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Minecraft 1.19.4 -> 1.20 Mod Migration Primer

Minecraft 1.19.4 -> 1.20 Mod Migration Primer

This is a high level, non-exhaustive overview on how to migrate your mod from 1.19.4 to 1.20 using Forge.

This primer is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, so feel free to use it as a reference and leave a link so that other readers can consume the primer.

If there's any incorrect or missing information, please leave a comment below. Thanks!

Pack Changes

There are a number of user-facing changes that are part of vanilla which are not discussed below that may be relevant to modders. You can find a list of them on Misode's version changelog.

Moving Experimental Features

All experimental features which were disabled with the update_1_20 flag are now moved to their proper locations and implementations. Removed features flags can be seen within


Loot Tables, Predicates, and Item Modifiers have been internally migrated to be handled by one system: LootData. LootData is resolved using a LootDataResolver and identified through its LootDataType. In addition, a particular ResourceLocation can be associated with a LootDataType by wrapping it within a LootDataId.

All calls to #getLootTables, #getPredicateManager, #getItemModifierManager have now been replaced with #getLootData. From there, you can grab the necesssary element using #getElement or #getElementOptional.

// Given some MinecraftServer 'server'
server.getLootData().getElement(LootDataType.TABLE, new ResourceLocation(MODID, "example_table"));

Vertex Logic Changes

Vertices within the projection matrix can now be sorted via com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.VertexSorting. By default, sorting can occur either from the distance to the origin (#DISTANCE_TO_ORIGIN), by distance from the screen projection (#ORTHOGRAPHIC_Z) or by any distance function specified by the user (#byDistance). As an interface, this can be extended to encompass any implementation. This can be set via RenderSystem#setProjectionMatrix.

Some methods have been modified to accept a VertexSorting:

  • com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.BufferBuilder#setQuardSortOrigin -> #setQuadSorting

The VertexBufffer now takes in a VertexBuffer$Usage enum, which determines whether to use GL_STATIC_DRAW or GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW.


GuiComponent has been fully removed from the game, now taking the form of GuiGraphics. GuiGraphics, as the name implies, holds all drawing related information and helpers for GUIs. Most PoseStack parameters within gui related classes have now been replaced with GuiGraphics. The PoseStack can still be obtained via GuiGraphics#pose. In addition, gui related drawing methods outside of GuiComponent have now been migrated to GuiGraphics, such as ItemRenderer#renderGuiItem. GUIs now have a Z-value (which indicates closeness to the camera) bounded at [-10000, 10000].

The internals of GuiGraphics now make it such that almost all RenderSystem calls are unnecessary. RenderSystem#depthMask and #enable/disableDepthTest calls are now handled using GuiGraphics#flush internally or by specifying a RenderType for rendering to the screen. Additionally, draw calls can be isolated using GuiGraphics#drawManaged, which flushes the buffer before and after the data has been drawn.

This also created some new shards to use:

  • RenderStateShard$ColorLogicStateShard with no_color_logic and or_reverse

There have been some removals as well:

  • #blitOutlineBlack - The only usecase in LogoRenderer was replaced with a texture containing the outline instead.

Light Engine Rewrite

The light engine has been rewritten to be more efficient and consolidated. While the basic usages of the light engine remain similar, more complicated tasks will require some amount of rewriting.

Most lighting related logic flows that were scattered outside of classes for handling lighting, like the light engine, were removed. In addition, lighting information stored and written outside of the light engine have also been removed.


Let's start with LightEngine. This is essentially a rename of LayerLightEngine with more performant propogation logic when adding or removing a source. Most of the methods in this class are 1-to-1, with a few having their parameters changed in some capacity. LightEngine is implemented via SkyLightEngine and BlockLightEngine for sky and block light, respectively. As such, has been reduced to enum constants no longer holding the surrounding light layer value. Any on light increase/decrease methods within these classes have been removed in favor of callbacks within location methods for handling the propogation.

Initialization of the light sources are now done through #initializeLightSources methods, like in ChunkAccess, during chunk loading and packets from the server.


SkyLightEngine now handles light sources within a chunk via the ChunkSkyLightSources. This essentially is a bit storage which handles how sky light propogates through the chunk downward.


LightChunk is an interface that extends BlockGetter which all chunks implement. LightChunk contains two methods: #findBlockLightSources, which finds all blocks which emits light and passes into a callback which increases the light source at the position asynchronously, and #getSkyLightSources, which stores the ChunkSkyLightSources for the current chunk. This replaces the methods within ChunkAccess (e.g. #getLights).

