.397
rcbrt {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0464 0.0381
rcbrt {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 1.2793 1.3368
reciprocal {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0621 0.0617
reciprocal {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0297 0.0315
reciprocal {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.0643 0.0583
relu {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.081 0.1016
relu {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0316 0.0388
relu {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.0813 0.0965
repeat {'data': (1024, 1024), 'repeats': 2, 'axis': 0} 323090.0 2.0962 2.9878
repeat {'data': (10000, 1), 'repeats': 2, 'axis': 0} 318975.6875 0.0654 0.0628
repeat {'data': (10000, 100), 'repeats': 2, 'axis': 0} 326935.6875 3.1059 4.5136
reset_arrays {'args': [(1024, 1024)], 'num_arrays': 1} --- 0.0096 ---
reset_arrays {'args': [(10000, 1)], 'num_arrays': 1} --- 0.0098 ---
reset_arrays {'args': [(10000, 10)], 'num_arrays': 1} --- 0.0097 ---
reshape {'data': (1024, 1024), 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'target_shape': (32, 6)} 282483.0938 0.1375 ---
reshape {'data': (10000, 1), 'shape': (10000, 1), 'target_shape': (32, 6)} 280425.9375 0.0547 ---
reshape {'data': (10000, 100), 'shape': (10000, 100), 'target_shape': (32, 6)} 284405.9375 0.1234 ---
reshape_like {'lhs': (1024, 1024), 'rhs': (1024, 1024)} 288697.375 0.5433 ---
reshape_like {'lhs': (10000, 10), 'rhs': (10000, 10)} 287000.25 0.0601 ---
reshape_like {'lhs': (10000, 1), 'rhs': (10000, 1)} 286840.25 0.0195 ---
reverse {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 261238.6094 0.4752 0.4646
reverse {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 259181.4531 0.0375 0.0312
reverse {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 263161.4375 0.4917 0.4575
rint {'data': (1024, 1024)} 360298.6562 0.1924 ---
rint {'data': (10000, 1)} 358241.5 0.0287 ---
rint {'data': (10000, 100)} 362221.5 0.3056 ---
rmsprop_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'n': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'gamma1': 0.1, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4754014.5 0.4045 ---
rmsprop_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'n': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'gamma1': 0.5, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4751957.5 0.0384 ---
rmsprop_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'n': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'gamma1': 0.9, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4755937.5 0.4541 ---
rmspropalex_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'n': (1024, 1024), 'g': (1024, 1024), 'delta': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'gamma1': 0.1, 'gamma2': 0.1, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4760229.0 0.6353 ---
rmspropalex_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'n': (10000, 1), 'g': (10000, 1), 'delta': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'gamma1': 0.5, 'gamma2': 0.5, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4758172.0 0.0677 ---
rmspropalex_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'n': (10000, 100), 'g': (10000, 100), 'delta': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'gamma1': 0.9, 'gamma2': 0.9, 'epsilon': 1e-08, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4762152.0 1.1841 ---
round {'data': (1024, 1024)} 366512.9688 0.3535 ---
round {'data': (10000, 1)} 364455.8125 0.0269 ---
round {'data': (10000, 100)} 368435.8125 0.3296 ---
rsqrt {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.6999 0.6844
rsqrt {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0391 0.0317
rsqrt {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.6705 0.6459
sample_exponential {'lam': [1.0, 8.5], 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16'} 2097.1521 3.6229 ---
sample_exponential {'lam': [1.0, 8.5], 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32'} 40.0 0.0661 ---
sample_exponential {'lam': [1.0, 8.5], 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64'} 8000.0 3.2448 ---
sample_gamma {'alpha': [0.0, 2.5], 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16', 'beta': [1.0, 0.7]} 4194.3042 13.3519 ---
sample_gamma {'alpha': [0.0, 2.5], 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32', 'beta': [1.0, 0.7]} 40.0 0.1437 ---
sample_gamma {'alpha': [0.0, 2.5], 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64', 'beta': [1.0, 0.7]} 16000.0 13.662 ---
sample_generalized_negative_binomial {'mu': [2.0, 2.5], 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16', 'alpha': [0.0, 2.5]} 4194.3042 29.5582 ---
sample_generalized_negative_binomial {'mu': [2.0, 2.5], 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32', 'alpha': [0.0, 2.5]} 40.0 0.3035 ---
sample_generalized_negative_binomial {'mu': [2.0, 2.5], 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64', 'alpha': [0.0, 2.5]} 8000.0 26.279 ---
sample_multinomial {'data': (32, 32), 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16'} 79218.9922 176.1481 ---
sample_multinomial {'data': (32, 32), 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32'} 46944.5625 1.7724 ---
