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Last active January 3, 2020 13:14
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  • Save CharlesNepote/f6c675dce53830757854141c7ba769fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CharlesNepote/f6c675dce53830757854141c7ba769fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Open Food Facts power user
// @description Helps power users in their day to day work. Key "?" shows help. This extension is a kind of sandbox to experiment features that could be added to Open Food Facts website.
// @namespace
// @version 2019-09-09T21:45
// @include https://**
// @include https://**
// @include https://**
// @include https://**
// @exclude https://**
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @icon
// @updateURL
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @author
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const pageType = isPageType(); // test page type
console.log("2019-09-09T21:45 - mode: " + pageType);
// Disable extension if the page is an API result;
if (pageType === "api") {
// TODO: allow keyboard shortcut to get back to product view?
var _code = window.location.href.match(/\/product\/(.*)\.json$/)[1];
var viewURL = document.location.protocol + "//" + + "/product/" + _code;
console.log('press v to get back to product view: ' + viewURL);
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.key === 'v') {, "_blank"); // open a new window
// Setup options
var zoomOption = false; // "true" allows zooming images with mouse wheel, while "false" disallow it
var listByRowsOption = false; // "true" automatically lists products by rows, while "false" not
// Open Food Facts power user
// * Main code by Charles Nepote (@CharlesNepote)
// * Barcode code by @harragastudios
// Firefox: add it via Greamonkey or Tampermonkey extension:
// Chrome (not tested): add it with Tampermonkey:
// Main features
// * DESIGN (custom CSS with small improvements)
// * barcode highlighted with a sweet color
// * better distinguished sections
// * fields highlighted, current field highlighted
// * less margins for some elements
// * UI
// * help screen called with button [?] or keyboard shortcut (?) or (h)
// * zoom every images with mouse wheel; see
// * show/hide barcode; keyboard shortcut (shift+B)
// * see
// * keyboard shortcut to API product page (alt+shift+A)
// * keyboard shortcut to get back to view mode (v)
// * keyboard shortcut to enter edit mode: (e) in the current window, (E) in a new window
// * see Add "Edit" keyboard shortcut for logged users:
// * keyboard shortcuts to help modify data without a mouse: P(roduct), Q(uality), B(rands), C(ategories), L(abels), I(ngredients), (e)N(ergy), F(ibers)
// * dedicated to list screens (facets, search results...):
// * [alpha] keyboard shortcut to list products as a table containing ingredients and options to edit or delete ingredients
// (shift+L) ["L" for "list"]
// * [beta] transfer data from a language to another (use *very* carefully); keyboard shortcut (shift+T)
// * [beta] easily delete ingredients, by entering the list by rows mode (shift+L)
// * [alpha] allow flagging products for later review (shift+S)
// *
// * Ask
// * launch Google OCR if "Edit ingredients" is clicked in view mode
// * "[Products without brand that might be from this brand]" link, following product code
// * help screen: add "Similarly named products without a category" link
// * help screen: add "Product code search on Google" link
// * help screen: add links to Google/Yandex Reverse Image search (thanks Tacite for suggestion)
// * Add fiew informations on the confirmation page:
// * Products issues:
// * To be completed (from "states_tags")
// * Quality tags
// * and a link to product edit
// * Going further
// * "XX products without brand that might be from this brand" link
// * Tampermonkey suggest to update the extension when one click to updateURL:
// * Easily delete ingredients when too buggy
// * list products with ingredients: allow inline editing
// * Add a shortcut to move a product to OBF, OPF
// * Add fiew informations on the confirmation page:
// * Nutri-Score and Nova if just calculated?
// * unknown ingredients
// * product of a brand from a particular country, that are not present in this country (see @teolemon)
// * keyboard shortcut to get back to view mode (v) => target=_self + prevent leaving page if changes are not saved
// * On the fly quality checks in the product edit form (javascript):
// * UI & DESIGN
// * add a fixed menu button as in mass-updater
// * hightlight empty fields?
// * select high resolution images on demand
// * BUGS
// * wheelzoom transform image links to: ..................