As such, all lighting related calls to a chunk, such as LightChunkGetter#getChunkForLighting, returns the LightChunk, instead of the BlockGetter.


Within the rule structure processor, block entities can now be streamlined for modification using a RuleBlockEntityModifier. These simply define how to modify the tag on a particular block entity. Vanilla provides an implementation to clear the tag (clear), merge the tag with another(append_static), add a loot tag (append_loot), or do nothing (passthrough). New modifiers can be added via a RuleBlockEntityModifierType using a static registry.

Signs: Now with More Features

Signs now have a multitude of features. First, the sign text itself is stored within a object. The text can be on both the front and back of the sign. Within SignBlock, it can now specify a full rotation using the abstract method SignBlock#getYRotationDegrees. Additionally, the sign editor can be opened via #openTextEdit. The hitbox center of the sign is determined via SignBlock#getSignHitboxCenterPosition. The sign's model and text can be scaled via SignRenderer#getSignModelRenderScale and #getSignTextRenderScale respectively.

Signs can also be modified by items by attaching the interface. First, it will check whether the item can be applied to the sign (#canApplyToSign) and then attempt to apply the data to the sign and return whether or not is was successful (#tryApplyToSign).

Click commands on signs can now be toggled via SignBlockEntity#canExecuteClickCommands. This is currently only applied when attempting to chain hanging signs together.

Goodbye Legacy Smithing

In 1.19.4, the current smithing implementation was deprecated and migrated to a legacy implementation to be replaced with transformers and trims. 1.20 removes the legacy implemenation in its entirety. These include classes like LegacyUpgradeRecipe and LegacySmithingScreen.

Redstone Signals via the SignalGetter

All signal information originally tied to the level have been migrated into its own getter called If you are calling this directly from the Level itself, you will likely not notice any difference in #getDirectSignalTo, #hasSignal, #getSignal, #hasNeighborSignal, and #getBestNeighborSignal.

There are, of course, a few changes within the itself:

  • #getAlternateSignal(LevelReader, BlockPos, BlockState) -> #getAlternateSignal(SignalGetter, BlockPos, BlockState)
  • #getAlternateSignalAt -> SignalGetter#getControlInputSignal
  • #isAlternateInput -> #sideInputDiodesOnly

Resonate Vibrations

As 1.20 added in calibrated sculk sensors, vibrations listeners have been modified to handle different frequencies and allow some form of resonation with other blocks. This is typically checked via which determines the resonance GameEvent to emit via Resonance for a particular block can be added via the minecraft:vibration_resonators block tag. Listeners can be attached to any entity using VibrationSystem$Listener.

Resonance is currently hardcoded to the sound of amethyst blocks.

StructureProcessor Redefinitions

The two main methods within StructureProcessor have been slightly changed to redefine their implementations. First, #processBlock now no-ops to the passed in StructureBlockInfo instead of being an abstract method. Second, #finalizeProcessing now returs the modified list of StructureBlockInfos, no-oping to the passed in list by default. #finalizeProcessing also now takes in the ServerLevelAccessor instead of just the LevelAccessor, similar to most other template logic calls.

Stripping Materials

Materials have been completely removed from Block Properties. There are a number of changes reflecting this.

Creating a block property is done through the static constructor #of which takes no arguments:

// Other properties can be chained to the end of this

First, BlockBehaviour#getPistonPushReaction(BlockState), Material#getPushReaction, Material$Builder#destroyOnPush, and Material$Builder#notPushable no longer exist, and is now set as a property via BlockBehaviour$Properties#pushReaction. In addition, a block is only flammable to lava if the #ignitedByLava property is called, replacing Material#isFlammable and Material$Builder#flammable. A block is also set has a liquid if it has the #liquid property, replacing Material#isLiquid. A block can be forced to be solid or not regardless of the shape using BlockBehaviour$Properties#forceSolidOn and #forceSolidOff, respectively. You can also set whether a block can be replaced via #replaceable.

You can find a list of replacement properties for every material on Gizmo's gist.

