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Minecraft 1.20.4 -> 1.20.5 Mod Migration Primer

Minecraft 1.20.4 -> 1.20.5 Mod Migration Primer

This is a high level, non-exhaustive overview on how to migrate your mod from 1.20.4 to 1.20.5. This does not look at any specific mod loader, just the changes to the vanilla classes.

This primer is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, so feel free to use it as a reference and leave a link so that other readers can consume the primer.

If there's any incorrect or missing information, please leave a comment below. Thanks!

Pack Changes

There are a number of user-facing changes that are part of vanilla which are not discussed below that may be relevant to modders. You can find a list of them on Misode's version changelog.

Java 21

Minecraft now uses Java 21. You can download a copy of the JDK used here:

Windows machines can install this using winget in PowerShell:

winget install Microsoft.OpenJDK.21

Data Components

Data components (held within a DataComponentMap) are a replacement to the CompoundTag within an ItemStack. Each data component represents a key-value pair where the key is a string and the value is an object holding the data. Data components can be written to disk or synchronized across the network using codecs. All of vanilla's data components are stored within DataComponents, where arbitrary data that hasn't been converted to a data component is held within the minecraft:custom_data key.

The storage of data components has an analog to Maps, where DataComponentMap represents a read-only map and its implementation PatchedDataComponentMap represents an identity map. The data component values themselves should always be treated as immutable objects as both the hash code and equality are determined based on both the keys and values.

To hold data components, an object must implement DataComponentHolder. Currently this is only implement by ItemStack. The holder itself does not have any write based methods. ItemStack, on the other hand, does have methods to set, update, and remove attached components. Any operations that wish to modify a component's value should call set or update, making sure that the component value is immutable or at least not shallowly referenced somewhere else. Each method takes in a DataComponentType which represents the key of the value and the type of object being stored.

// For some ItemStack 'stack' that wants a custom name
stack.set(DataComponents.CUSTOM_NAME, Component.literal("Hello world!"));

// To get the custom name
Component name = stack.get(DataComponents.CUSTOM_NAME);

// To update the stored value of the component
stack.update(DataComponents.CUSTOM_NAME, Component.literal("Default if not set"), component ->

// To remove the component

To create a custom data component, you must register a DataComponentType. These can be constructed via DataComponentType$Builder. The builder has two methods: persistent(Codec) for if you want the data component to be written to disk, and networkSynchronized(StreamCodec) for if you want the data component to be synchronized to the client. StreamCodecs are explained in more detail in the next section. The component type can also cache the currently encoded value if you are writing to disk the same value often via cacheEncoding.

As an additional utility, Items can have a default set of data components via Item$Properties#component. These values can then be updated for each individual stack.

Any methods regarding items that took in a CompoundTag are will now take in the direct object type. The list of available data component objects can be found within

Stream Codecs

When communicating across a network, previously, all logic needed to be manually written and read to a FriendlyByteBuf. However, most of this logic has now been replaced with StreamCodecs. A StreamCodec is a type of codec (which doesn't implement Codec) that holds a function to apply stream-based operations to encode and decode a given object. A StreamCodec is made up of two parts: the StreamEncoder and StreamDecoder.

The StreamEncoder takes in two generics, O representing the output to write data to, and T representing the data object. The StreamDecoder also takes in two generics, I representing the input to read data from, and T representing the constructed data object.

To create a StreamCodec, you will usually use one of the composite functions. The composite function takes in up to 6 pairs of StreamCodec containing the type to serialize and Functions representing the getter for the data field. The final parameter represents the constructor for the object. There are a set of default stream codecs located in ByteBufCodecs.

// A basic stream codec for a record ExampleObject(int, Optional<String>, Holder<Item>)

// Using RegistryFriendlyByteBuf as a registry object is requested
// Otherwise, FriendlyByteBuf should be used
// If no special methods from FriendlyByteBuf are needed, use ByteBuf
public static final StreamCodec<RegistryFriendlyByteBuf, ExampleObject> STREAM_CODEC = StreamCodec.composite(
  ByteBufCodecs.INT, ExampleObject::intField,
  StreamCodecs.optional(ByteBufCodecs.STRING_UTF8), ExampleObject::optionalStringField,
  ByteBufCodecs.holderRegistry(Registries.ITEM), ExampleObject::holderItemField,

As many packets have not been updated to use a codec-based approached, they can use Packet#codec to turn a read/write implementation into a codec. This method takes in a StreamMemberEncoder instead of a StreamEncoder as write methods are usually instance methods on the packet class.

// For some ExamplePacket with ExamplePacket(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) and ExamplePacket#write(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf)

public static final StreamCodec<RegistryFriendlyByteBuf, ExamplePacket> STREAM_CODEC = Packet.codec(
  ExamplePacket::write, ExamplePacket::new

If read and write methods have suddently disppeared, or the network handling has been moved, it is most likely handled by a StreamCodec directly within the object class or in a package within Packets themselves do not contain the StreamCodec and instead are directly registered via ProtocolInfoBuilder#addPacket. Packets now contain a PacketType with the name of the packet and the direction the packet is sent.

Here are some of the classes that uses stream codecs for their implementation logic:

  • net.minecraft.core.particles.ParticleType#getDeserializer -> streamCodec
  •, toNetwork -> streamCodec
  •, write -> streamCodec

Sub Predicate Types

Entities and items now have sub predicates that can be applied for specific entities and items. Entities store this within the type_specific json object in the EntityPredicate. Items store this within the predicates json object in the ItemPredicate. Each of these are registered to their own built in registry, requiring some codec object.

  • net.minecraft.advancements.critereon.EntityVariantPredicate -> EntitySubPredicates$EntityVariantPredicateType
    • All variant predicates are within EntitySubPredicates

Don't you like Holders?

Most methods now take in a Holder of a registry object rather than the registry object directly. As such, direct references should not be used.

  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.FogRenderer$MobEffectFogFunction#getMobEffect returns a Holder<MobEffect>
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper now takes in a Holder<MobEffect>
  •$Bound now takes in a Holder<ChatType>
  • now takes in a Holder<Attribute>
  • now takes in a Holder<MobEffect>
  • now takes in a Holder<GameEvent>
  • now takes in a Holder<ArmorMaterial>
  • now takes in a Holder<GameEvent>
  • now takes in a Holder<GameEvent>
  • now takes in a Holder<GameEvent>

ExtraCodecs to DataFixerUpper

Many of the methods that were commonly used in ExtraCodecs has been migrated or combined in some other appropriate place within Codec or DataResult. Most of the names are synonymous, so they just need to be replaced with the correct class.

  • net.minecraft.Util#getOrThrow, getPartialOrThrow -> com.mojang.serialization.DataResult#getOrThrow, getPartialOrThrow
  • `net.minecraft.util.ExtraCodecs
    • withAlternative -> com.mojang.serialization.Codec#withAlternative
    • validate -> com.mojang.serialization.Codec#validate
    • strictOptionalField -> com.mojang.serialization.Codec#optionalFieldOf as the method is now strict by default
      • optionalFieldOf previously has now been replaced by lenientOptionalFieldOf
    • xor -> Codec#xor
    • either -> Codec#either
    • stringResolverCodec -> Codec#stringResolver
    • recursive -> Codec#recursive
    • lazyInitializedCodec -> Codec#lazyInitialized
    • sizeLimitedString -> Codec#sizeLimitedString

Codec Replacements

A lot of read/write methods have been replaced with Codec equivalents.

