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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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FreeBSD 10 Nodejs setup with nginx, mongodb, redis and monit

This my receipe for installing a complete nodejs server on FreeBSD 10. The parameters used in this configuration are for a very small private server that I use for demo purpose only, so for a production server, you should somehow set the limits in pair with your ressources.

I use monit so I don't have to write rc scripts for node and it should take care of process lifecycle management for me. Alternatives exists such as supervisord or circus.

Installing mongodb

  • run pkg install mongodb to install the server.
  • Create a dirctory for mongo to store it's db :
mkdir -p /path/to/mongo/db
chown -R mongodb /path/to/mongo/db
port = 27017
bind_ip = # do not communicate with the external world
maxConns = 50 # you may want more
objcheck = true
dbpath = /path/to/mongo/db
noauth = true

Installing Redis

  • run pkg install redis
  • If you don't want redis to save on the disk, comment the lines starting with save in: /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

Installing Nginx

  • run pkg install nginx
  • edit: /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf, mine looks like that:
user  www;
worker_processes  1;

events {
    worker_connections  128;
    use kqueue;

http {
    include       		mime.types;
    default_type  		application/octet-stream;
    sendfile       		on;
    keepalive_timeout  	60;
    tcp_nopush     		on;
    server_tokens 		off;
    charset 			utf-8;
    gzip 				on;
    gzip_min_length 	1000;
    gzip_proxied 		any;
    server {
    	listen       		80;
    	location /assets/ {
            autoindex 			on;
            access_log  		off;
            log_not_found 		off;
            alias 				/path/to/node/assets/;
        location / {
            try_files 			$uri @node;
        location @node {
            proxy_pass  		http://localhost:3000; # set correct node port
            proxy_redirect 		off;
            proxy_buffering 	off;

            proxy_set_header	Host			   host;
            proxy_set_header 	X-Real-IP          $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header  	X-Forwarded-Proto  https;
            proxy_set_header 	X-Forwarded-Ssl    on;
            proxy_set_header 	X-Forwarded-For    $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

Installing NodeJS

  • run pkg install node npm
  • do an npm install in your node project directory.
  • monit requires processes to create a pid file. By default node doesn't, but we can wrap node calls in a script (cf monit wiki) create the following startup script somewhere:

 case $1 in
       echo $$ > /var/run/node/;
       cd /path/to/node/app
       exec /usr/local/bin/node index.js
       kill `cat /var/run/node/` ;;
       echo "usage: {start|stop}" ;;
 exit 0
  • make it executable chmod 755 /path/to/node/startup/script
  • create node pid directory and set permission (node will run wtih user www)
mkdir /var/run/node
chown www /var/run/node 

Installing Monit

  • run pkg install monit
  • create a monitrc file: touch /usr/local/etc/monitrc
  • edit the file (you can find inspiration there)
set daemon  60 with start delay 240
set pidfile /var/run/
set idfile /var/
set statefile /var/.monit.state

set httpd port 2812 and
 	use address localhost  # only accept connection from localhost
    allow localhost        # allow localhost to connect to the server and
    allow admin:monit      # require user 'admin' with password 'monit'

check system
    if loadavg (1min) > 4 then alert
    if loadavg (5min) > 3 then alert
    if memory usage > 75% then alert
    if cpu usage (user) > 70% then alert
    if cpu usage (system) > 30% then alert
    if cpu usage (wait) > 20% then alert

check process nginx with pidfile /var/run/
    start program = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx onestart"
    stop program = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx stop"

check process mongod with pidfile /var/db/mongodb/mongod.lock
	start program = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mongod onestart"
	stop program = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mongod stop"
check process redis with pidfile /var/run/redis/
	start program = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/redis onestart"
	stop program = "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/redis stop"

check process nodejs with pidfile /var/run/node/
	start program = "/path/to/node/startup/script start" uid www
	stop program = "/path/to/node/startup/script stop" uid www
	if failed port 3000 protocol HTTP
        request /
        with timeout 10 seconds
        then restart

  • set root only permission on monitrc: chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/monitrc
  • add monit_enable="YES" at the end of /etc/rc.conf
  • start monit: sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d/monit start
  • to connect to monit web interface, proxy your connection to the host: ssh -L 2812:localhost:2812 hostname then in your browser check localhost:2812
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