The sound a block makes when put underneath a note block is set using BlockBehaviour$Properties#instrument. have now been replaced with MapColors. MapColors can be specified on a block property using #mapColor (replaces #color) by specifying a DyeColor, MapColor, or a function converting a BlockState to a MapColor. This includes the following renames:

  • -> #defaultMapColor

The following BlockState methods have been added:

  • BlockState#blocksMotion
  • BlockState#isSolid
  • BlockState#instrument

Criteria Changes

All AbstractCriterionTriggerInstances now take in a ContextAwarePredicate instead of a EntityPredicate$Composite representing teh player. ContextAwarePredicate is essentially a list of ANDed LootItemConditions. While this is still representative of the player in most cases, ItemUsedOnLocationTrigger, which replaces ItemInteractWithBlockTrigger and PlacedBlockTrigger, uses the ContextAwarePredicate to perform changes based on the state of the block being targetted. ContextAwarePredicates can be created using #create or EntityPredicate#wrap for easy compatibility with the player.

Creative Tab Registry

CreativeModeTabs are now a new static registry. As such, new tabs can be registered using one of the register methods while adding to existing tabs is done via BuildCreativeModeTabContentsEvent on the mod event bus. For new tabs, Forge patches in the ability to order tabs via CreativeModeTab$Builder#withTabsBefore and #withTabsAfter.

// Registered on the MOD event bus
// Assume we have RegistryObject<Item> and RegistryObject<Block> called ITEM and BLOCK
public void buildContents(BuildCreativeModeTabContentsEvent event) {
    // Add to ingredients tab
    if (event.getTabKey() == CreativeModeTabs.INGREDIENTS) {
        event.accept(BLOCK); // Takes in an ItemLike, assumes block has registered item

Minor Additions, Changes, and Removals

The following is a list of useful or interesting additions, changes, and removals that do not deserve their own section in the primer

Suspicuous Sand to Brushable

All suspicuous sand implementations have now been renamed to 'brushable' (e.g., SuspiciousSandBlock -> BrushableBlock).

ProjectileUtil#getHitResult has been expanded into two methods: #getHitResultOnMoveVector, which uses the vector from the entity's feet position and #getHitResultOnViewVector which uses the vector from the entity's eye position. #getHitResultOnMoveVector directly replaces #getHitResult in previous versions.


net.minecraft.client.gui.navigation.CommonInputs has been added to add convenience implementations related to inputs on GUIs. Currently, the only method is #selected, which checks whether the space or enter keys have been pressed.


The internals of fonts have changed quite a bit, though most user facing calls remain the same. GlyphRenderTypes now hold the font RenderTypes for normal rendering, see through, or polygon offset. CodepointMaps, which are essentially an integer to object maps, are now being used within bitmap and unihex providers. The FontManager itself is now reloadble and managed via codecs rather than having a field which handles the logic instead.

All classes with the name Builder have either had the Builder removed or replaced with Definition instead (e.g. ProviderReferenceBuilder -> ProviderReferenceDefinition).

GlyphProviderType#LEGACY_UNICODE (renamed from GlyphProviderBuilderType) has now been removed in favor of the #UNIHEX implementation. Additionally, a #REFERENCE builder type was added which allows a user to reference a different font set definition using an id which references the assets/<namespace>/font directory.

In addition, net.minecraft.client.gui.Font#draw, #drawShadow, #drawWordWrap have been removed. It is expected that these calls directly pass through GuiGraphics which have the ability to specify the parameters that these methods originally hardcoded.


GlyphProviderBuilder has been reorganized:

  • net.minecraft.client.gui.font.providers.GlyphProviderBuilder#create -> GlyphProviderDefinition$Loader#load
    • This change also throws an IOException rather than returning a null entry.
  • GlyphProviderDefinition#unpack is now used to construct a loader for the font or a record holding a reference to the glyph provider to be loaded.

OR, AND, and Composite LootItemConditions

The AlternativeLootItemCondition, or alternative, has been removed and split into two conditions: any_of or all_of, which represent an OR or AND, respectively. Additionally, composite conditions now have a separate, abstract superclass called CompositeLootItemCondition.


The implementation of LootContext has been split across itself and LootParams. LootParams is responsible for what LootContext used to do previously: the level, parameters, dynamic drops, and luck. In most instances, you can replace LootContext with LootParams when constructing the parameter logic. There are additional wrappers within LootTable which now take in a LootParams instead of the LootContext itself, using the stored random sequence.

LootContext now takes in a LootParams along with a random sequence responsible for handling the random selection. This will still be passed into loot tables for generating the required data. This also can specify an optional seed in case the LootParams does not have one. Some methods within LootContext now take in an additional long representing this optional seed (e.g., #fill).

