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Last active September 19, 2019 02:35
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Automod config
# Metalink Warning
# HOW TO ADD AN EXEMPTION FOR THE AUTO MODMAIL: Add the subreddit name to both this rule and the next one.
author: [totes_meta_bot, OriginalLinkBot, TotesMessenger, Meta_Bot2]
~body: [/r/subredditdrama, /r/shitedditsays]
action: remove
action_reason: removed metalink notification, no modmail
modmail: |
**Full text:** {{body}}
**We have been meta-linked, please check on it.**
# Metalinks that shouldn't modmail us
author: [totes_meta_bot, OriginalLinkBot, TotesMessenger, Meta_Bot2]
body: [/r/subredditdrama, /r/shitredditsays]
action: remove
action_reason: removed metalink notification, modmailed
modmail: |
**Full text:** {{body}}
**We have been meta-linked, please check on it.**
# Mobile Redirect Spam
type: link submission
# This is a whitelist. Put good domains here to be ignored by this rule.
~domain: [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ]
action: remove
action_reason: "not an trusted site"
comment: "Your post was removed cause it's not an image hosting site."
# Send an alert to modmail if anything gets 3+ reports
reports: 3
modmail: The above item has received 3+ reports, please investigate.
# Automatically remove anything that gets 5+ reports and send modmail
reports: 5
action: remove
modmail: The above item was automatically removed due to receiving 5+ reports. Please verify that this action was correct.
# Removes shitty image hosting sites
domain: [,,]
action: remove
action_reason: Shitty host site
comment: "Don't use a shitty image hosting site. Use [imgur]( instead."
# Deals with a malware/spam domain
domain: [,]
action: filter
action_reason: spam domain {{match-1}}
comment: "This user should be banned, this link is malware"
# dindu nuffin copypastas
title+body: ["nuffin", "dindu", "din du", "didn't do nuffin", "gud boi", "gud boi", "youths", "youfs", "urban thugs", "urban thug", "antiwhite", "anti-white", "white genocide"]
action: report
report_reason: "''{{match}}'' might be racist, please review."
# Remove phone numbers and send review message
title+body (regex): ["\\(?(\\d{3})\\)?([ .-])(\\d{3})([ .-])(\\d{4})","(\\d{5})([ .-])(\\d{6})","\\(?(\\d{4})\\)?([ .-])(\\d{3})([ .-])(\\d{3})","\\(?(\\d{2})\\)?([ .-])(\\d{4})([ .-])(\\d{4})","\\(?(\\d{2})\\)?([ .-])(\\d{3})([ .-])(\\d{4})","\\+([\\d ]{10,15})"]
~body+url (regex): "(\\[[^\\]]+?\\]\\()?(https?://|www\\.)\\S+\\)?"
~body+title+url (regex): ["(800|855|866|877|888|007|911)\\W*\\d{3}\\W*\\d{4}", "\\d{3}\\W*555\\W*\\d{4}", "999-999-9999", "000-000-0000", "123-456-7890", "111-111-1111", "012-345-6789", "888-888-8888", "281\\W*330\\W*8004", "777-777-7777", "678-999-8212", "999([ .-])119([ .-])7253","0118 999 811","0118 999 881", "867 5309", "867-5309", "505\\W*503\\W*4455", "1024 2048", "256-512-1024"]
action: remove
modmail: |
**Links:** [Link to comment/OP]({{permalink}})
**User:** /u/{{author}}
**Type:** {{kind}} **matched on** {{match}}.
**Post Title:** {{title}}
**Body/Comment**: {{body}}
**Message the Admins**: [click here]({{author}}%20posted%20this%20comment%3A%0A%0A{{permalink}})
**RTS**: [click here]({{author}}&url={{author}})
modmail_subject: AutoMod caught possible phone number being posted - please review!
#online dating spammers
type: comment
body(includes): ["dating","whereloveisfound","whereifoundlove"]
action: remove
action_reason: Probable online dating spam.
# remove email addresses and send review message
#body+title: ["[0-9A-Za-z_.(),:;+]+@[0-9A-Za-z_.(),:;]*\\.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z]+", "what('s)?s? (is |are )?your e-?mail address(es)?"]
#body+title+url: ["(first|last)name", ""]
# body+title: regex
# body+title+url: [regex, inverse, includes]
#action: remove
#modmail: |
# **Links:** [Link to comment/OP]({{permalink}})
# **User:** /u/{{author}}
# **Type:** {{kind}} **matched on** {{match}}.
# **Post Title:** {{title}}
# **Body/Comment**: {{body}}
# **Message the Admins**: [click here]({{author}}%20posted%20this%20comment%3A%0A%0A{{permalink}})
# **RTS**: [click here]({{author}}&url={{author}})
#modmail_subject: AutoMod caught possible email address being posted - please review!
