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Created March 3, 2017 13:09
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defmodule TL do
use Bitwise
defmodule UserInfo do
defstruct user_id: nil,
first_name: "",
last_name: "",
mobile: "",
access_hash: 0,
username: ""
# Utils
def file(x), do: decode(Base.decode16!(!(x)))
def hex(x), do: decode(:binary.encode_unsigned x)
# Decoding
defp decode(:True, rm), do: {true, rm}
defp decode(:False, rm), do: {false, rm}
defp decode(:Bool, <<181, 117, 114, 153, rm::binary>>), do: {false, rm}
defp decode(:Bool, <<55, 151, 121, 188, rm::binary>>), do: {true, rm}
defp decode(:Bytes, bin), do: decode(:String, bin)
defp decode(:Double, <<val::little-float-64, rm::binary>>), do: {val, rm}
defp decode(:Int, <<val::little-4*8, rm::binary>>), do: {val, rm}
defp decode(:Int128, <<val::little-16*8, rm::binary>>), do: {val, rm}
defp decode(:Int256, <<val::little-32*8, rm::binary>>), do: {val, rm}
defp decode(:Long, <<val::little-8*8, rm::binary>>), do: {val, rm}
defp decode(:String, <<254, len::little-3*8, val::binary-size(len)-unit(8), rm::binary>>) when rem(len, 4) == 0, do: {val, rm}
defp decode(:String, <<254, len::little-3*8, val::binary-size(len)-unit(8), rm::binary>>) do
pad = 4 - rem(len, 4)
<<_::binary-size(pad)-unit(8), rm::binary>> = rm
{val, rm}
defp decode(:String, <<len, val::binary-size(len)-unit(8), rm::binary>>) when rem(len + 1, 4) == 0, do: {val, rm}
defp decode(:String, <<len, val::binary-size(len)-unit(8), rm::binary>>) do
pad = 4 - rem(len + 1, 4)
<<_::binary-size(pad)-unit(8), rm::binary>> = rm
{val, rm}
defp decode([type], <<21, 196, 181, 28, cnt::little-4*8, bin::binary>>), do: dec_v(type, bin, cnt, [])
defp decode([_typ], <<code::little-4*8, _::binary>> = bin), do: dec_o(code, bin, [])
defp decode(_, bin), do: decode(bin)
defp decode(bin, flag, ix) when band(flag, ix) == ix, do: decode(bin)
defp decode(bin, _, _), do: {nil, bin}
defp decode(type, bin, flag, ix) when band(flag, ix) == ix, do: decode(type, bin)
defp decode(_, bin, _, _), do: {nil, bin}
defp dec_v(_, e, 0, acc), do: {Enum.reverse(acc), e}
defp dec_v(_,"", _, acc), do: {Enum.reverse(acc),""}
defp dec_v(type, bin, cnt, acc) do
{v, e} = decode(type, bin)
dec_v(type, e, cnt - 1, [v | acc])
defp dec_o(c0, <<c1::little-4*8, _::binary>> = bin, acc) when c0 != c1, do: {Enum.reverse(acc), bin}
defp dec_o(c0, <<c1::little-4*8, _::binary>> = bin, acc) when c0 == c1 do
{v, e}= decode(bin)
dec_o(c0, e, [v | acc])
# Encoding
defp encode(:Int, nil), do: <<0::little-4*8>>
defp encode(:String, nil), do: encode(:String, "")
defp encode(:Long, nil), do: <<0::little-8*8>>
defp encode(:Bytes, nil), do: encode(:String, "")
defp encode(:Int128, nil), do: <<0::little-16*8>>
defp encode(:Double, nil), do: <<0::little-float-64>>
defp encode(:Int256, nil), do: <<0::little-32*8>>
defp encode(:Int, arg) when is_binary(arg), do: arg
defp encode(:Long, arg) when is_binary(arg), do: arg
defp encode(:Int128, arg) when is_binary(arg), do: arg
defp encode(:Double, arg) when is_binary(arg), do: arg
defp encode(:Int256, arg) when is_binary(arg), do: arg
defp encode(:Int, arg), do: <<arg::little-4*8>>
defp encode(:String, arg) do
case byte_size(arg) do
len when len > 253 and rem(len, 4) == 0 -> <<254, len::little-3*8, arg::binary>>
len when len < 254 and rem(len + 1, 4) == 0 -> <<len, arg::binary>>
len when len > 253 -> pad = 4 - rem(len, 4); <<254, len::little-3*8, arg::binary-size(len), 0::size(pad)-unit(8)>>
len when len < 254 -> pad = 4 - rem(len + 1, 4); <<len, arg::binary-size(len), 0::size(pad)-unit(8)>>
defp encode(:Long, arg), do: <<arg::little-8*8>>
defp encode(:Bytes, arg), do: encode(:String, arg)
# defp encode(:Bool, true), do: <<55, 151, 121, 188>> #0xBC799737
# defp encode(:Bool, false), do: <<181, 117, 114, 153>> #0x997275B5
defp encode(:Int128, arg), do: <<arg::little-16*8>>
defp encode(:True, true), do: ""# <<57, 211, 237, 63>> #0x3FEDD339
defp encode(:Double, arg), do: <<arg::little-float-64>>
defp encode(:Int256, arg), do: <<arg::little-32*8>>
# simple flagged
defp enc_f(x, arg, flags, ix) do
if band(flags, ix) == ix, do: encode(x, arg), else: <<>>
# object flagged
defp enc_f(arg, flags, ix) do
if band(flags, ix) == ix, do: encode(arg), else: <<>>
# simple vector
defp enc_v(x, arg), do: enc_v(x, arg, 0, "")
defp enc_v(_, [], cnt, acc), do: <<21, 196, 181, 28, cnt::little-4*8, acc::binary>>
defp enc_v(x, [arg | args], cnt, acc), do: enc_v(x, args, cnt + 1, acc <> encode(x, arg))
# object vector
defp enc_v(arg), do: enc_v(arg, 0, "")
defp enc_v([], cnt, acc), do: <<21, 196, 181, 28, cnt::little-4*8, acc::binary>>
defp enc_v([arg | args], cnt, acc), do: enc_v(args, cnt + 1, acc <> encode(arg))
defp enc_vf(arg, flags, ix) do
if band(flags, ix) == ix, do: enc_v(arg, 0, ""), else: <<>>
# Layer 62
# Types
defmodule ResPQ do defstruct nonce: nil, server_nonce: nil, pq: nil, server_public_key_fingerprints: [] end
defmodule P_Q_Inner_Data do defstruct pq: nil, p: nil, q: nil, nonce: nil, server_nonce: nil, new_nonce: nil end
defmodule Server_DH_Params_Fail do defstruct nonce: nil, server_nonce: nil, new_nonce_hash: nil end
defmodule Server_DH_Params_Ok do defstruct nonce: nil, server_nonce: nil, encrypted_answer: nil end
defmodule Server_DH_Inner_Data do defstruct nonce: nil, server_nonce: nil, g: nil, dh_prime: nil, g_a: nil, server_time: nil end
defmodule Client_DH_Inner_Data do defstruct nonce: nil, server_nonce: nil, retry_id: nil, g_b: nil end
defmodule Dh_Gen_Ok do defstruct nonce: nil, server_nonce: nil, new_nonce_hash1: nil end
defmodule Dh_Gen_Retry do defstruct nonce: nil, server_nonce: nil, new_nonce_hash2: nil end
defmodule Dh_Gen_Fail do defstruct nonce: nil, server_nonce: nil, new_nonce_hash3: nil end
defmodule Msgs_Ack do defstruct msg_ids: [] end
defmodule Bad_Msg_Notification do defstruct bad_msg_id: nil, bad_msg_seqno: nil, error_code: nil end
defmodule Bad_Server_Salt do defstruct bad_msg_id: nil, bad_msg_seqno: nil, error_code: nil, new_server_salt: nil end
defmodule Msgs_State_Req do defstruct msg_ids: [] end
defmodule Msgs_State_Info do defstruct req_msg_id: nil, info: nil end
defmodule Msgs_All_Info do defstruct msg_ids: [], info: nil end
defmodule Msg_Detailed_Info do defstruct msg_id: nil, answer_msg_id: nil, bytes: nil, status: nil end
defmodule Msg_New_Detailed_Info do defstruct answer_msg_id: nil, bytes: nil, status: nil end
defmodule Msg_Resend_Req do defstruct msg_ids: [] end
defmodule Rpc_Result do defstruct req_msg_id: nil, result: nil end
defmodule Rpc_Error do defstruct error_code: nil, error_message: nil end
defmodule Rpc_Answer_Unknown do defstruct [] end
defmodule Rpc_Answer_Dropped_Running do defstruct [] end
defmodule Rpc_Answer_Dropped do defstruct msg_id: nil, seq_no: nil, bytes: nil end
defmodule Future_Salt do defstruct valid_since: nil, valid_until: nil, salt: nil end
defmodule Future_Salts do defstruct req_msg_id: nil, now: nil, salts: [] end
defmodule Pong do defstruct msg_id: nil, ping_id: nil end
defmodule Destroy_Session_Ok do defstruct session_id: nil end
defmodule Destroy_Session_None do defstruct session_id: nil end
defmodule New_Session_Created do defstruct first_msg_id: nil, unique_id: nil, server_salt: nil end
defmodule Gzip_Packed do defstruct packed_data: nil end
defmodule Http_Wait do defstruct max_delay: nil, wait_after: nil, max_wait: nil end
defmodule BoolFalse do defstruct [] end
defmodule BoolTrue do defstruct [] end
defmodule True do defstruct [] end
defmodule Error do defstruct code: nil, text: nil end
defmodule Null do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPeerEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPeerSelf do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPeerChat do defstruct chat_id: nil end
defmodule InputPeerUser do defstruct user_id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule InputPeerChannel do defstruct channel_id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule InputUserEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputUserSelf do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputUser do defstruct user_id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule InputPhoneContact do defstruct client_id: nil, phone: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil end
defmodule InputFile do defstruct id: nil, parts: nil, name: nil, md5_checksum: nil end
defmodule InputFileBig do defstruct id: nil, parts: nil, name: nil end
defmodule InputMediaEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMediaUploadedPhoto do defstruct flags: nil, file: nil, caption: nil, stickers: [] end
defmodule InputMediaPhoto do defstruct id: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule InputMediaGeoPoint do defstruct geo_point: nil end
defmodule InputMediaContact do defstruct phone_number: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil end
defmodule InputMediaUploadedDocument do defstruct flags: nil, file: nil, mime_type: nil, attributes: [], caption: nil, stickers: [] end
defmodule InputMediaUploadedThumbDocument do defstruct flags: nil, file: nil, thumb: nil, mime_type: nil, attributes: [], caption: nil, stickers: [] end
defmodule InputMediaDocument do defstruct id: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule InputMediaVenue do defstruct geo_point: nil, title: nil, address: nil, provider: nil, venue_id: nil end
defmodule InputMediaGifExternal do defstruct url: nil, q: nil end
defmodule InputMediaPhotoExternal do defstruct url: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule InputMediaDocumentExternal do defstruct url: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule InputMediaGame do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule InputChatPhotoEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputChatUploadedPhoto do defstruct file: nil end
defmodule InputChatPhoto do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule InputGeoPointEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputGeoPoint do defstruct lat: nil, long: nil end
defmodule InputPhotoEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPhoto do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule InputFileLocation do defstruct volume_id: nil, local_id: nil, secret: nil end
defmodule InputEncryptedFileLocation do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule InputDocumentFileLocation do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil, version: nil end
defmodule InputAppEvent do defstruct time: nil, type: nil, peer: nil, data: nil end
defmodule PeerUser do defstruct user_id: nil end
defmodule PeerChat do defstruct chat_id: nil end
defmodule PeerChannel do defstruct channel_id: nil end
defmodule Storage.FileUnknown do defstruct [] end
defmodule Storage.FileJpeg do defstruct [] end
defmodule Storage.FileGif do defstruct [] end
defmodule Storage.FilePng do defstruct [] end
defmodule Storage.FilePdf do defstruct [] end
defmodule Storage.FileMp3 do defstruct [] end
defmodule Storage.FileMov do defstruct [] end
defmodule Storage.FilePartial do defstruct [] end
defmodule Storage.FileMp4 do defstruct [] end
defmodule Storage.FileWebp do defstruct [] end
defmodule FileLocationUnavailable do defstruct volume_id: nil, local_id: nil, secret: nil end
defmodule FileLocation do defstruct dc_id: nil, volume_id: nil, local_id: nil, secret: nil end
defmodule UserEmpty do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule User do defstruct flags: nil, self: nil, contact: nil, mutual_contact: nil, deleted: nil, bot: nil, bot_chat_history: nil, bot_nochats: nil, verified: nil, restricted: nil, min: nil, bot_inline_geo: nil, id: nil, access_hash: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, username: nil, phone: nil, photo: nil, status: nil, bot_info_version: nil, restriction_reason: nil, bot_inline_placeholder: nil end
defmodule UserProfilePhotoEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule UserProfilePhoto do defstruct photo_id: nil, photo_small: nil, photo_big: nil end
defmodule UserStatusEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule UserStatusOnline do defstruct expires: nil end
defmodule UserStatusOffline do defstruct was_online: nil end
defmodule UserStatusRecently do defstruct [] end
defmodule UserStatusLastWeek do defstruct [] end
defmodule UserStatusLastMonth do defstruct [] end
defmodule ChatEmpty do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule Chat do defstruct flags: nil, creator: nil, kicked: nil, left: nil, admins_enabled: nil, admin: nil, deactivated: nil, id: nil, title: nil, photo: nil, participants_count: nil, date: nil, version: nil, migrated_to: nil end
defmodule ChatForbidden do defstruct id: nil, title: nil end
defmodule Channel do defstruct flags: nil, creator: nil, kicked: nil, left: nil, editor: nil, moderator: nil, broadcast: nil, verified: nil, megagroup: nil, restricted: nil, democracy: nil, signatures: nil, min: nil, id: nil, access_hash: nil, title: nil, username: nil, photo: nil, date: nil, version: nil, restriction_reason: nil end
defmodule ChannelForbidden do defstruct flags: nil, broadcast: nil, megagroup: nil, id: nil, access_hash: nil, title: nil end
defmodule ChatFull do defstruct id: nil, participants: nil, chat_photo: nil, notify_settings: nil, exported_invite: nil, bot_info: [] end
defmodule ChannelFull do defstruct flags: nil, can_view_participants: nil, can_set_username: nil, id: nil, about: nil, participants_count: nil, admins_count: nil, kicked_count: nil, read_inbox_max_id: nil, read_outbox_max_id: nil, unread_count: nil, chat_photo: nil, notify_settings: nil, exported_invite: nil, bot_info: [], migrated_from_chat_id: nil, migrated_from_max_id: nil, pinned_msg_id: nil end
defmodule ChatParticipant do defstruct user_id: nil, inviter_id: nil, date: nil end
defmodule ChatParticipantCreator do defstruct user_id: nil end
defmodule ChatParticipantAdmin do defstruct user_id: nil, inviter_id: nil, date: nil end
defmodule ChatParticipantsForbidden do defstruct flags: nil, chat_id: nil, self_participant: nil end
defmodule ChatParticipants do defstruct chat_id: nil, participants: [], version: nil end
defmodule ChatPhotoEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule ChatPhoto do defstruct photo_small: nil, photo_big: nil end
defmodule MessageEmpty do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule Message do defstruct flags: nil, out: nil, mentioned: nil, media_unread: nil, silent: nil, post: nil, id: nil, from_id: nil, to_id: nil, fwd_from: nil, via_bot_id: nil, reply_to_msg_id: nil, date: nil, message: nil, media: nil, reply_markup: nil, entities: [], views: nil, edit_date: nil end
defmodule MessageService do defstruct flags: nil, out: nil, mentioned: nil, media_unread: nil, silent: nil, post: nil, id: nil, from_id: nil, to_id: nil, reply_to_msg_id: nil, date: nil, action: nil end
defmodule MessageMediaEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule MessageMediaPhoto do defstruct photo: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule MessageMediaGeo do defstruct geo: nil end
defmodule MessageMediaContact do defstruct phone_number: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, user_id: nil end
defmodule MessageMediaUnsupported do defstruct [] end
defmodule MessageMediaDocument do defstruct document: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule MessageMediaWebPage do defstruct webpage: nil end
defmodule MessageMediaVenue do defstruct geo: nil, title: nil, address: nil, provider: nil, venue_id: nil end
defmodule MessageMediaGame do defstruct game: nil end
defmodule MessageActionEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule MessageActionChatCreate do defstruct title: nil, users: [] end
defmodule MessageActionChatEditTitle do defstruct title: nil end
defmodule MessageActionChatEditPhoto do defstruct photo: nil end
defmodule MessageActionChatDeletePhoto do defstruct [] end
defmodule MessageActionChatAddUser do defstruct users: [] end
defmodule MessageActionChatDeleteUser do defstruct user_id: nil end
defmodule MessageActionChatJoinedByLink do defstruct inviter_id: nil end
defmodule MessageActionChannelCreate do defstruct title: nil end
defmodule MessageActionChatMigrateTo do defstruct channel_id: nil end
defmodule MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom do defstruct title: nil, chat_id: nil end
defmodule MessageActionPinMessage do defstruct [] end
defmodule MessageActionHistoryClear do defstruct [] end
defmodule MessageActionGameScore do defstruct game_id: nil, score: nil end
defmodule MessageActionPhoneCall do defstruct flags: nil, call_id: nil, reason: nil, duration: nil end
defmodule Dialog do defstruct flags: nil, pinned: nil, peer: nil, top_message: nil, read_inbox_max_id: nil, read_outbox_max_id: nil, unread_count: nil, notify_settings: nil, pts: nil, draft: nil end
defmodule PhotoEmpty do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule Photo do defstruct flags: nil, has_stickers: nil, id: nil, access_hash: nil, date: nil, sizes: [] end
defmodule PhotoSizeEmpty do defstruct type: nil end
defmodule PhotoSize do defstruct type: nil, location: nil, w: nil, h: nil, size: nil end
defmodule PhotoCachedSize do defstruct type: nil, location: nil, w: nil, h: nil, bytes: nil end
defmodule GeoPointEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule GeoPoint do defstruct long: nil, lat: nil end
defmodule Auth.CheckedPhone do defstruct phone_registered: nil end
defmodule Auth.SentCode do defstruct flags: nil, phone_registered: nil, type: nil, phone_code_hash: nil, next_type: nil, timeout: nil end
defmodule Auth.Authorization do defstruct flags: nil, tmp_sessions: nil, user: nil end
defmodule Auth.ExportedAuthorization do defstruct id: nil, bytes: nil end
defmodule InputNotifyPeer do defstruct peer: nil end
defmodule InputNotifyUsers do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputNotifyChats do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputNotifyAll do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPeerNotifyEventsAll do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPeerNotifySettings do defstruct flags: nil, show_previews: nil, silent: nil, mute_until: nil, sound: nil end
defmodule PeerNotifyEventsEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule PeerNotifyEventsAll do defstruct [] end
defmodule PeerNotifySettingsEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule PeerNotifySettings do defstruct flags: nil, show_previews: nil, silent: nil, mute_until: nil, sound: nil end
defmodule PeerSettings do defstruct flags: nil, report_spam: nil end
defmodule WallPaper do defstruct id: nil, title: nil, sizes: [], color: nil end
defmodule WallPaperSolid do defstruct id: nil, title: nil, bg_color: nil, color: nil end
defmodule InputReportReasonSpam do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputReportReasonViolence do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputReportReasonPornography do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputReportReasonOther do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule UserFull do defstruct flags: nil, blocked: nil, phone_calls_available: nil, user: nil, about: nil, link: nil, profile_photo: nil, notify_settings: nil, bot_info: nil, common_chats_count: nil end
defmodule Contact do defstruct user_id: nil, mutual: nil end
defmodule ImportedContact do defstruct user_id: nil, client_id: nil end
defmodule ContactBlocked do defstruct user_id: nil, date: nil end
defmodule ContactStatus do defstruct user_id: nil, status: nil end
defmodule Contacts.Link do defstruct my_link: nil, foreign_link: nil, user: nil end
defmodule Contacts.ContactsNotModified do defstruct [] end
defmodule Contacts.Contacts do defstruct contacts: [], users: [] end
defmodule Contacts.ImportedContacts do defstruct imported: [], retry_contacts: [], users: [] end
defmodule Contacts.Blocked do defstruct blocked: [], users: [] end
defmodule Contacts.BlockedSlice do defstruct count: nil, blocked: [], users: [] end
defmodule Messages.Dialogs do defstruct dialogs: [], messages: [], chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule Messages.DialogsSlice do defstruct count: nil, dialogs: [], messages: [], chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule Messages.Messages do defstruct messages: [], chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule Messages.MessagesSlice do defstruct count: nil, messages: [], chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule Messages.ChannelMessages do defstruct flags: nil, pts: nil, count: nil, messages: [], chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule Messages.Chats do defstruct chats: [] end
defmodule Messages.ChatsSlice do defstruct count: nil, chats: [] end
defmodule Messages.ChatFull do defstruct full_chat: nil, chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule Messages.AffectedHistory do defstruct pts: nil, pts_count: nil, offset: nil end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterPhotos do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterVideo do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterDocument do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterUrl do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterGif do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterVoice do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterMusic do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls do defstruct flags: nil, missed: nil end
defmodule UpdateNewMessage do defstruct message: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdateMessageID do defstruct id: nil, random_id: nil end
defmodule UpdateDeleteMessages do defstruct messages: [], pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdateUserTyping do defstruct user_id: nil, action: nil end
defmodule UpdateChatUserTyping do defstruct chat_id: nil, user_id: nil, action: nil end
defmodule UpdateChatParticipants do defstruct participants: nil end
defmodule UpdateUserStatus do defstruct user_id: nil, status: nil end
defmodule UpdateUserName do defstruct user_id: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, username: nil end
defmodule UpdateUserPhoto do defstruct user_id: nil, date: nil, photo: nil, previous: nil end
defmodule UpdateContactRegistered do defstruct user_id: nil, date: nil end
defmodule UpdateContactLink do defstruct user_id: nil, my_link: nil, foreign_link: nil end
defmodule UpdateNewEncryptedMessage do defstruct message: nil, qts: nil end
defmodule UpdateEncryptedChatTyping do defstruct chat_id: nil end
defmodule UpdateEncryption do defstruct chat: nil, date: nil end
defmodule UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead do defstruct chat_id: nil, max_date: nil, date: nil end
defmodule UpdateChatParticipantAdd do defstruct chat_id: nil, user_id: nil, inviter_id: nil, date: nil, version: nil end
defmodule UpdateChatParticipantDelete do defstruct chat_id: nil, user_id: nil, version: nil end
defmodule UpdateDcOptions do defstruct dc_options: [] end
defmodule UpdateUserBlocked do defstruct user_id: nil, blocked: nil end
defmodule UpdateNotifySettings do defstruct peer: nil, notify_settings: nil end
defmodule UpdateServiceNotification do defstruct flags: nil, popup: nil, inbox_date: nil, type: nil, message: nil, media: nil, entities: [] end
defmodule UpdatePrivacy do defstruct key: nil, rules: [] end
defmodule UpdateUserPhone do defstruct user_id: nil, phone: nil end
defmodule UpdateReadHistoryInbox do defstruct peer: nil, max_id: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdateReadHistoryOutbox do defstruct peer: nil, max_id: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdateWebPage do defstruct webpage: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdateReadMessagesContents do defstruct messages: [], pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdateChannelTooLong do defstruct flags: nil, channel_id: nil, pts: nil end
defmodule UpdateChannel do defstruct channel_id: nil end
defmodule UpdateNewChannelMessage do defstruct message: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdateReadChannelInbox do defstruct channel_id: nil, max_id: nil end
defmodule UpdateDeleteChannelMessages do defstruct channel_id: nil, messages: [], pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdateChannelMessageViews do defstruct channel_id: nil, id: nil, views: nil end
defmodule UpdateChatAdmins do defstruct chat_id: nil, enabled: nil, version: nil end
defmodule UpdateChatParticipantAdmin do defstruct chat_id: nil, user_id: nil, is_admin: nil, version: nil end
defmodule UpdateNewStickerSet do defstruct stickerset: nil end
defmodule UpdateStickerSetsOrder do defstruct flags: nil, masks: nil, order: [] end
defmodule UpdateStickerSets do defstruct [] end
defmodule UpdateSavedGifs do defstruct [] end
defmodule UpdateBotInlineQuery do defstruct flags: nil, query_id: nil, user_id: nil, query: nil, geo: nil, offset: nil end
defmodule UpdateBotInlineSend do defstruct flags: nil, user_id: nil, query: nil, geo: nil, id: nil, msg_id: nil end
defmodule UpdateEditChannelMessage do defstruct message: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdateChannelPinnedMessage do defstruct channel_id: nil, id: nil end
defmodule UpdateBotCallbackQuery do defstruct flags: nil, query_id: nil, user_id: nil, peer: nil, msg_id: nil, chat_instance: nil, data: nil, game_short_name: nil end
defmodule UpdateEditMessage do defstruct message: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery do defstruct flags: nil, query_id: nil, user_id: nil, msg_id: nil, chat_instance: nil, data: nil, game_short_name: nil end
defmodule UpdateReadChannelOutbox do defstruct channel_id: nil, max_id: nil end
defmodule UpdateDraftMessage do defstruct peer: nil, draft: nil end
defmodule UpdateReadFeaturedStickers do defstruct [] end
defmodule UpdateRecentStickers do defstruct [] end
defmodule UpdateConfig do defstruct [] end
defmodule UpdatePtsChanged do defstruct [] end
defmodule UpdateChannelWebPage do defstruct channel_id: nil, webpage: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule UpdatePhoneCall do defstruct phone_call: nil end
defmodule UpdateDialogPinned do defstruct flags: nil, pinned: nil, peer: nil end
defmodule UpdatePinnedDialogs do defstruct flags: nil, order: [] end
defmodule Updates.State do defstruct pts: nil, qts: nil, date: nil, seq: nil, unread_count: nil end
defmodule Updates.DifferenceEmpty do defstruct date: nil, seq: nil end
defmodule Updates.Difference do defstruct new_messages: [], new_encrypted_messages: [], other_updates: [], chats: [], users: [], state: nil end
defmodule Updates.DifferenceSlice do defstruct new_messages: [], new_encrypted_messages: [], other_updates: [], chats: [], users: [], intermediate_state: nil end
defmodule Updates.DifferenceTooLong do defstruct pts: nil end
defmodule UpdatesTooLong do defstruct [] end
defmodule UpdateShortMessage do defstruct flags: nil, out: nil, mentioned: nil, media_unread: nil, silent: nil, id: nil, user_id: nil, message: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil, date: nil, fwd_from: nil, via_bot_id: nil, reply_to_msg_id: nil, entities: [] end
defmodule UpdateShortChatMessage do defstruct flags: nil, out: nil, mentioned: nil, media_unread: nil, silent: nil, id: nil, from_id: nil, chat_id: nil, message: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil, date: nil, fwd_from: nil, via_bot_id: nil, reply_to_msg_id: nil, entities: [] end
defmodule UpdateShort do defstruct update: nil, date: nil end
defmodule UpdatesCombined do defstruct updates: [], users: [], chats: [], date: nil, seq_start: nil, seq: nil end
defmodule Updates do defstruct updates: [], users: [], chats: [], date: nil, seq: nil end
defmodule UpdateShortSentMessage do defstruct flags: nil, out: nil, id: nil, pts: nil, pts_count: nil, date: nil, media: nil, entities: [] end
defmodule Photos.Photos do defstruct photos: [], users: [] end
defmodule Photos.PhotosSlice do defstruct count: nil, photos: [], users: [] end
defmodule Photos.Photo do defstruct photo: nil, users: [] end
defmodule Upload.File do defstruct type: nil, mtime: nil, bytes: nil end
defmodule DcOption do defstruct flags: nil, ipv6: nil, media_only: nil, tcpo_only: nil, id: nil, ip_address: nil, port: nil end
defmodule Config do defstruct flags: nil, phonecalls_enabled: nil, date: nil, expires: nil, test_mode: nil, this_dc: nil, dc_options: [], chat_size_max: nil, megagroup_size_max: nil, forwarded_count_max: nil, online_update_period_ms: nil, offline_blur_timeout_ms: nil, offline_idle_timeout_ms: nil, online_cloud_timeout_ms: nil, notify_cloud_delay_ms: nil, notify_default_delay_ms: nil, chat_big_size: nil, push_chat_period_ms: nil, push_chat_limit: nil, saved_gifs_limit: nil, edit_time_limit: nil, rating_e_decay: nil, stickers_recent_limit: nil, tmp_sessions: nil, pinned_dialogs_count_max: nil, call_receive_timeout_ms: nil, call_ring_timeout_ms: nil, call_connect_timeout_ms: nil, call_packet_timeout_ms: nil, disabled_features: [] end
defmodule NearestDc do defstruct country: nil, this_dc: nil, nearest_dc: nil end
defmodule Help.AppUpdate do defstruct id: nil, critical: nil, url: nil, text: nil end
defmodule Help.NoAppUpdate do defstruct [] end
defmodule Help.InviteText do defstruct message: nil end
defmodule EncryptedChatEmpty do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule EncryptedChatWaiting do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil, date: nil, admin_id: nil, participant_id: nil end
defmodule EncryptedChatRequested do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil, date: nil, admin_id: nil, participant_id: nil, g_a: nil end
defmodule EncryptedChat do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil, date: nil, admin_id: nil, participant_id: nil, g_a_or_b: nil, key_fingerprint: nil end
defmodule EncryptedChatDiscarded do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule InputEncryptedChat do defstruct chat_id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule EncryptedFileEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule EncryptedFile do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil, size: nil, dc_id: nil, key_fingerprint: nil end
defmodule InputEncryptedFileEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputEncryptedFileUploaded do defstruct id: nil, parts: nil, md5_checksum: nil, key_fingerprint: nil end
defmodule InputEncryptedFile do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded do defstruct id: nil, parts: nil, key_fingerprint: nil end
defmodule EncryptedMessage do defstruct random_id: nil, chat_id: nil, date: nil, bytes: nil, file: nil end
defmodule EncryptedMessageService do defstruct random_id: nil, chat_id: nil, date: nil, bytes: nil end