As such, following fields and methods have been changed:

  •, LootContext$Builder) -> #getDrops(BlockState, LootParams$Builder)
  •$BlockStateBase#getDrops(LootContext$Builder) -> #getDrops(LootParams$Builder)


Each LootContext is now given a XoroshiroRandomSource based upon a unique ResourceLocation used to handle the random selection. This is stored within a SavedData and accessed via ServerLevel#getRandomSequences, or an individual RandomSource via #getRandomSequence. Currently, the only random source used is LootTable#DEFAULT_RANDOM_SEQUENCE (minecraft:default).

CropBlock Method Accessors

The accessors of three methods in CropBlock have changed:

  • #getAgeProperty is now protected instead of public
  • #getAge is now public instead of protected
  • #isMaxAge is now final

CombatTracker Rework

A lot of the logic and methods have been reworked or moved in the CombatTracker:

  • Changes
    • #recordDamage(DamageSource, float, float) -> #recordDamage(DamageSource, float)
    • #getFallLocation -> FallLocation#getCurrentFallLocation
  • Removals
    • #prepareForDamage
    • #getKiller
    • #isTakingDamage
    • #isInCombat
    • #resetPreparedStatus
    • #getMob
    • #getLastEntry
    • #getKillerId

Forge Config: Resource Pack Caching Removal

All entries related to resource pack caching were removed from the Forge common config. Vanilla now handles this by default.

Forge Capability Class Removals

The Capability* which originally held the Forge capabilities have been removed. All calls should be delegated to ForgeCapabilities instead.

Forge Network Message Consumers

Within the message builder for Forge networks, the #consumer, which handles the message logic, has been removed. Now, it has been broken into #consumerNetworkThread and #consumerMainThread. These methods determine whether the logic should be handled directly on the network thread or delegated to the consumer itself.

#consumerMainThread handles the packet for you, so it only accepts a BiConsumer.

public void mainThreadMessage(MSG message, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> ctx) { /**/ }

#consumerNetworkThread can take in a BiConsumer or ToBooleanBiFunction depending on if you want to handle the packet via #setPacketHandled or using the return statement, respectively.

public void networkThreadMessageC(MSG message, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> ctx) { 
    // ...

public boolean networkThreadMessageF(MSG message, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> ctx) { 
    // ...
    return true;

Removal of Dummy Entries

Forge dummy entries handled by Forge registries have been completely removed.

New Tags

  • Biome Tag minecraft:has_structure/trail_ruins
  • Block Tag minecraft:combination_step_sound_blocks - For blocks that should play the step sound of the current block and the one below it
  • Block Tag minecraft:vibration_resonators - Determines whether sounds made on this block which cause vibrations should resonate.
  • Block Tag minecraft:sniffer_egg_hatch_boost- Determines whether the block beneath the sniffer egg speeds up the hatch time.
  • Block Tag minecraft:trail_ruins_replaceable
  • Block Tag minecraft:sword_efficient - Whether it is efficient to break this block with a sword
  • Block Tag minecraft:replaceable_by_trees - Determines whether the block can be replaced by trees
  • Block Tag minecraft:replaceable - Determines whether the block is replaceable
    • This is likely the replacement for minecraft:replaceable_plants
  • Block Tag minecraft:enchantment_power_provider - Determines what can provide power to an enchantment table
  • Block Tag minecraft:enchantment_power_transmitter - Determines what can not obstruct the transmission of power to an enchantment table
  • Block and Item Tag minecraft:stone_buttons
  • Item Tag minecraft:villager_plantable_seeds
  • Item Tag minecraft:decorated_pot_shards -> minecraft:decorated_pot_sherds
  • Block Tag minecraft:maintains_farmland - Determines whether a block maintains the farmland beneath it
  • Item Tag minecraft:decorated_pot_ingredients
  • Item Tag forge:tools/swords -> minecraft:swords
  • Item Tag forge:tools/axes -> minecraft:axes
  • Item Tag forge:tools/pickaxes -> minecraft:pickaxes
  • Item Tag forge:tools/shovels -> minecraft:shovels
  • Item Tag forge:tools/hoes -> minecraft:hoes


