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Last active November 15, 2022 17:27
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// knight's tour problem using a one dimensional array
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// const global variables and arrays
int const boardSize = 64;
int const knightMoves = 8;
const array<int, knightMoves> validJumps = { 21,19,12,8,-8,-12,-19,-21 }; // knights' moves along a 1d array; valid knight moves on octal board (these numbers are decimal distances)
// ================================================================================================================================= //
// Functions
// function converts decimal to octal
int decimalToOctal(int decimalNumber)
int rem, i = 1, octalNumber = 0;
while (decimalNumber != 0)
rem = decimalNumber % 8;
decimalNumber /= 8;
octalNumber += rem * i;
i *= 10;
return octalNumber;
// function converts octal to decimal
int octalToDecimal(int octalNumber)
int rem, i = 1, decimalNumber = 0;
while (octalNumber != 0)
rem = octalNumber % 10;
octalNumber /= 10;
decimalNumber += rem * i;
i *= 8;
return decimalNumber;
// function that checks if move lands on the chessboard and on an empty square (board == 0)
bool isValidSquare(const array<int, boardSize>& board, int sq)
return (sq >= 0 && sq <= 77 && abs(sq) % 10 < 8 && board[octalToDecimal(sq)] == 0);
// function that fills vector with available squares
void fillNextSquareVector(vector<int>& nextSquaresVector, array<int, boardSize>& accessIndices, const array<int, boardSize>& board, int& squareRef)
int nextSquare;
for (auto n : validJumps) // loop through all knight moves
nextSquare = decimalToOctal(squareRef) + n; // = square + 21 , square + 19 , square + 12, ... possible next move on the octal board
// check if move is on the octal board and board square is available
if (isValidSquare(board, nextSquare))
// reduce accessibility numbers by 1 each time a square is visited
accessIndices[octalToDecimal(nextSquare)] = accessIndices[octalToDecimal(nextSquare)] - 1;
// convert back to decimal and populate vector; combine the accessibility number with a valid next move into a 3 digit number
nextSquaresVector.push_back(100 * accessIndices[octalToDecimal(nextSquare)] + octalToDecimal(nextSquare));
// boolean function that returns true when 2 squares are tied.
bool isTied(vector<int>& nextSquaresVector)
return (nextSquaresVector.size() > 1 && (nextSquaresVector[0] / 100 == nextSquaresVector[1] / 100)); // divide by 100 to get the integer part (the access number)
// tie breaker function; moves ahead one move for each tied square and checks lowest access number available
void tieBreaker(vector<int>& nextSquaresVector, const array<int, boardSize>& accessIndices, const array<int, boardSize>& board, int& squareRef)
vector<int> firstTieBreakerVector; // holds access numbers of tied squares of nextSquaresVector[0]
vector<int> secondTieBreakerVector; // holds access numbers of tied squares of nextSquaresVector[1]
int firstTiedSquare = decimalToOctal(nextSquaresVector[0] % 100); // tied square (same access number) at location 0 (first location)
int secondTiedSquare = decimalToOctal(nextSquaresVector[1] % 100); // tied square at location 1 (second location)
int nextSquare;
// int squareRef is an alias for square
for (auto n : validJumps) // loop through valid jumps
nextSquare = firstTiedSquare + n;
if (isValidSquare(board, nextSquare))
nextSquare = secondTiedSquare + n;
if (isValidSquare(board, nextSquare))
sort(firstTieBreakerVector.begin(), firstTieBreakerVector.end());
sort(secondTieBreakerVector.begin(), secondTieBreakerVector.end());
if (secondTieBreakerVector[0] <= firstTieBreakerVector[0]) // less than or equal to is crucial here
squareRef = nextSquaresVector[1] % 100; // set the square location if conditions are met
// re: file output
void printHeaders(int myCount, int myTour, ofstream& file, int sq) // stream parameters must be passed by reference
cout << "count" << "\t" << "start" << "\t" << "end" << "\t" << "delta" << "\n";