  • net.minecraft.nbt.NbtUtils#readGameProfile, #writeGameProfile -> ExtraCodecs#GAME_PROFILE
    • writeId, readById -> Registry#getId, byId and FriendlyByteBuf#writeVarInt
    • readCollection, writeCollection, readList, readMap, writeMap, writeOptional, readOptional, writeNullable, readNullable take in decoders and encoders for streams
    • writeEither, readEither -> Codec#either
    • readComponent, readComponentTrusted, writeComponent -> ComponentSerialization#STREAM_CODEC, TRUSTED_STREAM_CODEC
    • writeItem, readItem -> ItemStack#OPTIONAL_STREAM_CODEC
    • readGameProfile, writeGameProfile -> ExtraCodecs#GAME_PROFILE
    • readGameProfileProperties, writeGameProfileProperties -> ExtraCodecs#PROPERTY_MAP''
    • readProperty, writeProperty -> ExtraCodecs#PROPERTY

Removed Redundant PoseStacks

Most methods that passed around the raw PoseStack has had the parameter removed. Now, no PoseStack, or only the relevant Pose or Matrix4f, is passed.

  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.GameRenderer#renderLevel no longer takes in a PoseStack
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.LevelRenderer
    • prepareCullFrustum no longer takes in a PoseStack and only takes in the Matrix4f that is being operated on
    • renderLevel no longer takes in a PoseStack
    • renderSectionLayer no longer takes in a PoseStack
    • renderSky no longer takes in a PoseStack and only takes in the Matrix4f that is being operated on

No more Matrix4f in Lighting Setup

Matrix4f is no longer passed into the shader uniforms when setting up level lighting.

  • com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.Lighting#setupForEntityInInventory - Setup light direction uniforms for entity displayed in inventory
  • net.minecraft.client.particle.ParticleEngine#render(PoseStack, MultiBufferSource$BufferSource, LightTexture, Camera, float) -> render(LightTexture, Camera, float)


There is now a separation when it comes to interacting with an item compared interacting with anything else. When interacting where an item is supposed to be called, methods will now return an ItemInteractionResult. An ItemInteractionResult can be mapped to an InteractionResult. The methods below now return an ItemInteractionResult.

  • net.minecraft.core.cauldron.CauldronInteraction
    • interact
    • fillBucket
    • emptyBucket

Enchantments, now with Definitions

Enchantments have been overhauled to now hold a single record known as an EnchantmentDefinition. This record contains tags for the supported items this enchantment can be applied to, the items it would be considered a primary enchantment, the weight of obtaining the enchantment, the max level the enchantment can be, the minimum and maximum cost of the enchantment, the cost to repair in an anvil, the feature flags, and the slots the enchantment can be applied to.

These values can be created using Enchantment#definition, while the cost can be computed either via constantCost for every level, or dynamicCost for an increasing cost per level. Enchantments still need to be registered like any other built-in registry.

For the tags, there are minecraft:enchantable/* tags which refer to a list of items that can be applied with that enchant. For example, minecraft:enchantable/sword contains all swords. If one of these tags do not match your criteria, you can create a separate enchantable tag for specifically your enchantment. It is recommended to add other items via other enchantable tag groups first. This replaces EnchantmentCategory.

EnchantmentHelper methods have been replaced to use the ItemEnchantments data component object instead of a raw CompoundTag.

  • getRarity -> getWeight
  • getAnvilCost - The minimum cost needed to repair in an anvil
  • getDamageBonus(int, MobType) -> getDamageBonus(int, EntityType<?>)
  • doPostItemStackHurt - Executes when an item with this enchantment damages an entity

Blocks: From public to protected

Many of the methods within Block are now protected, to prevent direct access except through the BlockState, or has had some changes to its logic. The following methods are now protected:

  • updateIndirectNeighbourShapes
  • isPathfindable
  • updateShape
  • skipRendering
  • neighborChanged
  • onPlace
  • onRemove
  • onExplosionHit
  • useWithoutItem
  • useItemOn
  • triggerEvent
  • getRenderShape
  • useShapeForLightOcclusion
  • isSignalSource
  • getFluidState
  • hasAnalogOutputSignal
  • getMaxHorizontalOffset
  • getMaxVerticalOffset
  • rotate
  • mirror
  • canBeReplaced
  • getDrops
  • getSeed
  • getOcclusionShape
  • getBlockSupportShape
  • getInteractionShape
  • getLightBlock
  • getMenuProvider
  • canSurvive
  • getShadeBrightness
  • getAnalogOutputSignal
  • getShape
  • getCollisionShape
  • isCollisionShapeFullBlock
  • isOcclusionShapeFullBlock
  • getVisualShape
  • randomTick
  • tick
  • getDestroyProgress
  • spawnAfterBreak
  • attack
  • getSignal
  • entityInside
  • getDirectSignal
  • onProjectileHit
  • propagatesSkylightDown
  • isRandomlyTicking
  • getSoundType

Here are some other changes:

  • isPathfindable(BlockState, BlockGetter, BlockPos, PathComputationType) -> isPathfindable(BlockState, PathComputationType)
  • use -> useWithoutItem
  • BlockStateBase$neighborChanged -> handleNeighborChanged
    • isRandomlyTicking -> BlockBehaviour#isRandomlyTicking
    • propagatesSkylightDown -> BlockBehaviour#propagatesSkylightDown
    • getSoundType -> BlockBehaviour#getSoundType

ItemStack Max Stack Size 99

The hard limit has been raised from 64 to 99 for ItemStacks.

No more magicalSpecialHackyFocus has been removed. It did nothing but set the focused element.

Bootstap? No! It's Bootstrap! has finally been renamed to BootstrapContext!

Minor Migrations

The following is a list of useful or interesting additions, changes, and removals that do not deserve their own section in the primer.


Most string transformation utility methods have been moved to net.minecraft.util.StringUtil with the same name

  • net.minecraft.Util#isBlank, isWhitespace
  • net.minecraft.SharedConstants#isAllowedChatCharacter, filterText

Advancement Network Codecs

All network methods for advancements (read, write) have been made private or removed. They are replaced by StreamCodecs taking in a RegistryFriendlyByteBuf.

Collection Criteria Predicates

The following predicates have been added for handling criteria triggers:

  • CollectionContentsPredicate -> Returns true if all contents of a collection match the given predicate(s)
  • CollectionCountsPredicate -> Returns true if the number of contents that match the given predicate(s) is within the specified bounds
  • CollectionPredicate -> Returns true depending on the above predicates and whether the size of the collection matches the size specified

Entity Slot Criteria

A new field called slots on the EntityPredicate can now check the entity's inventory for a match.

Recipe Book Categories throw on default

Recipe book methods that attempt to get a RecipeBookCategories will now throw a MatchException if no corresponding category exists.

  • net.minecraft.client.ClientRecipeBook#getCategory
  • net.minecraft.client.RecipeBookCategories#getCategories

Gui Breakup

Most logic within the Gui class has been separated to private methods. Additionally, some fields have been removed in favor of using their GuiGraphics counterparts.

  • renderEffects, renderJumpMeter, renderExperienceBar, renderSelectedItemName, renderDemoOverlay is now private
  • renderSavingIndicator is now public and takes in a float representing the tick rate
  • screenWidth, screenHeight -> GuiGraphics#guiWidth, GuiGraphics#guiHeight
  • itemRenderer has been completely removed

Map Decoration Textures

Map decoration textures are now managed by an atlas that is stiched together. Because of this, the map id is now stored within a record MapId holding the current id of the map to render as a texture. MapRenderer uses this MapId instead of a integer.

To access the texture manager, call Minecraft#getMapDecorationTextures.

  • net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ClientLevel
    • getMapData(String) -> getMapData(MapId)
    • overrideMapData(String, MapItemSavedData) -> overrideMapData(MapId, MapItemSavedData)
    • getAllMapData returns a Map<MapId, MapItemSavedData>
    • addMapData(Map<String, MapItemSavedData>) -> addMapData(Map<MapId, MapItemSavedData>)
    • setMapData(String, MapItemSavedData) -> setMapData(MapId, MapItemSavedData)
    • getFreeMapId returns a MapId

Font Options

Font providers now have variant filters. There are currently two available: uniform and japanese variants. These filters determine whether the variant should be used. Most font cosntruction methods allows a filter or a font option to be passed in.