  • net.minecraft.core.BlockPos#breadthFirstTraversal - Traverses block positions from the distance of a sented point and determines whether how many positions meet the associated predicate.
  • net.minecraft.util.ExtraCodecs#FLAT_COMPONENT - Converts a Component to/from a string.
  •, #getPrimaryStepSoundBlockPos, and #playCombinationStepSounds are used to handle block sounds that should be played at the same time when walking over them.
  • - Handles any additional spawn settings from breeding the entity without spawning the child itself.
  • - Public facing implementation of #getDistanceAt
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen#getBackgroundMusic - Screens can set what background music to play when open
    • Music that needs to be stopped on close should query the music manager (via MusicManager#stopPlaying) through Screen#removed
  • - A stacked priority queue
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractWidget#getTooltip - Returns the tooltip associated with a component
  • - The offset of the nametag's y position
  • - Returns a copy of the item stack while clearing the original
  • - Returns the door's BlockSetType
  • - Used to check whether a farmland should be kept for the above block
  • - Returns what the ice block should melt into
  • - Returns how many ticks the sculk sensor should remain active for
  • com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.NativeImage#applyToAllPixels - Applies a transformation to the colors of the pixels of an image
  • net.minecraft.core.SectionPos#getZeroNode(II) - Gets the zero node section position from a specified XZ coordinate.
  • net.minecraft.util.DependencySorter - Basic logic flow for sorting dependencies
  • net.minecraft.util.ExtraCodecs#CODEPOINT
  • and #onPathfindingDone - Callbacks for pathfinding
  • The telemetry system has been more flushed out with hooks into advancements and realms.
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper#withLowHealth
  • net.minecraft.util.ExtraCodecs#validate - General validator to apply to an Codec#flatXmap
  • An entity now keeps track of the blocks that are colliding, or 'supporting', the entity and preventing them from continuing to fall down. The 'supporting' block can be checked via Entity#isSupportedBy
  • net.minecraft.advancements.Advancement$Builder#recipeAdvancement - Constructs an advancement for a recipe and does not send a telemetry event.
  • net.minecraft.Util#fixedSize(LongStream, I)
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper#makeMockServerPlayerInLevel
  • net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkLevel - A helper class for managing chunk statuses and loading states.
  • and #getPortalCooldown
  •, #setFightOrigin, #getFightOrigin
  •* classes now have codecs
  • net.minecraft.Util#isWhitespace and #isBlank
    • Minecraft alternatives for org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
  • net.minecraft.client.model.HierarchicalModel#applyStatic - Used to apply static transforms using the animation system
  • - Currently only true for minecarts when on rails
  •, boolean) - When the boolean is true, air will return a null ingredient instead of throwing an exception.
    • This is the default in the #fromJson(JsonElement) overload
  • - Checks whether the command block menu can be accessed
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.FaviconTexture
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper#killAllEntitiesOfClass
  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper#assertRedstoneSignal
  • - Sets the user as being on the ground along with the block the entity plans to stand on.
  • - Does not apply a stafford 13 mix to the seed
  • net.minecraft.client.KeyMapping#resetToggleKeys
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractScrollWidget#renderBorder
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.FittingMultiLineTextWidget
  • net.minecraft.util.GsonHelper#getNonNull