defmodule Messages.DhConfigNotModified do defstruct random: nil end
defmodule Messages.DhConfig do defstruct g: nil, p: nil, version: nil, random: nil end
defmodule Messages.SentEncryptedMessage do defstruct date: nil end
defmodule Messages.SentEncryptedFile do defstruct date: nil, file: nil end
defmodule InputDocumentEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputDocument do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule DocumentEmpty do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule Document do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil, date: nil, mime_type: nil, size: nil, thumb: nil, dc_id: nil, version: nil, attributes: [] end
defmodule Help.Support do defstruct phone_number: nil, user: nil end
defmodule NotifyPeer do defstruct peer: nil end
defmodule NotifyUsers do defstruct [] end
defmodule NotifyChats do defstruct [] end
defmodule NotifyAll do defstruct [] end
defmodule SendMessageTypingAction do defstruct [] end
defmodule SendMessageCancelAction do defstruct [] end
defmodule SendMessageRecordVideoAction do defstruct [] end
defmodule SendMessageUploadVideoAction do defstruct progress: nil end
defmodule SendMessageRecordAudioAction do defstruct [] end
defmodule SendMessageUploadAudioAction do defstruct progress: nil end
defmodule SendMessageUploadPhotoAction do defstruct progress: nil end
defmodule SendMessageUploadDocumentAction do defstruct progress: nil end
defmodule SendMessageGeoLocationAction do defstruct [] end
defmodule SendMessageChooseContactAction do defstruct [] end
defmodule SendMessageGamePlayAction do defstruct [] end
defmodule Contacts.Found do defstruct results: [], chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule InputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPrivacyKeyChatInvite do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall do defstruct [] end
defmodule PrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp do defstruct [] end
defmodule PrivacyKeyChatInvite do defstruct [] end
defmodule PrivacyKeyPhoneCall do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPrivacyValueAllowAll do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers do defstruct users: [] end
defmodule InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers do defstruct users: [] end
defmodule PrivacyValueAllowContacts do defstruct [] end
defmodule PrivacyValueAllowAll do defstruct [] end
defmodule PrivacyValueAllowUsers do defstruct users: [] end
defmodule PrivacyValueDisallowContacts do defstruct [] end
defmodule PrivacyValueDisallowAll do defstruct [] end
defmodule PrivacyValueDisallowUsers do defstruct users: [] end
defmodule Account.PrivacyRules do defstruct rules: [], users: [] end
defmodule AccountDaysTTL do defstruct days: nil end
defmodule DocumentAttributeImageSize do defstruct w: nil, h: nil end
defmodule DocumentAttributeAnimated do defstruct [] end
defmodule DocumentAttributeSticker do defstruct flags: nil, mask: nil, alt: nil, stickerset: nil, mask_coords: nil end
defmodule DocumentAttributeVideo do defstruct duration: nil, w: nil, h: nil end
defmodule DocumentAttributeAudio do defstruct flags: nil, voice: nil, duration: nil, title: nil, performer: nil, waveform: nil end
defmodule DocumentAttributeFilename do defstruct file_name: nil end
defmodule DocumentAttributeHasStickers do defstruct [] end
defmodule Messages.StickersNotModified do defstruct [] end
defmodule Messages.Stickers do defstruct hash: nil, stickers: [] end
defmodule StickerPack do defstruct emoticon: nil, documents: [] end
defmodule Messages.AllStickersNotModified do defstruct [] end
defmodule Messages.AllStickers do defstruct hash: nil, sets: [] end
defmodule DisabledFeature do defstruct feature: nil, description: nil end
defmodule Messages.AffectedMessages do defstruct pts: nil, pts_count: nil end
defmodule ContactLinkUnknown do defstruct [] end
defmodule ContactLinkNone do defstruct [] end
defmodule ContactLinkHasPhone do defstruct [] end
defmodule ContactLinkContact do defstruct [] end
defmodule WebPageEmpty do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule WebPagePending do defstruct id: nil, date: nil end
defmodule WebPage do defstruct flags: nil, id: nil, url: nil, display_url: nil, hash: nil, type: nil, site_name: nil, title: nil, description: nil, photo: nil, embed_url: nil, embed_type: nil, embed_width: nil, embed_height: nil, duration: nil, author: nil, document: nil, cached_page: nil end
defmodule WebPageNotModified do defstruct [] end
defmodule Authorization do defstruct hash: nil, flags: nil, device_model: nil, platform: nil, system_version: nil, api_id: nil, app_name: nil, app_version: nil, date_created: nil, date_active: nil, ip: nil, country: nil, region: nil end
defmodule Account.Authorizations do defstruct authorizations: [] end
defmodule Account.NoPassword do defstruct new_salt: nil, email_unconfirmed_pattern: nil end
defmodule Account.Password do defstruct current_salt: nil, new_salt: nil, hint: nil, has_recovery: nil, email_unconfirmed_pattern: nil end
defmodule Account.PasswordSettings do defstruct email: nil end
defmodule Account.PasswordInputSettings do defstruct flags: nil, new_salt: nil, new_password_hash: nil, hint: nil, email: nil end
defmodule Auth.PasswordRecovery do defstruct email_pattern: nil end
defmodule ReceivedNotifyMessage do defstruct id: nil, flags: nil end
defmodule ChatInviteEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule ChatInviteExported do defstruct link: nil end
defmodule ChatInviteAlready do defstruct chat: nil end
defmodule ChatInvite do defstruct flags: nil, channel: nil, broadcast: nil, public: nil, megagroup: nil, title: nil, photo: nil, participants_count: nil, participants: [] end
defmodule InputStickerSetEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputStickerSetID do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule InputStickerSetShortName do defstruct short_name: nil end
defmodule StickerSet do defstruct flags: nil, installed: nil, archived: nil, official: nil, masks: nil, id: nil, access_hash: nil, title: nil, short_name: nil, count: nil, hash: nil end
defmodule Messages.StickerSet do defstruct set: nil, packs: [], documents: [] end
defmodule BotCommand do defstruct command: nil, description: nil end
defmodule BotInfo do defstruct user_id: nil, description: nil, commands: [] end
defmodule KeyboardButton do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule KeyboardButtonUrl do defstruct text: nil, url: nil end
defmodule KeyboardButtonCallback do defstruct text: nil, data: nil end
defmodule KeyboardButtonRequestPhone do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule KeyboardButtonSwitchInline do defstruct flags: nil, same_peer: nil, text: nil, query: nil end
defmodule KeyboardButtonGame do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule KeyboardButtonRow do defstruct buttons: [] end
defmodule ReplyKeyboardHide do defstruct flags: nil, selective: nil end
defmodule ReplyKeyboardForceReply do defstruct flags: nil, single_use: nil, selective: nil end
defmodule ReplyKeyboardMarkup do defstruct flags: nil, resize: nil, single_use: nil, selective: nil, rows: [] end
defmodule ReplyInlineMarkup do defstruct rows: [] end
defmodule Help.AppChangelogEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule Help.AppChangelog do defstruct message: nil, media: nil, entities: [] end
defmodule MessageEntityUnknown do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityMention do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityHashtag do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityBotCommand do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityUrl do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityEmail do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityBold do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityItalic do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityCode do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityPre do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil, language: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityTextUrl do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil, url: nil end
defmodule MessageEntityMentionName do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil, user_id: nil end
defmodule InputMessageEntityMentionName do defstruct offset: nil, length: nil, user_id: nil end
defmodule InputChannelEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule InputChannel do defstruct channel_id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule Contacts.ResolvedPeer do defstruct peer: nil, chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule MessageRange do defstruct min_id: nil, max_id: nil end
defmodule Updates.ChannelDifferenceEmpty do defstruct flags: nil, final: nil, pts: nil, timeout: nil end
defmodule Updates.ChannelDifferenceTooLong do defstruct flags: nil, final: nil, pts: nil, timeout: nil, top_message: nil, read_inbox_max_id: nil, read_outbox_max_id: nil, unread_count: nil, messages: [], chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule Updates.ChannelDifference do defstruct flags: nil, final: nil, pts: nil, timeout: nil, new_messages: [], other_updates: [], chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule ChannelMessagesFilter do defstruct flags: nil, exclude_new_messages: nil, ranges: [] end
defmodule ChannelParticipant do defstruct user_id: nil, date: nil end
defmodule ChannelParticipantSelf do defstruct user_id: nil, inviter_id: nil, date: nil end
defmodule ChannelParticipantModerator do defstruct user_id: nil, inviter_id: nil, date: nil end
defmodule ChannelParticipantEditor do defstruct user_id: nil, inviter_id: nil, date: nil end
defmodule ChannelParticipantKicked do defstruct user_id: nil, kicked_by: nil, date: nil end
defmodule ChannelParticipantCreator do defstruct user_id: nil end
defmodule ChannelParticipantsRecent do defstruct [] end
defmodule ChannelParticipantsAdmins do defstruct [] end
defmodule ChannelParticipantsKicked do defstruct [] end
defmodule ChannelParticipantsBots do defstruct [] end
defmodule ChannelRoleEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule ChannelRoleModerator do defstruct [] end
defmodule ChannelRoleEditor do defstruct [] end
defmodule Channels.ChannelParticipants do defstruct count: nil, participants: [], users: [] end
defmodule Channels.ChannelParticipant do defstruct participant: nil, users: [] end
defmodule Help.TermsOfService do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule FoundGif do defstruct url: nil, thumb_url: nil, content_url: nil, content_type: nil, w: nil, h: nil end
defmodule FoundGifCached do defstruct url: nil, photo: nil, document: nil end
defmodule Messages.FoundGifs do defstruct next_offset: nil, results: [] end
defmodule Messages.SavedGifsNotModified do defstruct [] end
defmodule Messages.SavedGifs do defstruct hash: nil, gifs: [] end
defmodule InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto do defstruct flags: nil, caption: nil, reply_markup: nil end
defmodule InputBotInlineMessageText do defstruct flags: nil, no_webpage: nil, message: nil, entities: [], reply_markup: nil end
defmodule InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo do defstruct flags: nil, geo_point: nil, reply_markup: nil end
defmodule InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue do defstruct flags: nil, geo_point: nil, title: nil, address: nil, provider: nil, venue_id: nil, reply_markup: nil end
defmodule InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact do defstruct flags: nil, phone_number: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, reply_markup: nil end
defmodule InputBotInlineMessageGame do defstruct flags: nil, reply_markup: nil end
defmodule InputBotInlineResult do defstruct flags: nil, id: nil, type: nil, title: nil, description: nil, url: nil, thumb_url: nil, content_url: nil, content_type: nil, w: nil, h: nil, duration: nil, send_message: nil end
defmodule InputBotInlineResultPhoto do defstruct id: nil, type: nil, photo: nil, send_message: nil end
defmodule InputBotInlineResultDocument do defstruct flags: nil, id: nil, type: nil, title: nil, description: nil, document: nil, send_message: nil end
defmodule InputBotInlineResultGame do defstruct id: nil, short_name: nil, send_message: nil end
defmodule BotInlineMessageMediaAuto do defstruct flags: nil, caption: nil, reply_markup: nil end
defmodule BotInlineMessageText do defstruct flags: nil, no_webpage: nil, message: nil, entities: [], reply_markup: nil end
defmodule BotInlineMessageMediaGeo do defstruct flags: nil, geo: nil, reply_markup: nil end
defmodule BotInlineMessageMediaVenue do defstruct flags: nil, geo: nil, title: nil, address: nil, provider: nil, venue_id: nil, reply_markup: nil end
defmodule BotInlineMessageMediaContact do defstruct flags: nil, phone_number: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, reply_markup: nil end
defmodule BotInlineResult do defstruct flags: nil, id: nil, type: nil, title: nil, description: nil, url: nil, thumb_url: nil, content_url: nil, content_type: nil, w: nil, h: nil, duration: nil, send_message: nil end
defmodule BotInlineMediaResult do defstruct flags: nil, id: nil, type: nil, photo: nil, document: nil, title: nil, description: nil, send_message: nil end
defmodule Messages.BotResults do defstruct flags: nil, gallery: nil, query_id: nil, next_offset: nil, switch_pm: nil, results: [], cache_time: nil end
defmodule ExportedMessageLink do defstruct link: nil end
defmodule MessageFwdHeader do defstruct flags: nil, from_id: nil, date: nil, channel_id: nil, channel_post: nil end
defmodule Auth.CodeTypeSms do defstruct [] end
defmodule Auth.CodeTypeCall do defstruct [] end
defmodule Auth.CodeTypeFlashCall do defstruct [] end
defmodule Auth.SentCodeTypeApp do defstruct length: nil end
defmodule Auth.SentCodeTypeSms do defstruct length: nil end
defmodule Auth.SentCodeTypeCall do defstruct length: nil end
defmodule Auth.SentCodeTypeFlashCall do defstruct pattern: nil end
defmodule Messages.BotCallbackAnswer do defstruct flags: nil, alert: nil, has_url: nil, message: nil, url: nil, cache_time: nil end
defmodule Messages.MessageEditData do defstruct flags: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule InputBotInlineMessageID do defstruct dc_id: nil, id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule InlineBotSwitchPM do defstruct text: nil, start_param: nil end
defmodule Messages.PeerDialogs do defstruct dialogs: [], messages: [], chats: [], users: [], state: nil end
defmodule TopPeer do defstruct peer: nil, rating: nil end
defmodule TopPeerCategoryBotsPM do defstruct [] end
defmodule TopPeerCategoryBotsInline do defstruct [] end
defmodule TopPeerCategoryCorrespondents do defstruct [] end
defmodule TopPeerCategoryGroups do defstruct [] end
defmodule TopPeerCategoryChannels do defstruct [] end
defmodule TopPeerCategoryPeers do defstruct category: nil, count: nil, peers: [] end
defmodule Contacts.TopPeersNotModified do defstruct [] end
defmodule Contacts.TopPeers do defstruct categories: [], chats: [], users: [] end
defmodule DraftMessageEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule DraftMessage do defstruct flags: nil, no_webpage: nil, reply_to_msg_id: nil, message: nil, entities: [], date: nil end
defmodule Messages.FeaturedStickersNotModified do defstruct [] end
defmodule Messages.FeaturedStickers do defstruct hash: nil, sets: [], unread: [] end
defmodule Messages.RecentStickersNotModified do defstruct [] end
defmodule Messages.RecentStickers do defstruct hash: nil, stickers: [] end
defmodule Messages.ArchivedStickers do defstruct count: nil, sets: [] end
defmodule Messages.StickerSetInstallResultSuccess do defstruct [] end
defmodule Messages.StickerSetInstallResultArchive do defstruct sets: [] end
defmodule StickerSetCovered do defstruct set: nil, cover: nil end
defmodule StickerSetMultiCovered do defstruct set: nil, covers: [] end
defmodule MaskCoords do defstruct n: nil, x: nil, y: nil, zoom: nil end
defmodule InputStickeredMediaPhoto do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule InputStickeredMediaDocument do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule Game do defstruct flags: nil, id: nil, access_hash: nil, short_name: nil, title: nil, description: nil, photo: nil, document: nil end
defmodule InputGameID do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule InputGameShortName do defstruct bot_id: nil, short_name: nil end
defmodule HighScore do defstruct pos: nil, user_id: nil, score: nil end
defmodule Messages.HighScores do defstruct scores: [], users: [] end
defmodule TextEmpty do defstruct [] end
defmodule TextPlain do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule TextBold do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule TextItalic do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule TextUnderline do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule TextStrike do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule TextFixed do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule TextUrl do defstruct text: nil, url: nil, webpage_id: nil end
defmodule TextEmail do defstruct text: nil, email: nil end
defmodule TextConcat do defstruct texts: [] end
defmodule PageBlockUnsupported do defstruct [] end
defmodule PageBlockTitle do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule PageBlockSubtitle do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule PageBlockAuthorDate do defstruct author: nil, published_date: nil end
defmodule PageBlockHeader do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule PageBlockSubheader do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule PageBlockParagraph do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule PageBlockPreformatted do defstruct text: nil, language: nil end
defmodule PageBlockFooter do defstruct text: nil end
defmodule PageBlockDivider do defstruct [] end
defmodule PageBlockAnchor do defstruct name: nil end
defmodule PageBlockList do defstruct ordered: nil, items: [] end
defmodule PageBlockBlockquote do defstruct text: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule PageBlockPullquote do defstruct text: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule PageBlockPhoto do defstruct photo_id: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule PageBlockVideo do defstruct flags: nil, autoplay: nil, loop: nil, video_id: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule PageBlockCover do defstruct cover: nil end
defmodule PageBlockEmbed do defstruct flags: nil, full_width: nil, allow_scrolling: nil, url: nil, html: nil, poster_photo_id: nil, w: nil, h: nil, caption: nil end
defmodule PageBlockEmbedPost do defstruct url: nil, webpage_id: nil, author_photo_id: nil, author: nil, date: nil, blocks: [], caption: nil end
defmodule PageBlockCollage do defstruct items: [], caption: nil end
defmodule PageBlockSlideshow do defstruct items: [], caption: nil end
defmodule PagePart do defstruct blocks: [], photos: [], videos: [] end
defmodule PageFull do defstruct blocks: [], photos: [], videos: [] end
defmodule InputPhoneCall do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil end
defmodule PhoneCallEmpty do defstruct id: nil end
defmodule PhoneCallWaiting do defstruct flags: nil, id: nil, access_hash: nil, date: nil, admin_id: nil, participant_id: nil, protocol: nil, receive_date: nil end
defmodule PhoneCallRequested do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil, date: nil, admin_id: nil, participant_id: nil, g_a: nil, protocol: nil end
defmodule PhoneCall do defstruct id: nil, access_hash: nil, date: nil, admin_id: nil, participant_id: nil, g_a_or_b: nil, key_fingerprint: nil, protocol: nil, connection: nil, alternative_connections: [], start_date: nil end
defmodule PhoneCallDiscarded do defstruct flags: nil, id: nil, reason: nil, duration: nil end
defmodule PhoneConnection do defstruct id: nil, ip: nil, ipv6: nil, port: nil, peer_tag: nil end
defmodule PhoneCallProtocol do defstruct flags: nil, udp_p2p: nil, udp_reflector: nil, min_layer: nil, max_layer: nil end
defmodule Phone.PhoneCall do defstruct phone_call: nil, users: [] end
defmodule PhoneCallDiscardReasonMissed do defstruct [] end
defmodule PhoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect do defstruct [] end
defmodule PhoneCallDiscardReasonHangup do defstruct [] end
defmodule PhoneCallDiscardReasonBusy do defstruct [] end
defmodule Unknown do defstruct [] end
# Encoders
def encode(true), do: <<55, 151, 121, 188>> #0xBC799737
def encode(false), do: <<181, 117, 114, 153>> #0x997275B5
def encode(%ResPQ{} = x), do: <<99, 36, 22, 5, encode(:Int128, x.nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.server_nonce)::binary, encode(:String, x.pq)::binary, enc_v(:Long, x.server_public_key_fingerprints)::binary>>
def encode(%P_Q_Inner_Data{} = x), do: <<236, 90, 201, 131, encode(:String, x.pq)::binary, encode(:String, x.p)::binary, encode(:String, x.q)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.server_nonce)::binary, encode(:Int256, x.new_nonce)::binary>>
def encode(%Server_DH_Params_Fail{} = x), do: <<93, 4, 203, 121, encode(:Int128, x.nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.server_nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.new_nonce_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%Server_DH_Params_Ok{} = x), do: <<92, 7, 232, 208, encode(:Int128, x.nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.server_nonce)::binary, encode(:String, x.encrypted_answer)::binary>>
def encode(%Server_DH_Inner_Data{} = x), do: <<186, 13, 137, 181, encode(:Int128, x.nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.server_nonce)::binary, encode(:Int, x.g)::binary, encode(:String, x.dh_prime)::binary, encode(:String, x.g_a)::binary, encode(:Int, x.server_time)::binary>>
def encode(%Client_DH_Inner_Data{} = x), do: <<84, 182, 67, 102, encode(:Int128, x.nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.server_nonce)::binary, encode(:Long, x.retry_id)::binary, encode(:String, x.g_b)::binary>>
def encode(%Dh_Gen_Ok{} = x), do: <<52, 247, 203, 59, encode(:Int128, x.nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.server_nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.new_nonce_hash1)::binary>>
def encode(%Dh_Gen_Retry{} = x), do: <<185, 31, 220, 70, encode(:Int128, x.nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.server_nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.new_nonce_hash2)::binary>>
def encode(%Dh_Gen_Fail{} = x), do: <<2, 174, 157, 166, encode(:Int128, x.nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.server_nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, x.new_nonce_hash3)::binary>>
def encode(%Msgs_Ack{} = x), do: <<89, 180, 214, 98, enc_v(:Long, x.msg_ids)::binary>>
def encode(%Bad_Msg_Notification{} = x), do: <<17, 248, 239, 167, encode(:Long, x.bad_msg_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.bad_msg_seqno)::binary, encode(:Int, x.error_code)::binary>>
def encode(%Bad_Server_Salt{} = x), do: <<123, 68, 171, 237, encode(:Long, x.bad_msg_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.bad_msg_seqno)::binary, encode(:Int, x.error_code)::binary, encode(:Long, x.new_server_salt)::binary>>
def encode(%Msgs_State_Req{} = x), do: <<82, 251, 105, 218, enc_v(:Long, x.msg_ids)::binary>>
def encode(%Msgs_State_Info{} = x), do: <<125, 181, 222, 4, encode(:Long, x.req_msg_id)::binary, encode(:String,>>
def encode(%Msgs_All_Info{} = x), do: <<49, 209, 192, 140, enc_v(:Long, x.msg_ids)::binary, encode(:String,>>
def encode(%Msg_Detailed_Info{} = x), do: <<198, 62, 109, 39, encode(:Long, x.msg_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.answer_msg_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.bytes)::binary, encode(:Int, x.status)::binary>>
def encode(%Msg_New_Detailed_Info{} = x), do: <<223, 182, 157, 128, encode(:Long, x.answer_msg_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.bytes)::binary, encode(:Int, x.status)::binary>>
def encode(%Msg_Resend_Req{} = x), do: <<8, 26, 134, 125, enc_v(:Long, x.msg_ids)::binary>>
def encode(%Rpc_Result{} = x), do: <<1, 109, 92, 243, encode(:Long, x.req_msg_id)::binary, encode(x.result)::binary>>
def encode(%Rpc_Error{} = x), do: <<25, 202, 68, 33, encode(:Int, x.error_code)::binary, encode(:String, x.error_message)::binary>>
def encode(%Rpc_Answer_Unknown{}), do: <<110, 211, 42, 94>>
def encode(%Rpc_Answer_Dropped_Running{}), do: <<134, 229, 120, 205>>
def encode(%Rpc_Answer_Dropped{} = x), do: <<183, 216, 58, 164, encode(:Long, x.msg_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.seq_no)::binary, encode(:Int, x.bytes)::binary>>
def encode(%Future_Salt{} = x), do: <<220, 217, 73, 9, encode(:Int, x.valid_since)::binary, encode(:Int, x.valid_until)::binary, encode(:Long, x.salt)::binary>>
def encode(%Future_Salts{} = x), do: <<149, 8, 80, 174, encode(:Long, x.req_msg_id)::binary, encode(:Int,, enc_v(x.salts)::binary>>
def encode(%Pong{} = x), do: <<197, 115, 119, 52, encode(:Long, x.msg_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.ping_id)::binary>>
def encode(%Destroy_Session_Ok{} = x), do: <<252, 69, 32, 226, encode(:Long, x.session_id)::binary>>
def encode(%Destroy_Session_None{} = x), do: <<201, 80, 211, 98, encode(:Long, x.session_id)::binary>>
def encode(%New_Session_Created{} = x), do: <<8, 9, 194, 158, encode(:Long, x.first_msg_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.unique_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.server_salt)::binary>>
def encode(%Gzip_Packed{} = x), do: <<161, 207, 114, 48, encode(:String, x.packed_data)::binary>>
def encode(%Http_Wait{} = x), do: <<159, 53, 153, 146, encode(:Int, x.max_delay)::binary, encode(:Int, x.wait_after)::binary, encode(:Int, x.max_wait)::binary>>
def encode(%BoolFalse{}), do: <<55, 151, 121, 188>>
def encode(%BoolTrue{}), do: <<181, 117, 114, 153>>
def encode(%True{}), do: <<57, 211, 237, 63>>
def encode(%Error{} = x), do: <<187, 249, 185, 196, encode(:Int, x.code)::binary, encode(:String, x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%Null{}), do: <<204, 11, 115, 86>>
def encode(%InputPeerEmpty{}), do: <<234, 24, 59, 127>>
def encode(%InputPeerSelf{}), do: <<201, 126, 160, 125>>
def encode(%InputPeerChat{} = x), do: <<99, 232, 155, 23, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary>>
def encode(%InputPeerUser{} = x), do: <<230, 125, 142, 123, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%InputPeerChannel{} = x), do: <<248, 174, 173, 32, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%InputUserEmpty{}), do: <<207, 134, 136, 185>>
def encode(%InputUserSelf{}), do: <<63, 177, 193, 247>>
def encode(%InputUser{} = x), do: <<22, 40, 41, 216, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%InputPhoneContact{} = x), do: <<244, 183, 146, 243, encode(:Long, x.client_id)::binary, encode(:String,, encode(:String, x.first_name)::binary, encode(:String, x.last_name)::binary>>
def encode(%InputFile{} = x), do: <<127, 242, 47, 245, encode(:Long,, encode(:Int,, encode(:String,, encode(:String, x.md5_checksum)::binary>>
def encode(%InputFileBig{} = x), do: <<181, 11, 79, 250, encode(:Long,, encode(:Int,, encode(:String,>>
def encode(%InputMediaEmpty{}), do: <<127, 245, 100, 150>>
def encode(%InputMediaUploadedPhoto{} = x), do: <<241, 154, 12, 99, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(x.file)::binary, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary, enc_vf(x.stickers, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaPhoto{} = x), do: <<243, 180, 191, 233, encode(, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaGeoPoint{} = x), do: <<68, 65, 196, 249, encode(x.geo_point)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaContact{} = x), do: <<135, 89, 228, 166, encode(:String, x.phone_number)::binary, encode(:String, x.first_name)::binary, encode(:String, x.last_name)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaUploadedDocument{} = x), do: <<233, 241, 112, 208, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(x.file)::binary, encode(:String, x.mime_type)::binary, enc_v(x.attributes)::binary, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary, enc_vf(x.stickers, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaUploadedThumbDocument{} = x), do: <<174, 140, 216, 80, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(x.file)::binary, encode(x.thumb)::binary, encode(:String, x.mime_type)::binary, enc_v(x.attributes)::binary, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary, enc_vf(x.stickers, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaDocument{} = x), do: <<156, 242, 119, 26, encode(, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaVenue{} = x), do: <<26, 168, 39, 40, encode(x.geo_point)::binary, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, encode(:String, x.address)::binary, encode(:String, x.provider)::binary, encode(:String, x.venue_id)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaGifExternal{} = x), do: <<253, 176, 67, 72, encode(:String, x.url)::binary, encode(:String, x.q)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaPhotoExternal{} = x), do: <<24, 79, 95, 181, encode(:String, x.url)::binary, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaDocumentExternal{} = x), do: <<124, 96, 233, 229, encode(:String, x.url)::binary, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMediaGame{} = x), do: <<243, 67, 63, 211, encode(>>
def encode(%InputChatPhotoEmpty{}), do: <<87, 143, 164, 28>>
def encode(%InputChatUploadedPhoto{} = x), do: <<180, 85, 124, 146, encode(x.file)::binary>>
def encode(%InputChatPhoto{} = x), do: <<55, 173, 83, 137, encode(>>
def encode(%InputGeoPointEmpty{}), do: <<214, 35, 193, 228>>
def encode(%InputGeoPoint{} = x), do: <<201, 172, 183, 243, encode(:Double,, encode(:Double, x.long)::binary>>
def encode(%InputPhotoEmpty{}), do: <<13, 191, 215, 28>>
def encode(%InputPhoto{} = x), do: <<196, 198, 149, 251, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%InputFileLocation{} = x), do: <<150, 113, 99, 20, encode(:Long, x.volume_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.local_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.secret)::binary>>
def encode(%InputEncryptedFileLocation{} = x), do: <<85, 93, 35, 245, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%InputDocumentFileLocation{} = x), do: <<36, 7, 15, 67, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:Int, x.version)::binary>>