  • com.mojang.blaze3d.font.GlyphProvider$Conditional - Filters whether a glyph provider should be added to the list of available providers when loading a font option
  • net.minecraft.client.Options#japaneseGlyphVariants - A new option that, when enabled, will use different variants of Japanese glyphs
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.font.FontManager#updateOptions - Reloads the available font options to choose from
  • net.minecraft.client.Minecraft#selectMainFont -> updateFontOptions
    • This is not one-to-one as the fonts are now options in the menu
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.font.FontSet#reload takes in a conditional holding the filters for a glyph provider and the set of font options to reload

Screen Backgrounds

Screen#renderBackground has been broken into three steps: renderPanorama if the level is null, renderBlurredBackground which processes the blur effect to apply to the background, and renderMenuBackground which rends the background texture to the screen. There is also an additional method for rendering a transparent background called renderTransparentBackground which is called when rendering the background in AbstractContainerScreen.

renderDirtBackground -> renderMenuBackground

Holder Lookups in Data Providers

Some methods in data providers now take in a HolderLookup$Provider to get any relevant registry objects that are not explicitly accessible or built in.

  • now takes in a CompletableFuture<HolderLookup.Provider>
    • buildAdvancement now takes in a HolderLookup$Provider

ResourceKey References

Many references to ResourceLocations now take in an associated ResourceKey instead with the generic tied to the registry object in question.

  • now takes in a Map<ResourceKey<LootTable>, LootTable.Builder> instead of a Map<ResourceLocation, LootTable.Builder>
  •, Set<ResourceLocation>, List<LootTableProvider.SubProviderEntry>) -> `LootTableProvider(PackOutput, Set<ResourceKey>, List<LootTableProvider.SubProviderEntry>, CompletableFuture<HolderLookup.Provider>)
  •<ResourceLocation, LootTable.Builder>) -> generate(HolderLookup.Provider, BiConsumer<ResourceKey<LootTable>, LootTable.Builder>)

Static methods in FriendlyByteBuf

Static methods for writing and reading data have been added to FriendlyByteBuf which takes in the same parameters of the instance method, along with the ByteBuf to write to.

Loot Registries

Loot data are now handled through dynamic registries, specifically ones that can be reloaded by the /reload command. This means that any previous references, such as LootDataManager, no longer exist. They can be queried via reloadableRegistries in MinecraftServer or Level


Pack information stored within resources are now stored within a PackLocationInfo object. Parameters such as name or isBuiltIn is stored directly on this object (e.g. id and knownPackInfo, respectively). All classes within net.minecraft.server.packs have been updated to accomdate this change.

A KnownPack is simply a synced key and version indicating where the resource orginated from. As such, both the server and client must have the same contents as the KnownPack is used to avoid syncing the entire pack when unnecessary.

DispatchCodecs now MapCodecs

Codec#dispatch now takes in a MapCodec instead of a Codec. All other codecs used for dispatch have been updated to a MapCodec:

  • net.minecraft.core.particles.ParticleType#codec
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.atlas.SpriteSources#register
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.atlas.SpriteSourceType
  • net.minecraft.util.valueproviders.FloatProviderType#codec
  • net.minecraft.util.valueproviders.IntProviderType#codec

Packrat Parser

The pakrat parser has been added to net.minecraft.util.parsing.packrat to read and parse strings from commands. However, this implementation can be used generically by creating your own grammar.

Entity Attachments

An EntityAttachment is a definition of where a given point lies the entity. For example, a name tag could be directly on top of an entity or underneath it. Each EntityAttachment contains a fallback of where the point should go if there is none set. Multiple points can be registered for a given EntityAttachment.

EntityAttachments are added from the EntityType$Builder using one of the *Attachments, *Offset, or attach methods. They can then be accessed from the entity using #getAttachments. To get an attachment vector value, specify the attachment, index, and y rotation, calling EntityAttachments#getNullable if you want null to be returned, or get if you want an error to be thrown.


Dyable armor is now a setting on the ArmorMaterial$Layer and an item tag minecraft:dyeable rather than a completely separate class. When true, this will tint the armor texture provided. The ItemStack must have a DYED_COLOR data component to read the tint color from. The tag allows this component to be added through the armor dyeing crafting table recipe.

Potion Brewing

PotionBrewing is now an instance class on the MinecraftServer that is passed through the Level. This means all static methods are now instance methods.


Tooltips for a particular object stored on an item (usually for DataComponents) are now implemented via TooltipProvider. This interface has one method which takes in the context of the item tooltip, a consumer to supply the tooltip contents to, and the currently set tooltip flags. Calling this is usualy within Item#appendHoverText:

public void appendHoverText(ItemStack stack, Item.TooltipContext ctx, List<Component> tooltips, TooltipFlag flags) {
  // Get some TooltipProvider implementation provider
  provider.addToTooltip(ctx, tooltips::add, flags);

New Criteria Triggers

  • DEFAULT_BLOCK_USE (minecraft:default_block_use)
  • ANY_BLOCK_USE (minecraft:any_block_use)
  • CRAFTER_RECIPE_CRAFTED (minecraft:crafter_recipe_crafted)
  • FALL_AFTER_EXPLOSION (minecraft:fall_after_explosion)

