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Created January 25, 2019 02:20
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student account generator array
#Assignment: Student Account Generator
num_students = 5
student_names =
student_ids =
student_emails =
puts "Please enter the names of students when prompted."
num_students.times do |i|
puts "First Name: "
first = gets.chomp
puts "Last Name: "
last = gets.chomp
full_name = first.strip + " " + last.strip
puts "Full Name is: " + full_name.upcase
student_names[i] = full_name.upcase
num_students.times do |i|
random_id =
student_ids[i] = random_id
puts student_ids[i]
num_students.times do |i|
puts student_names[i]
puts student_ids[i]
first_initial = student_names[i][0]
puts "first initial: " + first_initial
names = student_names[i].split(" ")
last_name = names[1]
puts "last name: " + last_name
id_digits = student_ids[i].digits
puts "length: " + id_digits.length.to_s
last_three_of_id = id_digits[-3..-1].join("")
email = first_initial + last_name + last_three_of_id +
student_emails[i] = email
puts "last 3: " + last_three_of_id
puts "e-mail: " + email
puts "Here is each student's information..."
num_students.times do |i|
puts "Full Name: " + student_names[i]
puts "Student ID: " + student_ids[i].to_s
puts "E-mail Address: " + student_emails[i]
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Good work! 👍
Out of curiosity: what are the pros and cons of organizing the code to have 3 loops back to back (starting on lines 7, 16 and 21), versus making it part of a single loop?

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