// * some access keys doesnt seem to work, due to javascript library
// * see Support hitting the TAB key only once to quickly move to the next text field and then make entering text possible:
// * focus on .tagsinput fields is not highlighted
// css
// See
var css = `
/* .row { width: 80% !important; margin: 0 0 !important; } */
/* Special color for barcode */
span[property="food:code"] { color: Olive; }
/* Enhancements to better distinguish sections: Product information, Ingredients and Nutriments facts */
#main_column > div > h2 { margin-top: 1.6rem !important;
margin-bottom: 0.2rem !important;
border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey; }
/* Special background color for all input fieds */
textarea, .tagsinput, input[type=text], input.nutriment_value { background-color: LightYellow !important; }
textarea:focus, .tagsinput:focus, input[type=text]:focus, input.nutriment_value:focus { background-color: lightblue !important; }
/* Small enhancements */
p { margin-bottom: 0.6rem !important; }
#image_box_front { margin-bottom: 1rem !important; }
.unselectbuttondiv_front_fr {
text-align: center !important; }
.unselectbutton_front_fr {
margin:0 0 0 0 !important;
/* Buttons Rotate left - Rotate right: 0.25rem vs 1.25 */
.cropbox > div > a { margin: 0 0 0.25rem; }
/* checkbox: Normalize colors and Photo on white background: try to remove the background */
.cropbox > label { margin-top: 3px; }
.cropbox > input { margin: 0 0 0.5rem 0; }
/* Reset margins of nutriments form */
input.nutriment_value { margin: 0 0 0 0; }
input.show_comparison {
margin: 0 0 0.2rem 0 !important;
// apply custom CSS
var s = document.createElement('style');
s.type = 'text/css';
s.innerHTML = css;
if(pageType !== "list") {
var code, barcode;
code = getURLParam("code")||$('span[property="food:code"]').html();
console.log("code: "+ code);
// build API product link; example:
var apiProductURL = "/api/v0/product/" + code + ".json";
console.log("API: " + apiProductURL);
// build edit url
var editURL = document.location.protocol + "//" + + "/cgi/" + code;
// ***
// * Image zoom
// *
// Test image zoom with mouse wheel
// Don't forget to add: // @require
if(zoomOption) { wheelzoom(document.querySelectorAll('img')); } // doesn't work in edit mode
// Test image zoom with jquery-zoom
// Don't forget to add: // @require
// $('img').zoom({ on:'grab' }); // add zoom // doesn't work
// $('img').trigger('zoom.destroy'); // remove zoom
// ***
// * Edit mode
// *
// Accesskeys ; see
// "P" could be for "Product characteristic" section (view mode: <h2>Product characteristics</h2> => <h2 id="product_characteristic">Product characteristics</h2> (not very useful) ; edit mode: <legend>Product characteristics</legend> => add the id)
// "P" could also be for the "product name" field (edit mode: id="product_name_fr" when fr)
// "Q" for "quantity"
// "B" for "brands"
// "C" for "categories" (very important field)
// "L" for "labels"
// "I" could be for "Ingredients" section (view mode: <h2>Ingredients</h2> => <h2 id="ingredients_section">Ingredients</h2> ; edit mode: <legend>Ingredients</legend> => add the id)
// "I" could also be for the "Ingredients" field (edit mode: id="ingredients_text_fr" when fr)
// "N" could be for "Nutrition facts" section (view mode: <h2>Nutrition facts</h2> => <h2 id="nutrition_facts_section">Nutrition facts</h2> ; edit mode: <legend>Nutrition facts</legend> => add the id)
// "N" could also be for the "Energy" field in edit mode (id="nutriment_energy")
// "F" for "Dietary fiber" (often not completed for historical reasons)
if (pageType === "edit") {
// TODO: add ingredients picture aside ingredients text area
var ingredientsImage = $("#display_ingredients_es img");
console.log("ingredientsImage: "+ ingredientsImage);
"width": "50%",
"float": "left",
// //$("#display_ingredients_es img").clone().after("#ingredients_text_es");
// ***
// * View mode
// *
// Test if we are in a product view.