New Loot Context Parameters



  • com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.PoseStack$Pose
    • transformNormal - Applies a transform to the normal within the given pose
    • copy - Makes a deep copy of the current pose. Does not add to stack
  • com.mojang.math.MatrixUtil
    • isPureTranslation - Returns true if the matrix has only been translated from the identity
    • isOrthonormal - Returns true if the upper left 3x3 submatrix is orthogonal
  • net.minecraft.Util
    • toMutableList - Creates a collector for a mutable list
    • getRegisteredName - Gets the registry name of an object, or [unregistered] if not registered
    • allOf - Combines all predicates into a single predicate using ANDs
    • copyAndAdd - Creates a new immuatble list with the added element
    • copyAndPut - Creates a new immutable map with the added element
  • net.minecraft.client.GuiMessage#icon - Returns the icon for the message tag when present, otherwise null
  • net.minecraft.client.Minecraft#disconnect(Screen, boolean) where the boolean, when true, will not clear downloaded resource packs
  • net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler#handleAccumulatedMovement - Handles the movement of the mouse when running the tick
  • net.minecraft.client.OptionInstance#createButton(Options) - Creates a button at (0,0) with a width of 150
  • net.minecraft.client.Options
    • menubackgroundBlurriness - A new option to determine how blurry the background of a menu should be
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiGraphics
    • containsPointInScissor - Returns true if the given point is within the top entry of the scissor stack
    • fillRenderType - Creates a filled quad for the given RenderType
  • net.minecraft.client.LayeredDraw - A class that renders objects on top of each other. The distance between each layer is translated 200 units in the Z direction to allow proper stacking
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractSelectionList
    • updateSize - Updates the size of the list to display
    • updateSizeAndPosition - Updates the size and position of the list to display
    • getDefaultScrollbarPosition - Gets the x position where the scrollbar would normally render
    • getListOutlinePadding - Gets the padding to offset the x position of the scrollbar
    • getRealRowLeft - Gets the actual left position of the list
    • getRealRowRight - Gets the actual right position of the list
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.ChatComponent
    • storeState - Returns the current state of the chat messages stored in the component
    • restoreState - Sets the current state of the chat messages to a previous setup
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.CycleButton#create(Component, CycleButton$OnValueChange) - Constructs a new button at (0,0) of size (150,20)
  • `net.minecraft.client.gui.components.DebugScreenOverlay
    • showFpsCharts - When true, renders the FPS chart
    • logRemoteSample - Logs a full sample for the specified sample type
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.FocusableTextWidget#containWithin - Sets the max width to contain the specified size excluding padding
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.TabButton$renderMenuBackground - Renders the background of the screen
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.debugchart.AbstractDebugChart
    • drawDimensions - Draws the sample and additional information
    • drawMainDimension - Draws the sample to the display
    • drawAdditionalDimensions - Draws additional information about the sample
    • getValueForAggregation - Reads the data within the sample storage
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.toasts.SystemToast
    • onLowDiskSpace - Creates a system toast that notifies the disk space needed to write the chunk is low
    • onChunkLoadFailure - Creates a system toast that notifies the chunk has failed to load
    • onChunkSaveFailure - Creates a system toast that notifies the chunk has failed to save
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.font.FontSet#name - the name of the font set
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.font.providers.FreeTypeUtil - A utility for interactions the Freetype Font API
  • `net.minecraft.client.gui.layouts.HeaderAndFooterLayout
    • getContentHeight - Gets the y position of the content
    • addTitleHeader - Adds a string widget to the header
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.navigation.ScreenRectangle#containsPoint - Checks whether the point is within the current rectangle
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen#setInitialFocus - This method should be overridden to set the initial focused widget on screen
  • net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ClientPacketListener
    • scoreboard - Gets the sent scoreboard from the server
    • potionBrewing - Gets the sent brewing information from the server
  • net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.KnownPacksManager - A class that holds the known packs on the client from the server
  • net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.RegistryDataCollector - A collector which holds the contents and tags of the available registries
  • net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.TagCollector - A collector which holds the tags of the available registries
  • net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ServerData
    • state - Gets the current state of the server data
    • setState - Sets the current state of the server data
  • net.minecraft.client.particle.Particle$LifetimeAlpha - A particle utility for handing animated alpha over the particle's lifetime using linear interpolation
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.GameRenderer
    • loadBlurEffect - Loads the effect of the blur post processor (private)
    • processBlurEffect - Processes the blur effect, applies the 'Radius' uniform using the menu blackground blurriness option
    • getRendertypeCloudsShader - Gets the shader for the clouds render type
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.EntityRenderer#getShadowRadius - Returns the radius of the entity's shadow
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.layers.WolfArmorLayer - Render layer for wolf armor
  • net.minecraft.client.sounds.ChunkedSampleByteBuf - A byte buffer chunked into multiple byte buffers
  • net.minecraft.commands.arguments.ResourceOrIdArgument - An argument that operates on a resource or registry object identifier
  • net.minecraft.commands.arguments.SlotsArgument - An argument that operates on a specific slot within a slot range
  • net.minecraft.commands.functions.CommandFunction#checkCommandLineLength - Commands with over 2 million characters will throw an error
  • net.minecraft.core.BlockBox - A rectangular prism as defined by two block positions
  • net.minecraft.core.BlockPos
    • min - Takes the minimum coordinates between two block positions and creates a new one
    • max - Takes the maximum coordinates between two block positions and createa a new one
  • net.minecraft.core.Direction#getNearest - Gets the direction closest to the normalized vector
  • net.minecraft.core.Direction$Plane#length - Gets the number of faces in a given plane
  • net.minecraft.core.Holder
    • is(Holder) - Checks if two holders are equivalent, this method is deprecated
    • getRegisteredName - Gets the registry object's identifer
  • net.minecraft.core.HolderGetter$Provider#get - Gets a refence holder to a registry object from the registry key and resource key
  • net.minecraft.core.HolderLookup#createSerializationContext - Creates a registry ops for the current registries provider
  • net.minecraft.core.HolderSet#empty - Gets an empty holder set
  • net.minecraft.core.IdMap#getIdOrThrow - Gets the id of a registry object or throws an error if not present
  • net.minecraft.core.RegistrationInfo - Holds information related to a specific registry object in a registry (the pack it came from and the lifecycle of the object)
  • net.minecraft.core.Registry
    • getHolder(ResourceLocation) - Gets the object holder from its registry id
    • getRandomElementOf - Gets a random element from the registry filtered by a tag
  • net.minecraft.core.RegistrySynchronization$PackedRegistryEntry - Holds the data for a given registry entry
  •$TagAppender#addAll - Adds a list of resource keys to the tag
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTest
    • skyAccess - When false, when preparing a test structure, this will spawn barrier blocks on top of the structure
    • manualOnly - When true, the test can only be manually triggered and not run as part of all available tests
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper
    • spawnItem(Item, Vec3) - Spawns an item at the specified relative vector
    • findOneEntity - Finds the first entity that matches the type
    • findClosestEntity - Finds the closest entity to the specifid (x,y,z) within a given radius
    • findEntities - Finds all entities within the given radius centered at (x,y,z)
    • moveTo - Moves a mob to the specified position using the Mob#moveTo method
    • getEntities - Get all entities of a given type within the test bounds
    • assertValueEqual - Asserts that two objects are equivalent
    • assertEntityNotPresent - Asserts that an entity is not present between the given vectors
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestListener#testAddedForRerun - A listener method that is called if the test needs to be rerun
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestRunner$Builder - A builder for constructing a runner to run the game tests
  • - A byte buffer which holds a RegistryAccess
  • net.minecraft.resources.RegistryDataLoader#load - Methods have been added to add a LoadingFunction which handles how the data in the registry is loaded
  • net.minecraft.resources.RegistryOps
    • injectRegistryContext - Wraps a Dynamic with some ops into a Dynamic with a RegistryOps
    • withParent - Creates a RegistryOps with the passed in DynamicOps as a delegate
  • net.minecraft.resources.ResouceLocation#readNonEmpty - Reads a ResourceLocation, throwing an error if the reader buffer is empty
  • net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer
    • reloadableRegistries - Holds an accessor to the dynamic registries on the server
    • subscribeToDebugSample - Registers a player to receive debug samples
    • acceptsTransfers - Determines whether transfer packets can be sent to the server
    • reportChunkLoadFailure - Reports a chunk has failed to load
    • reportChunkSaveFailure - Reports a chunk has failed to save
  • net.minecraft.server.ReloadableServerRegistries - A class which holds registries that can be reloaded while in game (e.g., loot tables)
  • net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel#getPathTypeCache - Gets the cache of PathTypes when computed by an entity
  • `net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer
    • setSpawnExtraParticlesOnFall - Sets a boolean to spawn more particles when landing from a fall
    • setRaidOmenPosition, clearRaidOmenPosition, getRaidOmenPosition - Handles creating a raid from the given position
  • net.minecraft.util.ListAndDeque - An interface which defines an object as a list and deque that can be randomly accessed
    • ArrayListDeque now implements this interface
  • net.minecraft.util.ExtraCodecs
    • sizeLimitedMap - Makes sure the map is no larger than the specified size
    • optionalEmptyMap - Returns an optional map
  • net.minecraft.util.FastColor
    • as8BitChannel - Gets an 8-bit color value from a float between 0-1
    • color(int,int,int) - Creates an opaque 32-bit color value from RGB
