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Last active September 29, 2023 20:03
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  • Save CharlesFainLehman/5776b60a0e807138e8a8ad551aba1ba7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CharlesFainLehman/5776b60a0e807138e8a8ad551aba1ba7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#You'll need to get the data for deaths and population from CDC WONDER.
#you can get my deaths file here:
#and you can get my population file here:
#Rename them appropriately for importation
#don't forget to rename this file
deaths <- read.csv("Downloads/Provisional Mortality Statistics, 2018 through Last Week(1).txt", sep = "\t") %>%
filter(Notes == "") %>%
select(-Notes, -Occurrence.State.Code, -Month, -Population, -Crude.Rate) %>%
separate(Month.Code, c("Year", "Month"), sep = "/", convert = T) %>%
#I fill supprressed cells with values between 0 and 9
complete(Occurrence.State = unique(Occurrence.State), Year = 2018:2022, Month = 1:12, fill = list(Deaths = floor(runif(1, 0, 10)))) %>%
filter(!Year == 2023, !(Year == 2022 & Month > 3)) %>%
rename(State = Occurrence.State)
#don't forget to rename this file
population <- read.csv("Downloads/Provisional Mortality Statistics, 2018 through Last Week(3).txt", sep = "\t") %>%
filter(Notes == "") %>%
select(Residence.State, Year.Code, Population) %>%
rename(Year = Year.Code,
#WONDER won't give you population estimates unless you use residence state, but it shouldn't matter
State = Residence.State)
merge(deaths, population, by = c("State", "Year")) %>%
mutate(Rate = Deaths/Population * 100000) %>%
group_by(State) %>%
arrange(Year, Month) %>%
mutate(Period = 1:n()) -> opioid.death.rates
opioid.death.rates %>%
filter(State != "Washington") %>%
synthetic_control(outcome = Rate,
unit = State,
time = Period,
i_unit = "Oregon",
i_time = 38,
generate_placebos = T) %>%
generate_predictor(time_window = 1:37,
Rate = mean(Rate, na.rm = T)
) %>%
generate_weights(optimization_window = 1:37, margin_ipop = .2) %>%
generate_control() -> oregon
opioid.death.rates %>%
filter(State != "Oregon") %>%
synthetic_control(outcome = Rate,
unit = State,
time = Period,
i_unit = "Washington",
i_time = 39,
generate_placebos = T) %>%
generate_predictor(time_window = 1:38,
Rate = mean(Rate, na.rm = T)
) %>%
generate_weights(optimization_window = 1:38) %>%
generate_control() -> washington
ggarrange(plot_trends(oregon) + labs(title = "", caption = ""),
plot_trends(washington) + labs(title = "", caption = ""),
labels = c("Oregon", "Washington"))
ggsave("Desktop/plot1.png", width = 8, height = 5)
grab_outcome(oregon) %>%
grab_outcome(washington) %>%
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