if (pageType === "product view") {
// If ingredients are allready entered, show results of the OCR
if($("#editingredients")[0]) {
// Looking for ingredients language
var regex1 = new RegExp(/\((..)\)/);
var ingredientsButton = $("#editingredients").html();
var lc = regex1.exec(ingredientsButton)[1];
console.log("Ingredients language: "+lc);
// Show results of the OCR
$('body').on('DOMNodeInserted', '#ingredients_list', function(e) {
$( "<p>OCR results (not saved):</p>" );
$( "<textarea id=\"ingredientFromGCV\"></textarea>" );
$( "<p>Text to be saved:</p>" );
// ***
// * Saved product page
// *
var nbOfSameBrandProducts;
if(pageType === "saved-product page") {
$("#main_column").append('<p id="furthermore"><strong>Going further:</strong></p>' +
'<ul id="going-further">' +
$("#furthermore").before('<p id="product_issues"><strong>Product issues:</strong></p>' +
'<ul id="issues" style="margin-bottom: 0.2rem">' +
$("#issues").after('<p>→ <a href="'+editURL+'">Re-edit current product</a></p>');
// ***
// * Every modes, except "api", "list", "search-form"
// *
if (pageType === "edit" ||
pageType === "product view"||
pageType === "saved-product page") {
// (Find products from the same brand)
if ($("#barcode_paragraph")) {
var sameBrandProducts = code.replace(/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/gi, "xxxx");
var sameBrandProductsURL = document.location.protocol +
"//" + +
'/state/brands-to-be-completed/code/' +
var sameBrandProductsJSON = sameBrandProductsURL + "&json=1";
$.getJSON(sameBrandProductsJSON, function(data) {
nbOfSameBrandProducts = data.count;
console.log("nbOfSameBrandProducts: " + nbOfSameBrandProducts);
$("#going-further").append('<li><span><a href="' +
sameBrandProductsURL +
'">' + nbOfSameBrandProducts +
' products without brand that might be from this brand</a></span>' +
.append(' <span>[<a href="' +
sameBrandProductsURL +
'">Products without brand that might be from this brand</a>]</span>');
// TODO: compute Google and Yandex reverse image search
var gReverseImageURL = "";
var yReverseImageURL = "";
var frontImgURL = $('meta[name="twitter:image"]').attr("content");
var ingredientsImgURL = ($('#image_box_ingredients a img').attr('srcset') ? $('#image_box_ingredients a img').attr('srcset').match(/(.*) (.*)/)[1] : "");
var nutritionImgURL = ($('#image_box_nutrition a img').attr('srcset') ? $('#image_box_nutrition a img').attr('srcset').match(/(.*) (.*)/)[1] : "");
//console.log('nutritionImgURL: ' + nutritionImgURL);
// Help box
var help = "<ul>" +
"<li>(?) or (h): this present help</li>" +
"<li>(Shift+b): show/hide <strong>barcode</strong></li>" +
"<hr>" +
"<li>(e): edit current product in current window</li>" +
"<li>(E): edit product in a new window</li>" +
"<li id='api_product_page'>(Alt+shift+A): API product page (json)</li>" +
"<li><a href='"+ sameBrandProductsURL + "'>" + sameBrandProducts + " products without a brand</a></li>" +
(pageType === "product view" ?
"<li><a href=\""+ getSimilarlyNamedProductsWithoutCategorySearchURL() + "\">Similarly named products without a category</a></li>":
"<li>Similarly named products without a category (view mode only)</li>") +
"<li><a href='"+ code + "'>Product code search on Google</a></li>" +
"<li>Google Reverse Image search: "+
(pageType !== "product view" ? "(view mode only)</li>" :
(frontImgURL ? "<a href='"+ gReverseImageURL + frontImgURL + "'>front</a>" : "")+
(ingredientsImgURL ? ", <a href='"+ gReverseImageURL + ingredientsImgURL + "'>ingredients</a>" : "") +
(nutritionImgURL ? ", <a href='"+ gReverseImageURL + nutritionImgURL + "'>nutrition</a>" : "")) +
"</li>" +
"<li>Yandex Reverse Image search: "+
(pageType !== "product view" ? "(view mode only)</li>" :
(frontImgURL ? "<a href='"+ yReverseImageURL + frontImgURL + "'>front</a>" : "")+