def encode(%InputAppEvent{} = x), do: <<168, 86, 6, 119, encode(:Double, x.time)::binary, encode(:String, x.type)::binary, encode(:Long, x.peer)::binary, encode(:String,>>
def encode(%PeerUser{} = x), do: <<109, 188, 177, 157, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary>>
def encode(%PeerChat{} = x), do: <<187, 229, 208, 186, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary>>
def encode(%PeerChannel{} = x), do: <<50, 229, 221, 189, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary>>
def encode(%Storage.FileUnknown{}), do: <<5, 59, 150, 170>>
def encode(%Storage.FileJpeg{}), do: <<14, 254, 126, 0>>
def encode(%Storage.FileGif{}), do: <<223, 170, 225, 202>>
def encode(%Storage.FilePng{}), do: <<192, 99, 79, 10>>
def encode(%Storage.FilePdf{}), do: <<141, 80, 30, 174>>
def encode(%Storage.FileMp3{}), do: <<119, 6, 138, 82>>
def encode(%Storage.FileMov{}), do: <<188, 235, 9, 75>>
def encode(%Storage.FilePartial{}), do: <<82, 111, 188, 64>>
def encode(%Storage.FileMp4{}), do: <<228, 160, 206, 179>>
def encode(%Storage.FileWebp{}), do: <<76, 70, 129, 16>>
def encode(%FileLocationUnavailable{} = x), do: <<70, 107, 89, 124, encode(:Long, x.volume_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.local_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.secret)::binary>>
def encode(%FileLocation{} = x), do: <<118, 144, 214, 83, encode(:Int, x.dc_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.volume_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.local_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.secret)::binary>>
def encode(%UserEmpty{} = x), do: <<186, 80, 2, 32, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%User{} = x), do: <<154, 151, 13, 209, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.self, x.flags, 1024)::binary, enc_f(:True,, x.flags, 2048)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.mutual_contact, x.flags, 4096)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.deleted, x.flags, 8192)::binary, enc_f(:True,, x.flags, 16384)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.bot_chat_history, x.flags, 32768)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.bot_nochats, x.flags, 65536)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.verified, x.flags, 131072)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.restricted, x.flags, 262144)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.min, x.flags, 1048576)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.bot_inline_geo, x.flags, 2097152)::binary, encode(:Int,, enc_f(:Long, x.access_hash, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.first_name, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.last_name, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.username, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_f(:String,, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(x.status, x.flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.bot_info_version, x.flags, 16384)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.restriction_reason, x.flags, 262144)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.bot_inline_placeholder, x.flags, 524288)::binary>>
def encode(%UserProfilePhotoEmpty{}), do: <<225, 186, 17, 79>>
def encode(%UserProfilePhoto{} = x), do: <<200, 216, 89, 213, encode(:Long, x.photo_id)::binary, encode(x.photo_small)::binary, encode(x.photo_big)::binary>>
def encode(%UserStatusEmpty{}), do: <<73, 80, 208, 9>>
def encode(%UserStatusOnline{} = x), do: <<73, 57, 185, 237, encode(:Int, x.expires)::binary>>
def encode(%UserStatusOffline{} = x), do: <<63, 112, 140, 0, encode(:Int, x.was_online)::binary>>
def encode(%UserStatusRecently{}), do: <<241, 66, 111, 226>>
def encode(%UserStatusLastWeek{}), do: <<252, 9, 191, 7>>
def encode(%UserStatusLastMonth{}), do: <<66, 199, 235, 119>>
def encode(%ChatEmpty{} = x), do: <<0, 216, 162, 155, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%Chat{} = x), do: <<84, 221, 28, 217, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.creator, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.kicked, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.left, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.admins_enabled, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.admin, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.deactivated, x.flags, 32)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, encode(, encode(:Int, x.participants_count)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.version)::binary, enc_f(x.migrated_to, x.flags, 64)::binary>>
def encode(%ChatForbidden{} = x), do: <<219, 139, 50, 7, encode(:Int,, encode(:String, x.title)::binary>>
def encode(%Channel{} = x), do: <<82, 202, 77, 161, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.creator, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.kicked, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.left, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.editor, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.moderator, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.broadcast, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.verified, x.flags, 128)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.megagroup, x.flags, 256)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.restricted, x.flags, 512)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.democracy, x.flags, 1024)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.signatures, x.flags, 2048)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.min, x.flags, 4096)::binary, encode(:Int,, enc_f(:Long, x.access_hash, x.flags, 8192)::binary, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.username, x.flags, 64)::binary, encode(, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.version)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.restriction_reason, x.flags, 512)::binary>>
def encode(%ChannelForbidden{} = x), do: <<79, 120, 55, 133, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.broadcast, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.megagroup, x.flags, 256)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:String, x.title)::binary>>
def encode(%ChatFull{} = x), do: <<20, 166, 2, 46, encode(:Int,, encode(x.participants)::binary, encode(x.chat_photo)::binary, encode(x.notify_settings)::binary, encode(x.exported_invite)::binary, enc_v(x.bot_info)::binary>>
def encode(%ChannelFull{} = x), do: <<47, 81, 213, 195, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.can_view_participants, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.can_set_username, x.flags, 64)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:String, x.about)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.participants_count, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.admins_count, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.kicked_count, x.flags, 4)::binary, encode(:Int, x.read_inbox_max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.read_outbox_max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.unread_count)::binary, encode(x.chat_photo)::binary, encode(x.notify_settings)::binary, encode(x.exported_invite)::binary, enc_v(x.bot_info)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.migrated_from_chat_id, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.migrated_from_max_id, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.pinned_msg_id, x.flags, 32)::binary>>
def encode(%ChatParticipant{} = x), do: <<62, 73, 215, 200, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.inviter_id)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%ChatParticipantCreator{} = x), do: <<138, 83, 19, 218, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary>>
def encode(%ChatParticipantAdmin{} = x), do: <<54, 228, 214, 226, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.inviter_id)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%ChatParticipantsForbidden{} = x), do: <<43, 12, 144, 252, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, enc_f(x.self_participant, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%ChatParticipants{} = x), do: <<237, 15, 70, 63, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, enc_v(x.participants)::binary, encode(:Int, x.version)::binary>>
def encode(%ChatPhotoEmpty{}), do: <<28, 1, 193, 55>>
def encode(%ChatPhoto{} = x), do: <<106, 39, 83, 97, encode(x.photo_small)::binary, encode(x.photo_big)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEmpty{} = x), do: <<84, 222, 229, 131, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%Message{} = x), do: <<95, 228, 155, 192, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.out, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.mentioned, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.media_unread, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.silent, x.flags, 8192)::binary, enc_f(:True,, x.flags, 16384)::binary, encode(:Int,, enc_f(:Int, x.from_id, x.flags, 256)::binary, encode(x.to_id)::binary, enc_f(x.fwd_from, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.via_bot_id, x.flags, 2048)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.reply_to_msg_id, x.flags, 8)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:String, x.message)::binary, enc_f(, x.flags, 512)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 64)::binary, enc_vf(x.entities, x.flags, 128)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.views, x.flags, 1024)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.edit_date, x.flags, 32768)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageService{} = x), do: <<246, 161, 25, 158, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.out, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.mentioned, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.media_unread, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.silent, x.flags, 8192)::binary, enc_f(:True,, x.flags, 16384)::binary, encode(:Int,, enc_f(:Int, x.from_id, x.flags, 256)::binary, encode(x.to_id)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.reply_to_msg_id, x.flags, 8)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(x.action)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageMediaEmpty{}), do: <<32, 99, 237, 61>>
def encode(%MessageMediaPhoto{} = x), do: <<61, 229, 140, 61, encode(, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageMediaGeo{} = x), do: <<116, 212, 224, 86, encode(x.geo)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageMediaContact{} = x), do: <<57, 47, 125, 94, encode(:String, x.phone_number)::binary, encode(:String, x.first_name)::binary, encode(:String, x.last_name)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageMediaUnsupported{}), do: <<158, 244, 132, 159>>
def encode(%MessageMediaDocument{} = x), do: <<168, 46, 224, 243, encode(x.document)::binary, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageMediaWebPage{} = x), do: <<0, 214, 45, 163, encode(x.webpage)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageMediaVenue{} = x), do: <<31, 183, 18, 121, encode(x.geo)::binary, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, encode(:String, x.address)::binary, encode(:String, x.provider)::binary, encode(:String, x.venue_id)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageMediaGame{} = x), do: <<8, 144, 177, 253, encode(>>
def encode(%MessageActionEmpty{}), do: <<176, 247, 174, 182>>
def encode(%MessageActionChatCreate{} = x), do: <<154, 139, 99, 166, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, enc_v(:Int, x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageActionChatEditTitle{} = x), do: <<90, 206, 161, 181, encode(:String, x.title)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageActionChatEditPhoto{} = x), do: <<168, 19, 203, 127, encode(>>
def encode(%MessageActionChatDeletePhoto{}), do: <<239, 251, 227, 149>>
def encode(%MessageActionChatAddUser{} = x), do: <<55, 115, 138, 72, enc_v(:Int, x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageActionChatDeleteUser{} = x), do: <<12, 155, 174, 178, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageActionChatJoinedByLink{} = x), do: <<232, 245, 156, 248, encode(:Int, x.inviter_id)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageActionChannelCreate{} = x), do: <<146, 172, 210, 149, encode(:String, x.title)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageActionChatMigrateTo{} = x), do: <<33, 176, 189, 81, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom{} = x), do: <<238, 234, 85, 176, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageActionPinMessage{}), do: <<237, 56, 189, 148>>
def encode(%MessageActionHistoryClear{}), do: <<4, 182, 186, 159>>
def encode(%MessageActionGameScore{} = x), do: <<118, 40, 167, 146, encode(:Long, x.game_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.score)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageActionPhoneCall{} = x), do: <<127, 26, 225, 128, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Long, x.call_id)::binary, enc_f(x.reason, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.duration, x.flags, 2)::binary>>
def encode(%Dialog{} = x), do: <<20, 186, 255, 102, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.pinned, x.flags, 4)::binary, encode(x.peer)::binary, encode(:Int, x.top_message)::binary, encode(:Int, x.read_inbox_max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.read_outbox_max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.unread_count)::binary, encode(x.notify_settings)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.pts, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(x.draft, x.flags, 2)::binary>>
def encode(%PhotoEmpty{} = x), do: <<45, 178, 49, 35, encode(:Long,>>
def encode(%Photo{} = x), do: <<41, 221, 136, 146, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.has_stickers, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:Int,, enc_v(x.sizes)::binary>>
def encode(%PhotoSizeEmpty{} = x), do: <<60, 226, 23, 14, encode(:String, x.type)::binary>>
def encode(%PhotoSize{} = x), do: <<27, 182, 191, 119, encode(:String, x.type)::binary, encode(x.location)::binary, encode(:Int, x.w)::binary, encode(:Int, x.h)::binary, encode(:Int, x.size)::binary>>
def encode(%PhotoCachedSize{} = x), do: <<250, 52, 167, 233, encode(:String, x.type)::binary, encode(x.location)::binary, encode(:Int, x.w)::binary, encode(:Int, x.h)::binary, encode(:Bytes, x.bytes)::binary>>
def encode(%GeoPointEmpty{}), do: <<95, 221, 23, 17>>
def encode(%GeoPoint{} = x), do: <<12, 215, 73, 32, encode(:Double, x.long)::binary, encode(:Double,>>
def encode(%Auth.CheckedPhone{} = x), do: <<142, 162, 30, 129, encode(x.phone_registered)::binary>>
def encode(%Auth.SentCode{} = x), do: <<2, 37, 0, 94, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.phone_registered, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(x.type)::binary, encode(:String, x.phone_code_hash)::binary, enc_f(x.next_type, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.timeout, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%Auth.Authorization{} = x), do: <<22, 9, 5, 205, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.tmp_sessions, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(x.user)::binary>>
def encode(%Auth.ExportedAuthorization{} = x), do: <<45, 156, 150, 223, encode(:Int,, encode(:Bytes, x.bytes)::binary>>
def encode(%InputNotifyPeer{} = x), do: <<12, 91, 188, 184, encode(x.peer)::binary>>
def encode(%InputNotifyUsers{}), do: <<23, 68, 59, 25>>
def encode(%InputNotifyChats{}), do: <<78, 232, 149, 74>>
def encode(%InputNotifyAll{}), do: <<134, 184, 41, 164>>
def encode(%InputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty{}), do: <<216, 100, 48, 240>>
def encode(%InputPeerNotifyEventsAll{}), do: <<116, 44, 106, 232>>
def encode(%InputPeerNotifySettings{} = x), do: <<178, 94, 147, 56, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.show_previews, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.silent, x.flags, 2)::binary, encode(:Int, x.mute_until)::binary, encode(:String, x.sound)::binary>>
def encode(%PeerNotifyEventsEmpty{}), do: <<179, 60, 213, 173>>
def encode(%PeerNotifyEventsAll{}), do: <<136, 237, 29, 109>>
def encode(%PeerNotifySettingsEmpty{}), do: <<18, 133, 166, 112>>
def encode(%PeerNotifySettings{} = x), do: <<192, 164, 205, 154, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.show_previews, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.silent, x.flags, 2)::binary, encode(:Int, x.mute_until)::binary, encode(:String, x.sound)::binary>>
def encode(%PeerSettings{} = x), do: <<205, 38, 132, 129, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.report_spam, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%WallPaper{} = x), do: <<87, 54, 176, 204, encode(:Int,, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, enc_v(x.sizes)::binary, encode(:Int, x.color)::binary>>
def encode(%WallPaperSolid{} = x), do: <<36, 127, 17, 99, encode(:Int,, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, encode(:Int, x.bg_color)::binary, encode(:Int, x.color)::binary>>
def encode(%InputReportReasonSpam{}), do: <<184, 202, 219, 88>>
def encode(%InputReportReasonViolence{}), do: <<141, 199, 34, 30>>
def encode(%InputReportReasonPornography{}), do: <<34, 217, 89, 46>>
def encode(%InputReportReasonOther{} = x), do: <<10, 109, 116, 225, encode(:String, x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%UserFull{} = x), do: <<63, 15, 34, 15, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.blocked, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.phone_calls_available, x.flags, 16)::binary, encode(x.user)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.about, x.flags, 2)::binary, encode(, enc_f(x.profile_photo, x.flags, 4)::binary, encode(x.notify_settings)::binary, enc_f(x.bot_info, x.flags, 8)::binary, encode(:Int, x.common_chats_count)::binary>>
def encode(%Contact{} = x), do: <<148, 201, 17, 249, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(>>
def encode(%ImportedContact{} = x), do: <<56, 132, 2, 208, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.client_id)::binary>>
def encode(%ContactBlocked{} = x), do: <<121, 200, 27, 86, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%ContactStatus{} = x), do: <<97, 12, 104, 211, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(x.status)::binary>>
def encode(%Contacts.Link{} = x), do: <<76, 72, 206, 58, encode(x.my_link)::binary, encode(x.foreign_link)::binary, encode(x.user)::binary>>
def encode(%Contacts.ContactsNotModified{}), do: <<210, 169, 75, 183>>
def encode(%Contacts.Contacts{} = x), do: <<178, 140, 139, 111, enc_v(x.contacts)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Contacts.ImportedContacts{} = x), do: <<21, 67, 82, 173, enc_v(x.imported)::binary, enc_v(:Long, x.retry_contacts)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Contacts.Blocked{} = x), do: <<21, 141, 19, 28, enc_v(x.blocked)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Contacts.BlockedSlice{} = x), do: <<161, 2, 8, 144, encode(:Int, x.count)::binary, enc_v(x.blocked)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.Dialogs{} = x), do: <<64, 108, 186, 21, enc_v(x.dialogs)::binary, enc_v(x.messages)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.DialogsSlice{} = x), do: <<243, 148, 224, 113, encode(:Int, x.count)::binary, enc_v(x.dialogs)::binary, enc_v(x.messages)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.Messages{} = x), do: <<135, 142, 113, 140, enc_v(x.messages)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.MessagesSlice{} = x), do: <<227, 106, 68, 11, encode(:Int, x.count)::binary, enc_v(x.messages)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.ChannelMessages{} = x), do: <<55, 46, 38, 153, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.count)::binary, enc_v(x.messages)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.Chats{} = x), do: <<213, 159, 255, 100, enc_v(x.chats)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.ChatsSlice{} = x), do: <<68, 17, 216, 156, encode(:Int, x.count)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.ChatFull{} = x), do: <<156, 209, 215, 229, encode(x.full_chat)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.AffectedHistory{} = x), do: <<209, 105, 92, 180, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterEmpty{}), do: <<108, 246, 226, 87>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterPhotos{}), do: <<28, 165, 9, 150>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterVideo{}), do: <<101, 14, 192, 159>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo{}), do: <<228, 240, 233, 86>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments{}), do: <<187, 115, 94, 217>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterDocument{}), do: <<136, 241, 221, 158>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterUrl{}), do: <<135, 221, 240, 126>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterGif{}), do: <<135, 101, 200, 255>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterVoice{}), do: <<146, 195, 245, 80>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterMusic{}), do: <<158, 180, 81, 55>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos{}), do: <<184, 236, 32, 58>>
def encode(%InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls{} = x), do: <<104, 151, 201, 128, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.missed, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateNewMessage{} = x), do: <<253, 10, 43, 31, encode(x.message)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateMessageID{} = x), do: <<214, 191, 144, 78, encode(:Int,, encode(:Long, x.random_id)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateDeleteMessages{} = x), do: <<229, 176, 13, 162, enc_v(:Int, x.messages)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateUserTyping{} = x), do: <<39, 105, 72, 92, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(x.action)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateChatUserTyping{} = x), do: <<31, 234, 101, 154, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(x.action)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateChatParticipants{} = x), do: <<152, 17, 118, 7, encode(x.participants)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateUserStatus{} = x), do: <<35, 216, 251, 27, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(x.status)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateUserName{} = x), do: <<115, 43, 51, 167, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:String, x.first_name)::binary, encode(:String, x.last_name)::binary, encode(:String, x.username)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateUserPhoto{} = x), do: <<12, 59, 49, 149, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(, encode(x.previous)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateContactRegistered{} = x), do: <<185, 187, 117, 37, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%UpdateContactLink{} = x), do: <<197, 103, 46, 157, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(x.my_link)::binary, encode(x.foreign_link)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateNewEncryptedMessage{} = x), do: <<154, 189, 188, 18, encode(x.message)::binary, encode(:Int, x.qts)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateEncryptedChatTyping{} = x), do: <<86, 241, 16, 23, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateEncryption{} = x), do: <<141, 232, 162, 180, encode(, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead{} = x), do: <<183, 37, 254, 56, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.max_date)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%UpdateChatParticipantAdd{} = x), do: <<92, 14, 75, 234, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.inviter_id)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.version)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateChatParticipantDelete{} = x), do: <<34, 140, 95, 110, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.version)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateDcOptions{} = x), do: <<115, 152, 94, 142, enc_v(x.dc_options)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateUserBlocked{} = x), do: <<26, 232, 236, 128, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(x.blocked)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateNotifySettings{} = x), do: <<239, 104, 194, 190, encode(x.peer)::binary, encode(x.notify_settings)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateServiceNotification{} = x), do: <<25, 104, 228, 235, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.popup, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.inbox_date, x.flags, 2)::binary, encode(:String, x.type)::binary, encode(:String, x.message)::binary, encode(, enc_v(x.entities)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdatePrivacy{} = x), do: <<42, 39, 59, 238, encode(x.key)::binary, enc_v(x.rules)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateUserPhone{} = x), do: <<123, 65, 185, 18, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:String,>>
def encode(%UpdateReadHistoryInbox{} = x), do: <<92, 253, 97, 153, encode(x.peer)::binary, encode(:Int, x.max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateReadHistoryOutbox{} = x), do: <<191, 33, 47, 47, encode(x.peer)::binary, encode(:Int, x.max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateWebPage{} = x), do: <<19, 18, 137, 127, encode(x.webpage)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateReadMessagesContents{} = x), do: <<51, 57, 193, 104, enc_v(:Int, x.messages)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateChannelTooLong{} = x), do: <<251, 103, 4, 235, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.pts, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateChannel{} = x), do: <<86, 86, 212, 182, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateNewChannelMessage{} = x), do: <<217, 4, 186, 98, encode(x.message)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateReadChannelInbox{} = x), do: <<127, 243, 20, 66, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.max_id)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateDeleteChannelMessages{} = x), do: <<201, 33, 117, 195, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary, enc_v(:Int, x.messages)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateChannelMessageViews{} = x), do: <<75, 43, 161, 152, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.views)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateChatAdmins{} = x), do: <<65, 121, 148, 110, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, encode(x.enabled)::binary, encode(:Int, x.version)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateChatParticipantAdmin{} = x), do: <<89, 25, 144, 182, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(x.is_admin)::binary, encode(:Int, x.version)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateNewStickerSet{} = x), do: <<170, 48, 138, 104, encode(x.stickerset)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateStickerSetsOrder{} = x), do: <<1, 210, 178, 11, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.masks, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_v(:Long, x.order)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateStickerSets{}), do: <<236, 61, 174, 67>>
def encode(%UpdateSavedGifs{}), do: <<30, 52, 117, 147>>
def encode(%UpdateBotInlineQuery{} = x), do: <<144, 102, 130, 84, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Long, x.query_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:String, x.query)::binary, enc_f(x.geo, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String, x.offset)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateBotInlineSend{} = x), do: <<100, 249, 72, 14, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:String, x.query)::binary, enc_f(x.geo, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String,, enc_f(x.msg_id, x.flags, 2)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateEditChannelMessage{} = x), do: <<247, 77, 63, 27, encode(x.message)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateChannelPinnedMessage{} = x), do: <<117, 36, 89, 152, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%UpdateBotCallbackQuery{} = x), do: <<225, 71, 53, 231, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Long, x.query_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(x.peer)::binary, encode(:Int, x.msg_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.chat_instance)::binary, enc_f(:Bytes,, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.game_short_name, x.flags, 2)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateEditMessage{} = x), do: <<163, 112, 3, 228, encode(x.message)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery{} = x), do: <<90, 122, 210, 249, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Long, x.query_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(x.msg_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.chat_instance)::binary, enc_f(:Bytes,, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.game_short_name, x.flags, 2)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateReadChannelOutbox{} = x), do: <<199, 201, 214, 37, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.max_id)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateDraftMessage{} = x), do: <<105, 185, 43, 238, encode(x.peer)::binary, encode(x.draft)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateReadFeaturedStickers{}), do: <<66, 39, 29, 87>>
def encode(%UpdateRecentStickers{}), do: <<32, 44, 66, 154>>
def encode(%UpdateConfig{}), do: <<6, 221, 41, 162>>
def encode(%UpdatePtsChanged{}), do: <<143, 103, 84, 51>>
def encode(%UpdateChannelWebPage{} = x), do: <<0, 25, 119, 64, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary, encode(x.webpage)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdatePhoneCall{} = x), do: <<30, 107, 15, 171, encode(x.phone_call)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateDialogPinned{} = x), do: <<204, 162, 17, 215, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.pinned, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(x.peer)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdatePinnedDialogs{} = x), do: <<141, 246, 202, 216, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_vf(x.order, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%Updates.State{} = x), do: <<62, 42, 108, 165, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.qts)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.seq)::binary, encode(:Int, x.unread_count)::binary>>