    • opaque -> Sets the alpha of a color to 255
    • color(int,int) - Creates a color with the R channel separated from the GB
    • colorFromFloat - Creates a 32-bit color value from floats between 0-1
  • net.minecraft.util.Mth#mulAndTruncate - Multiplies a fraction by some value. Since integer division is used, the resulting division is floored
  • net.minecraft.util.NullOps - An intermediary that only represents a null value
  • net.minecraft.util.ParticleUtils
    • spawnParticleInBlock - Spawns particles within a block
    • spawnParticles - Spawns particles at the given position with some offset
  • net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.JvmProfiler#onRegionFile(Read|Write) - Handles logic when the region file for a given world has been read from or written to
  • - Gets the max stack size for an ItemStack by getting the minimum of the container max stack size and the stack's max stack size
  • - The interaction was successful but the context entity did not use an item
    • onEffectAdded - Called when the effect is first added to the entity
    • onMobRemoved - Called when the entity has been removed from the level when the effect is applied
    • onMobHurt - Called when the entity is hurt when the effect is applied
    • createParticleOptions - Creates the particle options to spawn around the entity
    • withSoundOnAdded - Sets the sound when the effect is added to an entity
    • is - Returns true if the effect holders are equal
    • skipBlending - Tells the effect not to blend with other environmental renderers (e.g. fog)
  • - Speeds up the animation based upon the animation duration and a scale amount between 0-1
  • - Handles the state of how much armor has been damaged, or 'cracked'
    • getDefaultGravity - Gets the default gravity value to apply to the entity
    • getGravity - Gets the gravity to apply to the entity, or if there is no gravity 0
    • applyGravity - Applies gravity to the delta movement of the entity.
    • getNearestViewDirection - Gets the direction nearest to the current view vector
    • getDefaultPassengerAttachmentPoint - Determines the default attachment point based upon the entity's current dimensions
    • deflection - Determines how an entity interacts with this projectile
    • getPassengerClosestTo - Gets the passenger closest to the given vector
    • onExplosionHit - Handles when the entity is hit with an explosion
    • registryAccess - Gets the current registry access
  •$Builder#spawnDimensionsScale - Sets the scale factor to apply to the entity's dimensions when attempting to spawn
  • - Indicates a grouping of EquipmentSlots
  • - Indicates the drop chances of a given EquipmentSlot
  • - Indicates that the entity can wear equipment
    • All Mobs and ArmorStands are equipment users
    • getComfortableFallDistance - Increases the fall distance that the entity can survive without taking damage by three blocks
    • doHurtEquipment - Handles when a piece of equipment should be damaged
    • canUseSlot - Whether a slot can be used on an entity
    • getJumpPower(float) - Gets the power of a jump from the attribute, scaling by a float and the block jump factor and adding the jump boost power
    • getDefaultDimensions - Gets the base dimensions for a given pose
    • getSlotForHand - Gets the EquipmentSlot for a given InteractionHand
    • hasInfiniteMaterials - Whether the entity has an infinite amount of materials in its inventory. This is currently only used by the Player
    • getTargetFromBrain - Gets the attack target of the entity, or null if none is available
    • stopInPlace - Stops all navigation and entity movement
    • clampHeadRotationToBody - Keeps the head movement within the bounds of the body
    • getBodyArmorItem, canWearBodyArmor, isWearingBodyArmor, isBodyArmorItem, setBodyArmorItem - Logic for handling armor in the BODY slot
    • mayBeLeashed - If the entity can be leashed
  • - Creates a SlotAccess using a supplier, consumer setup
  • - If the entity can spawn in this position
  • - Updates a modifier value to the current one if it is already present, otherwise adds it
  • - Checks whether the entity can swim
  • - A moveTo method which takes in a close enough distance
    • getHardAttackInterval - After how many ticks the entity will attack when in the hard difficulty
    • getAttackInterval - After how many ticks the entity will attack when not in the hard difficulty
  • - Whether a stack in the inventory matches the predicate
  • - Whether the player can interact with another entity
    • getDefaultPickupItem, setPickupItemStack - Gets the default pickup item if the actual item stack cannot be obtained or is empty
    • getSlot - Gets the slot access of the pickupable stack
    • getMovementToShoot - Gets the movement to apply to the entity when shooting
    • hitTargetOrDeflectSelf - Gets the deflection status of the projectile
    • deflect - Deflects the entity
    • onDeflection - What to do when this projectile is deflected
  • - The status of how a projectile can be deflected, typically on punch
    • isCaptain - Whether the entity is a captain of a raid
    • hasRaid - If the entity has a raid to do
  • - Gets the bounding box of the entity
    • isEmpty - Whether there are no feature flags enabled
    • intersects - Whether two feature flag sets contain at least one similar feature flag
    • subtract - Returns a feature flag set without the flags of the parameter
  • - Takes in the number of hearts to heal and how the saturation should be multiplied by
  • - Defines a range of slot indexes that can be referenced from some string prefix plus the index (all available SlotRanges are in SlotRanges
  •$Type is now StringRepresentable
    • hasTrims - Whether the armor type supports trims
  • - Stores information about the texture location of the armor type
  • - Creates the attribute modifiers given for a tier, attack damage, and attack speed
    • components - Gets the data component map
    • getDefaultMaxStackSize - Reads the max stack size of the component, or defaults to 1
    • getAttackDamageBonus - Applies a bonus to the attack damage when in the main hand
    • getBreakingSound - The sound even to play when the item breaks
    • $Properties#component - Adds a data component to the item
    • $Properties#attributes - Sets the attribute modifiers for the item
    • $TooltipContext - Holds access to the available registries, tick rate, and MapItemSavedData when coming from a Level
    • getPrototype - Gets the component map from the item
    • getComponentsPatch - Gets the patches to the component map on the current ItemStack
    • validateComponents - Validates whether certain components can be on the component map
    • parse - Parses the stack from a tag
    • parseOptional - Parses the stack from a tag, or returns an empty stack when not present
    • save - Saves the stack to a tag, or returns an empty tag
    • transmuteCopy - Creates a new copy, providing the component patch
    • transmuteCopyIgnoreEmpty - Creates a new copy without checking whether the stack is empty or not
    • listMatches - Returns whether two lists of stacks match each other 1-to-1
    • lenientOptionalFieldOf - Creates a map codec with an optional stack
    • hashItemAndComponents - Computes the hash code for a given stack
    • hashStackList - Computes the hash code for a list of stacks
    • set - Sets a data component value
    • update - Updates a data component value
    • applyComponentsAndValidate - Applies a component patch and validates the components
    • applyComponents - Applies a patch to the component map and validates
    • getEnchantments - Gets the item enchantments from the data component
    • forEachModifier - Applies a consumer for every modifier in the attribute modifiers
    • limitSize - Sets the count of the stack if the current count is larger than the limit
    • consume - Consumes a single item
  • - Defines an item that can function like a projectile. Contains logic for constructing the projectile and shooting it either from the entity or dispenser
    • ProjectileWeaponItem contains protected implementations of these methods to be set when implementing ProjectileItem
  • - Creates the attribute modifiers given for a tier, attack damage, and attack speed
    • getIncorrectBlocksForDrops - A negative restraint preventing certain blocks from receiving a boost from this tier
    • createToolProperties - Creates a Tool given the tag containing the blocks to speed up mining for
  • - Returns a scalar on how much knockback to apply to the entity
  • - Whether the entity can spawn within the specified block and sky light
    • getParticlePos - Gets the position the particle should spawn
    • getType - Gets the type of effect the bonemeal has on particle spawning
  • - Clears the fuel map
  • - Gets the stored patterns on the banner
    • applyImplicitComponents - Reads any data stored on the component input for the block entity
    • collectImplicitComponents - Writes any data to be stored on the stack
    • removeComponentsFromTag- Removes any information that is stored doubly within the BlockEntityTag that is handled by a data component
    • components, setComponents - Getters and setters for the stored data component map
  • - Returns true if the hopper is always aligned to the block grid
  •$EntitySelector - Determines how to select an entity from a given context
  • - Gets the path of the region file
  • - A record which contains the current level name, dimension, and the type of the region (e.g. chunk)
  • - Gets the average height of the four corners of the structure
  •, int, int) - Inflates the size of the box by the specified (x,y,z) in both directions
    • applyAdditionalChunkRestrictions - Returns whether the structure should generate given some level of frequency reduction
    • applyInteractionsWithOtherStructures - Returns whether the structure should generate based on the exclusion zones
  •, int, DiscreteVoxelShape, BlockPos) - Calls BlockState#updateShape on all blocks on the edges of the structure
  •, BlockPos) - Gets the path type by calling getPathType(PathfindingContext, int, int, int) where the PathfindingContext is constructed from the mob and the three integers by unwrapping the BlockPos
  • - A context object which holds information related to the current world, cache, and mob position
    • estimateDiskSpace - Returns how much disk space is left to write to
    • checkForLowDiskSpace - Checks if the amount of disk space remaining is less than 64MiB
  • - Returns whether the current level summary can be uploaded in a realm
  • - A helper for setting container contents for items in their data components
    • A list of available manipulators can be found in ContainerComponentManipulators
  • - Defines an operation that can be performed on a list
  • - Gets the item function type that can be conditionally loaded
  • - Checks whether the position is surrounded by fully encompassing shapes on all sides
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.font.providers.FreeTypeUtil#checkError - Returns true if an error was found
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen
    • advancePanoramaTime - Updates the panorama by a set interval every frame
      • Does not use the delta time frame provided in renderPanorama
    • clearTooltipForNextRenderPass - Clears the tooltip rendering data
  • net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag#shallowCopy - Creates a shallow copy of the tag
  • - Fills the crash report before returning the reported exception to throw
  • net.minecraft.server.packs.repository.PackRepository#displayPackList - Collects all packs into a single string by their id
  • - Gets all recipes ordered by their RecipeType
  • - Resolves the feature step data to generate