(ingredientsImgURL ? ", <a href='"+ yReverseImageURL + ingredientsImgURL + "'>ingredients</a>" : "") +
(nutritionImgURL ? ", <a href='"+ yReverseImageURL + nutritionImgURL + "'>nutrition</a>" : "")) +
"</li>" +
"<hr id='nav_keys'>" +
"<li>(Alt+shift+key): direct access to (P)roduct name, (Q)uality, (B)rands, (C)ategories, (L)abels, (I)ngredients, e(N)ergy, (F)ibers</li>" +
"<hr>" +
"<li>(shift+T): <strong>transfer</strong> a product from a language to another, in edition mode only (use <strong>very</strong> carefully)</li>" +
"<li>(shift+S): <strong>flag</strong> product for later review (ask for log access)</li>" +
// Help icon fixed
$('body').append('<button id="pwe_help" style="position:fixed; left:50%;top:0rem;padding:0 1rem 0 1rem;font-size:1.5rem;background-color:red;">?</button>');
//$('#select_country_li').insertAfter('<li id="pwe_help" style="font-size:2rem;background-color:red;">?</li>'); // issue: menu desappear when scrolling
showPowerUserInfo(help); // open a new window
// API accesskey
$('body').append('<a id="api-page" href="'+ apiProductURL +'" target="_blank"></a>');
// Keyboard actions
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
// console.log(event);
// If the key is not pressed inside a input field (ex. search product field)
if (!$(':input')) {
// (Shift + B): toggle show/hide barcode
if (event.key === 'B') {
if (barcode === true) {
barcode = false;
if (barcode === false || barcode === undefined) {
$('<canvas id="barcode_draw"></svg>').insertAfter('#barcode');
barcode = true;
JsBarcode("#barcode_draw", code, {
lineColor: "Olive",
width: 2,
height: 50,
displayValue: true});
// (e): edit current product in current window
if (pageType === "product view" && event.key === 'e') {, "_self"); // edit in current window
// (E): edit current product in a new window
if (pageType === "product view" && event.key === 'E') {; // open a new window
// (v): if in "edit" mode, switch to view mode
if (pageType !== "product view" && event.key === 'v') {
var viewURL = document.location.protocol + "//" + + "/product/" + code;, "_blank"); // open a new window
// (?): edit current product in a new window
if (event.key === '?' || event.key === 'h') {
showPowerUserInfo(help); // open a new window
// (S): edit current product in a new window
if (event.key === 'S' && getURLParam("rev")) {
// (T): transfer a product from a language to another
if (event.key === 'T') {
if (pageType !== "edit") {
showPowerUserInfo('<p>Transfer only work in "edit" mode.</p>');
// products to test:
// TODO: use detectLanguages() function
var array_langs = $("#sorted_langs").val().split(",");
var options_langs;
var transferServiceURL = "";
options_langs += '<option value="'+(array_langs[i])+'">'+(array_langs[i])+'</option>';
console.log("options_langs: "+options_langs);
var transfer = "<div id=\"dialog\" title=\"Dialog Form\">" +
'<form action="' + transferServiceURL + '" method="get">' +
"<label>Source language:</label>" +
"<select id=\"transfer_ol\" name=\"ol\">" +
options_langs +
"</select>" +
"<label>Target language:</label>" +
"<input id=\"transfer_fl\" name=\"fl\" type=\"text\">" +
"<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"code\" value=\""+ code + "\">" +
"<input id=\"transfer_submit\" type=\"button\" value=\"=> Transfer\">" +
"</form>" +
'<div id="transfer_result"></div>' +
showPowerUserInfo(transfer); // open a new window
var url = transferServiceURL +
"?ol=" + $("#transfer_ol").val() +
"&fl=" + $("#transfer_fl").val() +
"&code=" + code;
$.ajax({url: url, success: function(result){
$("#transfer_result").html("<p>Page is going to reload in 5s...</p>");
setTimeout(function() {
location.reload(); // reload the page
}, 8000);
// ***
// * "list" mode (when a page contains a list of products (home page, facets, search results...)