def encode(%Updates.DifferenceEmpty{} = x), do: <<56, 161, 117, 93, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.seq)::binary>>
def encode(%Updates.Difference{} = x), do: <<160, 156, 244, 0, enc_v(x.new_messages)::binary, enc_v(x.new_encrypted_messages)::binary, enc_v(x.other_updates)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary, encode(x.state)::binary>>
def encode(%Updates.DifferenceSlice{} = x), do: <<129, 25, 251, 168, enc_v(x.new_messages)::binary, enc_v(x.new_encrypted_messages)::binary, enc_v(x.other_updates)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary, encode(x.intermediate_state)::binary>>
def encode(%Updates.DifferenceTooLong{} = x), do: <<109, 143, 254, 74, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdatesTooLong{}), do: <<126, 175, 23, 227>>
def encode(%UpdateShortMessage{} = x), do: <<17, 191, 79, 145, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.out, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.mentioned, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.media_unread, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.silent, x.flags, 8192)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:String, x.message)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary, encode(:Int,, enc_f(x.fwd_from, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.via_bot_id, x.flags, 2048)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.reply_to_msg_id, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_vf(x.entities, x.flags, 128)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateShortChatMessage{} = x), do: <<136, 38, 129, 22, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.out, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.mentioned, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.media_unread, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.silent, x.flags, 8192)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.from_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, encode(:String, x.message)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary, encode(:Int,, enc_f(x.fwd_from, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.via_bot_id, x.flags, 2048)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.reply_to_msg_id, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_vf(x.entities, x.flags, 128)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateShort{} = x), do: <<193, 222, 212, 120, encode(x.update)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%UpdatesCombined{} = x), do: <<195, 4, 91, 114, enc_v(x.updates)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.seq_start)::binary, encode(:Int, x.seq)::binary>>
def encode(%Updates{} = x), do: <<64, 66, 174, 116, enc_v(x.updates)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.seq)::binary>>
def encode(%UpdateShortSentMessage{} = x), do: <<28, 51, 241, 17, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.out, x.flags, 2)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary, encode(:Int,, enc_f(, x.flags, 512)::binary, enc_vf(x.entities, x.flags, 128)::binary>>
def encode(%Photos.Photos{} = x), do: <<165, 106, 202, 141, enc_v(, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Photos.PhotosSlice{} = x), do: <<84, 31, 5, 21, encode(:Int, x.count)::binary, enc_v(, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Photos.Photo{} = x), do: <<168, 44, 33, 32, encode(, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Upload.File{} = x), do: <<213, 24, 106, 9, encode(x.type)::binary, encode(:Int, x.mtime)::binary, encode(:Bytes, x.bytes)::binary>>
def encode(%DcOption{} = x), do: <<204, 198, 216, 5, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.ipv6, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.media_only, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.tcpo_only, x.flags, 4)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:String, x.ip_address)::binary, encode(:Int, x.port)::binary>>
def encode(%Config{} = x), do: <<95, 251, 246, 58, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.phonecalls_enabled, x.flags, 2)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.expires)::binary, encode(x.test_mode)::binary, encode(:Int, x.this_dc)::binary, enc_v(x.dc_options)::binary, encode(:Int, x.chat_size_max)::binary, encode(:Int, x.megagroup_size_max)::binary, encode(:Int, x.forwarded_count_max)::binary, encode(:Int, x.online_update_period_ms)::binary, encode(:Int, x.offline_blur_timeout_ms)::binary, encode(:Int, x.offline_idle_timeout_ms)::binary, encode(:Int, x.online_cloud_timeout_ms)::binary, encode(:Int, x.notify_cloud_delay_ms)::binary, encode(:Int, x.notify_default_delay_ms)::binary, encode(:Int, x.chat_big_size)::binary, encode(:Int, x.push_chat_period_ms)::binary, encode(:Int, x.push_chat_limit)::binary, encode(:Int, x.saved_gifs_limit)::binary, encode(:Int, x.edit_time_limit)::binary, encode(:Int, x.rating_e_decay)::binary, encode(:Int, x.stickers_recent_limit)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.tmp_sessions, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pinned_dialogs_count_max)::binary, encode(:Int, x.call_receive_timeout_ms)::binary, encode(:Int, x.call_ring_timeout_ms)::binary, encode(:Int, x.call_connect_timeout_ms)::binary, encode(:Int, x.call_packet_timeout_ms)::binary, enc_v(x.disabled_features)::binary>>
def encode(%NearestDc{} = x), do: <<117, 23, 26, 142, encode(:String,, encode(:Int, x.this_dc)::binary, encode(:Int, x.nearest_dc)::binary>>
def encode(%Help.AppUpdate{} = x), do: <<17, 243, 135, 137, encode(:Int,, encode(x.critical)::binary, encode(:String, x.url)::binary, encode(:String, x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%Help.NoAppUpdate{}), do: <<54, 101, 90, 196>>
def encode(%Help.InviteText{} = x), do: <<120, 159, 203, 24, encode(:String, x.message)::binary>>
def encode(%EncryptedChatEmpty{} = x), do: <<160, 192, 126, 171, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%EncryptedChatWaiting{} = x), do: <<220, 3, 247, 59, encode(:Int,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.admin_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.participant_id)::binary>>
def encode(%EncryptedChatRequested{} = x), do: <<126, 82, 120, 200, encode(:Int,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.admin_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.participant_id)::binary, encode(:Bytes, x.g_a)::binary>>
def encode(%EncryptedChat{} = x), do: <<54, 206, 86, 250, encode(:Int,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.admin_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.participant_id)::binary, encode(:Bytes, x.g_a_or_b)::binary, encode(:Long, x.key_fingerprint)::binary>>
def encode(%EncryptedChatDiscarded{} = x), do: <<39, 221, 214, 19, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%InputEncryptedChat{} = x), do: <<225, 181, 65, 241, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%EncryptedFileEmpty{}), do: <<126, 73, 31, 194>>
def encode(%EncryptedFile{} = x), do: <<76, 153, 112, 74, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:Int, x.size)::binary, encode(:Int, x.dc_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.key_fingerprint)::binary>>
def encode(%InputEncryptedFileEmpty{}), do: <<100, 195, 55, 24>>
def encode(%InputEncryptedFileUploaded{} = x), do: <<6, 3, 189, 100, encode(:Long,, encode(:Int,, encode(:String, x.md5_checksum)::binary, encode(:Int, x.key_fingerprint)::binary>>
def encode(%InputEncryptedFile{} = x), do: <<229, 181, 23, 90, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded{} = x), do: <<200, 115, 193, 45, encode(:Long,, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.key_fingerprint)::binary>>
def encode(%EncryptedMessage{} = x), do: <<24, 193, 24, 237, encode(:Long, x.random_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Bytes, x.bytes)::binary, encode(x.file)::binary>>
def encode(%EncryptedMessageService{} = x), do: <<6, 75, 115, 35, encode(:Long, x.random_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.chat_id)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Bytes, x.bytes)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.DhConfigNotModified{} = x), do: <<53, 70, 226, 192, encode(:Bytes, x.random)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.DhConfig{} = x), do: <<221, 30, 34, 44, encode(:Int, x.g)::binary, encode(:Bytes, x.p)::binary, encode(:Int, x.version)::binary, encode(:Bytes, x.random)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.SentEncryptedMessage{} = x), do: <<53, 137, 15, 86, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%Messages.SentEncryptedFile{} = x), do: <<50, 255, 147, 148, encode(:Int,, encode(x.file)::binary>>
def encode(%InputDocumentEmpty{}), do: <<174, 234, 240, 114>>
def encode(%InputDocument{} = x), do: <<82, 137, 121, 24, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%DocumentEmpty{} = x), do: <<113, 200, 248, 54, encode(:Long,>>
def encode(%Document{} = x), do: <<199, 43, 35, 135, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:String, x.mime_type)::binary, encode(:Int, x.size)::binary, encode(x.thumb)::binary, encode(:Int, x.dc_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.version)::binary, enc_v(x.attributes)::binary>>
def encode(%Help.Support{} = x), do: <<246, 181, 198, 23, encode(:String, x.phone_number)::binary, encode(x.user)::binary>>
def encode(%NotifyPeer{} = x), do: <<216, 11, 212, 159, encode(x.peer)::binary>>
def encode(%NotifyUsers{}), do: <<76, 59, 200, 180>>
def encode(%NotifyChats{}), do: <<195, 206, 7, 192>>
def encode(%NotifyAll{}), do: <<96, 124, 208, 116>>
def encode(%SendMessageTypingAction{}), do: <<78, 116, 191, 22>>
def encode(%SendMessageCancelAction{}), do: <<245, 200, 94, 253>>
def encode(%SendMessageRecordVideoAction{}), do: <<111, 214, 135, 161>>
def encode(%SendMessageUploadVideoAction{} = x), do: <<236, 58, 118, 233, encode(:Int, x.progress)::binary>>
def encode(%SendMessageRecordAudioAction{}), do: <<247, 115, 47, 213>>
def encode(%SendMessageUploadAudioAction{} = x), do: <<171, 215, 81, 243, encode(:Int, x.progress)::binary>>
def encode(%SendMessageUploadPhotoAction{} = x), do: <<38, 74, 211, 209, encode(:Int, x.progress)::binary>>
def encode(%SendMessageUploadDocumentAction{} = x), do: <<228, 217, 12, 170, encode(:Int, x.progress)::binary>>
def encode(%SendMessageGeoLocationAction{}), do: <<161, 139, 111, 23>>
def encode(%SendMessageChooseContactAction{}), do: <<111, 188, 140, 98>>
def encode(%SendMessageGamePlayAction{}), do: <<72, 143, 106, 221>>
def encode(%Contacts.Found{} = x), do: <<132, 247, 161, 26, enc_v(x.results)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%InputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp{}), do: <<24, 203, 150, 79>>
def encode(%InputPrivacyKeyChatInvite{}), do: <<38, 4, 251, 189>>
def encode(%InputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall{}), do: <<95, 220, 186, 250>>
def encode(%PrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp{}), do: <<48, 171, 46, 188>>
def encode(%PrivacyKeyChatInvite{}), do: <<250, 109, 14, 80>>
def encode(%PrivacyKeyPhoneCall{}), do: <<123, 43, 102, 61>>
def encode(%InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts{}), do: <<123, 224, 9, 13>>
def encode(%InputPrivacyValueAllowAll{}), do: <<206, 53, 75, 24>>
def encode(%InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers{} = x), do: <<127, 198, 28, 19, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts{}), do: <<7, 32, 165, 11>>
def encode(%InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll{}), do: <<201, 102, 107, 214>>
def encode(%InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers{} = x), do: <<103, 4, 17, 144, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%PrivacyValueAllowContacts{}), do: <<172, 27, 254, 255>>
def encode(%PrivacyValueAllowAll{}), do: <<130, 123, 66, 101>>
def encode(%PrivacyValueAllowUsers{} = x), do: <<12, 190, 91, 77, enc_v(:Int, x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%PrivacyValueDisallowContacts{}), do: <<26, 250, 136, 248>>
def encode(%PrivacyValueDisallowAll{}), do: <<99, 231, 115, 139>>
def encode(%PrivacyValueDisallowUsers{} = x), do: <<183, 73, 127, 12, enc_v(:Int, x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Account.PrivacyRules{} = x), do: <<111, 187, 74, 85, enc_v(x.rules)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%AccountDaysTTL{} = x), do: <<223, 175, 208, 184, encode(:Int, x.days)::binary>>
def encode(%DocumentAttributeImageSize{} = x), do: <<92, 193, 55, 108, encode(:Int, x.w)::binary, encode(:Int, x.h)::binary>>
def encode(%DocumentAttributeAnimated{}), do: <<57, 137, 181, 17>>
def encode(%DocumentAttributeSticker{} = x), do: <<18, 214, 25, 99, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.mask, x.flags, 2)::binary, encode(:String, x.alt)::binary, encode(x.stickerset)::binary, enc_f(x.mask_coords, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%DocumentAttributeVideo{} = x), do: <<203, 204, 16, 89, encode(:Int, x.duration)::binary, encode(:Int, x.w)::binary, encode(:Int, x.h)::binary>>
def encode(%DocumentAttributeAudio{} = x), do: <<198, 249, 82, 152, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.voice, x.flags, 1024)::binary, encode(:Int, x.duration)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.title, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.performer, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:Bytes, x.waveform, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%DocumentAttributeFilename{} = x), do: <<104, 0, 89, 21, encode(:String, x.file_name)::binary>>
def encode(%DocumentAttributeHasStickers{}), do: <<247, 210, 1, 152>>
def encode(%Messages.StickersNotModified{}), do: <<34, 154, 116, 241>>
def encode(%Messages.Stickers{} = x), do: <<50, 205, 142, 138, encode(:String, x.hash)::binary, enc_v(x.stickers)::binary>>
def encode(%StickerPack{} = x), do: <<212, 153, 178, 18, encode(:String, x.emoticon)::binary, enc_v(:Long, x.documents)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.AllStickersNotModified{}), do: <<195, 2, 102, 232>>
def encode(%Messages.AllStickers{} = x), do: <<95, 64, 253, 237, encode(:Int, x.hash)::binary, enc_v(x.sets)::binary>>
def encode(%DisabledFeature{} = x), do: <<36, 111, 99, 174, encode(:String, x.feature)::binary, encode(:String, x.description)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.AffectedMessages{} = x), do: <<133, 145, 209, 132, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts_count)::binary>>
def encode(%ContactLinkUnknown{}), do: <<71, 146, 79, 95>>
def encode(%ContactLinkNone{}), do: <<173, 211, 237, 254>>
def encode(%ContactLinkHasPhone{}), do: <<89, 63, 143, 38>>
def encode(%ContactLinkContact{}), do: <<208, 194, 2, 213>>
def encode(%WebPageEmpty{} = x), do: <<232, 119, 20, 235, encode(:Long,>>
def encode(%WebPagePending{} = x), do: <<28, 218, 134, 197, encode(:Long,, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%WebPage{} = x), do: <<188, 180, 7, 95, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Long,, encode(:String, x.url)::binary, encode(:String, x.display_url)::binary, encode(:Int, x.hash)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.type, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.site_name, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.title, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.description, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_f(, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.embed_url, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.embed_type, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.embed_width, x.flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.embed_height, x.flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.duration, x.flags, 128)::binary, enc_f(:String,, x.flags, 256)::binary, enc_f(x.document, x.flags, 512)::binary, enc_f(x.cached_page, x.flags, 1024)::binary>>
def encode(%WebPageNotModified{}), do: <<115, 148, 132, 133>>
def encode(%Authorization{} = x), do: <<246, 230, 242, 123, encode(:Long, x.hash)::binary, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:String, x.device_model)::binary, encode(:String, x.platform)::binary, encode(:String, x.system_version)::binary, encode(:Int, x.api_id)::binary, encode(:String, x.app_name)::binary, encode(:String, x.app_version)::binary, encode(:Int, x.date_created)::binary, encode(:Int, x.date_active)::binary, encode(:String, x.ip)::binary, encode(:String,, encode(:String, x.region)::binary>>
def encode(%Account.Authorizations{} = x), do: <<222, 171, 80, 18, enc_v(x.authorizations)::binary>>
def encode(%Account.NoPassword{} = x), do: <<24, 188, 218, 150, encode(:Bytes, x.new_salt)::binary, encode(:String, x.email_unconfirmed_pattern)::binary>>
def encode(%Account.Password{} = x), do: <<28, 20, 24, 124, encode(:Bytes, x.current_salt)::binary, encode(:Bytes, x.new_salt)::binary, encode(:String, x.hint)::binary, encode(x.has_recovery)::binary, encode(:String, x.email_unconfirmed_pattern)::binary>>
def encode(%Account.PasswordSettings{} = x), do: <<179, 42, 183, 183, encode(:String,>>
def encode(%Account.PasswordInputSettings{} = x), do: <<235, 109, 145, 134, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:Bytes, x.new_salt, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:Bytes, x.new_password_hash, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.hint, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:String,, x.flags, 2)::binary>>
def encode(%Auth.PasswordRecovery{} = x), do: <<165, 72, 121, 19, encode(:String, x.email_pattern)::binary>>
def encode(%ReceivedNotifyMessage{} = x), do: <<121, 183, 132, 163, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary>>
def encode(%ChatInviteEmpty{}), do: <<105, 55, 223, 105>>
def encode(%ChatInviteExported{} = x), do: <<188, 5, 46, 252, encode(:String,>>
def encode(%ChatInviteAlready{} = x), do: <<124, 109, 104, 90, encode(>>
def encode(%ChatInvite{} = x), do: <<88, 245, 116, 219, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True,, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.broadcast, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.public, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.megagroup, x.flags, 8)::binary, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, encode(, encode(:Int, x.participants_count)::binary, enc_vf(x.participants, x.flags, 16)::binary>>
def encode(%InputStickerSetEmpty{}), do: <<149, 43, 182, 255>>
def encode(%InputStickerSetID{} = x), do: <<105, 162, 231, 157, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%InputStickerSetShortName{} = x), do: <<160, 200, 28, 134, encode(:String, x.short_name)::binary>>
def encode(%StickerSet{} = x), do: <<65, 59, 48, 205, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.installed, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.archived, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.official, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.masks, x.flags, 8)::binary, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, encode(:String, x.short_name)::binary, encode(:Int, x.count)::binary, encode(:Int, x.hash)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.StickerSet{} = x), do: <<166, 36, 10, 182, encode(x.set)::binary, enc_v(x.packs)::binary, enc_v(x.documents)::binary>>
def encode(%BotCommand{} = x), do: <<199, 200, 122, 194, encode(:String, x.command)::binary, encode(:String, x.description)::binary>>
def encode(%BotInfo{} = x), do: <<58, 29, 232, 152, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:String, x.description)::binary, enc_v(x.commands)::binary>>
def encode(%KeyboardButton{} = x), do: <<128, 72, 250, 162, encode(:String, x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%KeyboardButtonUrl{} = x), do: <<5, 255, 138, 37, encode(:String, x.text)::binary, encode(:String, x.url)::binary>>
def encode(%KeyboardButtonCallback{} = x), do: <<70, 94, 58, 104, encode(:String, x.text)::binary, encode(:Bytes,>>
def encode(%KeyboardButtonRequestPhone{} = x), do: <<41, 108, 106, 177, encode(:String, x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation{} = x), do: <<63, 107, 121, 252, encode(:String, x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%KeyboardButtonSwitchInline{} = x), do: <<72, 167, 104, 5, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.same_peer, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String, x.text)::binary, encode(:String, x.query)::binary>>
def encode(%KeyboardButtonGame{} = x), do: <<207, 28, 244, 80, encode(:String, x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%KeyboardButtonRow{} = x), do: <<131, 139, 96, 119, enc_v(x.buttons)::binary>>
def encode(%ReplyKeyboardHide{} = x), do: <<133, 91, 62, 160, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.selective, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%ReplyKeyboardForceReply{} = x), do: <<160, 138, 16, 244, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.single_use, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.selective, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%ReplyKeyboardMarkup{} = x), do: <<140, 117, 2, 53, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.resize, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.single_use, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.selective, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_v(x.rows)::binary>>
def encode(%ReplyInlineMarkup{} = x), do: <<84, 2, 163, 72, enc_v(x.rows)::binary>>
def encode(%Help.AppChangelogEmpty{}), do: <<148, 3, 126, 175>>
def encode(%Help.AppChangelog{} = x), do: <<124, 126, 19, 42, encode(:String, x.message)::binary, encode(, enc_v(x.entities)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityUnknown{} = x), do: <<149, 186, 146, 187, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityMention{} = x), do: <<157, 87, 4, 250, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityHashtag{} = x), do: <<13, 91, 99, 111, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityBotCommand{} = x), do: <<199, 138, 239, 108, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityUrl{} = x), do: <<56, 37, 208, 110, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityEmail{} = x), do: <<194, 117, 228, 100, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityBold{} = x), do: <<201, 11, 97, 189, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityItalic{} = x), do: <<96, 139, 111, 130, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityCode{} = x), do: <<113, 5, 162, 40, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityPre{} = x), do: <<224, 75, 146, 115, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary, encode(:String, x.language)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityTextUrl{} = x), do: <<39, 211, 166, 118, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary, encode(:String, x.url)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageEntityMentionName{} = x), do: <<88, 202, 45, 53, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary>>
def encode(%InputMessageEntityMentionName{} = x), do: <<201, 104, 142, 32, encode(:Int, x.offset)::binary, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary, encode(x.user_id)::binary>>
def encode(%InputChannelEmpty{}), do: <<134, 30, 140, 238>>
def encode(%InputChannel{} = x), do: <<46, 113, 235, 175, encode(:Int, x.channel_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%Contacts.ResolvedPeer{} = x), do: <<217, 122, 7, 127, encode(x.peer)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%MessageRange{} = x), do: <<83, 2, 227, 10, encode(:Int, x.min_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.max_id)::binary>>
def encode(%Updates.ChannelDifferenceEmpty{} = x), do: <<251, 175, 17, 62, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True,, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.timeout, x.flags, 2)::binary>>
def encode(%Updates.ChannelDifferenceTooLong{} = x), do: <<7, 238, 13, 65, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True,, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.timeout, x.flags, 2)::binary, encode(:Int, x.top_message)::binary, encode(:Int, x.read_inbox_max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.read_outbox_max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.unread_count)::binary, enc_v(x.messages)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Updates.ChannelDifference{} = x), do: <<78, 103, 100, 32, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True,, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Int, x.pts)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.timeout, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_v(x.new_messages)::binary, enc_v(x.other_updates)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty{}), do: <<231, 46, 212, 148>>
def encode(%ChannelMessagesFilter{} = x), do: <<87, 217, 119, 205, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.exclude_new_messages, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_v(x.ranges)::binary>>
def encode(%ChannelParticipant{} = x), do: <<29, 172, 235, 21, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%ChannelParticipantSelf{} = x), do: <<109, 154, 40, 163, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.inviter_id)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%ChannelParticipantModerator{} = x), do: <<239, 127, 5, 145, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.inviter_id)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%ChannelParticipantEditor{} = x), do: <<97, 45, 25, 152, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.inviter_id)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%ChannelParticipantKicked{} = x), do: <<154, 230, 197, 140, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.kicked_by)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%ChannelParticipantCreator{} = x), do: <<249, 225, 226, 227, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary>>
def encode(%ChannelParticipantsRecent{}), do: <<121, 60, 63, 222>>
def encode(%ChannelParticipantsAdmins{}), do: <<105, 137, 96, 180>>
def encode(%ChannelParticipantsKicked{}), do: <<122, 187, 55, 60>>
def encode(%ChannelParticipantsBots{}), do: <<91, 134, 209, 176>>
def encode(%ChannelRoleEmpty{}), do: <<198, 160, 133, 178>>
def encode(%ChannelRoleModerator{}), do: <<117, 217, 24, 150>>
def encode(%ChannelRoleEditor{}), do: <<140, 254, 11, 130>>
def encode(%Channels.ChannelParticipants{} = x), do: <<168, 226, 110, 245, encode(:Int, x.count)::binary, enc_v(x.participants)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Channels.ChannelParticipant{} = x), do: <<99, 177, 217, 208, encode(x.participant)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%Help.TermsOfService{} = x), do: <<144, 62, 238, 241, encode(:String, x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%FoundGif{} = x), do: <<31, 204, 46, 22, encode(:String, x.url)::binary, encode(:String, x.thumb_url)::binary, encode(:String, x.content_url)::binary, encode(:String, x.content_type)::binary, encode(:Int, x.w)::binary, encode(:Int, x.h)::binary>>
def encode(%FoundGifCached{} = x), do: <<9, 4, 117, 156, encode(:String, x.url)::binary, encode(, encode(x.document)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.FoundGifs{} = x), do: <<10, 28, 10, 69, encode(:Int, x.next_offset)::binary, enc_v(x.results)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.SavedGifsNotModified{}), do: <<162, 92, 2, 232>>
def encode(%Messages.SavedGifs{} = x), do: <<165, 9, 7, 46, encode(:Int, x.hash)::binary, enc_v(x.gifs)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto{} = x), do: <<19, 237, 47, 41, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineMessageText{} = x), do: <<135, 122, 205, 61, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.no_webpage, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String, x.message)::binary, enc_vf(x.entities, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo{} = x), do: <<225, 157, 165, 244, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(x.geo_point)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue{} = x), do: <<200, 173, 175, 170, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(x.geo_point)::binary, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, encode(:String, x.address)::binary, encode(:String, x.provider)::binary, encode(:String, x.venue_id)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact{} = x), do: <<167, 1, 175, 45, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:String, x.phone_number)::binary, encode(:String, x.first_name)::binary, encode(:String, x.last_name)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineMessageGame{} = x), do: <<100, 88, 66, 75, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineResult{} = x), do: <<90, 225, 187, 44, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:String,, encode(:String, x.type)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.title, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.description, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.url, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.thumb_url, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.content_url, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.content_type, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.w, x.flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.h, x.flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.duration, x.flags, 128)::binary, encode(x.send_message)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineResultPhoto{} = x), do: <<167, 100, 216, 168, encode(:String,, encode(:String, x.type)::binary, encode(, encode(x.send_message)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineResultDocument{} = x), do: <<196, 253, 248, 255, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:String,, encode(:String, x.type)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.title, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.description, x.flags, 4)::binary, encode(x.document)::binary, encode(x.send_message)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineResultGame{} = x), do: <<242, 23, 164, 79, encode(:String,, encode(:String, x.short_name)::binary, encode(x.send_message)::binary>>
