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Last active November 19, 2023 07:15
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Python-style logging in OCaml
(** - Custom logging and error messages *)
The two key functions here are _log and fatal, which do what they sound like
(** Represents the severity of a log statement *)
type log_type =
| Log_None
| Log_Debug
| Log_Info
| Log_Warning
| Log_Error
| Log_Critical
let _GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL = Log_Info
(** Follows the order in the type definition, \[0:5\]*)
let int_of_log = function
| Log_Debug ->
| Log_Info ->
| Log_Warning ->
| Log_Error ->
| Log_Critical ->
| Log_None ->
(** For exits, their appropriate return code and the message type *)
type return_code = int * string
let rc_Ok = (0, "OK")
and rc_Error = (1, "ERROR")
(** ANSI encoding for bold text *)
let ansi_bold = "\x1b[1m"
(** ANSI encoding for red text *)
let ansi_red = "\x1b[38:5:196m"
(** ANSI encoding for orange text *)
let ansi_orange = "\x1b[38:5:208m"
(** ANSI encoding for yellow text *)
let ansi_yellow = "\x1b[38:5:178m"
(** ANSI encoding for plain text *)
let ansi_reset = "\x1b[0m"
(** ANSI encoding for bold red text *)
let error_red = ansi_bold ^ ansi_red
(** ANSI encoding for bold orange text *)
let error_orange = ansi_bold ^ ansi_orange
(** ANSI encoding for bold yellow text *)
let error_yellow = ansi_bold ^ ansi_yellow
(** Gets the string representation of a {!log_type}*)
let string_of_log = function
| Log_Debug ->
ansi_bold ^ "[DEBUG]"
| Log_Info ->
ansi_bold ^ "[INFO]"
| Log_Warning ->
ansi_yellow ^ "[WARNING]"
| Log_Error ->
ansi_orange ^ "[ERROR]"
| Log_Critical ->
ansi_red ^ "[CRITICAL]"
| Log_None ->
ansi_reset ^ "[NONE]"
(** A fatal log statement that immediately exits the program *)
let fatal rc message =
Printf.fprintf stderr
"%s[%s] - %s%s\n----------------------------------------\n" error_red
(snd rc) ansi_reset message ;
flush stderr ;
exit (fst rc)
(** Prints log statements to stdout/stderr *)
let _log log_level message =
if log_level = Log_None || int_of_log _GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL > int_of_log log_level
then ()
let stream =
if log_level = Log_Debug || log_level = Log_Info then stdout else stderr
Printf.fprintf stream "LOG:%s%s - %s\n" (string_of_log log_level) ansi_reset
message ;
flush stream
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