// *
if (pageType === "list") {
var css_4_list =`
/* */
#main_column { height:auto !important; } /* Because main_column has an inline style with "height: 1220px" */
.products { /*display: table; /**/ border-collapse: collapse; /*float:none;/**/ }
.products li { display: table-row; width: auto; text-align: left; border-bottom: 1px solid black; float:none; }
.products > li > a,
.products > li > a > div,
.products > li > a > span,
.p_actions { display: table-cell; }
.products > li > a { border: 1px solid black; }
.ingr, .p_actions { border: 1px solid black; }
.ingr { border-right: 0px; } .p_actions {border-left: 0px; }
.products > li > a { display: table-cell; width: 30%; vertical-align: middle; height: 6rem !important; }
.products > li > a > div { display: table-cell; max-width: 35% !important; } /* */
.products > li > a > span { display: table-cell; width: 70%; vertical-align: middle; padding-left: 1rem;} /* */
.ingr { display: table-cell; width: 800px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0 0.6rem 0 0.6rem;}
.p_actions { display: table-cell; width: 100px; vertical-align: middle; padding: 0.5rem; line-height: 4rem !important; width: 4rem !important; }
.ingr, .p_actions > button { font-size: 0.9rem; vertical-align: middle; }
.p_actions > button { margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 0.3rem 0.1rem 0.3rem 0.1rem; width: 6rem; }
.ingr_del { background-color: #ff2c2c; }
var listByRowsMode = false; // We are not yet in "list by rows" mode
// Keyboard actions
if (listByRowsOption === true) { listByRows(); }
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
// If the key is not pressed inside a input field (ex. search product field)
if (!$(':input')) {
// (Shift + L)
if (event.key === 'L' && listByRowsMode === false) {
* listByRows
function listByRows() {
console.log("List by rows -------------");
listByRowsMode = true;
console.log("listByRowsMode: " + listByRowsMode);
var s = document.createElement('style');
s.type = 'text/css';
s.innerHTML = css_4_list;
var urlList = document.URL;
var prods = getJSONList(urlList);
* @param : var, url of the list; example:
* @return : object, JSON list of products
function getJSONList(urlList) {
// Test on
var ingr = "";
$.getJSON( urlList + "&json=1", function(data) {
console.log("Data from products' page: " + urlList);
var local_code, editIngUrl;
$( ".products > li" ).each(function( index ) {
//console.log( index + ": " + $( this ).text() );
//$( this ).find(">:first-child").append('<span class="ingr">'+data["products"][index]["ingredients_text"]+'</span>');
local_code = data["products"][index]["code"];
editIngUrl = document.location.protocol + "//" + + '/cgi/' + local_code + '#tabs_ingredients_image';
$( this ).append('<span class="ingr" id="i'+local_code+'">'+data["products"][index]["ingredients_text"]+'</span>');
$( this ).append('<div class="p_actions">'+
'<button class="ingr_del" title="Immediate deletion, be careful." id="p_actions_del_'+local_code+'" value="'+local_code+'">'+
'Delete ingredients</button>'+
"<button title=\"Edit in a new window\" onclick=\"'"+editIngUrl+"','_blank');\">"+
'Edit ingredients</button>'+
// Delete ingredients field:
//deleteProductField(productCode, field);
var _code = $(this).attr("value");
var _url = document.location.protocol + "//" + + "/cgi/" + _code + "&ingredients_text=";
var _d = $.getJSON(_url, function() {
console.log("Delete product ingredients");
.done(function(jqm2) {
.fail(function() {
return data;
// ***
// * Flag this version
// *
function flagThisVersion() {
// Extract revision number from URL:
var rev = getURLParam("rev");
// Extract current user URL
var user_url = $('a[href*="/cgi/"]')[1];
// Extract current user name from URL /cgi/ => charlesnepote
var user_name = $(user_url).attr('href').match(/userid=(.*)&type/)[1];
// Extract contributor of the current version from /contributor/jaeulitt => jaeulitt
var version_user = $('.rev_contributor').attr('href').match(/contributor\/(.*)/)[1];
console.log("user_url: "); console.log(user_url);
console.log("user_name: "); console.log(user_name);
console.log("version_user: "); console.log(version_user);
//var session = $.cookie("session");
//console.log("session: "+session);
// Debug CORS:
// CORS proxies:
// * => GET only
// * => sometimes down (3 days after first tries); can be installed on Heroku
// * => ok
var googleScriptURL = "";
var flagWindow =
'<div id="flag_dialog" title="Dialog Form">' +
'<form name="flag_form">' +
'<label>Issue:</label>' +
'<select id="flag_issue" name="issue">' +
'<option value="ask_for_help">ask_for_help</option>' +