def encode(%BotInlineMessageMediaAuto{} = x), do: <<91, 177, 116, 10, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:String, x.caption)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%BotInlineMessageText{} = x), do: <<226, 101, 127, 140, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.no_webpage, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String, x.message)::binary, enc_vf(x.entities, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%BotInlineMessageMediaGeo{} = x), do: <<184, 216, 143, 58, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(x.geo)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%BotInlineMessageMediaVenue{} = x), do: <<46, 35, 102, 67, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(x.geo)::binary, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, encode(:String, x.address)::binary, encode(:String, x.provider)::binary, encode(:String, x.venue_id)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%BotInlineMessageMediaContact{} = x), do: <<212, 180, 237, 53, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:String, x.phone_number)::binary, encode(:String, x.first_name)::binary, encode(:String, x.last_name)::binary, enc_f(x.reply_markup, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%BotInlineResult{} = x), do: <<185, 174, 235, 155, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:String,, encode(:String, x.type)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.title, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.description, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.url, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.thumb_url, x.flags, 16)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.content_url, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.content_type, x.flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.w, x.flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.h, x.flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.duration, x.flags, 128)::binary, encode(x.send_message)::binary>>
def encode(%BotInlineMediaResult{} = x), do: <<11, 148, 219, 23, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:String,, encode(:String, x.type)::binary, enc_f(, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(x.document, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.title, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.description, x.flags, 8)::binary, encode(x.send_message)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.BotResults{} = x), do: <<61, 86, 211, 204, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True,, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Long, x.query_id)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.next_offset, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(x.switch_pm, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_v(x.results)::binary, encode(:Int, x.cache_time)::binary>>
def encode(%ExportedMessageLink{} = x), do: <<3, 104, 72, 31, encode(:String,>>
def encode(%MessageFwdHeader{} = x), do: <<203, 221, 134, 199, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.from_id, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Int,, enc_f(:Int, x.channel_id, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.channel_post, x.flags, 4)::binary>>
def encode(%Auth.CodeTypeSms{}), do: <<140, 21, 163, 114>>
def encode(%Auth.CodeTypeCall{}), do: <<227, 211, 28, 116>>
def encode(%Auth.CodeTypeFlashCall{}), do: <<251, 206, 108, 34>>
def encode(%Auth.SentCodeTypeApp{} = x), do: <<134, 89, 187, 61, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%Auth.SentCodeTypeSms{} = x), do: <<162, 187, 0, 192, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%Auth.SentCodeTypeCall{} = x), do: <<167, 229, 83, 83, encode(:Int, x.length)::binary>>
def encode(%Auth.SentCodeTypeFlashCall{} = x), do: <<217, 198, 3, 171, encode(:String, x.pattern)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.BotCallbackAnswer{} = x), do: <<164, 94, 88, 54, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.alert, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.has_url, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.message, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.url, x.flags, 4)::binary, encode(:Int, x.cache_time)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.MessageEditData{} = x), do: <<230, 221, 181, 38, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.caption, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%InputBotInlineMessageID{} = x), do: <<137, 61, 12, 137, encode(:Int, x.dc_id)::binary, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%InlineBotSwitchPM{} = x), do: <<159, 98, 32, 60, encode(:String, x.text)::binary, encode(:String, x.start_param)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.PeerDialogs{} = x), do: <<84, 195, 113, 51, enc_v(x.dialogs)::binary, enc_v(x.messages)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary, encode(x.state)::binary>>
def encode(%TopPeer{} = x), do: <<91, 192, 205, 237, encode(x.peer)::binary, encode(:Double, x.rating)::binary>>
def encode(%TopPeerCategoryBotsPM{}), do: <<91, 27, 102, 171>>
def encode(%TopPeerCategoryBotsInline{}), do: <<226, 119, 134, 20>>
def encode(%TopPeerCategoryCorrespondents{}), do: <<237, 183, 55, 6>>
def encode(%TopPeerCategoryGroups{}), do: <<74, 161, 23, 189>>
def encode(%TopPeerCategoryChannels{}), do: <<40, 150, 29, 22>>
def encode(%TopPeerCategoryPeers{} = x), do: <<145, 66, 131, 251, encode(x.category)::binary, encode(:Int, x.count)::binary, enc_v(x.peers)::binary>>
def encode(%Contacts.TopPeersNotModified{}), do: <<245, 110, 38, 222>>
def encode(%Contacts.TopPeers{} = x), do: <<168, 114, 183, 112, enc_v(x.categories)::binary, enc_v(x.chats)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%DraftMessageEmpty{}), do: <<197, 174, 75, 186>>
def encode(%DraftMessage{} = x), do: <<31, 113, 142, 253, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.no_webpage, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.reply_to_msg_id, x.flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String, x.message)::binary, enc_vf(x.entities, x.flags, 8)::binary, encode(:Int,>>
def encode(%Messages.FeaturedStickersNotModified{}), do: <<207, 227, 237, 4>>
def encode(%Messages.FeaturedStickers{} = x), do: <<229, 136, 157, 248, encode(:Int, x.hash)::binary, enc_v(x.sets)::binary, enc_v(:Long, x.unread)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.RecentStickersNotModified{}), do: <<144, 248, 23, 11>>
def encode(%Messages.RecentStickers{} = x), do: <<112, 9, 226, 92, encode(:Int, x.hash)::binary, enc_v(x.stickers)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.ArchivedStickers{} = x), do: <<200, 169, 203, 79, encode(:Int, x.count)::binary, enc_v(x.sets)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.StickerSetInstallResultSuccess{}), do: <<40, 22, 100, 56>>
def encode(%Messages.StickerSetInstallResultArchive{} = x), do: <<168, 16, 228, 53, enc_v(x.sets)::binary>>
def encode(%StickerSetCovered{} = x), do: <<210, 165, 16, 100, encode(x.set)::binary, encode(x.cover)::binary>>
def encode(%StickerSetMultiCovered{} = x), do: <<27, 229, 7, 52, encode(x.set)::binary, enc_v(x.covers)::binary>>
def encode(%MaskCoords{} = x), do: <<178, 219, 214, 174, encode(:Int, x.n)::binary, encode(:Double, x.x)::binary, encode(:Double, x.y)::binary, encode(:Double, x.zoom)::binary>>
def encode(%InputStickeredMediaPhoto{} = x), do: <<87, 33, 153, 74, encode(>>
def encode(%InputStickeredMediaDocument{} = x), do: <<91, 134, 56, 4, encode(>>
def encode(%Game{} = x), do: <<59, 101, 249, 189, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:String, x.short_name)::binary, encode(:String, x.title)::binary, encode(:String, x.description)::binary, encode(, enc_f(x.document, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%InputGameID{} = x), do: <<119, 62, 44, 3, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%InputGameShortName{} = x), do: <<10, 232, 49, 195, encode(x.bot_id)::binary, encode(:String, x.short_name)::binary>>
def encode(%HighScore{} = x), do: <<208, 252, 255, 88, encode(:Int, x.pos)::binary, encode(:Int, x.user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.score)::binary>>
def encode(%Messages.HighScores{} = x), do: <<153, 253, 59, 154, enc_v(x.scores)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%TextEmpty{}), do: <<79, 130, 61, 220>>
def encode(%TextPlain{} = x), do: <<224, 148, 70, 116, encode(:String, x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%TextBold{} = x), do: <<196, 171, 36, 103, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%TextItalic{} = x), do: <<156, 165, 18, 217, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%TextUnderline{} = x), do: <<196, 34, 38, 193, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%TextStrike{} = x), do: <<149, 187, 248, 155, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%TextFixed{} = x), do: <<185, 25, 63, 108, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%TextUrl{} = x), do: <<193, 132, 40, 60, encode(x.text)::binary, encode(:String, x.url)::binary, encode(:Long, x.webpage_id)::binary>>
def encode(%TextEmail{} = x), do: <<214, 13, 90, 222, encode(x.text)::binary, encode(:String,>>
def encode(%TextConcat{} = x), do: <<215, 96, 98, 126, enc_v(x.texts)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockUnsupported{}), do: <<138, 126, 86, 19>>
def encode(%PageBlockTitle{} = x), do: <<253, 195, 171, 112, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockSubtitle{} = x), do: <<31, 154, 250, 143, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockAuthorDate{} = x), do: <<224, 229, 175, 186, encode(, encode(:Int, x.published_date)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockHeader{} = x), do: <<236, 100, 208, 191, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockSubheader{} = x), do: <<225, 182, 43, 241, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockParagraph{} = x), do: <<102, 7, 122, 70, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockPreformatted{} = x), do: <<62, 217, 112, 192, encode(x.text)::binary, encode(:String, x.language)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockFooter{} = x), do: <<153, 9, 135, 72, encode(x.text)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockDivider{}), do: <<136, 177, 32, 219>>
def encode(%PageBlockAnchor{} = x), do: <<176, 55, 13, 206, encode(:String,>>
def encode(%PageBlockList{} = x), do: <<244, 199, 88, 58, encode(x.ordered)::binary, enc_v(x.items)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockBlockquote{} = x), do: <<38, 124, 61, 38, encode(x.text)::binary, encode(x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockPullquote{} = x), do: <<211, 86, 68, 79, encode(x.text)::binary, encode(x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockPhoto{} = x), do: <<130, 153, 198, 233, encode(:Long, x.photo_id)::binary, encode(x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockVideo{} = x), do: <<102, 24, 215, 217, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.autoplay, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.loop, x.flags, 2)::binary, encode(:Long, x.video_id)::binary, encode(x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockCover{} = x), do: <<0, 51, 242, 57, encode(x.cover)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockEmbed{} = x), do: <<209, 0, 226, 205, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.full_width, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.allow_scrolling, x.flags, 8)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.url, x.flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:String, x.html, x.flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:Long, x.poster_photo_id, x.flags, 16)::binary, encode(:Int, x.w)::binary, encode(:Int, x.h)::binary, encode(x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockEmbedPost{} = x), do: <<233, 123, 44, 41, encode(:String, x.url)::binary, encode(:Long, x.webpage_id)::binary, encode(:Long, x.author_photo_id)::binary, encode(:String,, encode(:Int,, enc_v(x.blocks)::binary, encode(x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockCollage{} = x), do: <<79, 28, 179, 8, enc_v(x.items)::binary, encode(x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%PageBlockSlideshow{} = x), do: <<99, 137, 12, 19, enc_v(x.items)::binary, encode(x.caption)::binary>>
def encode(%PagePart{} = x), do: <<68, 108, 238, 141, enc_v(x.blocks)::binary, enc_v(, enc_v(x.videos)::binary>>
def encode(%PageFull{} = x), do: <<105, 157, 161, 215, enc_v(x.blocks)::binary, enc_v(, enc_v(x.videos)::binary>>
def encode(%InputPhoneCall{} = x), do: <<237, 253, 54, 30, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary>>
def encode(%PhoneCallEmpty{} = x), do: <<21, 201, 102, 83, encode(:Long,>>
def encode(%PhoneCallWaiting{} = x), do: <<209, 74, 143, 27, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.admin_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.participant_id)::binary, encode(x.protocol)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.receive_date, x.flags, 1)::binary>>
def encode(%PhoneCallRequested{} = x), do: <<232, 138, 68, 108, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.admin_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.participant_id)::binary, encode(:Bytes, x.g_a)::binary, encode(x.protocol)::binary>>
def encode(%PhoneCall{} = x), do: <<103, 171, 230, 255, encode(:Long,, encode(:Long, x.access_hash)::binary, encode(:Int,, encode(:Int, x.admin_id)::binary, encode(:Int, x.participant_id)::binary, encode(:Bytes, x.g_a_or_b)::binary, encode(:Long, x.key_fingerprint)::binary, encode(x.protocol)::binary, encode(x.connection)::binary, enc_v(x.alternative_connections)::binary, encode(:Int, x.start_date)::binary>>
def encode(%PhoneCallDiscarded{} = x), do: <<225, 77, 202, 80, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, encode(:Long,, enc_f(x.reason, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:Int, x.duration, x.flags, 2)::binary>>
def encode(%PhoneConnection{} = x), do: <<192, 23, 76, 157, encode(:Long,, encode(:String, x.ip)::binary, encode(:String, x.ipv6)::binary, encode(:Int, x.port)::binary, encode(:Bytes, x.peer_tag)::binary>>
def encode(%PhoneCallProtocol{} = x), do: <<203, 53, 187, 162, encode(:Int, x.flags)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.udp_p2p, x.flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, x.udp_reflector, x.flags, 2)::binary, encode(:Int, x.min_layer)::binary, encode(:Int, x.max_layer)::binary>>
def encode(%Phone.PhoneCall{} = x), do: <<64, 225, 130, 236, encode(x.phone_call)::binary, enc_v(x.users)::binary>>
def encode(%PhoneCallDiscardReasonMissed{}), do: <<1, 35, 228, 133>>
def encode(%PhoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect{}), do: <<160, 193, 149, 224>>
def encode(%PhoneCallDiscardReasonHangup{}), do: <<144, 198, 173, 87>>
def encode(%PhoneCallDiscardReasonBusy{}), do: <<201, 232, 247, 250>>
# Decoders
def decode(<<99, 36, 22, 5, bin::binary>>) do
{nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{server_nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{pq, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{server_public_key_fingerprints, bin} = decode([:Long], bin)
{%ResPQ{nonce: nonce, server_nonce: server_nonce, pq: pq, server_public_key_fingerprints: server_public_key_fingerprints}, bin}
def decode(<<236, 90, 201, 131, bin::binary>>) do
{pq, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{p, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{q, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{server_nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{new_nonce, bin} = decode(:Int256, bin)
{%P_Q_Inner_Data{pq: pq, p: p, q: q, nonce: nonce, server_nonce: server_nonce, new_nonce: new_nonce}, bin}
def decode(<<93, 4, 203, 121, bin::binary>>) do
{nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{server_nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{new_nonce_hash, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{%Server_DH_Params_Fail{nonce: nonce, server_nonce: server_nonce, new_nonce_hash: new_nonce_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<92, 7, 232, 208, bin::binary>>) do
{nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{server_nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{encrypted_answer, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Server_DH_Params_Ok{nonce: nonce, server_nonce: server_nonce, encrypted_answer: encrypted_answer}, bin}
def decode(<<186, 13, 137, 181, bin::binary>>) do
{nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{server_nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{g, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{dh_prime, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{g_a, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{server_time, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Server_DH_Inner_Data{nonce: nonce, server_nonce: server_nonce, g: g, dh_prime: dh_prime, g_a: g_a, server_time: server_time}, bin}
def decode(<<84, 182, 67, 102, bin::binary>>) do
{nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{server_nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{retry_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{g_b, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Client_DH_Inner_Data{nonce: nonce, server_nonce: server_nonce, retry_id: retry_id, g_b: g_b}, bin}
def decode(<<52, 247, 203, 59, bin::binary>>) do
{nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{server_nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{new_nonce_hash1, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{%Dh_Gen_Ok{nonce: nonce, server_nonce: server_nonce, new_nonce_hash1: new_nonce_hash1}, bin}
def decode(<<185, 31, 220, 70, bin::binary>>) do
{nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{server_nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{new_nonce_hash2, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{%Dh_Gen_Retry{nonce: nonce, server_nonce: server_nonce, new_nonce_hash2: new_nonce_hash2}, bin}
def decode(<<2, 174, 157, 166, bin::binary>>) do
{nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{server_nonce, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{new_nonce_hash3, bin} = decode(:Int128, bin)
{%Dh_Gen_Fail{nonce: nonce, server_nonce: server_nonce, new_nonce_hash3: new_nonce_hash3}, bin}
def decode(<<89, 180, 214, 98, bin::binary>>) do
{msg_ids, bin} = decode([:Long], bin)
{%Msgs_Ack{msg_ids: msg_ids}, bin}
def decode(<<17, 248, 239, 167, bin::binary>>) do
{bad_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{bad_msg_seqno, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{error_code, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Bad_Msg_Notification{bad_msg_id: bad_msg_id, bad_msg_seqno: bad_msg_seqno, error_code: error_code}, bin}
def decode(<<123, 68, 171, 237, bin::binary>>) do
{bad_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{bad_msg_seqno, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{error_code, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{new_server_salt, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%Bad_Server_Salt{bad_msg_id: bad_msg_id, bad_msg_seqno: bad_msg_seqno, error_code: error_code, new_server_salt: new_server_salt}, bin}
def decode(<<82, 251, 105, 218, bin::binary>>) do
{msg_ids, bin} = decode([:Long], bin)
{%Msgs_State_Req{msg_ids: msg_ids}, bin}
def decode(<<125, 181, 222, 4, bin::binary>>) do
{req_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{info, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Msgs_State_Info{req_msg_id: req_msg_id, info: info}, bin}
def decode(<<49, 209, 192, 140, bin::binary>>) do
{msg_ids, bin} = decode([:Long], bin)
{info, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Msgs_All_Info{msg_ids: msg_ids, info: info}, bin}
def decode(<<198, 62, 109, 39, bin::binary>>) do
{msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{answer_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{bytes, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{status, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Msg_Detailed_Info{msg_id: msg_id, answer_msg_id: answer_msg_id, bytes: bytes, status: status}, bin}
def decode(<<223, 182, 157, 128, bin::binary>>) do
{answer_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{bytes, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{status, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Msg_New_Detailed_Info{answer_msg_id: answer_msg_id, bytes: bytes, status: status}, bin}
def decode(<<8, 26, 134, 125, bin::binary>>) do
{msg_ids, bin} = decode([:Long], bin)
{%Msg_Resend_Req{msg_ids: msg_ids}, bin}
def decode(<<1, 109, 92, 243, bin::binary>>) do
{req_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{result, bin} = decode(bin)
{%Rpc_Result{req_msg_id: req_msg_id, result: result}, bin}
def decode(<<25, 202, 68, 33, bin::binary>>) do
{error_code, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{error_message, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Rpc_Error{error_code: error_code, error_message: error_message}, bin}
def decode(<<110, 211, 42, 94, bin::binary>>), do: {%Rpc_Answer_Unknown{}, bin}
def decode(<<134, 229, 120, 205, bin::binary>>), do: {%Rpc_Answer_Dropped_Running{}, bin}
def decode(<<183, 216, 58, 164, bin::binary>>) do
{msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{seq_no, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{bytes, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Rpc_Answer_Dropped{msg_id: msg_id, seq_no: seq_no, bytes: bytes}, bin}
def decode(<<220, 217, 73, 9, bin::binary>>) do
{valid_since, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{valid_until, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{salt, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%Future_Salt{valid_since: valid_since, valid_until: valid_until, salt: salt}, bin}
def decode(<<149, 8, 80, 174, bin::binary>>) do
{req_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{now, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{salts, bin} = decode([:Future_Salt], bin)
{%Future_Salts{req_msg_id: req_msg_id, now: now, salts: salts}, bin}
def decode(<<197, 115, 119, 52, bin::binary>>) do
{msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{ping_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%Pong{msg_id: msg_id, ping_id: ping_id}, bin}
def decode(<<252, 69, 32, 226, bin::binary>>) do
{session_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%Destroy_Session_Ok{session_id: session_id}, bin}
def decode(<<201, 80, 211, 98, bin::binary>>) do
{session_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%Destroy_Session_None{session_id: session_id}, bin}
def decode(<<8, 9, 194, 158, bin::binary>>) do
{first_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{unique_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{server_salt, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%New_Session_Created{first_msg_id: first_msg_id, unique_id: unique_id, server_salt: server_salt}, bin}
def decode(<<161, 207, 114, 48, bin::binary>>) do
{packed_data, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Gzip_Packed{packed_data: packed_data}, bin}
def decode(<<159, 53, 153, 146, bin::binary>>) do
{max_delay, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{wait_after, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{max_wait, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Http_Wait{max_delay: max_delay, wait_after: wait_after, max_wait: max_wait}, bin}
def decode(<<55, 151, 121, 188, bin::binary>>), do: {%BoolFalse{}, bin}
def decode(<<181, 117, 114, 153, bin::binary>>), do: {%BoolTrue{}, bin}
def decode(<<57, 211, 237, 63, bin::binary>>), do: {%True{}, bin}
def decode(<<187, 249, 185, 196, bin::binary>>) do
{code, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Error{code: code, text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<204, 11, 115, 86, bin::binary>>), do: {%Null{}, bin}
def decode(<<234, 24, 59, 127, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPeerEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<201, 126, 160, 125, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPeerSelf{}, bin}
def decode(<<99, 232, 155, 23, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%InputPeerChat{chat_id: chat_id}, bin}
def decode(<<230, 125, 142, 123, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputPeerUser{user_id: user_id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<248, 174, 173, 32, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputPeerChannel{channel_id: channel_id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<207, 134, 136, 185, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputUserEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<63, 177, 193, 247, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputUserSelf{}, bin}
def decode(<<22, 40, 41, 216, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputUser{user_id: user_id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<244, 183, 146, 243, bin::binary>>) do
{client_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{phone, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{first_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{last_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputPhoneContact{client_id: client_id, phone: phone, first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name}, bin}
def decode(<<127, 242, 47, 245, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{parts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{md5_checksum, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputFile{id: id, parts: parts, name: name, md5_checksum: md5_checksum}, bin}
def decode(<<181, 11, 79, 250, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{parts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputFileBig{id: id, parts: parts, name: name}, bin}
def decode(<<127, 245, 100, 150, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMediaEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<241, 154, 12, 99, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{file, bin} = decode(bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{stickers, bin} = decode([:InputDocument], bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%InputMediaUploadedPhoto{flags: flags, file: file, caption: caption, stickers: stickers}, bin}
def decode(<<243, 180, 191, 233, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputMediaPhoto{id: id, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<68, 65, 196, 249, bin::binary>>) do
{geo_point, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputMediaGeoPoint{geo_point: geo_point}, bin}
def decode(<<135, 89, 228, 166, bin::binary>>) do
{phone_number, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{first_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{last_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputMediaContact{phone_number: phone_number, first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name}, bin}
def decode(<<233, 241, 112, 208, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{file, bin} = decode(bin)
{mime_type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{attributes, bin} = decode([:DocumentAttribute], bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{stickers, bin} = decode([:InputDocument], bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%InputMediaUploadedDocument{flags: flags, file: file, mime_type: mime_type, attributes: attributes, caption: caption, stickers: stickers}, bin}
def decode(<<174, 140, 216, 80, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{file, bin} = decode(bin)
{thumb, bin} = decode(bin)
{mime_type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{attributes, bin} = decode([:DocumentAttribute], bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{stickers, bin} = decode([:InputDocument], bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%InputMediaUploadedThumbDocument{flags: flags, file: file, thumb: thumb, mime_type: mime_type, attributes: attributes, caption: caption, stickers: stickers}, bin}
def decode(<<156, 242, 119, 26, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputMediaDocument{id: id, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<26, 168, 39, 40, bin::binary>>) do
{geo_point, bin} = decode(bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{address, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{provider, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{venue_id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputMediaVenue{geo_point: geo_point, title: title, address: address, provider: provider, venue_id: venue_id}, bin}
def decode(<<253, 176, 67, 72, bin::binary>>) do
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{q, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputMediaGifExternal{url: url, q: q}, bin}
def decode(<<24, 79, 95, 181, bin::binary>>) do
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputMediaPhotoExternal{url: url, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<124, 96, 233, 229, bin::binary>>) do
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputMediaDocumentExternal{url: url, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<243, 67, 63, 211, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputMediaGame{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<87, 143, 164, 28, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputChatPhotoEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<180, 85, 124, 146, bin::binary>>) do
{file, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputChatUploadedPhoto{file: file}, bin}
def decode(<<55, 173, 83, 137, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputChatPhoto{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<214, 35, 193, 228, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputGeoPointEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<201, 172, 183, 243, bin::binary>>) do
{lat, bin} = decode(:Double, bin)
{long, bin} = decode(:Double, bin)
{%InputGeoPoint{lat: lat, long: long}, bin}
def decode(<<13, 191, 215, 28, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPhotoEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<196, 198, 149, 251, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputPhoto{id: id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<150, 113, 99, 20, bin::binary>>) do
{volume_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{local_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{secret, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputFileLocation{volume_id: volume_id, local_id: local_id, secret: secret}, bin}
def decode(<<85, 93, 35, 245, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputEncryptedFileLocation{id: id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<36, 7, 15, 67, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%InputDocumentFileLocation{id: id, access_hash: access_hash, version: version}, bin}
