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Last active November 11, 2023 23:23
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  • Save CharlesFainLehman/ea366835779def9caab5f320f70e0b19 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CharlesFainLehman/ea366835779def9caab5f320f70e0b19 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#Obviously you'll need to download the ATP data (linked in the post) and put them in the right directory relative to this script.
atp47 <- read_sav("W47_Apr19/ATP W47.sav")
atp104 <- read_sav("W104_Mar22/ATP W104.sav")
#Convert the spectrum of agree/disagree to binary variable, and drop the non-responses
atp47 %>%
mutate(F_AGECAT = as_factor(F_AGECAT),
across(starts_with("ME_SPPRT"), ~case_when(.x == 99 ~ NA,
.x %in% 1:2 ~ 1,
.x %in% 3:4 ~ 0))) -> atp47
#get summary stats for each question
atp47 %>%
as_survey_design(id = QKEY, weights = WEIGHT_W47) %>%
group_by(F_AGECAT) %>%
summarise(a = survey_mean(ME_SPPRTa_W47, na.rm = T),
b = survey_mean(ME_SPPRTb_W47, na.rm = T),
c = survey_mean(ME_SPPRTc_W47, na.rm = T),
d = survey_mean(ME_SPPRTd_W47, na.rm = T)) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = !F_AGECAT) %>%
mutate(question = gsub("_se", "", name),
statistic = ifelse(endsWith(name, "_se"), "se", "p")) %>%
select(-name) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = statistic) %>%
mutate(Year = 2019) -> atp47_me_responses
#same analysis, but for the 104 wave
atp104 %>%
mutate(F_AGECAT = as_factor(F_AGECAT),
across(starts_with("ME_SPPRT"), ~case_when(.x == 99 ~ NA,
.x %in% 1:2 ~ 1,
.x %in% 3:4 ~ 0))) -> atp104
atp104 %>%
as_survey_design(id = QKEY, weights = WEIGHT_W104) %>%
group_by(F_AGECAT) %>%
summarise(a = survey_mean(ME_SPPRT_a_W104, na.rm = T),
b = survey_mean(ME_SPPRT_b_W104, na.rm = T),
c = survey_mean(ME_SPPRT_c_W104, na.rm = T),
d = survey_mean(ME_SPPRT_d_W104, na.rm = T)) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = !F_AGECAT) %>%
mutate(question = gsub("_se", "", name),
statistic = ifelse(endsWith(name, "_se"), "se", "p")) %>%
select(-name) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = statistic) %>%
mutate(Year = 2022) -> atp104_me_responses
#combine the two summary stats data frames to make the chart
bind_rows(atp47_me_responses, atp104_me_responses) %>%
filter(!F_AGECAT %in% c('DK/REF', "Refused")) %>%
mutate(question = case_when(question == 'a' ~ "The Israeli Government",
question == 'b' ~ "The Palestinian Government",
question == 'c' ~ "The Israeli People",
question == 'd' ~ "The Palestinian People")) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=F_AGECAT, y = p, fill = factor(Year))) +
geom_col(position = position_dodge(width = 0.5), width = 0.5, color = 'black') +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = p - 1.96 * se, ymax = p + 1.96 * se), position = position_dodge(width = 0.5), width = 0.25) +
facet_wrap(~question) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, breaks = seq(0, .8, .2))+
theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA),
legend.position = 'bottom',
legend.title = element_blank()) +
labs(x = "Age Group", y = "Share Somewhat/Very Favorable", title = "Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of _____")
ggsave("img/plot1.png", width = 8, height = 5, bg = 'white')
#Analyzing the four possible forms of support
atp104 %>%
mutate(lean_gov = case_when(ME_SPPRT_a_W104 == 1 & ME_SPPRT_b_W104 == 0 ~ "Lean Israel",
ME_SPPRT_a_W104 == 0 & ME_SPPRT_b_W104 == 1 ~ "Lean Palestine",
ME_SPPRT_a_W104 == 1 & ME_SPPRT_b_W104 == 1 ~ "Equal favor",
ME_SPPRT_a_W104 == 0 & ME_SPPRT_b_W104 == 0 ~ "Equal disfavor"),
lean_people = case_when(ME_SPPRT_c_W104 == 1 & ME_SPPRT_d_W104 == 0 ~ "Lean Israel",
ME_SPPRT_c_W104 == 0 & ME_SPPRT_d_W104 == 1 ~ "Lean Palestine",
ME_SPPRT_c_W104 == 1 & ME_SPPRT_d_W104 == 1 ~ "Equal favor",
ME_SPPRT_c_W104 == 0 & ME_SPPRT_d_W104 == 0 ~ "Equal disfavor"),) %>%
F_AGECAT != "Refused") %>%
as_survey_design(id = QKEY, weights = WEIGHT_W104) -> atp104_lean_sd
#Is this tidy? No! But it works.