sample_multinomial {'data': (32, 32), 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64'} 302304.5625 180.7354 ---
sample_negative_binomial {'k': [20, 49], 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16', 'p': [0.4, 0.77]} 180596.0156 330.7904 ---
sample_negative_binomial {'k': [20, 49], 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32', 'p': [0.4, 0.77]} 178578.8594 3.191 ---
sample_negative_binomial {'k': [20, 49], 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64', 'p': [0.4, 0.77]} 194538.8594 315.403 ---
sample_normal {'mu': [2.0, 2.5], 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16', 'sigma': [1.0, 3.7]} 192830.3281 8.1756 ---
sample_normal {'mu': [2.0, 2.5], 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32', 'sigma': [1.0, 3.7]} 190813.1719 0.1012 ---
sample_normal {'mu': [2.0, 2.5], 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64', 'sigma': [1.0, 3.7]} 206773.1719 7.9631 ---
sample_poisson {'lam': [1.0, 8.5], 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16'} 205064.625 9.5478 ---
sample_poisson {'lam': [1.0, 8.5], 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32'} 203047.4688 0.1273 ---
sample_poisson {'lam': [1.0, 8.5], 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64'} 219007.4688 7.2977 ---
sample_uniform {'low': [0.0, 2.5], 'shape': (1024, 1024), 'dtype': 'float16', 'high': [1.0, 3.7]} 217298.9375 1.9348 ---
sample_uniform {'low': [0.0, 2.5], 'shape': (10000, 1), 'dtype': 'float32', 'high': [1.0, 3.7]} 215281.7812 0.0429 ---
sample_uniform {'low': [0.0, 2.5], 'shape': (10000, 100), 'dtype': 'float64', 'high': [1.0, 3.7]} 231241.7812 1.7466 ---
sgd_mom_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'mom': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4766443.0 0.2115 ---
sgd_mom_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'mom': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4764386.0 0.0422 ---
sgd_mom_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'mom': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4768366.0 0.201 ---
sgd_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4772657.5 0.1861 ---
sgd_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4770600.5 0.0307 ---
sgd_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4, 'lazy_update': 0} 4774580.5 0.1693 ---
shape_array {'data': (1024, 1024)} 286820.25 0.0127 ---
shape_array {'data': (10000, 1)} 286820.2812 0.0124 ---
shape_array {'data': (10000, 100)} 286820.2812 0.0121 ---
shuffle {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 1.1539 ---
shuffle {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.3627 ---
shuffle {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 1.2481 ---
sigmoid {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.9294 0.0746
sigmoid {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0371 0.03
sigmoid {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.7201 0.0713
sign {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.2711 0.0529
sign {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0828 0.0253
sign {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.3402 0.1345
signsgd_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4778872.0 0.2178 ---
signsgd_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4776814.5 0.0362 ---
signsgd_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4780794.5 0.2093 ---
signum_update {'weight': (1024, 1024), 'grad': (1024, 1024), 'mom': (1024, 1024), 'lr': 0.1, 'wd': 0.1, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4785086.0 0.3259 ---
signum_update {'weight': (10000, 1), 'grad': (10000, 1), 'mom': (10000, 1), 'lr': 0.5, 'wd': 0.5, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4783029.0 0.0391 ---
signum_update {'weight': (10000, 100), 'grad': (10000, 100), 'mom': (10000, 100), 'lr': 0.9, 'wd': 0.9, 'rescale_grad': 0.4} 4787009.0 0.3102 ---
sin {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.5525 0.5599
sin {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0829 0.0316
sin {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.5252 0.5173
sinh {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 1.5371 0.9416
sinh {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0453 0.0379
sinh {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 1.4809 0.9119
size_array {'data': (1024, 1024)} 286820.2812 0.0124 ---
size_array {'data': (10000, 1)} 286820.2812 0.0124 ---
size_array {'data': (10000, 100)} 286820.2812 0.0125 ---
slice {'data': (1024, 1024), 'begin': 0, 'end': 1} 235755.5312 0.0577 0.0556
slice {'data': (10000, 1), 'begin': 0, 'end': 1} 235753.5 0.0557 0.0377
slice {'data': (10000, 100), 'begin': 0, 'end': 1} 235753.8906 0.0554 0.0558
slice_axis {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'begin': 0, 'end': 1} 235759.8438 0.0373 0.0551
slice_axis {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0, 'begin': 0, 'end': 1} 235757.7969 0.0371 0.0475
slice_axis {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0, 'begin': 0, 'end': 1} 235758.1875 0.0363 0.0554
slice_like {'data': (1024, 1024), 'shape_like': (100, 100), 'axes': [0, 1]} 235817.9844 0.0431 0.0632
slice_like {'data': (10000, 1), 'shape_like': (10, 1), 'axes': [0, 1]} 235798.0312 0.0405 0.04