def decode(<<168, 86, 6, 119, bin::binary>>) do
{time, bin} = decode(:Double, bin)
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{peer, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{data, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputAppEvent{time: time, type: type, peer: peer, data: data}, bin}
def decode(<<109, 188, 177, 157, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%PeerUser{user_id: user_id}, bin}
def decode(<<187, 229, 208, 186, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%PeerChat{chat_id: chat_id}, bin}
def decode(<<50, 229, 221, 189, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%PeerChannel{channel_id: channel_id}, bin}
def decode(<<5, 59, 150, 170, bin::binary>>), do: {%Storage.FileUnknown{}, bin}
def decode(<<14, 254, 126, 0, bin::binary>>), do: {%Storage.FileJpeg{}, bin}
def decode(<<223, 170, 225, 202, bin::binary>>), do: {%Storage.FileGif{}, bin}
def decode(<<192, 99, 79, 10, bin::binary>>), do: {%Storage.FilePng{}, bin}
def decode(<<141, 80, 30, 174, bin::binary>>), do: {%Storage.FilePdf{}, bin}
def decode(<<119, 6, 138, 82, bin::binary>>), do: {%Storage.FileMp3{}, bin}
def decode(<<188, 235, 9, 75, bin::binary>>), do: {%Storage.FileMov{}, bin}
def decode(<<82, 111, 188, 64, bin::binary>>), do: {%Storage.FilePartial{}, bin}
def decode(<<228, 160, 206, 179, bin::binary>>), do: {%Storage.FileMp4{}, bin}
def decode(<<76, 70, 129, 16, bin::binary>>), do: {%Storage.FileWebp{}, bin}
def decode(<<70, 107, 89, 124, bin::binary>>) do
{volume_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{local_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{secret, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%FileLocationUnavailable{volume_id: volume_id, local_id: local_id, secret: secret}, bin}
def decode(<<118, 144, 214, 83, bin::binary>>) do
{dc_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{volume_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{local_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{secret, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%FileLocation{dc_id: dc_id, volume_id: volume_id, local_id: local_id, secret: secret}, bin}
def decode(<<186, 80, 2, 32, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UserEmpty{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<154, 151, 13, 209, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{self, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1024) # 10
{contact, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2048) # 11
{mutual_contact, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4096) # 12
{deleted, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8192) # 13
{bot, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 16384) # 14
{bot_chat_history, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 32768) # 15
{bot_nochats, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 65536) # 16
{verified, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 131072) # 17
{restricted, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 262144) # 18
{min, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1048576) # 20
{bot_inline_geo, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2097152) # 21
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{first_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{last_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{username, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{phone, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{photo, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 32) # 5
{status, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 64) # 6
{bot_info_version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 16384) # 14
{restriction_reason, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 262144) # 18
{bot_inline_placeholder, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 524288) # 19
{%User{flags: flags, self: self, contact: contact, mutual_contact: mutual_contact, deleted: deleted, bot: bot, bot_chat_history: bot_chat_history, bot_nochats: bot_nochats, verified: verified, restricted: restricted, min: min, bot_inline_geo: bot_inline_geo, id: id, access_hash: access_hash, first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name, username: username, phone: phone, photo: photo, status: status, bot_info_version: bot_info_version, restriction_reason: restriction_reason, bot_inline_placeholder: bot_inline_placeholder}, bin}
def decode(<<225, 186, 17, 79, bin::binary>>), do: {%UserProfilePhotoEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<200, 216, 89, 213, bin::binary>>) do
{photo_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{photo_small, bin} = decode(bin)
{photo_big, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UserProfilePhoto{photo_id: photo_id, photo_small: photo_small, photo_big: photo_big}, bin}
def decode(<<73, 80, 208, 9, bin::binary>>), do: {%UserStatusEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<73, 57, 185, 237, bin::binary>>) do
{expires, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UserStatusOnline{expires: expires}, bin}
def decode(<<63, 112, 140, 0, bin::binary>>) do
{was_online, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UserStatusOffline{was_online: was_online}, bin}
def decode(<<241, 66, 111, 226, bin::binary>>), do: {%UserStatusRecently{}, bin}
def decode(<<252, 9, 191, 7, bin::binary>>), do: {%UserStatusLastWeek{}, bin}
def decode(<<66, 199, 235, 119, bin::binary>>), do: {%UserStatusLastMonth{}, bin}
def decode(<<0, 216, 162, 155, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChatEmpty{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<84, 221, 28, 217, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{creator, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{kicked, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{left, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{admins_enabled, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{admin, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{deactivated, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{participants_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{migrated_to, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 64) # 6
{%Chat{flags: flags, creator: creator, kicked: kicked, left: left, admins_enabled: admins_enabled, admin: admin, deactivated: deactivated, id: id, title: title, photo: photo, participants_count: participants_count, date: date, version: version, migrated_to: migrated_to}, bin}
def decode(<<219, 139, 50, 7, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%ChatForbidden{id: id, title: title}, bin}
def decode(<<82, 202, 77, 161, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{creator, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{kicked, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{left, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{editor, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{moderator, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{broadcast, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{verified, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 128) # 7
{megagroup, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 256) # 8
{restricted, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 512) # 9
{democracy, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1024) # 10
{signatures, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2048) # 11
{min, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4096) # 12
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin, flags, 8192) # 13
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{username, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 64) # 6
{photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{restriction_reason, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 512) # 9
{%Channel{flags: flags, creator: creator, kicked: kicked, left: left, editor: editor, moderator: moderator, broadcast: broadcast, verified: verified, megagroup: megagroup, restricted: restricted, democracy: democracy, signatures: signatures, min: min, id: id, access_hash: access_hash, title: title, username: username, photo: photo, date: date, version: version, restriction_reason: restriction_reason}, bin}
def decode(<<79, 120, 55, 133, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{broadcast, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{megagroup, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 256) # 8
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%ChannelForbidden{flags: flags, broadcast: broadcast, megagroup: megagroup, id: id, access_hash: access_hash, title: title}, bin}
def decode(<<20, 166, 2, 46, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{participants, bin} = decode(bin)
{chat_photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{notify_settings, bin} = decode(bin)
{exported_invite, bin} = decode(bin)
{bot_info, bin} = decode([:BotInfo], bin)
{%ChatFull{id: id, participants: participants, chat_photo: chat_photo, notify_settings: notify_settings, exported_invite: exported_invite, bot_info: bot_info}, bin}
def decode(<<47, 81, 213, 195, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{can_view_participants, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{can_set_username, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 64) # 6
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{about, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{participants_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{admins_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{kicked_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{read_inbox_max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{read_outbox_max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{unread_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{chat_photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{notify_settings, bin} = decode(bin)
{exported_invite, bin} = decode(bin)
{bot_info, bin} = decode([:BotInfo], bin)
{migrated_from_chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{migrated_from_max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{pinned_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{%ChannelFull{flags: flags, can_view_participants: can_view_participants, can_set_username: can_set_username, id: id, about: about, participants_count: participants_count, admins_count: admins_count, kicked_count: kicked_count, read_inbox_max_id: read_inbox_max_id, read_outbox_max_id: read_outbox_max_id, unread_count: unread_count, chat_photo: chat_photo, notify_settings: notify_settings, exported_invite: exported_invite, bot_info: bot_info, migrated_from_chat_id: migrated_from_chat_id, migrated_from_max_id: migrated_from_max_id, pinned_msg_id: pinned_msg_id}, bin}
def decode(<<62, 73, 215, 200, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{inviter_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChatParticipant{user_id: user_id, inviter_id: inviter_id, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<138, 83, 19, 218, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChatParticipantCreator{user_id: user_id}, bin}
def decode(<<54, 228, 214, 226, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{inviter_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChatParticipantAdmin{user_id: user_id, inviter_id: inviter_id, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<43, 12, 144, 252, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{self_participant, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%ChatParticipantsForbidden{flags: flags, chat_id: chat_id, self_participant: self_participant}, bin}
def decode(<<237, 15, 70, 63, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{participants, bin} = decode([:ChatParticipant], bin)
{version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChatParticipants{chat_id: chat_id, participants: participants, version: version}, bin}
def decode(<<28, 1, 193, 55, bin::binary>>), do: {%ChatPhotoEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<106, 39, 83, 97, bin::binary>>) do
{photo_small, bin} = decode(bin)
{photo_big, bin} = decode(bin)
{%ChatPhoto{photo_small: photo_small, photo_big: photo_big}, bin}
def decode(<<84, 222, 229, 131, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEmpty{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<95, 228, 155, 192, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{out, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{mentioned, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{media_unread, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{silent, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8192) # 13
{post, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 16384) # 14
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{from_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 256) # 8
{to_id, bin} = decode(bin)
{fwd_from, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{via_bot_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2048) # 11
{reply_to_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{message, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{media, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 512) # 9
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 64) # 6
{entities, bin} = decode([:MessageEntity], bin, flags, 128) # 7
{views, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 1024) # 10
{edit_date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 32768) # 15
{%Message{flags: flags, out: out, mentioned: mentioned, media_unread: media_unread, silent: silent, post: post, id: id, from_id: from_id, to_id: to_id, fwd_from: fwd_from, via_bot_id: via_bot_id, reply_to_msg_id: reply_to_msg_id, date: date, message: message, media: media, reply_markup: reply_markup, entities: entities, views: views, edit_date: edit_date}, bin}
def decode(<<246, 161, 25, 158, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{out, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{mentioned, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{media_unread, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{silent, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8192) # 13
{post, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 16384) # 14
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{from_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 256) # 8
{to_id, bin} = decode(bin)
{reply_to_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{action, bin} = decode(bin)
{%MessageService{flags: flags, out: out, mentioned: mentioned, media_unread: media_unread, silent: silent, post: post, id: id, from_id: from_id, to_id: to_id, reply_to_msg_id: reply_to_msg_id, date: date, action: action}, bin}
def decode(<<32, 99, 237, 61, bin::binary>>), do: {%MessageMediaEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<61, 229, 140, 61, bin::binary>>) do
{photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%MessageMediaPhoto{photo: photo, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<116, 212, 224, 86, bin::binary>>) do
{geo, bin} = decode(bin)
{%MessageMediaGeo{geo: geo}, bin}
def decode(<<57, 47, 125, 94, bin::binary>>) do
{phone_number, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{first_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{last_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageMediaContact{phone_number: phone_number, first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name, user_id: user_id}, bin}
def decode(<<158, 244, 132, 159, bin::binary>>), do: {%MessageMediaUnsupported{}, bin}
def decode(<<168, 46, 224, 243, bin::binary>>) do
{document, bin} = decode(bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%MessageMediaDocument{document: document, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<0, 214, 45, 163, bin::binary>>) do
{webpage, bin} = decode(bin)
{%MessageMediaWebPage{webpage: webpage}, bin}
def decode(<<31, 183, 18, 121, bin::binary>>) do
{geo, bin} = decode(bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{address, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{provider, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{venue_id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%MessageMediaVenue{geo: geo, title: title, address: address, provider: provider, venue_id: venue_id}, bin}
def decode(<<8, 144, 177, 253, bin::binary>>) do
{game, bin} = decode(bin)
{%MessageMediaGame{game: game}, bin}
def decode(<<176, 247, 174, 182, bin::binary>>), do: {%MessageActionEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<154, 139, 99, 166, bin::binary>>) do
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:Int], bin)
{%MessageActionChatCreate{title: title, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<90, 206, 161, 181, bin::binary>>) do
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%MessageActionChatEditTitle{title: title}, bin}
def decode(<<168, 19, 203, 127, bin::binary>>) do
{photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{%MessageActionChatEditPhoto{photo: photo}, bin}
def decode(<<239, 251, 227, 149, bin::binary>>), do: {%MessageActionChatDeletePhoto{}, bin}
def decode(<<55, 115, 138, 72, bin::binary>>) do
{users, bin} = decode([:Int], bin)
{%MessageActionChatAddUser{users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<12, 155, 174, 178, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageActionChatDeleteUser{user_id: user_id}, bin}
def decode(<<232, 245, 156, 248, bin::binary>>) do
{inviter_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageActionChatJoinedByLink{inviter_id: inviter_id}, bin}
def decode(<<146, 172, 210, 149, bin::binary>>) do
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%MessageActionChannelCreate{title: title}, bin}
def decode(<<33, 176, 189, 81, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageActionChatMigrateTo{channel_id: channel_id}, bin}
def decode(<<238, 234, 85, 176, bin::binary>>) do
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom{title: title, chat_id: chat_id}, bin}
def decode(<<237, 56, 189, 148, bin::binary>>), do: {%MessageActionPinMessage{}, bin}
def decode(<<4, 182, 186, 159, bin::binary>>), do: {%MessageActionHistoryClear{}, bin}
def decode(<<118, 40, 167, 146, bin::binary>>) do
{game_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{score, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageActionGameScore{game_id: game_id, score: score}, bin}
def decode(<<127, 26, 225, 128, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{call_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{reason, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 1) # 0
{duration, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{%MessageActionPhoneCall{flags: flags, call_id: call_id, reason: reason, duration: duration}, bin}
def decode(<<20, 186, 255, 102, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pinned, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{top_message, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{read_inbox_max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{read_outbox_max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{unread_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{notify_settings, bin} = decode(bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{draft, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 2) # 1
{%Dialog{flags: flags, pinned: pinned, peer: peer, top_message: top_message, read_inbox_max_id: read_inbox_max_id, read_outbox_max_id: read_outbox_max_id, unread_count: unread_count, notify_settings: notify_settings, pts: pts, draft: draft}, bin}
def decode(<<45, 178, 49, 35, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%PhotoEmpty{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<41, 221, 136, 146, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{has_stickers, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{sizes, bin} = decode([:PhotoSize], bin)
{%Photo{flags: flags, has_stickers: has_stickers, id: id, access_hash: access_hash, date: date, sizes: sizes}, bin}
def decode(<<60, 226, 23, 14, bin::binary>>) do
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%PhotoSizeEmpty{type: type}, bin}
def decode(<<27, 182, 191, 119, bin::binary>>) do
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{location, bin} = decode(bin)
{w, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{h, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{size, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%PhotoSize{type: type, location: location, w: w, h: h, size: size}, bin}
def decode(<<250, 52, 167, 233, bin::binary>>) do
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{location, bin} = decode(bin)
{w, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{h, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{bytes, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{%PhotoCachedSize{type: type, location: location, w: w, h: h, bytes: bytes}, bin}
def decode(<<95, 221, 23, 17, bin::binary>>), do: {%GeoPointEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<12, 215, 73, 32, bin::binary>>) do
{long, bin} = decode(:Double, bin)
{lat, bin} = decode(:Double, bin)
{%GeoPoint{long: long, lat: lat}, bin}
def decode(<<142, 162, 30, 129, bin::binary>>) do
{phone_registered, bin} = decode(bin)
{%Auth.CheckedPhone{phone_registered: phone_registered}, bin}
def decode(<<2, 37, 0, 94, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{phone_registered, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{type, bin} = decode(bin)
{phone_code_hash, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{next_type, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 2) # 1
{timeout, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%Auth.SentCode{flags: flags, phone_registered: phone_registered, type: type, phone_code_hash: phone_code_hash, next_type: next_type, timeout: timeout}, bin}
def decode(<<22, 9, 5, 205, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{tmp_sessions, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{user, bin} = decode(bin)
{%Auth.Authorization{flags: flags, tmp_sessions: tmp_sessions, user: user}, bin}
def decode(<<45, 156, 150, 223, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{bytes, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{%Auth.ExportedAuthorization{id: id, bytes: bytes}, bin}
def decode(<<12, 91, 188, 184, bin::binary>>) do
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputNotifyPeer{peer: peer}, bin}
def decode(<<23, 68, 59, 25, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputNotifyUsers{}, bin}
def decode(<<78, 232, 149, 74, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputNotifyChats{}, bin}
def decode(<<134, 184, 41, 164, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputNotifyAll{}, bin}
def decode(<<216, 100, 48, 240, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<116, 44, 106, 232, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPeerNotifyEventsAll{}, bin}
def decode(<<178, 94, 147, 56, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{show_previews, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{silent, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{mute_until, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{sound, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputPeerNotifySettings{flags: flags, show_previews: show_previews, silent: silent, mute_until: mute_until, sound: sound}, bin}
def decode(<<179, 60, 213, 173, bin::binary>>), do: {%PeerNotifyEventsEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<136, 237, 29, 109, bin::binary>>), do: {%PeerNotifyEventsAll{}, bin}
def decode(<<18, 133, 166, 112, bin::binary>>), do: {%PeerNotifySettingsEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<192, 164, 205, 154, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{show_previews, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{silent, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{mute_until, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{sound, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%PeerNotifySettings{flags: flags, show_previews: show_previews, silent: silent, mute_until: mute_until, sound: sound}, bin}
def decode(<<205, 38, 132, 129, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{report_spam, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%PeerSettings{flags: flags, report_spam: report_spam}, bin}
def decode(<<87, 54, 176, 204, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{sizes, bin} = decode([:PhotoSize], bin)
{color, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%WallPaper{id: id, title: title, sizes: sizes, color: color}, bin}
def decode(<<36, 127, 17, 99, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{bg_color, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{color, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%WallPaperSolid{id: id, title: title, bg_color: bg_color, color: color}, bin}
def decode(<<184, 202, 219, 88, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputReportReasonSpam{}, bin}
def decode(<<141, 199, 34, 30, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputReportReasonViolence{}, bin}
def decode(<<34, 217, 89, 46, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputReportReasonPornography{}, bin}
def decode(<<10, 109, 116, 225, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputReportReasonOther{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<63, 15, 34, 15, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{blocked, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{phone_calls_available, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{user, bin} = decode(bin)
{about, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{link, bin} = decode(bin)
{profile_photo, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{notify_settings, bin} = decode(bin)
{bot_info, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 8) # 3
{common_chats_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UserFull{flags: flags, blocked: blocked, phone_calls_available: phone_calls_available, user: user, about: about, link: link, profile_photo: profile_photo, notify_settings: notify_settings, bot_info: bot_info, common_chats_count: common_chats_count}, bin}
def decode(<<148, 201, 17, 249, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{mutual, bin} = decode(bin)
{%Contact{user_id: user_id, mutual: mutual}, bin}
def decode(<<56, 132, 2, 208, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{client_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%ImportedContact{user_id: user_id, client_id: client_id}, bin}
def decode(<<121, 200, 27, 86, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ContactBlocked{user_id: user_id, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<97, 12, 104, 211, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{status, bin} = decode(bin)
{%ContactStatus{user_id: user_id, status: status}, bin}
def decode(<<76, 72, 206, 58, bin::binary>>) do
{my_link, bin} = decode(bin)
{foreign_link, bin} = decode(bin)
{user, bin} = decode(bin)
{%Contacts.Link{my_link: my_link, foreign_link: foreign_link, user: user}, bin}
def decode(<<210, 169, 75, 183, bin::binary>>), do: {%Contacts.ContactsNotModified{}, bin}
def decode(<<178, 140, 139, 111, bin::binary>>) do
{contacts, bin} = decode([:Contact], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Contacts.Contacts{contacts: contacts, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<21, 67, 82, 173, bin::binary>>) do
{imported, bin} = decode([:ImportedContact], bin)
{retry_contacts, bin} = decode([:Long], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Contacts.ImportedContacts{imported: imported, retry_contacts: retry_contacts, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<21, 141, 19, 28, bin::binary>>) do
{blocked, bin} = decode([:ContactBlocked], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Contacts.Blocked{blocked: blocked, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<161, 2, 8, 144, bin::binary>>) do
{count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{blocked, bin} = decode([:ContactBlocked], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Contacts.BlockedSlice{count: count, blocked: blocked, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<64, 108, 186, 21, bin::binary>>) do
{dialogs, bin} = decode([:Dialog], bin)
{messages, bin} = decode([:Message], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Messages.Dialogs{dialogs: dialogs, messages: messages, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<243, 148, 224, 113, bin::binary>>) do
{count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{dialogs, bin} = decode([:Dialog], bin)
{messages, bin} = decode([:Message], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Messages.DialogsSlice{count: count, dialogs: dialogs, messages: messages, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<135, 142, 113, 140, bin::binary>>) do
{messages, bin} = decode([:Message], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Messages.Messages{messages: messages, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<227, 106, 68, 11, bin::binary>>) do
{count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{messages, bin} = decode([:Message], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Messages.MessagesSlice{count: count, messages: messages, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<55, 46, 38, 153, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{messages, bin} = decode([:Message], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Messages.ChannelMessages{flags: flags, pts: pts, count: count, messages: messages, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<213, 159, 255, 100, bin::binary>>) do
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{%Messages.Chats{chats: chats}, bin}
def decode(<<68, 17, 216, 156, bin::binary>>) do
{count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{%Messages.ChatsSlice{count: count, chats: chats}, bin}
def decode(<<156, 209, 215, 229, bin::binary>>) do
{full_chat, bin} = decode(bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Messages.ChatFull{full_chat: full_chat, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<209, 105, 92, 180, bin::binary>>) do