  • com.mojang.blaze3d.font.SheetGlyphInfo
    • getBearingX -> getBearingLeft
    • getBearingY -> getBearingTop
    • getUp -> getTop
    • getDown -> getBottom
  • com.mojang.blaze3d.font.TrueTypeGlyphProvider now uses org.lwjgl.util.freetype over org.lwjgl.stb for font data storage
  • com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.NativeImage#copyFromFont -> (FT_Face, int)
    • This method also returns a boolean, indicating whether the operation was successful
  • now returns a Matrix4fStack
  • com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.PoseStack#mulPoseMatrix -> #mulPose
  • com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.SheetedDecalTextureGenerator now takes in a PoseStack$Pose
  • com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.VertexConsumer#putBulkData now takes in the alpha parameter for the color
  • net.minecraft.Util#LINEAR_LOOKUP_THRESHOLD is now public
  • net.minecraft.advancements.Advancement#validate(ProblemReporter, LootDataResolver) -> validate(ProblemReporter, HolderGetter$Provider)
  • net.minecraft.advancements.AdvancementRewards$Builder#loot, addLootTable now take in a ResourceKey<LootTable>
  • net.minecraft.client.MouseHandler#turnPlayer is now private
  • net.minecraft.client.Options$FieldAccess#process(String, OptionInstance) -> Options$OptionAccess$process
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractSelectionList#renderList -> renderListItems
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractWidget#setTooltipDelay(int) -> setTooltipDelay(Duration)
  • `net.minecraft.client.gui.components.ChatComponent
    • render now takes in if the chat is focused as a boolean parameter
    • isChatFocused is now public
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.Checkbox#getBoxSize is now public
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.FocusableTextWidget now takes in an integer representing the padding of the widget
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.ObjectSelectionList$Entry#mouseClicked returns true by default
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.OptionList
    • The constructor now takes in a OptionsSubScreen containing the content height and header height
    • addSmall can now take in a varargs of OptionInstances, a list of widgets, or two widgets
    • getMouseOver now holds an optional of GuiEventListener
    • $Entry -> $OptionEntry, $Entry is now an abstracted form which takes in the widgets directly
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.SpriteIconButton now takes in a Button$CreateNarration object
    • This has been updated for all subclasses and provided a builder option called narration
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.Tooltip#setDelay, refreshTooltipForNextRenderPass, createTooltipPositioner have been moved to WidgetTooltipHolder
    • The holder is stored on an AbstractWidget and is final. The tooltip within is mutable
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.debugchart.AbstractDebugChart now takes in a SampleStorage, which is an interface to the old SampleLogger (now renamed LocalSampleLogger)
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.ChatScreen#handleChatInput no longer returns anything
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.ConnectScreen#startConnecting takes in the current TransferState
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.GenericDirtMessageScreen -> GenericMessageScreen
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.OptionsSubScreen now holds a HeaderAndFooterLayout to initialize widgets and reposition them
    • addTitle, addFooter have been added, replacing specific createTitle and createFooter methods in other implementations
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen#setTooltipForNextRenderPass is now public
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.advancements.AdvancementsScreen can hold the last screen the user has seen
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.inventory.InventoryScreen#renderEntityInInventory now takes in a float for the scale parameter
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.worldselection.WorldCreationUiState
    • setAllowCheats -> setAllowCommands
    • isAllowCheats -> isAllowCommands
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.worldselection.WorldOpenFlows
    • checkForBackupAndLoad(String, Runnable) -> openWorld
    • checkForBackupAndLoad(LevelStorageAccess, Runnable) -> openWorldLoadLevelData
    • loadLevel -> openWorldLoadLevelStem
  • net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ServerStatusPinger#pingServer now takes in a runnable that runs on response from the pong packet
  • net.minecraft.client.particle.FireworkParticles$SparkParticle#setFlicker -> setTwinkle
  • net.minecraft.client.player.inventory.Hotbar holds a list of Dynamics instead of the raw itemstack list
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.EffectInstance now takes in a ResourceProvider instead of a ResourceManager
    • ResourceManager implements ResourceProvider, so there is no major change in implementation
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.LevelRenderer#renderClouds takes in a Matrix4f containing the pose to transform the clouds to the correct location
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.PanoramaRenderer#render(float, float) -> render(GuiGraphics, int, int, float, float)
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.PostChain now takes in a ResourceProvider instead of a ResourceManager
    • ResourceManager implements ResourceProvider, so there is no major change in implementation
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.PostChain#addPass now takes in a boolean which determines whether to use GL_LINEAR when true or GL_NEAREST when false
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.PostPass now takes in a ResourceProvider instead of a ResourceManager
    • ResourceManager implements ResourceProvider, so there is no major change in implementation
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.PostPass#getFilterMode
    • Either GL_LINEAR or GL_NEAREST
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.blockentity.SkullBlockRenderer#getRenderType(SkullBlock$Type, GameProfile) -> getRenderType(SkullBlock$Type, ResolvableProfile)
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.LivingEntityRenderer#setupRotations now takes in a scale representing the float parameter
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.ArrowRenderer#vertex combines the Matrix4f and Matrix3f into a PoseStack$Pose
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.EntityRenderer#renderNameTag now takes in a float representing the partial tick
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.layers.StrayClothingLayer -> SkeletonClothingLater
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.item.ItemProperties#getProperty(Item, ResourceLocation) -> getProperty(ItemStack, ResourceLocation)
  • replaced by net.minecraft.client.sounds.FiniteAudioStream, FloatSampleSource, JOrbisAudioStream
  • net.minecraft.commands.CommandBuildContext now implements HolderLookup$Provider, replacing holderLookup and configurable
  • net.minecraft.commands.arguments.ComponentArgument now takes in a HolderLookup$Provider when constructing a text component
  • net.minecraft.commands.arguments.ParticleArgument#readParticle takes in a HolderLookup$Provider instead of a HolderLookup specifically for particle types
  • net.minecraft.commands.arguments.ResourceLocationArguments
    • getPredicate -> ResourceOrIdArgument#getLootPredicate
    • getItemModifier -> ResourceOrIdArgument#getLootModifier
  • net.minecraft.commands.arguments.StyleArgument now takes in a HolderLookup$Provider when constructing a style, or CommandBuildContext when calling style
  • net.minecraft.commands.arguments.item.ItemInput no longer implements Predicate<ItemStack>
  • net.minecraft.commands.functions.CommandFunction#instantiate no longer takes in the generic object
    • The generic object is now stored as an entry directly within the function itself (e.g. MacroFunction)
  • net.minecraft.ccommands.functions.FunctionBuilder#addMacro takes in the generic object
  • net.minecraft.core.GlobalPos is now a record, though there is no change in usage
  • net.minecraft.core.HolderLookup the below logic is now applied specifically for $RegistryLookup
    • filterElements -> `HolderLookup$RegistryLookup#filterElements)
    • $Delegate -> HolderLookup$RegistryLookup$Delegate
  • net.minecraft.core.Registry#lifecycle(T) -> registrationInfo(ResourceKey<T>)
  • net.minecraft.core.RegistrySetBuilder#lookupFromMap now takes in a HolderOwner
  • net.minecraft.core.RegistrySetBuilder$CompositeOwner -> $UniversalOwner
    • This is not one to one, it is simply a replacement
  • net.minecraft.core.WritableRegistry#register(ResourceKey, T, Lifecycle) -> register(ResourceKey, T, RegistrationInfo)
  • net.minecraft.core.dispenser.AbstractProjectileDispenseBehavior -> ProjectileDispenseBehavior
  • also takes in a HolderLookup$Provider to get the RegistryOps lookup context
  • Game test batches have been reimplemented. The logic is now split between net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestBatch, GameTestBatchFactory, and GameTestBatchListener
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper#makeMockSurvivalPlayer, makeMockPlayer() -> makeMockPlayer(GameType)
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestListener#testPassed, testFailed now take in a GameTestRunner
  • net.minecraft.nbt.NbtUtils
    • readBlockPos now takes in a key for the int array within the CompoundTag
    • writeBlockPos now returns an IntArrayTag
  •$Serializer methods also take in a HolderLookup$Provider
  • is now a record
  • net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer
    • logTickTime replaced by getTickTimeLogger, isTickTimeLoggingEnabled
    • endMetricsRecordingTick is now public
  • net.minecraft.server.ReloadableServerResources#getLootData replaced by fullRegistries
  • net.minecraft.server.level chunk-querying methods now return a ChunkResult instead of an Either<ChunkAccess, ChunkHolder$ChunkLoadingFailure>
  • net.minecraft.server.players.PlayerList
    • setAllowCheatsForAllPlayers -> setAllowCommandsForAllPlayers
    • isAllowCheatsForAllPlayers -> isAllowCommandsForAllPlayers
  • net.minecraft.tags.TagNetworkSerialization#deserializeTagsFromNetwork is now package-private
  • net.minecraft.util.SampleLogger -> net.minecraft.util.debugchart.LocalSampleLogger