Changes and Renames

  • net.minecraft.client.particle.DripParticle#createCherryLeaves*Particle -> CherryParticle
  • An entity's shadow raidus is now rendered at a minimum of 32.
  • net.minecraft.server.level.ServerEntity#changedPassengers -> #removedPassengers
  • -> #getOutputTag(RandomSource, CompoundTag)
  • net.minecraft.core.Direction#fromNormal -> #fromDelta
    • All other #fromNormal methods and fields have been removed
  •*Ridden* methods now take in a Player instead of a LivingEntity
  • -> #standUpInstantly
  • -> #killedEntity
  • -> `#isPossibleToRespawnInThis(BlockState)
  • BlockSetType now accepts a boolean about whether the block can be opened by a hand
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.inventory.tooltip.ClientTooltipPositioner#positionTooltip(Screen, IIIII) -> #positionTooltip(IIIIII)
  • net.minecraft.commands.CommandSourceStack now takes in a IntConsumer for taking in the return value of a command
  • -> #awardUsedRecipes(Player, List<ItemStack>)
  • is replaced by the block tag minecraft:maintains_farmland
  • net.minecraft.client.Minecraft or net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer - #getServiceSignatureValidator -> #getProfileKeySignatureValidator
  • now takes in a ResourceLocation representing the name of the recipe JSON
  • net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer#getLevel -> #serverLevel
  • net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer#setLevel -> #setServerLevel
  • net.minecraft.util.SpawnUtil$Strategy#LEGACY_IRON_GOLEM has been deprecated
  • field -> #level method
    • The level field is now private
    • Settings the field is now done via #setLevel
  • -> onGround method
    • The onGround field is now private
    • Setting the field is now done via #setOnGround
  • -> #level
  • can now take in a double representing the 'close enough' radius
  • has been deprecated for removal
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.LevelRenderer#renderVoxelShape takes in a additional boolean to change the color of the rendered voxel in debug renderering.
  • net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.ItemRenderer now checks for an animated texture that has foil using #hasAnimatedTexture
    • This method is currently private and hardcoded to the compasses item tag or the clock.
  • now returns a float
  • net.minecraft.client.player.LocalPlayer#portalTime and #oPortalTime -> spinningEffectIntensity and #oSpinningEffectIntensity
  • and #coloredCarpetFromWhiteCarpetAndDye have been replaced by #colorBlockWithDye which takes in a list of dyes and a list of dyed objects
  • net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkHolder$FullChunkStatus -> level.FullChunkStatus
    • The enum values have been changed as well: BORDER -> FULL and TICKING -> BLOCK_TICKING
  • -> #fellOutOfWorld
  •, #checkOutOfWorld -> #onBelowWorld, #checkBelowWorld
  • net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel#dragonFight -> #getDragonFight
  • is now protected instead of private
  • -> TransientCraftingContainer
    • CraftingContainer is now an interface which TransientCraftingContainer extends which specifies the width, height, and list of items within
  • -> #isSameItem
  • net.minecraft.commands.CommandSourceStack#sendSuccess(Component, boolean) -> #sendSuccess(Supplier<Component>, boolean)
  •<LivingEntity, Float>, double) -> FollowTemptation(Function<LivingEntity, Float>, Function<LivingEntity, Double>)
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractSelectionList#clearEntries is now non-final
  • is now a record
  • is now final while #positionRider(Entity, MoveFunction) is now protected instead of private
  • - the entity is now nullable
  • net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer#doCheckFallDamage(double, boolean) -> #doCheckFallDamage(double, double, double, boolean) - now takes in the XZ positions
  • -> #sendEffectToPassengers
  • net.minecraft.client.gui.components.AbstractScrollWidget#renderBackground is now protected instead of private
  • is now public instead of private
  • and #setEndDragonFightData now operate on EndDragonFight$Data
  • net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerEvent$BreakSpeed#getPos -> #getPosition which now takes in an Optional<BlockPos>
  • net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderLevelLastEvent -> RenderLevelStageEvent
    • There is no direct translation between the events. You need to choose which stage suits your logic best.
  •$BiomeInfo$Builder#getEffects -> #getSpecialEffects
  • net.miencraftforge.client.extensions.IForgeTransformation#push -> IForgePoseStack#pushTransformation
  • net.minecraftforge.client.event.RegisterParticleProvidersEvent#register -> #registerSpecial, #registerSprite, #registerSpriteSet respectively
  • net.minecraftforge.common.extensions.IForgePlayer#getAttackRange -> #getEntityReach
  • net.minecraftforge.common.extensions.IForgePlayer#getReachDistance -> #getBlockReach
  • net.minecraftforge.common.extensions.IForgePlayer#canHit and #canInteractWith -> #canReach
  • -> LivingChangeTargetEvent
  • net.minecraftforge.client.model.generators.BlockModelBuilder#rootTransform -> #rootTransforms
    • All root transformation logic has been moved to ModelBuilder and TransformationHelper
  • net.minecraftforge.common.extensions.IForgeItem#onUsingTick -> Item#onUseTick
  • net.minecraftforge.event.level.SaplingGrowTreeEvent -> BlockGrowFeatureEvent
  • net.minecraftforge.client.model.IQuadTransformer#empty, #applying, and #applyingLightmap moved to QuadTransformers
  • net.minecraftforge.client.gui.ScreenUtils has all been moved to extension methods on GuiGraphics
    • #drawTexturedModalRect and #drawGradientRect have been replaced with #blit and #fillGradient, respectively


  • net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper#continuouslyUse
  •, String)
  • block and new_entity shaders as they have been unused by Minecraft
  • and #isSame
  •, LootContext$Builder)
  • no longer takes in a string name
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yuesha-yc commented Jul 22, 2024

Is there a srg file used for for the renames?

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