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Messages.AffectedHistory{pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count, offset: offset}, bin}
def decode(<<108, 246, 226, 87, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<28, 165, 9, 150, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterPhotos{}, bin}
def decode(<<101, 14, 192, 159, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterVideo{}, bin}
def decode(<<228, 240, 233, 86, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo{}, bin}
def decode(<<187, 115, 94, 217, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments{}, bin}
def decode(<<136, 241, 221, 158, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterDocument{}, bin}
def decode(<<135, 221, 240, 126, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterUrl{}, bin}
def decode(<<135, 101, 200, 255, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterGif{}, bin}
def decode(<<146, 195, 245, 80, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterVoice{}, bin}
def decode(<<158, 180, 81, 55, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterMusic{}, bin}
def decode(<<184, 236, 32, 58, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos{}, bin}
def decode(<<104, 151, 201, 128, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{missed, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls{flags: flags, missed: missed}, bin}
def decode(<<253, 10, 43, 31, bin::binary>>) do
{message, bin} = decode(bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateNewMessage{message: message, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<214, 191, 144, 78, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{random_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%UpdateMessageID{id: id, random_id: random_id}, bin}
def decode(<<229, 176, 13, 162, bin::binary>>) do
{messages, bin} = decode([:Int], bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateDeleteMessages{messages: messages, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<39, 105, 72, 92, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{action, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateUserTyping{user_id: user_id, action: action}, bin}
def decode(<<31, 234, 101, 154, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{action, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateChatUserTyping{chat_id: chat_id, user_id: user_id, action: action}, bin}
def decode(<<152, 17, 118, 7, bin::binary>>) do
{participants, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateChatParticipants{participants: participants}, bin}
def decode(<<35, 216, 251, 27, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{status, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateUserStatus{user_id: user_id, status: status}, bin}
def decode(<<115, 43, 51, 167, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{first_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{last_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{username, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%UpdateUserName{user_id: user_id, first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name, username: username}, bin}
def decode(<<12, 59, 49, 149, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{previous, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateUserPhoto{user_id: user_id, date: date, photo: photo, previous: previous}, bin}
def decode(<<185, 187, 117, 37, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateContactRegistered{user_id: user_id, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<197, 103, 46, 157, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{my_link, bin} = decode(bin)
{foreign_link, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateContactLink{user_id: user_id, my_link: my_link, foreign_link: foreign_link}, bin}
def decode(<<154, 189, 188, 18, bin::binary>>) do
{message, bin} = decode(bin)
{qts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateNewEncryptedMessage{message: message, qts: qts}, bin}
def decode(<<86, 241, 16, 23, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateEncryptedChatTyping{chat_id: chat_id}, bin}
def decode(<<141, 232, 162, 180, bin::binary>>) do
{chat, bin} = decode(bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateEncryption{chat: chat, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<183, 37, 254, 56, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{max_date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead{chat_id: chat_id, max_date: max_date, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<92, 14, 75, 234, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{inviter_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateChatParticipantAdd{chat_id: chat_id, user_id: user_id, inviter_id: inviter_id, date: date, version: version}, bin}
def decode(<<34, 140, 95, 110, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateChatParticipantDelete{chat_id: chat_id, user_id: user_id, version: version}, bin}
def decode(<<115, 152, 94, 142, bin::binary>>) do
{dc_options, bin} = decode([:DcOption], bin)
{%UpdateDcOptions{dc_options: dc_options}, bin}
def decode(<<26, 232, 236, 128, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{blocked, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateUserBlocked{user_id: user_id, blocked: blocked}, bin}
def decode(<<239, 104, 194, 190, bin::binary>>) do
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{notify_settings, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateNotifySettings{peer: peer, notify_settings: notify_settings}, bin}
def decode(<<25, 104, 228, 235, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{popup, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{inbox_date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{message, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{media, bin} = decode(bin)
{entities, bin} = decode([:MessageEntity], bin)
{%UpdateServiceNotification{flags: flags, popup: popup, inbox_date: inbox_date, type: type, message: message, media: media, entities: entities}, bin}
def decode(<<42, 39, 59, 238, bin::binary>>) do
{key, bin} = decode(bin)
{rules, bin} = decode([:PrivacyRule], bin)
{%UpdatePrivacy{key: key, rules: rules}, bin}
def decode(<<123, 65, 185, 18, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{phone, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%UpdateUserPhone{user_id: user_id, phone: phone}, bin}
def decode(<<92, 253, 97, 153, bin::binary>>) do
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateReadHistoryInbox{peer: peer, max_id: max_id, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<191, 33, 47, 47, bin::binary>>) do
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateReadHistoryOutbox{peer: peer, max_id: max_id, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<19, 18, 137, 127, bin::binary>>) do
{webpage, bin} = decode(bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateWebPage{webpage: webpage, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<51, 57, 193, 104, bin::binary>>) do
{messages, bin} = decode([:Int], bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateReadMessagesContents{messages: messages, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<251, 103, 4, 235, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%UpdateChannelTooLong{flags: flags, channel_id: channel_id, pts: pts}, bin}
def decode(<<86, 86, 212, 182, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateChannel{channel_id: channel_id}, bin}
def decode(<<217, 4, 186, 98, bin::binary>>) do
{message, bin} = decode(bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateNewChannelMessage{message: message, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<127, 243, 20, 66, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateReadChannelInbox{channel_id: channel_id, max_id: max_id}, bin}
def decode(<<201, 33, 117, 195, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{messages, bin} = decode([:Int], bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateDeleteChannelMessages{channel_id: channel_id, messages: messages, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<75, 43, 161, 152, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{views, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateChannelMessageViews{channel_id: channel_id, id: id, views: views}, bin}
def decode(<<65, 121, 148, 110, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{enabled, bin} = decode(bin)
{version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateChatAdmins{chat_id: chat_id, enabled: enabled, version: version}, bin}
def decode(<<89, 25, 144, 182, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{is_admin, bin} = decode(bin)
{version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateChatParticipantAdmin{chat_id: chat_id, user_id: user_id, is_admin: is_admin, version: version}, bin}
def decode(<<170, 48, 138, 104, bin::binary>>) do
{stickerset, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateNewStickerSet{stickerset: stickerset}, bin}
def decode(<<1, 210, 178, 11, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{masks, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{order, bin} = decode([:Long], bin)
{%UpdateStickerSetsOrder{flags: flags, masks: masks, order: order}, bin}
def decode(<<236, 61, 174, 67, bin::binary>>), do: {%UpdateStickerSets{}, bin}
def decode(<<30, 52, 117, 147, bin::binary>>), do: {%UpdateSavedGifs{}, bin}
def decode(<<144, 102, 130, 84, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{query_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{query, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{geo, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 1) # 0
{offset, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%UpdateBotInlineQuery{flags: flags, query_id: query_id, user_id: user_id, query: query, geo: geo, offset: offset}, bin}
def decode(<<100, 249, 72, 14, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{query, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{geo, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 1) # 0
{id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{msg_id, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 2) # 1
{%UpdateBotInlineSend{flags: flags, user_id: user_id, query: query, geo: geo, id: id, msg_id: msg_id}, bin}
def decode(<<247, 77, 63, 27, bin::binary>>) do
{message, bin} = decode(bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateEditChannelMessage{message: message, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<117, 36, 89, 152, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateChannelPinnedMessage{channel_id: channel_id, id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<225, 71, 53, 231, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{query_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{msg_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{chat_instance, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{data, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{game_short_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{%UpdateBotCallbackQuery{flags: flags, query_id: query_id, user_id: user_id, peer: peer, msg_id: msg_id, chat_instance: chat_instance, data: data, game_short_name: game_short_name}, bin}
def decode(<<163, 112, 3, 228, bin::binary>>) do
{message, bin} = decode(bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateEditMessage{message: message, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<90, 122, 210, 249, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{query_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{msg_id, bin} = decode(bin)
{chat_instance, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{data, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{game_short_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{%UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery{flags: flags, query_id: query_id, user_id: user_id, msg_id: msg_id, chat_instance: chat_instance, data: data, game_short_name: game_short_name}, bin}
def decode(<<199, 201, 214, 37, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateReadChannelOutbox{channel_id: channel_id, max_id: max_id}, bin}
def decode(<<105, 185, 43, 238, bin::binary>>) do
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{draft, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateDraftMessage{peer: peer, draft: draft}, bin}
def decode(<<66, 39, 29, 87, bin::binary>>), do: {%UpdateReadFeaturedStickers{}, bin}
def decode(<<32, 44, 66, 154, bin::binary>>), do: {%UpdateRecentStickers{}, bin}
def decode(<<6, 221, 41, 162, bin::binary>>), do: {%UpdateConfig{}, bin}
def decode(<<143, 103, 84, 51, bin::binary>>), do: {%UpdatePtsChanged{}, bin}
def decode(<<0, 25, 119, 64, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{webpage, bin} = decode(bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateChannelWebPage{channel_id: channel_id, webpage: webpage, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<30, 107, 15, 171, bin::binary>>) do
{phone_call, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdatePhoneCall{phone_call: phone_call}, bin}
def decode(<<204, 162, 17, 215, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pinned, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{%UpdateDialogPinned{flags: flags, pinned: pinned, peer: peer}, bin}
def decode(<<141, 246, 202, 216, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{order, bin} = decode([:Peer], bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%UpdatePinnedDialogs{flags: flags, order: order}, bin}
def decode(<<62, 42, 108, 165, bin::binary>>) do
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{qts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{seq, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{unread_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Updates.State{pts: pts, qts: qts, date: date, seq: seq, unread_count: unread_count}, bin}
def decode(<<56, 161, 117, 93, bin::binary>>) do
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{seq, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Updates.DifferenceEmpty{date: date, seq: seq}, bin}
def decode(<<160, 156, 244, 0, bin::binary>>) do
{new_messages, bin} = decode([:Message], bin)
{new_encrypted_messages, bin} = decode([:EncryptedMessage], bin)
{other_updates, bin} = decode([:Update], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{state, bin} = decode(bin)
{%Updates.Difference{new_messages: new_messages, new_encrypted_messages: new_encrypted_messages, other_updates: other_updates, chats: chats, users: users, state: state}, bin}
def decode(<<129, 25, 251, 168, bin::binary>>) do
{new_messages, bin} = decode([:Message], bin)
{new_encrypted_messages, bin} = decode([:EncryptedMessage], bin)
{other_updates, bin} = decode([:Update], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{intermediate_state, bin} = decode(bin)
{%Updates.DifferenceSlice{new_messages: new_messages, new_encrypted_messages: new_encrypted_messages, other_updates: other_updates, chats: chats, users: users, intermediate_state: intermediate_state}, bin}
def decode(<<109, 143, 254, 74, bin::binary>>) do
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Updates.DifferenceTooLong{pts: pts}, bin}
def decode(<<126, 175, 23, 227, bin::binary>>), do: {%UpdatesTooLong{}, bin}
def decode(<<17, 191, 79, 145, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{out, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{mentioned, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{media_unread, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{silent, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8192) # 13
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{message, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{fwd_from, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{via_bot_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2048) # 11
{reply_to_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{entities, bin} = decode([:MessageEntity], bin, flags, 128) # 7
{%UpdateShortMessage{flags: flags, out: out, mentioned: mentioned, media_unread: media_unread, silent: silent, id: id, user_id: user_id, message: message, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count, date: date, fwd_from: fwd_from, via_bot_id: via_bot_id, reply_to_msg_id: reply_to_msg_id, entities: entities}, bin}
def decode(<<136, 38, 129, 22, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{out, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{mentioned, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{media_unread, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{silent, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8192) # 13
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{from_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{message, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{fwd_from, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{via_bot_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2048) # 11
{reply_to_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{entities, bin} = decode([:MessageEntity], bin, flags, 128) # 7
{%UpdateShortChatMessage{flags: flags, out: out, mentioned: mentioned, media_unread: media_unread, silent: silent, id: id, from_id: from_id, chat_id: chat_id, message: message, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count, date: date, fwd_from: fwd_from, via_bot_id: via_bot_id, reply_to_msg_id: reply_to_msg_id, entities: entities}, bin}
def decode(<<193, 222, 212, 120, bin::binary>>) do
{update, bin} = decode(bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdateShort{update: update, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<195, 4, 91, 114, bin::binary>>) do
{updates, bin} = decode([:Update], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{seq_start, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{seq, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%UpdatesCombined{updates: updates, users: users, chats: chats, date: date, seq_start: seq_start, seq: seq}, bin}
def decode(<<64, 66, 174, 116, bin::binary>>) do
{updates, bin} = decode([:Update], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{seq, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Updates{updates: updates, users: users, chats: chats, date: date, seq: seq}, bin}
def decode(<<28, 51, 241, 17, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{out, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{media, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 512) # 9
{entities, bin} = decode([:MessageEntity], bin, flags, 128) # 7
{%UpdateShortSentMessage{flags: flags, out: out, id: id, pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count, date: date, media: media, entities: entities}, bin}
def decode(<<165, 106, 202, 141, bin::binary>>) do
{photos, bin} = decode([:Photo], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Photos.Photos{photos: photos, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<84, 31, 5, 21, bin::binary>>) do
{count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{photos, bin} = decode([:Photo], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Photos.PhotosSlice{count: count, photos: photos, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<168, 44, 33, 32, bin::binary>>) do
{photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Photos.Photo{photo: photo, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<213, 24, 106, 9, bin::binary>>) do
{type, bin} = decode(bin)
{mtime, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{bytes, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{%Upload.File{type: type, mtime: mtime, bytes: bytes}, bin}
def decode(<<204, 198, 216, 5, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{ipv6, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{media_only, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{tcpo_only, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{ip_address, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{port, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%DcOption{flags: flags, ipv6: ipv6, media_only: media_only, tcpo_only: tcpo_only, id: id, ip_address: ip_address, port: port}, bin}
def decode(<<95, 251, 246, 58, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{phonecalls_enabled, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{expires, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{test_mode, bin} = decode(bin)
{this_dc, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{dc_options, bin} = decode([:DcOption], bin)
{chat_size_max, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{megagroup_size_max, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{forwarded_count_max, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{online_update_period_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{offline_blur_timeout_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{offline_idle_timeout_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{online_cloud_timeout_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{notify_cloud_delay_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{notify_default_delay_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{chat_big_size, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{push_chat_period_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{push_chat_limit, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{saved_gifs_limit, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{edit_time_limit, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{rating_e_decay, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{stickers_recent_limit, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{tmp_sessions, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{pinned_dialogs_count_max, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{call_receive_timeout_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{call_ring_timeout_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{call_connect_timeout_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{call_packet_timeout_ms, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{disabled_features, bin} = decode([:DisabledFeature], bin)
{%Config{flags: flags, phonecalls_enabled: phonecalls_enabled, date: date, expires: expires, test_mode: test_mode, this_dc: this_dc, dc_options: dc_options, chat_size_max: chat_size_max, megagroup_size_max: megagroup_size_max, forwarded_count_max: forwarded_count_max, online_update_period_ms: online_update_period_ms, offline_blur_timeout_ms: offline_blur_timeout_ms, offline_idle_timeout_ms: offline_idle_timeout_ms, online_cloud_timeout_ms: online_cloud_timeout_ms, notify_cloud_delay_ms: notify_cloud_delay_ms, notify_default_delay_ms: notify_default_delay_ms, chat_big_size: chat_big_size, push_chat_period_ms: push_chat_period_ms, push_chat_limit: push_chat_limit, saved_gifs_limit: saved_gifs_limit, edit_time_limit: edit_time_limit, rating_e_decay: rating_e_decay, stickers_recent_limit: stickers_recent_limit, tmp_sessions: tmp_sessions, pinned_dialogs_count_max: pinned_dialogs_count_max, call_receive_timeout_ms: call_receive_timeout_ms, call_ring_timeout_ms: call_ring_timeout_ms, call_connect_timeout_ms: call_connect_timeout_ms, call_packet_timeout_ms: call_packet_timeout_ms, disabled_features: disabled_features}, bin}
def decode(<<117, 23, 26, 142, bin::binary>>) do
{country, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{this_dc, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{nearest_dc, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%NearestDc{country: country, this_dc: this_dc, nearest_dc: nearest_dc}, bin}
def decode(<<17, 243, 135, 137, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{critical, bin} = decode(bin)
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Help.AppUpdate{id: id, critical: critical, url: url, text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<54, 101, 90, 196, bin::binary>>), do: {%Help.NoAppUpdate{}, bin}
def decode(<<120, 159, 203, 24, bin::binary>>) do
{message, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Help.InviteText{message: message}, bin}
def decode(<<160, 192, 126, 171, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%EncryptedChatEmpty{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<220, 3, 247, 59, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{admin_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{participant_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%EncryptedChatWaiting{id: id, access_hash: access_hash, date: date, admin_id: admin_id, participant_id: participant_id}, bin}
def decode(<<126, 82, 120, 200, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{admin_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{participant_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{g_a, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{%EncryptedChatRequested{id: id, access_hash: access_hash, date: date, admin_id: admin_id, participant_id: participant_id, g_a: g_a}, bin}
def decode(<<54, 206, 86, 250, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{admin_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{participant_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{g_a_or_b, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{key_fingerprint, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%EncryptedChat{id: id, access_hash: access_hash, date: date, admin_id: admin_id, participant_id: participant_id, g_a_or_b: g_a_or_b, key_fingerprint: key_fingerprint}, bin}
def decode(<<39, 221, 214, 19, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%EncryptedChatDiscarded{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<225, 181, 65, 241, bin::binary>>) do
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputEncryptedChat{chat_id: chat_id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<126, 73, 31, 194, bin::binary>>), do: {%EncryptedFileEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<76, 153, 112, 74, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{size, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{dc_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{key_fingerprint, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%EncryptedFile{id: id, access_hash: access_hash, size: size, dc_id: dc_id, key_fingerprint: key_fingerprint}, bin}
def decode(<<100, 195, 55, 24, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputEncryptedFileEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<6, 3, 189, 100, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{parts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{md5_checksum, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{key_fingerprint, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%InputEncryptedFileUploaded{id: id, parts: parts, md5_checksum: md5_checksum, key_fingerprint: key_fingerprint}, bin}
def decode(<<229, 181, 23, 90, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputEncryptedFile{id: id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<200, 115, 193, 45, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{parts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{key_fingerprint, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded{id: id, parts: parts, key_fingerprint: key_fingerprint}, bin}
def decode(<<24, 193, 24, 237, bin::binary>>) do
{random_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{bytes, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{file, bin} = decode(bin)
{%EncryptedMessage{random_id: random_id, chat_id: chat_id, date: date, bytes: bytes, file: file}, bin}
def decode(<<6, 75, 115, 35, bin::binary>>) do
{random_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{chat_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{bytes, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{%EncryptedMessageService{random_id: random_id, chat_id: chat_id, date: date, bytes: bytes}, bin}
def decode(<<53, 70, 226, 192, bin::binary>>) do
{random, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{%Messages.DhConfigNotModified{random: random}, bin}
def decode(<<221, 30, 34, 44, bin::binary>>) do
{g, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{p, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{random, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{%Messages.DhConfig{g: g, p: p, version: version, random: random}, bin}
def decode(<<53, 137, 15, 86, bin::binary>>) do
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Messages.SentEncryptedMessage{date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<50, 255, 147, 148, bin::binary>>) do
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{file, bin} = decode(bin)
{%Messages.SentEncryptedFile{date: date, file: file}, bin}
def decode(<<174, 234, 240, 114, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputDocumentEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<82, 137, 121, 24, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputDocument{id: id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<113, 200, 248, 54, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%DocumentEmpty{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<199, 43, 35, 135, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{mime_type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{size, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{thumb, bin} = decode(bin)
{dc_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{version, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{attributes, bin} = decode([:DocumentAttribute], bin)
{%Document{id: id, access_hash: access_hash, date: date, mime_type: mime_type, size: size, thumb: thumb, dc_id: dc_id, version: version, attributes: attributes}, bin}
def decode(<<246, 181, 198, 23, bin::binary>>) do
{phone_number, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{user, bin} = decode(bin)
{%Help.Support{phone_number: phone_number, user: user}, bin}
def decode(<<216, 11, 212, 159, bin::binary>>) do
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{%NotifyPeer{peer: peer}, bin}
def decode(<<76, 59, 200, 180, bin::binary>>), do: {%NotifyUsers{}, bin}
def decode(<<195, 206, 7, 192, bin::binary>>), do: {%NotifyChats{}, bin}
def decode(<<96, 124, 208, 116, bin::binary>>), do: {%NotifyAll{}, bin}
def decode(<<78, 116, 191, 22, bin::binary>>), do: {%SendMessageTypingAction{}, bin}
def decode(<<245, 200, 94, 253, bin::binary>>), do: {%SendMessageCancelAction{}, bin}
def decode(<<111, 214, 135, 161, bin::binary>>), do: {%SendMessageRecordVideoAction{}, bin}