    • This is now an implementation of SampleStorage
  • net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.JvmProfiler#onPacketReceived onPacketSent now take in the PacketType instead of an integer.
  • net.minecraft.util.profiling.jfr.stats.NetworkPacketSummary -> IoSummary
  • net.minecraft.util.random.WeightedEntry$Wrapper is now a record
  • now takes in a float representing the radius past the block interaction distance to check whether the block entity can be interacted with
  •, loadAllItems now take in a HolderLookup$Provider
  • -> indicateItemUse
  • is now a record
  •, setLootTable, setBlockEntityLootTable take in a ResourceKey<LootTable> instead of a ResourceLocation
  •, createTag now take in a HolderLookup$Provider
  • now takes in a DamageSource to calculate armor breach
    • applyEffectTick now returns a boolean that, when false, will remove the effect if shouldApplyEffectTickThisTick returns true
    • createFactorData, setFactorDataFactory has been replaced by getBlendDurationTicks, setBlendDuration
    • getAttributeModifiers is replaced by createModifiers
  •$FactorData has been replaced by $BlendState along with the logic to apply
  • -> setPotionContents
  • now implement SyncedDataHolder to handle network communication for entity properties
    • defineSynchedData now takes in a SynchedEntityData$Builder
    • setSecondsOnFire -> igniteForSeconds
      • There is also an igniteForTicks variant
    • calculateViewVector is now public
    • getMyRidingOffset, ridingOffset -> getVehicleAttachmentPoint
    • getPassengerAttachmentPoint now returns a Vec3
    • getHandSlots, getArmorSlots, getAllSlots, setItemSlot are no longer on Entity, but still on LivingEntity
    • getEyeHeight is now final and reads from the entity's dimensions
      • Eye height is set through EntityType$Builder
    • getNameTagOffsetY is now replaced by an EntityAttachment
    • getFeetBlockState -> getInBlockState
  • is now a record
    • spawn, create now takes in a Consumer of the entity to spawn rather than a CompoundTag
    • updateCusutomEntityTag now takes in a CustomData object instead of a CompoundTag
    • getDefaultLootTable now returns a ResourceKey<LootTable>
    • getAABB -> getSpawnAABB
    • getScale -> getAgeScale
      • getScale still exists and handles scaling based on an attribute property
  • no longer takes in a CompoundTag
  •$Type -> SpawnPlacementsType
    • All SpawnPlacementTypes are in SpawnPlacementTypes
    • setTame now takes in a second boolean that, when true, applies any side effects from taming
    • reassessTameGoals -> applyTamingSideEffects
    • getModifiers is now package-private
    • removeModifier is now public
  • is now a record
    • $Operation
  • now takes in an integer representing the close enough distance
  • now takes in a RegionStorageInfo
  • is now abstract
    • disableShield no longer takes in a boolean
    • getPickRange -> blockInteractionRange, entityInteractionRange
  • -> Entity#deflection
    • getMaxBadOmenLevel -> getMaxRaidOmenLevel
    • getBadOmenLevel -> getRaidOmenLevel
    • setBadOmenLevel -> setRaidOmenLevel
    • absorbBadOmen -> absorbRaidOmen and returns whether the entity has the effect
    • getLeaderBannerInstance now takes in a HolderGetter<BannerPattern>
  • now takes in a BlockPos the raid is centered around
  • no longer takes in an Item
  • is now a record
    • fastFood has been replaced by a eatSeconds float representing time
    • Builder$saturationMod -> saturationModifier
    • Builder$alwaysEat -> alwaysEdible
    • Builder$meat has been replaced with item tags for the given entity (e.g., minecraft:wolf_food
  • stores its information within BundleContents via #contents
  • -> AdventureModePredicate
  • is now a record
    • getDurabilityForType -> ArmorItem$Type#getDurability
    • getDefenseForType -> defense
  • is now public
  • is now an instance method
  • is now public
    • verifyTagAfterLoad -> verifyComponentsAfterLoad
    • getMaxStackSize -> ItemStack#getMaxStackSize
    • getMaxDamage -> ItemStack#getMaxDamage
    • canBeDepleted -> ItemStack#isDamageableItem
    • isCorrectToolForDrops now takes in an ItemStack
    • appendHoverText holds an Item$TooltipContext instead of a Level
    • getDefaultAttributeModifiers now returns an ItemAttributeModifiers
    • canBeHurtBy -> ItemStack#canBeHurtBy
  • now implements DataComponentHolder
    • The constructor takes in a DataComponentPatch or PatchedDataComponentMap instead of a CompoundTag
    • save(CompoundTag) -> save(HolderLookup$Provider, Tag)
    • hurt -> hurtAndBreak
      • A Runnable is the last parameter which determines what to do when a stack exceeds the max damage
    • hurtAndBreak(int, T, Consumer<T>) -> hurtAndBreak(int, LivingEntity, EquipmentSlot)
    • isSameItemSameTags -> isSameItemSameComponents
    • getTooltipLines(Player, TooltipFlag) -> getTooltipLines(Item$TooltipContext, Player, TooltipFlag)
    • hasAdventureModePlaceTagForBlock -> canPlaceOnBlockInAdventureMode
    • hasAdventureModeBreakTagForBlock -> canBreakBlockInAdventureMode
  • -> createTypeAndComponentsSet
  • now takes a Iterable<ItemStack> instead of a Stream<ItemStack>
  • takes in a varargs of FeatureFlags
  •, getType now takes in an ItemStack instead of a CompoundTag
  • now takes in an Optional<Holder<Potion>>
  • -> PotionContents
    • Method names are roughly equivalent, ignorning all instances where a tag is wanted
  • now takes in a boolean indicating whether the tooltip component will show up
    • This tooltip can be toggled via withTooltip
    • assemble(C, RegistryAccess) -> assemble(C, HolderLookup.Provider)
    • getResultItem(RegistryAccess) -> getResultItem(HolderLookup.Provider)
  • now returns a Optional<RecipeHolder<CraftingRecipe>>
    • getRecipeFor(RecipeType<T>, C, Level, ResourceLocation) now returns an Optional<RecipeHolder<T>>
      • The RecipeHolder contains the ResourceLocation
    • byType now returns a Collection<RecipeHolder instead of a Map<ResourceLocation, RecipeHolder<T>>
  • now takes in ItemCosts for cost stack instead of ItemStacks
  • -> setCustomName
    • getMapData, setMapData, getFreeMapId now take in a MapId instead of an integer
    • createFireworks now takes in a List<FireworkExplosion> instead of a CompoundTag
  • now takes in an EquipmentTable, which contains the armor an entity should spawn with
    • getStructureWithPiecesAt now takes in some set of Sturctures
    • checkStructurePresence now takes in a StructurePlacement
  • now takes in an Item$TooltipContext instead of a BlockGetter
  • -> EnchantingTableBlock
  • now takes in a SuspiciousStewEffects
    • addOccupantWithPresetTicks -> addOccupant
    • storeBee(CompoundTag, int, boolean) -> storeBee(BeehiveBlockEntity$Occupant)
    • load -> loadAdditional
    • saveAdditional, saveWithFullMetadata, saveWithId, saveWithoutMetadata, saveToItem, loadStatic, getUpdateTag now takes in a HolderLookup$Provider
    • getItems -> BaseContainerBlockEntity#getItems
    • setItems -> BaseContainerBlockEntity#setItems
  •, BlockPos, int) -> detect(ServerLevel, PlayerDetector$EntitySelector, BlockPos, double, boolean)
  • now returns a regular Map as it stores an Reference2ObjectArrayMap
  • now takes in a HolderLookup$Provider
  • ->
    • Some other classes that were inner classes have also been moved to the package (e.g. ChunkType)
  • is now a record`
  •$Holder -> GameEventListener$Provider
  •<ResourceKey<LevelStem>, LevelStem>) is the new base constructor, the previous constructor with the Registry still exists
  • -> dimensionsInOrder
  • now takes in a StructurePlacement
  • now takes in a ResourceKey<LootTable> instead of a ResourceLocation
  • now takes in a ResourceKey<LootTable> instead of a ResourceLocation
  • -> PathType
    • getGoal -> getTarget
    • getTargetFromNode -> getTargetNodeAt
      • Gets the node based on a position rather than supplying the node itself
    • BlockPathTypes getBlockPathType(BlockGetter, int, int, int, Mob) -> PathType getPathTypeOfMob(PathfindingContext, int, int, int, Mob)
    • BlockPathTypes getBlockPathType(BlockGetter, int, int, int) -> PathType getPathType(PathfindingContext, int, int, int)
    • isDiagonalNodeValid -> hasMalus
    • getCachedBlockType returns PathType
    • isDiagonalValid removes the accepted node value, only returning whether the diagonal can be made
      • Checking the accepted node has been moved to a separate isDiagonalValid(Node) method
    • getBlockPathTypes, evaluateBlockPathType -> getPathTypeWithinMobBB
    • getCachedBlockType -> getCachedPathType
    • getBlockPathTypeStatic -> getPathTypeStatic
    • checkNeighbourBlocks(BlockGetter, BlockPos$MutableBlockPos, BlockPathTypes) -> checkNeighbourBlocks(PathfindingContext, int, int, int, PathType)
    • getBlockPathTypeRaw -> getPathTypeFromState
    • isBurningBlock -> NodeEvaluator#isBurningBlock
    • save(CompoundTag) -> save(CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider)
    • save(File) -> save(File, HolderLookup.Provider)
    • $Factory(Supplier<T>, Function<CompoundTag, T>, DataFixTypes) -> $Factory(Supplier<T>, BiFunction<CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider, T>, DataFixTypes)
  • is now a record
  •$Type -> MapDecorationType
    • MapDecorationType is now a built-in registry object
  •, getYSpawn, getZSpawn -> getSpawnPos
  • -> hasCommands
  • -> isAllowCommands
  • -> isAllowCommands
  •, setYSpawn, setZSpawn, setSpawnAngle -> setSpawn
  • now takes in a HolderGetter$Provider
    • getResolver now returns the HolderGetter$Provider
  • is now a record
  • -> NestedLootTable
  • -> $BlockContainerSingleItem#getContainerBlockEntity
  • net.minecraft.client.Minecraft#setLevel(ClientLevel) -> setLevel(ClientLevel, ReceivingLevelScreen$Reason)
  • net.minecraft.client.OptionInstance$IntRange now takes in a boolean that applies the option change immediately instead of after 0.6 seconds. The value is not considered saved at that moment when applied immediately
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.font.providers.FreeTypeUtil#checkError -> assertError
    • checkError is now a boolean-returning method that doesn't throw an error
  • net.minecraft.core.particles.DustParticleOptionsBase -> ScalableParticleOptionsBase
  • net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag#entries -> entrySet
    • This is a logic replacement, the returns are similar to those of a Map
  • -> onPacketError
    • This is a logic replacement as the new method simply decides how to handle the error