mutate(summarise(group_by(atp104_lean_sd, F_AGECAT, lean_gov), p = survey_prop()), Question = "Government"),
mutate(summarise(group_by(atp104_lean_sd, F_AGECAT, lean_people), p = survey_prop()), Question = "People")
) %>%
mutate(lean = ifelse(, lean_people, lean_gov)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=F_AGECAT, y=p, fill = lean)) +
geom_col(position = position_dodge(width = 1), color = 'black') +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = p - 1.96 * p_se, ymax = p + 1.96 * p_se), position = position_dodge(width = 1), width = 0.5) +
facet_grid(rows = vars(Question), cols = vars(lean)) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA),
legend.position = 'none',
legend.title = element_blank()) +
labs(x = "Age Group", y = "", title = "Favorability Balance in 2022 ATP Responses")
ggsave("img/plot2.png", width = 8, height = 5, bg = 'white')
#Create the variable measuring support for Israel but not Palestine
atp47 <- filter(atp47, !F_AGECAT %in% c("DK/REF", "Refused")) %>%
mutate(Support_Only_Isr_Gov47 = ifelse(ME_SPPRTa_W47 - ME_SPPRTb_W47 == 1, 1, 0),
Support_Only_Isr_People47 = ifelse(ME_SPPRTc_W47 - ME_SPPRTd_W47 == 1, 1, 0)) %>%
#Also a rename to make the regression table easier to read
atp104 <- filter(atp104, !F_AGECAT == "Refused") %>%
mutate(Support_Only_Isr_Gov104 = ifelse(ME_SPPRT_a_W104 - ME_SPPRT_b_W104 == 1, 1, 0),
Support_Only_Isr_People104 = ifelse(ME_SPPRT_c_W104 - ME_SPPRT_d_W104 == 1, 1, 0))
#Generate the government regression table
stargazer(lm(Support_Only_Isr_Gov47 ~ F_AGECAT, atp47, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_Gov47 ~ F_AGECAT + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP), atp47, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_Gov47 ~ F_AGECAT + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), atp47, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_Gov104 ~ F_AGECAT, atp104, weights = WEIGHT_W104),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_Gov104 ~ F_AGECAT + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP), atp104, weights = WEIGHT_W104),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_Gov104 ~ F_AGECAT + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), atp104, weights = WEIGHT_W104),
covariate.labels = c("30-49", "50-64", "65+", "Black", "Asian", "Mixed", "Other Race", "Refused Race", "Hispanic", "Refused Ethnicity", "Conservative", "Moderate", "Liberal", "Very Liberal", "Refused Ideo", "Democrat", "Independent", 'Other Party', "Refused Party"),
dep.var.labels = c("Lean Israeli Gov't (2019)", "Lean Israeli Gov't (2022)"),
model.numbers = F, column.labels = paste("(", as.character(rep(seq(1, 3, 1), 2)), ")", sep = ""),
out = 'table1.html', single.row = T, keep.stat = 'n', report = 'vc*'
#Generate the people regression table
stargazer(lm(Support_Only_Isr_People47 ~ F_AGECAT, atp47, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_People47 ~ F_AGECAT + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP), atp47, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_People47 ~ F_AGECAT + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), atp47, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_People104 ~ F_AGECAT, atp104, weights = WEIGHT_W104),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_People104 ~ F_AGECAT + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP), atp104, weights = WEIGHT_W104),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_People104 ~ F_AGECAT + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), atp104, weights = WEIGHT_W104),
covariate.labels = c("30-49", "50-64", "65+", "Black", "Asian", "Mixed", "Other Race", "Refused Race", "Hispanic", "Refused Ethnicity", "Conservative", "Moderate", "Liberal", "Very Liberal", "Refused Ideo", "Democrat", "Independent", 'Other Party', "Refused Party"),
dep.var.labels = c("Lean Israeli People (2019)", "Lean Israeli People (2022)"),
model.numbers = F, column.labels = paste("(", as.character(rep(seq(1, 3, 1), 2)), ")", sep = ""),
out = 'table2.html', single.row = T, keep.stat = 'n', report = 'vc*'
#Means of two time online measures, for diagnostic purposes
atp47 %>%
as_survey_design(id = QKEY, weights = WEIGHT_W47) %>%
summarise(TIMEONLINE1_W47 = survey_mean(TIMEONLINE1_W47, na.rm = T),
TIMEONLINE2_W47 = survey_mean(TIMEONLINE2_W47, na.rm = T))
#Collapse the two time online measures together
atp47 %>%
mutate(TO = ifelse(, TIMEONLINE2_W47, TIMEONLINE1_W47),
T_FLAG = ifelse(, 1, 0)) -> atp47_time
#Online regression
stargazer(lm(Support_Only_Isr_Gov47 ~ F_AGECAT + TIMEONLINE1_W47 + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), data = atp47_time, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_Gov47 ~ F_AGECAT + TIMEONLINE2_W47 + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), data = atp47_time, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_Gov47 ~ F_AGECAT + TO + T_FLAG + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), data = atp47_time, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_Gov47 ~ F_AGECAT + SITES1_W47 + SITES2_W47 + SITES3_W47 + SITES4_W47 + SITES5_W47 + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), data = atp47, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_People47 ~ F_AGECAT + TIMEONLINE1_W47 + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), data = atp47_time, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_People47 ~ F_AGECAT + TIMEONLINE2_W47 + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), data = atp47_time, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_People47 ~ F_AGECAT + TO + T_FLAG + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), data = atp47_time, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
lm(Support_Only_Isr_People47 ~ F_AGECAT + SITES1_W47 + SITES2_W47 + SITES3_W47 + SITES4_W47 + SITES5_W47 + factor(F_RACECMB) + factor(F_HISP) + factor(F_IDEO) + factor(F_PARTY_FINAL), data = atp47, weights = WEIGHT_W47),
omit = c("RACECMB", "HISP", "IDEO", "PARTY"),
covariate.labels = c("30-49", "50-64", "65+", "Time Online (No Email)", "Time Online", "Time Online (Combined)", "Time Question Choice Flag", "Used Facebook", "Used Instagram", "Used YouTube", "Used 'FizzyPress'", "Used 'Doromojo'"),
dep.var.labels = c("Lean Israeli Government (2019)", "Lean Israeli People (2019)"),
model.numbers = F, column.labels = as.character(rep(seq(1, 4, 1), 2)),
out = 'table3.html', single.row = T, keep.stat = 'n', report = 'vc*')
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