# remove ssn numbers or things that look like credit card numbers and send review message | social security numbers
# the exceptions are:
# 881 99 9119 the IT crowd no
# 457-55-5462 nixon SSN
# 567-68-0515 that guy who posted his ssn everywhere and dared people to steal his identity
title+body (regex): ["\\(?(\\d{3})\\)?([ -])(\\d{2})([ -])(\\d{4})", "what (is|are) your social security numbers?", "what (is|are) your ssns", "\\b(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|5[12345][0-9]{14}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[012345]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|6(?:011|5[0-9]{2})[0-9]{12}|(?:2131|1800|35[0-9]{3})[0-9]{11})\\b"]
~body+url (regex): "(\\[[^\\]]+?\\]\\()?(https?://|www\\.)\\S+\\)?"
~body+title+url (regex): ["881 99 9119", "457-55-5462", "567-68-0515"]
action: remove
modmail: |
**Links:** [Link to comment/OP]({{permalink}})
**User:** /u/{{author}}
**Type:** {{kind}} **matched on** {{match}}.
**Post Title:** {{title}}
**Body/Comment**: {{body}}
**Message the Admins**: [click here]({{author}}%20posted%20this%20comment%3A%0A%0A{{permalink}})
**RTS**: [click here]({{author}}&url={{author}})
modmail_subject: AutoMod caught possible SSN or credit card number being posted - please review!
# Approve thyself
author: [automoderator]
reports: 1
action: approve
# Removes posts that are literally just "/r/thathappened" or some variant
type: comment
body (full-text, regex): ["/r/thathappened", "r/thathappened", "thathappened", "/r/quityourbullshit", "r/quityourbullshit", "quityourbullshit", "hailcorporate", "/r/hailcorporate"]
is_top_level: true
action: remove
action_reason: that happened bullshit
# Removes low effort reddit memes
type: comment
body (full-text, regex): ["the ol' reddit", "the old reddit", "reddit switcharoo", "reddit switch-a-roo", "warlizard gaming", "jet fuel", "broken arms", "chairman pao", "good shit go౦ԁ sHit"]
is_top_level: true
action: remove
action_reason: stale maymays
# Modmail alerts mod name mentions
#title+body: []
#modifiers: regex
# rank: < moderator
#modmail: |
# The above post by **/u/{{author}}** mentions the moderator **/u/{{match}}**.
# **Post title:** {{title}}
# **Full text:** {{body}}
# Re-approve any comment or submission that a moderator makes if it gets reported
is_moderator: true
reports: 1
action: approve
# Racism / Hate speech
type: comment
title+body (regex, includes-word): ["nigger?s?", "k[iy]kes?", "beaners?", "spick?s?", "wetbacks?", "gooks?", "chinks?", "fagg?([eio]t)?(ry)?s?", "d[iy]kes?", "sluts?", "cunts?", "whores?", "trann(y|ie)s?", "shemales?", "honk(ie|y)", "pak(i|ee)", "cock[- ]?sucker", "fur[- ]fag", "muff[ -]?div(er?|ing)", "pol[el][ -]?smoke(ing|r)?", "porch ?monke?y", "white ?guild", "coolies?", "aid?s", "dindu", "nuf", "fag", "faggot", "faggy", "faggit", "cuck"]
action: filter
action_reason: Possible hate speech {{match-1}}
# shit subreddits
url+body: [r/thathappened, r/quityourbullshit, r/fatpeoplehate, r/dadjokes, r/theydidthemath, r/coontown, r/imgoingtohellforthis, r/cringe, r/cringepics, r/tumblr, r/tumblrinaction]
action: report
report_reason: Shitty Subreddit - {{match}}
# remove le epic troles
comment_karma: "< -30"
action: remove
action_reason: probable troll
#Removes any post that has "gem" in the title
title: [gem]
action: remove
comment: "Write a better title."
action_reason: shit title - gem
# Spam Killer
type: submission
satisfy_any_threshold: false
account_age: "< 5"
combined_karma: "< 50"
action: remove
action_reason: probable spam
# Troll killer
type: comment
satisfy_any_threshold: false
account_age: "< 3"
combined_karma: "< 25"
action: remove
action_reason: probable troll
# Locked threads
is_edited: false
id: [3pwiow]
action: remove
action_reason: removed locked thread comment
# Doxx Protection for Specific Users
type: comment
title+body (regex, includes-word): ["", "dongimin2", "don\s?gi\s?min"]
action: filter
action_reason: Possible doxx in action, take action immediately {{match-1}}
modmail: |
**Full text:** {{body}}
**Possible doxx in progress**
Copy link

139 # remove ssn numbers or things that look like credit card numbers and send review message | social security numbers
140 # the exceptions are:
141 # 881 99 9119 the IT crowd no
142 # 457-55-5462 nixon SSN
143 # 567-68-0515 that guy who posted his ssn everywhere and dared people to steal his identity

Nixon and "that guy"s ssns are swapped in your comments. That guy's (todd davis) starts with 457 and nixon 567

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