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Last active October 11, 2021 14:01
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import sys # to allow inputs from command line
import simplejson as json # to read json data; simplejson is easier to read nested data
import urllib.request # to make http request
# What's the issue?
# 1. A lot of data quality issues are not solved or owned.
# 2. The current lists are not efficient because they are mostly unknown by the community and we have to look at it to see what have to be done.
# The goal of this tool is to push quality errors to some volonteers.
# It does not replace current lists.
# This tool is inspired by
# 1. It must push different issues to diffetent people to ensure that the work is well distributed.
# 1b. It could favoritize some issues. Or not.
# 2. It should not bother people with too many sollicitations if people don't answer. It could allow people to make a pause.
# 3. It should not bother people with too many missions at a time.
# 4. It shall let people see the ongoing effort of the community: number of participants, etc.
# 5. It must use as few resources as possible.
# Context
# Open Food Facts identifies data quality errors:
# For a product having an identified error, the API will answer a table of all issues as follow:
# data_quality_errors_tags: [
# "en:nutrition-value-over-105-sodium",
# "en:nutrition-value-over-105-salt",
# "en:nutrition-value-total-over-105"
# ]
# To extract these errors:
# $ zcat openfoodfacts-products.jsonl.gz | head -n 50000 | \
# jq -r '. | select(.data_quality_errors_tags[]? != "") | [.code,.data_quality_errors_tags] | flatten | @csv' >
# $ time zcat openfoodfacts-products.jsonl.gz | jq -r '. | select(.data_quality_errors_tags[]? != "") | [.code,.data_quality_errors_tags]' >
# real 8m12,954s
# user 9m42,042s
# sys 0m14,459s
# $ ll -h errors*
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 charles charles 2,0M juil. 21 18:11
# ~20000 products with data quality errors: 80 days for 83 users with an average of 3 fix per day each.
# How it works.
# 1. Everyday, download all data and filter quality errors in a database (json file?)
# * flag all products that has been fixed
# * add all new products
# 2. For each user who have subscribed, send him X products randomly
# * iterate users:
# * gather the way they want to be alerted and the number of products they want to fix each time
# * don't send anything if they are in pause or if they did not fix any past suggestions from X days
# * else select and send them X products randomly
# * products that have not been sent to other users
# * products that have been sent a long time ago (xxx days?)
# * products that are in the list generated last night
# * save the user and date of the send
# 3.
# Alert example:
# Email subject (if an email): Open Food Facts quality community alert
# Hi username, here are 5 issues you might want to fix:
# 1. ...
# 2. ...
# Statistics:
# * 37 users are registered to the OFF-quality community (including you!)
# * 19,559 products has a quality error, representing 1.065% of all products.
# * xx products have been fixed since yesterday
# * if every user fix its own suggested list, it will take 87 days to get 0 data quality error
# I want more products to fix now! => it's here.
# Change your options:
# * change number of products or alert frequency
# * pause for some time
# * unsubscribe
print("Hello world")
# 1. read inputs from command line or somewhere else
# 2. initiate default values: number of issues
max_issues = 5 if max_issues is not None else max_issues
# 3. read json file, choose random page(s) and random products
# * Read json
#contents = urllib.request.urlopen("").read()
# Parse json
jsonstring = """
"count": 5851,
"page": 1,
"page_count": 24,
"page_size": 24,
"products": [
{ }
json_dict = json.loads(jsonstring)
print("JSON string = ", json_dict)
# * select X products randomly
def get_products(json_dict, nb=5):
"""get list of products related to a particular issue
json_dict : dict
The json object containing all products related to a particular issue.
nb : int
Number of products to return
A list of barcodes
# * Read the number of pages
# page_count
print (json_dict["products"]["id"])
# Start with the simple case: where the number of products requested is far fewer than products counted
if(json_dict["count"] <= nb):
print (json_dict["products"]["id"])
return json_dict["products"]["id"]
if(json_dict["count"] >= nb):
# eg. nb = 5, count = 20, page_size = 24, page_count = 1 => list = [1]
# eg. nb = 26, count = 32, page_size = 24, page_count = 2 => list = [1,2]
# eg. nb = 10, count = 50, page_size = 5, page_count = 10 => list = [3,7]
# random pages
nb_of_pages = json_dict["page_count"]
# list of pages = number of pages * page size / nb
#page_count =
print('Number of pages = ', json_dict["page_count"])
# 4. send data
# 5. save data to be checked
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