slice_like {'data': (10000, 100), 'shape_like': (100, 10), 'axes': [0, 1]} 235802.0156 0.067 0.0623
smooth_l1 {'data': (1024, 1024)} 5398988.5 0.2996 0.2847
smooth_l1 {'data': (10000, 1)} 5396931.5 0.0717 0.0648
smooth_l1 {'data': (10000, 100)} 5400911.5 0.5835 0.2741
softmax {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float16'} 1608822.25 2.0278 0.9154
softmax {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float32'} 1607813.625 0.4857 0.0424
softmax {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float64'} 1615793.625 5.3102 2.2144
softmax_cross_entropy {'data': (1024, 1024), 'label': (1024,)} 5398911.5 0.8294 ---
softmin {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float16'} 1614939.375 3.4102 1.8065
softmin {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float32'} 1614979.375 0.4609 0.0443
softmin {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0, 'dtype': 'float64'} 1622959.375 4.6611 2.0522
softsign {'data': (1024, 1024)} 4194.3042 0.0804 0.0684
softsign {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0359 0.0382
softsign {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.0681 0.0653
sort {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 237902.6094 22.5737 ---
sort {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 233768.3125 1.0186 ---
sort {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 239728.3125 21.2701 ---
space_to_depth {'data': (1, 4, 2, 4), 'block_size': 2} 261161.6406 0.0546 ---
space_to_depth {'data': (10, 25, 10, 100), 'block_size': 5} 262161.5625 0.5257 ---
split {'data': (1024, 1024), 'num_outputs': 2} 379061.5625 --- ---
split {'data': (10000, 1), 'num_outputs': 1} 377004.4062 --- ---
split {'data': (10000, 100), 'num_outputs': 10} 380984.4062 --- ---
sqrt {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.7633 0.0697
sqrt {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0369 0.032
sqrt {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.644 0.066
square {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0591 0.063
square {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0268 0.0285
square {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.0578 0.0577
squeeze {'data': (1, 1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 5582385.0 0.447 0.6478
squeeze {'data': (32, 1, 256, 256), 'axis': 1} 5588676.5 1.4974 1.2437
stack {'args0': '<NDArray 100x100 @cpu(0)>', 'args1': '<NDArray 100x100 @cpu(0)>', 'args2': '<NDArray 100x100 @cpu(0)>'} 379164.4062 0.0672 ---
stop_gradient {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.4951 ---
stop_gradient {'data': (10000, 1)} 40.0 0.0206 ---
stop_gradient {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.5134 ---
sum {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223288.6562 0.8658 0.6977
sum {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223286.6094 0.1189 0.0306
sum {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223287.0 0.6296 0.6669
sum_axis {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0} 223292.9531 0.8614 ---
sum_axis {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0} 223290.9062 0.148 ---
sum_axis {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0} 223291.2969 0.5627 ---
swapaxes {'data': (1024, 1024), 'dim1': 0, 'dim2': 1} 267953.0312 1.442 ---
swapaxes {'data': (10000, 1), 'dim1': 0, 'dim2': 1} 265895.875 0.0415 ---
swapaxes {'data': (10000, 100), 'dim1': 0, 'dim2': 1} 269875.875 1.2189 ---
take {'a': (1024, 1024), 'indices': (1, 1), 'axis': 0} 235806.1562 0.038 0.0609
tan {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 1.1871 0.0752
tan {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0398 0.0308
tan {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 0.8581 0.0552
tanh {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 1.4491 0.0813
tanh {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.0405 0.0272
tanh {'data': (10000, 100)} 2000.0 1.379 0.0796
tile {'data': (1024, 1024), 'reps': 2} 335518.5938 3.1205 4.5071
tile {'data': (10000, 1), 'reps': 2} 331404.2812 0.0503 0.0451
tile {'data': (10000, 100), 'reps': 2} 339364.2812 2.9696 4.3805
topk {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axis': 0, 'k': 1, 'dtype': 'float32'} 235734.4531 17.0116 ---
topk {'data': (10000, 1), 'axis': 0, 'k': 1, 'dtype': 'int32'} 235732.4062 0.2139 ---
topk {'data': (10000, 100), 'axis': 0, 'k': 1, 'dtype': 'float32'} 235732.8125 15.8706 ---
transpose {'data': (1024, 1024), 'axes': [0, 1]} 274167.3438 0.0696 ---
transpose {'data': (10000, 1), 'axes': [0, 1]} 272110.1875 0.0499 ---
transpose {'data': (10000, 100), 'axes': [0, 1]} 276090.1875 0.0627 ---
trunc {'data': (1024, 1024)} 372727.2812 0.3051 ---
trunc {'data': (10000, 1)} 370670.125 0.0274 ---
trunc {'data': (10000, 100)} 374650.125 0.293 ---
where {'condition': (1024,), 'x': (1024, 1024), 'y': (1024, 1024)} 242095.5625 0.2336 0.4337
where {'condition': (10000,), 'x': (10000, 1), 'y': (10000, 1)} 240038.4062 0.0409 0.0476
where {'condition': (10000,), 'x': (10000, 100), 'y': (10000, 100)} 244018.4062 0.2264 0.4194
zeros_like {'data': (1024, 1024)} 2097.1521 0.0485 ---
zeros_like {'data': (10000, 1)} 20.0 0.016 ---
zeros_like {'data': (10000, 100)} 4000.0 0.0672 ---
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