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Created July 12, 2020 17:36
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// As t runs from 0 to 1 (our normalized palette index or domain),
//the cosine oscilates c times with a phase of d.
//The result is scaled and biased by a and b to meet the desired constrast and brightness.
vec3 cosPalette( float t, vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c, vec3 d )
return a + b*cos( 6.28318*(c*t+d) );
void main () {
// we put the pixel coordinates in a variable for easy access
vec2 pos = uvN();
// each chanel of the vec 3 corresponds to a color chanel
// red, green, blue!
vec3 brightness = vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
vec3 contrast = vec3(0.2,sin(time)*0.2,cos(time)*0.2);
vec3 osc = vec3(0.2); // how frequently we cycles through the colors
vec3 phase = vec3(0.5); // where does it start?
// getting the cosine palette
vec3 cp = cosPalette((time/1.0) +pos.x, brightness, contrast, osc, phase );
// casting the cosinePalette into a vector 4 by adding a 1 at the end
// the last number doesnt matter
vec4 col = vec4(cp,1);
// access the webcam texture at the input pixels position
// multiplied times 1 + a small number, which returns a number
// close to its original but modified slightly.
vec4 web =texture2D(channel0,pos);
// we get the backbuffer texture but slightly offset, 0.01 above the pixel
// position so it has this trailing up or slitscan effect.
vec4 prev = texture2D(backbuffer, pos - vec2(0, 0.01 ));
// mix is a GLSL function thats like mixing paint. We mix between two
// numbers using the last varible. The last varible is assumed to
// be between 0 and 1. it indicates how much of each color
// we need, so like if the last varible is 0.5 it mixes them evenly.
col = mix(web+col,prev,1.- web );
// this line makes it so that the slitscan effect happens where the web is light
gl_FragColor = col ;
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