'<option value="bug">bug</option>' +
'<option value="copyright_(images...)">copyright_(images...)</option>' +
'<option value="emblematic_product">emblematic_product</option>' +
'<option value="error_to_explain">error_to_explain</option>' +
'<option value="pro_account">pro_account</option>' +
'<option value="to_be_completed">to_be_completed</option>' +
'<option value="to_be_controlled">to_be_controlled</option>' +
'<option value="to_be_finished">to_be_finished</option>' +
'<option value="spam">spam</option>' +
'<option value="user_to_be_contacted">user_to_be_contacted</option>' +
'<option value="vandalism">vandalism</option>' +
'</select>' +
'<label>Comments (optionnal):</label>' +
'<input name="comments" type="text" value="">' +
//'<label>Description:</label>' +
//'<input id="flag_desc" name="description" type="text">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="admin_user" value="'+ user_name + '">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="code" value="'+ code + '">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="version_nb" value="'+ rev + '">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="version_user" value="'+ version_user + '">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'+ document.location + '">' +
'<input id="transfer_submit" type="submit" value="Flag this version">' +
'</form>' +
'<div id="flag_result"></div>' +
showPowerUserInfo(flagWindow); // open a new window
var spreadsheetURL = '';
const form = document.forms['flag_form'];
form.addEventListener('submit', e => {
console.log("Submited rev "+rev);
fetch(googleScriptURL, {
method: 'POST',
mode: 'cors',
body: new FormData(form)
.then(function(response) {
console.log('Success!', response);
$("#flag_result").append('<p style="margin-top:1rem;font-weight: bold;">' +
'✅ Version ' +
'<a href="' + spreadsheetURL + '" style="color:blue" target="_blank">' +
.catch(error => console.error('Error!', error.message));
// * Add a flag button/API to put up a product for review when you're in a hurry:
// * With Google Spreasheet, see:
// *
// *
// Test: sendLoggingData("reporting_date=2019-06-14&admin_user=CharlesNepote&product_code="+code);
// sendLoggingData("reporting_date=2019-06-14&admin_user=CharlesNepote&product_code="+code+"&callback=?");
function sendLoggingData(serializedData) { // does not work!
var request = $.ajax({
//url: "",
url: "",
type: "GET", // alias for 'method'
crossDomain: true,
dataType: "json",
data: {
issue: '2019',
code: 'toto',
}).success(function() {
// do something
request.crossDomain = true;
console.log("request: "+request);
function getNumberOfProductsWithSimilardCodeAndWithoutBrand(codeToCheck) {
function addQualityTags() {
$.getJSON(apiProductURL, function(data) {
var qualityTagsArray = data.product.quality_tags;
console.log("qualityTagsArray: ");
//var list = '<ul><li>' + arr.join('</li><li>') + '</li></ul>';
var list = qualityTagsArray.join(' ◼ ');
$("#issues").append('<li><span>Quality tags: ' + list +
' </span>' +
function addStateTags() { // TODO: merge with addQualityTags function?
$.getJSON(apiProductURL, function(data) {
var stateTagsArray = data.product.states_tags;
console.log("stateTagsArray: ");
//var list = '<ul><li>' + arr.join('</li><li>') + '</li></ul>';
var filteredStateTagsArray = keepMatching(stateTagsArray, /(.*)to-be(.*)/);
var finalArray = replaceInsideArray(filteredStateTagsArray, /en\:/, '');
//finalArray = replaceInsideArray(finalArray, /-to-be-completed/, '');
finalArray = replaceInsideArray(finalArray, /to-be-completed/, '');
finalArray = replaceInsideArray(finalArray, /\-/g, ' ');
var list = stateTagsArray.join(' ◼ ');
$("#issues").append('<li><span>To be completed (from "State tags"): ' + list +
' </span>' +
function isNbOfSimilarNamedProductsWithoutACategory() {
var url = getSimilarlyNamedProductsWithoutCategorySearchURL();
console.log("url: " + url);
$.getJSON(url + "&json=1", function(data) {
var nbOfSimilarNamedProductsWithoutACategory = data.count;
console.log("nbOfSimilarNamedProductsWithoutACategory: " + nbOfSimilarNamedProductsWithoutACategory);
$("#going-further").append('<li><span><a href="' +
url +
'">' + nbOfSimilarNamedProductsWithoutACategory +
' products with a similar name but without a category</a></span>' +
// Build search URL that finds products with a similar name, without category; example:
function getSimilarlyNamedProductsWithoutCategorySearchURL() {
var productName, similarProductsSearchURL;
if (pageType !== "product view") { // script fail if productName below is undefined
// The productName below sometimes is undefined; TODO: get it with API?