  • along with subsequent getters and setters
  • net.minecraft.client.Minecraft#is64Bit
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractSelectionList#setRenderBackground
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.DebugScreenOverlay#logTickDuration
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.font.FontManager#setRenames, getActualId
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.MenuScreen#create no longer checks nullability of MenuType
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen#hideWidgets
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.achievement.StatsUpdateListener
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.worldselection.WorldOpenFlows#loadBundledResourcePack
  • net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ClientLevel#setScoreboard
  • net.minecraft.client.multiplater.MultiPlayerGameMode
    • getPickRange
    • hasFarPickRange
  • net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.ServerData
    • setEnforcesSecureChat
    • enforcesSecureChat
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.GameRenderer
    • cycleEffect
    • getPositionTexColorNormalShader
    • getPositionTexLightmapColorShader
  • net.minecraft.commands.arguments.ArgumentSignatures#get
  • net.minecraft.core.RegistryCodecs
    • withNameAndId
    • networkCodec
    • fullCodec
    • $RegistryEntry
  • net.minecraft.core.dispenser.DispenseItemBehavior#getEntityPokingOutOfBlockPos
  • net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkHolder#getFullChunk
  • net.minecraft.util.JavaOps
    • getMobType
    • getEyeHeight, getStandingEyeHeight
    • getRunningGoals
    • setNewGoalRate
  •, List<Component>)
    • shouldOverrideMultiplayerNbt
    • getRarity
    • isEdible
    • getFoodProperties
    • isFireResistant
    • of
    • hasTag
    • getTag
    • getOrCreateTag
    • getOrCreateTagElement
    • getTagElement
    • removeTagKey
    • getEnchantmentTags
    • setTag
    • setHoverName
    • hasCustomHoverName
    • addTagElement
    • getBaseRepairCost
    • setRepairCost
    • getAttributeModifiers
    • isEdible
    • $TooltipPart
    • saveMobEffects
    • appendMobEffects
    • listPotionEffects
    • setTrim
    • getTrim
    • appendUpgradeHoverText
    • toNetwork
    • fromNetwork
    • Basically a ResourceKey
    • Basically a HolderGetter$Provider

Minecraft 1.20.5 -> 1.20.6 Mod Mini Primer

This is a high level, non-exhaustive overview on the minor changes from 1.20.5 to 1.20.6. This does not look at any specific mod loader, just the changes to the vanilla classes.

This primer is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, so feel free to use it as a reference and leave a link so that other readers can consume the primer.

If there's any incorrect or missing information, please leave a comment below. Thanks!

Pack Changes

There are a number of user-facing changes that are part of vanilla which are not discussed below that may be relevant to modders. You can find a list of them on Misode's version changelog.


  • - Attempts to serialize a string into a Component. On failure, null is returned
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