cout << myCount - 1 << "\t" << myTour << "\t" << sq << "\t" << abs(sq - myTour) << "\n";
// write to a text file
file << "count" << "\t" << "start" << "\t" << "end" << "\t" << "delta" << "\n";
file << myCount - 1 << "\t" << myTour << "\t" << sq << "\t" << abs(sq - myTour) << "\n";
// check if tour is full, closed or partial
if (myCount - 1 == boardSize && (abs(sq - myTour) != 17 || abs(sq - myTour) != 15 || abs(sq - myTour) != 10 || abs(sq - myTour) != 6))
cout << "full tour";
file << "full tour";
if (myCount - 1 == boardSize && (abs(sq - myTour) == 17 || abs(sq - myTour) == 15 || abs(sq - myTour) == 10 || abs(sq - myTour) == 6))
cout << " and a closed tour";
file << " and a closed tour";
if (myCount - 1 != boardSize)
cout << "partial tour";
file << "partial tour";
void printChessBoard(const array<int, boardSize>& board, ofstream& file)
for (size_t i = 0; i < board.size(); ++i)
if (0 == i % 8)
cout << endl;
cout << board[i] << "\t";
if (0 == i % 8)
file << endl;
file << board[i] << "\t";
// ================================================================================================================================= //
// Driver Code
int main()
array <int, boardSize> board; // chessboard
array <int, boardSize> accessIndices; // accessibility matrix
vector<int> nextSquaresVector; // holds available next moves; varies in size
int counter = 0; // tracks number of moves on the board
int square = 0; // location on the chessboard
int totalFullTours = 0; // used to count full tours
int closedTours = 0;
ofstream myfile;"knightsTourTieBreaker.txt");
for (int tours = 0; tours < boardSize; tours++) // this outer loop completes boardSize tours starting the inner loop from each square of the chessboard;
// initialize and reset board array to 0 when starting every tour
for (size_t i = 0; i < board.size(); ++i)
board[i] = 0;
// initialize and reset access array for every tour
accessIndices =
{ 2,3,4,4,4,4,3,2,
2,3,4,4,4,4,3,2 };
square = tours; // start at this square and visit all squares on the board (0 to 63) for each tour
counter = 1; // start counter at 1 for each tour
board[square] = counter; // assign 1 to the start square on decimal board for each tour
// ================================================================================================================================= //
for (int i = 1; i <= boardSize; i++) // this inner loop travels the board
fillNextSquareVector(nextSquaresVector, accessIndices, board, square); // square and nextSquare pass by reference; see function
// end loop if no moves are available
if (nextSquaresVector.empty()) // check if vector is empty (no more available moves on the chessboard) if so, break and exit the loop
// sort numbers from lowest to highest within the vector
sort(nextSquaresVector.begin(), nextSquaresVector.end());
square = nextSquaresVector[0] % 100; // set square to the value of 1st element (the remainder of the 1st number) in this vector
// check if tied and if so, assign the next 2nd tied square if access squares one move ahead are smaller; this compares the access numbers
if (isTied(nextSquaresVector))
// use tiebreaker function to determine the optimum next square;
tieBreaker(nextSquaresVector, accessIndices, board, square);
board[(square)] = counter; // set the board square as visited with a counter
// reset vectors
// print headers for counter,starting and ending squares for each tour
printHeaders(counter, tours, myfile, square);
cout << endl;
// print chessboard to screen and a file
printChessBoard(board, myfile);
cout << endl << endl;
myfile << endl << endl;
// count full tours
if (counter - 1 == boardSize)
// count closed tours
if (counter - 1 == 64 && (abs(square - tours) == 17 || abs(square - tours) == 15 || abs(square - tours) == 10 || abs(square - tours) == 6))
// header for full tours
cout << "Total full tours = " << totalFullTours << endl;
cout << "Total closed tours = " << closedTours << endl << endl;
myfile << "Total full tours = " << totalFullTours << endl ;
myfile << "Total closed tours = " << closedTours << endl << endl;
// close file
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