productName = $('h1[property="food:name"]').html().match(/(.*?)(( - .*)|$)/)[1];
similarProductsSearchURL = encodeURI(
document.location.protocol + "//" + +
"/cgi/" + productName +
"&tagtype_0=states&tag_contains_0=contains&tag_0=categories to be completed&sort_by=unique_scans_n");
console.log("productName: "+productName);
console.log("similarProductsSearchURL: "+similarProductsSearchURL);
return similarProductsSearchURL;
// Read URL parameters
function getURLParam(name) {
var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href);
if (results === null) {
return null;
return decodeURI(results[1]) || 0;
* Description : Detect which kind of page has been loaded
* @param : none
* @return : var, type of page: api|saved-product page|edit|list|search form|product view
function isPageType() {
// Detect API page. Example:
var regex_api = RegExp('api/v0/');
if(regex_api.test(document.URL) === true) {
return "api";
// Detect "edit" mode.
var regex = RegExp('');
if(regex.test(document.URL) === true) {
if (!$("#sorted_langs").length) { // Detect "Changes saved." page
return "saved-product page";
else {
return "edit";
// Detect page containing a list of products (home page, search results...)
if ($(".products")[0]) {
return "list";
// Detect search form
var regex_search = RegExp('cgi/$');
if(regex_search.test(document.URL) === true) {
return "search form";
// Finally, it's a product view
if(regex.test(document.URL) !== true) {
return "product view";
// Detect languages
function detectLanguages() {
console.log("detectLanguages: ");
var array = $("#sorted_langs").val().split(",");
return array;
// Show pop-up
function showPowerUserInfo(message) {
// Inspiration:
// create div for popup
$('body').append('<div id="power-user-help" title="Information"></div>');
// transforme la division en popup
var popup = $("#power-user-help").dialog({
autoOpen: true,
width: 400,
dialogClass: 'dialogstyleperso',
// add style if necessarry
return popup;
// Get ingredients via Google Cloud Vision
function getIngredientsFromGCV(code,lc) {
var ingredientsURL = document.location.protocol + "//" + +
"/cgi/" + code +
"&id=ingredients_" + lc + "&process_image=1&ocr_engine=google_cloud_vision";
console.log("ingredientsURL: "+ingredientsURL);
$.getJSON(ingredientsURL, function(json) {
function keepMatching(originalArray, regex) {
var j = 0;
while (j < originalArray.length) {
if (regex.test(originalArray[j]) === false) {
originalArray.splice(j, 1); // delete value at position j
} else {
return originalArray;
function replaceInsideArray(originalArray, regex, target) {
var j = 0;
while (j < originalArray.length) {
originalArray[j] = originalArray[j].replace(regex, target);
if (originalArray[j] === "") {
originalArray.splice(j, 1); // delete value at position j
} else {
return originalArray;
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VaiTon commented Jun 14, 2019

Tested with latest version. Does show only when userscript enabled.

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Thanks @VaiTon! It's fixed with version 2019-06-16T12:07.

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VaiTon commented Jun 17, 2019

Happy to help! :-)

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VaiTon commented Jun 21, 2019

I noticed that the new barcode feature shows this error in console.

Uncaught InvalidElementException: Not supported type to render on
    at new e (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=ca008cdf-39d8-4e51-a63e-c5e48017bea5:25:7535)
    at o (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=ca008cdf-39d8-4e51-a63e-c5e48017bea5:25:12153)
    at i (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=ca008cdf-39d8-4e51-a63e-c5e48017bea5:25:12288)
    at o (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=ca008cdf-39d8-4e51-a63e-c5e48017bea5:25:11485)
    at Window.j [as JsBarcode] (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=ca008cdf-39d8-4e51-a63e-c5e48017bea5:26:15221)
    at HTMLDocument.eval (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=ca008cdf-39d8-4e51-a63e-c5e48017bea5:248:25)
    at HTMLDocument.dispatch (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=ca008cdf-39d8-4e51-a63e-c5e48017bea5:8:8436)
    at HTMLDocument.r.handle (chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/userscript.html?id=ca008cdf-39d8-4e51-a63e-c5e48017bea5:8:5139)

I tried to replace the svg element here with a canvas and it worked! Can you try it out and fix it?

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@VaiTon: thanks! I fixed it following your suggestion. It should work now.
Also, thanks to your work on version pages, the extension now save the editor when flagging a version. :)

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teolemon commented Jan 3, 2020

Having graphical issues

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