def decode(<<236, 58, 118, 233, bin::binary>>) do
{progress, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%SendMessageUploadVideoAction{progress: progress}, bin}
def decode(<<247, 115, 47, 213, bin::binary>>), do: {%SendMessageRecordAudioAction{}, bin}
def decode(<<171, 215, 81, 243, bin::binary>>) do
{progress, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%SendMessageUploadAudioAction{progress: progress}, bin}
def decode(<<38, 74, 211, 209, bin::binary>>) do
{progress, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%SendMessageUploadPhotoAction{progress: progress}, bin}
def decode(<<228, 217, 12, 170, bin::binary>>) do
{progress, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%SendMessageUploadDocumentAction{progress: progress}, bin}
def decode(<<161, 139, 111, 23, bin::binary>>), do: {%SendMessageGeoLocationAction{}, bin}
def decode(<<111, 188, 140, 98, bin::binary>>), do: {%SendMessageChooseContactAction{}, bin}
def decode(<<72, 143, 106, 221, bin::binary>>), do: {%SendMessageGamePlayAction{}, bin}
def decode(<<132, 247, 161, 26, bin::binary>>) do
{results, bin} = decode([:Peer], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Contacts.Found{results: results, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<24, 203, 150, 79, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp{}, bin}
def decode(<<38, 4, 251, 189, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPrivacyKeyChatInvite{}, bin}
def decode(<<95, 220, 186, 250, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall{}, bin}
def decode(<<48, 171, 46, 188, bin::binary>>), do: {%PrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp{}, bin}
def decode(<<250, 109, 14, 80, bin::binary>>), do: {%PrivacyKeyChatInvite{}, bin}
def decode(<<123, 43, 102, 61, bin::binary>>), do: {%PrivacyKeyPhoneCall{}, bin}
def decode(<<123, 224, 9, 13, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts{}, bin}
def decode(<<206, 53, 75, 24, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPrivacyValueAllowAll{}, bin}
def decode(<<127, 198, 28, 19, bin::binary>>) do
{users, bin} = decode([:InputUser], bin)
{%InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers{users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<7, 32, 165, 11, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts{}, bin}
def decode(<<201, 102, 107, 214, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll{}, bin}
def decode(<<103, 4, 17, 144, bin::binary>>) do
{users, bin} = decode([:InputUser], bin)
{%InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers{users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<172, 27, 254, 255, bin::binary>>), do: {%PrivacyValueAllowContacts{}, bin}
def decode(<<130, 123, 66, 101, bin::binary>>), do: {%PrivacyValueAllowAll{}, bin}
def decode(<<12, 190, 91, 77, bin::binary>>) do
{users, bin} = decode([:Int], bin)
{%PrivacyValueAllowUsers{users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<26, 250, 136, 248, bin::binary>>), do: {%PrivacyValueDisallowContacts{}, bin}
def decode(<<99, 231, 115, 139, bin::binary>>), do: {%PrivacyValueDisallowAll{}, bin}
def decode(<<183, 73, 127, 12, bin::binary>>) do
{users, bin} = decode([:Int], bin)
{%PrivacyValueDisallowUsers{users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<111, 187, 74, 85, bin::binary>>) do
{rules, bin} = decode([:PrivacyRule], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Account.PrivacyRules{rules: rules, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<223, 175, 208, 184, bin::binary>>) do
{days, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%AccountDaysTTL{days: days}, bin}
def decode(<<92, 193, 55, 108, bin::binary>>) do
{w, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{h, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%DocumentAttributeImageSize{w: w, h: h}, bin}
def decode(<<57, 137, 181, 17, bin::binary>>), do: {%DocumentAttributeAnimated{}, bin}
def decode(<<18, 214, 25, 99, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{mask, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{alt, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{stickerset, bin} = decode(bin)
{mask_coords, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%DocumentAttributeSticker{flags: flags, mask: mask, alt: alt, stickerset: stickerset, mask_coords: mask_coords}, bin}
def decode(<<203, 204, 16, 89, bin::binary>>) do
{duration, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{w, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{h, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%DocumentAttributeVideo{duration: duration, w: w, h: h}, bin}
def decode(<<198, 249, 82, 152, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{voice, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1024) # 10
{duration, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{performer, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{waveform, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%DocumentAttributeAudio{flags: flags, voice: voice, duration: duration, title: title, performer: performer, waveform: waveform}, bin}
def decode(<<104, 0, 89, 21, bin::binary>>) do
{file_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%DocumentAttributeFilename{file_name: file_name}, bin}
def decode(<<247, 210, 1, 152, bin::binary>>), do: {%DocumentAttributeHasStickers{}, bin}
def decode(<<34, 154, 116, 241, bin::binary>>), do: {%Messages.StickersNotModified{}, bin}
def decode(<<50, 205, 142, 138, bin::binary>>) do
{hash, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{stickers, bin} = decode([:Document], bin)
{%Messages.Stickers{hash: hash, stickers: stickers}, bin}
def decode(<<212, 153, 178, 18, bin::binary>>) do
{emoticon, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{documents, bin} = decode([:Long], bin)
{%StickerPack{emoticon: emoticon, documents: documents}, bin}
def decode(<<195, 2, 102, 232, bin::binary>>), do: {%Messages.AllStickersNotModified{}, bin}
def decode(<<95, 64, 253, 237, bin::binary>>) do
{hash, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{sets, bin} = decode([:StickerSet], bin)
{%Messages.AllStickers{hash: hash, sets: sets}, bin}
def decode(<<36, 111, 99, 174, bin::binary>>) do
{feature, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{description, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%DisabledFeature{feature: feature, description: description}, bin}
def decode(<<133, 145, 209, 132, bin::binary>>) do
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{pts_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Messages.AffectedMessages{pts: pts, pts_count: pts_count}, bin}
def decode(<<71, 146, 79, 95, bin::binary>>), do: {%ContactLinkUnknown{}, bin}
def decode(<<173, 211, 237, 254, bin::binary>>), do: {%ContactLinkNone{}, bin}
def decode(<<89, 63, 143, 38, bin::binary>>), do: {%ContactLinkHasPhone{}, bin}
def decode(<<208, 194, 2, 213, bin::binary>>), do: {%ContactLinkContact{}, bin}
def decode(<<232, 119, 20, 235, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%WebPageEmpty{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<28, 218, 134, 197, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%WebPagePending{id: id, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<188, 180, 7, 95, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{display_url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{hash, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{site_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{description, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{photo, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 16) # 4
{embed_url, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{embed_type, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{embed_width, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 64) # 6
{embed_height, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 64) # 6
{duration, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 128) # 7
{author, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 256) # 8
{document, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 512) # 9
{cached_page, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 1024) # 10
{%WebPage{flags: flags, id: id, url: url, display_url: display_url, hash: hash, type: type, site_name: site_name, title: title, description: description, photo: photo, embed_url: embed_url, embed_type: embed_type, embed_width: embed_width, embed_height: embed_height, duration: duration, author: author, document: document, cached_page: cached_page}, bin}
def decode(<<115, 148, 132, 133, bin::binary>>), do: {%WebPageNotModified{}, bin}
def decode(<<246, 230, 242, 123, bin::binary>>) do
{hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{device_model, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{platform, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{system_version, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{api_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{app_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{app_version, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{date_created, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date_active, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{ip, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{country, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{region, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Authorization{hash: hash, flags: flags, device_model: device_model, platform: platform, system_version: system_version, api_id: api_id, app_name: app_name, app_version: app_version, date_created: date_created, date_active: date_active, ip: ip, country: country, region: region}, bin}
def decode(<<222, 171, 80, 18, bin::binary>>) do
{authorizations, bin} = decode([:Authorization], bin)
{%Account.Authorizations{authorizations: authorizations}, bin}
def decode(<<24, 188, 218, 150, bin::binary>>) do
{new_salt, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{email_unconfirmed_pattern, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Account.NoPassword{new_salt: new_salt, email_unconfirmed_pattern: email_unconfirmed_pattern}, bin}
def decode(<<28, 20, 24, 124, bin::binary>>) do
{current_salt, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{new_salt, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{hint, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{has_recovery, bin} = decode(bin)
{email_unconfirmed_pattern, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Account.Password{current_salt: current_salt, new_salt: new_salt, hint: hint, has_recovery: has_recovery, email_unconfirmed_pattern: email_unconfirmed_pattern}, bin}
def decode(<<179, 42, 183, 183, bin::binary>>) do
{email, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Account.PasswordSettings{email: email}, bin}
def decode(<<235, 109, 145, 134, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{new_salt, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{new_password_hash, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{hint, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{email, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{%Account.PasswordInputSettings{flags: flags, new_salt: new_salt, new_password_hash: new_password_hash, hint: hint, email: email}, bin}
def decode(<<165, 72, 121, 19, bin::binary>>) do
{email_pattern, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Auth.PasswordRecovery{email_pattern: email_pattern}, bin}
def decode(<<121, 183, 132, 163, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ReceivedNotifyMessage{id: id, flags: flags}, bin}
def decode(<<105, 55, 223, 105, bin::binary>>), do: {%ChatInviteEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<188, 5, 46, 252, bin::binary>>) do
{link, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%ChatInviteExported{link: link}, bin}
def decode(<<124, 109, 104, 90, bin::binary>>) do
{chat, bin} = decode(bin)
{%ChatInviteAlready{chat: chat}, bin}
def decode(<<88, 245, 116, 219, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{channel, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{broadcast, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{public, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{megagroup, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{participants_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{participants, bin} = decode([:User], bin, flags, 16) # 4
{%ChatInvite{flags: flags, channel: channel, broadcast: broadcast, public: public, megagroup: megagroup, title: title, photo: photo, participants_count: participants_count, participants: participants}, bin}
def decode(<<149, 43, 182, 255, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputStickerSetEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<105, 162, 231, 157, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputStickerSetID{id: id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<160, 200, 28, 134, bin::binary>>) do
{short_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputStickerSetShortName{short_name: short_name}, bin}
def decode(<<65, 59, 48, 205, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{installed, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{archived, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{official, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{masks, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{short_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{hash, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%StickerSet{flags: flags, installed: installed, archived: archived, official: official, masks: masks, id: id, access_hash: access_hash, title: title, short_name: short_name, count: count, hash: hash}, bin}
def decode(<<166, 36, 10, 182, bin::binary>>) do
{set, bin} = decode(bin)
{packs, bin} = decode([:StickerPack], bin)
{documents, bin} = decode([:Document], bin)
{%Messages.StickerSet{set: set, packs: packs, documents: documents}, bin}
def decode(<<199, 200, 122, 194, bin::binary>>) do
{command, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{description, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%BotCommand{command: command, description: description}, bin}
def decode(<<58, 29, 232, 152, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{description, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{commands, bin} = decode([:BotCommand], bin)
{%BotInfo{user_id: user_id, description: description, commands: commands}, bin}
def decode(<<128, 72, 250, 162, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%KeyboardButton{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<5, 255, 138, 37, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%KeyboardButtonUrl{text: text, url: url}, bin}
def decode(<<70, 94, 58, 104, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{data, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{%KeyboardButtonCallback{text: text, data: data}, bin}
def decode(<<41, 108, 106, 177, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%KeyboardButtonRequestPhone{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<63, 107, 121, 252, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<72, 167, 104, 5, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{same_peer, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{query, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%KeyboardButtonSwitchInline{flags: flags, same_peer: same_peer, text: text, query: query}, bin}
def decode(<<207, 28, 244, 80, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%KeyboardButtonGame{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<131, 139, 96, 119, bin::binary>>) do
{buttons, bin} = decode([:KeyboardButton], bin)
{%KeyboardButtonRow{buttons: buttons}, bin}
def decode(<<133, 91, 62, 160, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{selective, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%ReplyKeyboardHide{flags: flags, selective: selective}, bin}
def decode(<<160, 138, 16, 244, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{single_use, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{selective, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%ReplyKeyboardForceReply{flags: flags, single_use: single_use, selective: selective}, bin}
def decode(<<140, 117, 2, 53, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{resize, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{single_use, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{selective, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{rows, bin} = decode([:KeyboardButtonRow], bin)
{%ReplyKeyboardMarkup{flags: flags, resize: resize, single_use: single_use, selective: selective, rows: rows}, bin}
def decode(<<84, 2, 163, 72, bin::binary>>) do
{rows, bin} = decode([:KeyboardButtonRow], bin)
{%ReplyInlineMarkup{rows: rows}, bin}
def decode(<<148, 3, 126, 175, bin::binary>>), do: {%Help.AppChangelogEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<124, 126, 19, 42, bin::binary>>) do
{message, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{media, bin} = decode(bin)
{entities, bin} = decode([:MessageEntity], bin)
{%Help.AppChangelog{message: message, media: media, entities: entities}, bin}
def decode(<<149, 186, 146, 187, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEntityUnknown{offset: offset, length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<157, 87, 4, 250, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEntityMention{offset: offset, length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<13, 91, 99, 111, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEntityHashtag{offset: offset, length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<199, 138, 239, 108, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEntityBotCommand{offset: offset, length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<56, 37, 208, 110, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEntityUrl{offset: offset, length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<194, 117, 228, 100, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEntityEmail{offset: offset, length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<201, 11, 97, 189, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEntityBold{offset: offset, length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<96, 139, 111, 130, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEntityItalic{offset: offset, length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<113, 5, 162, 40, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEntityCode{offset: offset, length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<224, 75, 146, 115, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{language, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%MessageEntityPre{offset: offset, length: length, language: language}, bin}
def decode(<<39, 211, 166, 118, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%MessageEntityTextUrl{offset: offset, length: length, url: url}, bin}
def decode(<<88, 202, 45, 53, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageEntityMentionName{offset: offset, length: length, user_id: user_id}, bin}
def decode(<<201, 104, 142, 32, bin::binary>>) do
{offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputMessageEntityMentionName{offset: offset, length: length, user_id: user_id}, bin}
def decode(<<134, 30, 140, 238, bin::binary>>), do: {%InputChannelEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<46, 113, 235, 175, bin::binary>>) do
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputChannel{channel_id: channel_id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<217, 122, 7, 127, bin::binary>>) do
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Contacts.ResolvedPeer{peer: peer, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<83, 2, 227, 10, bin::binary>>) do
{min_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%MessageRange{min_id: min_id, max_id: max_id}, bin}
def decode(<<251, 175, 17, 62, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{final, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{timeout, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{%Updates.ChannelDifferenceEmpty{flags: flags, final: final, pts: pts, timeout: timeout}, bin}
def decode(<<7, 238, 13, 65, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{final, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{timeout, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{top_message, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{read_inbox_max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{read_outbox_max_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{unread_count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{messages, bin} = decode([:Message], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Updates.ChannelDifferenceTooLong{flags: flags, final: final, pts: pts, timeout: timeout, top_message: top_message, read_inbox_max_id: read_inbox_max_id, read_outbox_max_id: read_outbox_max_id, unread_count: unread_count, messages: messages, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<78, 103, 100, 32, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{final, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{pts, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{timeout, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{new_messages, bin} = decode([:Message], bin)
{other_updates, bin} = decode([:Update], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Updates.ChannelDifference{flags: flags, final: final, pts: pts, timeout: timeout, new_messages: new_messages, other_updates: other_updates, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<231, 46, 212, 148, bin::binary>>), do: {%ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<87, 217, 119, 205, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{exclude_new_messages, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{ranges, bin} = decode([:MessageRange], bin)
{%ChannelMessagesFilter{flags: flags, exclude_new_messages: exclude_new_messages, ranges: ranges}, bin}
def decode(<<29, 172, 235, 21, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChannelParticipant{user_id: user_id, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<109, 154, 40, 163, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{inviter_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChannelParticipantSelf{user_id: user_id, inviter_id: inviter_id, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<239, 127, 5, 145, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{inviter_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChannelParticipantModerator{user_id: user_id, inviter_id: inviter_id, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<97, 45, 25, 152, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{inviter_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChannelParticipantEditor{user_id: user_id, inviter_id: inviter_id, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<154, 230, 197, 140, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{kicked_by, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChannelParticipantKicked{user_id: user_id, kicked_by: kicked_by, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<249, 225, 226, 227, bin::binary>>) do
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%ChannelParticipantCreator{user_id: user_id}, bin}
def decode(<<121, 60, 63, 222, bin::binary>>), do: {%ChannelParticipantsRecent{}, bin}
def decode(<<105, 137, 96, 180, bin::binary>>), do: {%ChannelParticipantsAdmins{}, bin}
def decode(<<122, 187, 55, 60, bin::binary>>), do: {%ChannelParticipantsKicked{}, bin}
def decode(<<91, 134, 209, 176, bin::binary>>), do: {%ChannelParticipantsBots{}, bin}
def decode(<<198, 160, 133, 178, bin::binary>>), do: {%ChannelRoleEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<117, 217, 24, 150, bin::binary>>), do: {%ChannelRoleModerator{}, bin}
def decode(<<140, 254, 11, 130, bin::binary>>), do: {%ChannelRoleEditor{}, bin}
def decode(<<168, 226, 110, 245, bin::binary>>) do
{count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{participants, bin} = decode([:ChannelParticipant], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Channels.ChannelParticipants{count: count, participants: participants, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<99, 177, 217, 208, bin::binary>>) do
{participant, bin} = decode(bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Channels.ChannelParticipant{participant: participant, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<144, 62, 238, 241, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Help.TermsOfService{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<31, 204, 46, 22, bin::binary>>) do
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{thumb_url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{content_url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{content_type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{w, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{h, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%FoundGif{url: url, thumb_url: thumb_url, content_url: content_url, content_type: content_type, w: w, h: h}, bin}
def decode(<<9, 4, 117, 156, bin::binary>>) do
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{document, bin} = decode(bin)
{%FoundGifCached{url: url, photo: photo, document: document}, bin}
def decode(<<10, 28, 10, 69, bin::binary>>) do
{next_offset, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{results, bin} = decode([:FoundGif], bin)
{%Messages.FoundGifs{next_offset: next_offset, results: results}, bin}
def decode(<<162, 92, 2, 232, bin::binary>>), do: {%Messages.SavedGifsNotModified{}, bin}
def decode(<<165, 9, 7, 46, bin::binary>>) do
{hash, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{gifs, bin} = decode([:Document], bin)
{%Messages.SavedGifs{hash: hash, gifs: gifs}, bin}
def decode(<<19, 237, 47, 41, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto{flags: flags, caption: caption, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<135, 122, 205, 61, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{no_webpage, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{message, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{entities, bin} = decode([:MessageEntity], bin, flags, 2) # 1
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%InputBotInlineMessageText{flags: flags, no_webpage: no_webpage, message: message, entities: entities, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<225, 157, 165, 244, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{geo_point, bin} = decode(bin)
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo{flags: flags, geo_point: geo_point, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<200, 173, 175, 170, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{geo_point, bin} = decode(bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{address, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{provider, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{venue_id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue{flags: flags, geo_point: geo_point, title: title, address: address, provider: provider, venue_id: venue_id, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<167, 1, 175, 45, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{phone_number, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{first_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{last_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact{flags: flags, phone_number: phone_number, first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<100, 88, 66, 75, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%InputBotInlineMessageGame{flags: flags, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<90, 225, 187, 44, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{description, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{thumb_url, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{content_url, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{content_type, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{w, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 64) # 6
{h, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 64) # 6
{duration, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 128) # 7
{send_message, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputBotInlineResult{flags: flags, id: id, type: type, title: title, description: description, url: url, thumb_url: thumb_url, content_url: content_url, content_type: content_type, w: w, h: h, duration: duration, send_message: send_message}, bin}
def decode(<<167, 100, 216, 168, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{send_message, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputBotInlineResultPhoto{id: id, type: type, photo: photo, send_message: send_message}, bin}
def decode(<<196, 253, 248, 255, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{description, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{document, bin} = decode(bin)
{send_message, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputBotInlineResultDocument{flags: flags, id: id, type: type, title: title, description: description, document: document, send_message: send_message}, bin}
def decode(<<242, 23, 164, 79, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{short_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{send_message, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputBotInlineResultGame{id: id, short_name: short_name, send_message: send_message}, bin}
def decode(<<91, 177, 116, 10, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%BotInlineMessageMediaAuto{flags: flags, caption: caption, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<226, 101, 127, 140, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{no_webpage, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{message, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{entities, bin} = decode([:MessageEntity], bin, flags, 2) # 1
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%BotInlineMessageText{flags: flags, no_webpage: no_webpage, message: message, entities: entities, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<184, 216, 143, 58, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{geo, bin} = decode(bin)
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%BotInlineMessageMediaGeo{flags: flags, geo: geo, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<46, 35, 102, 67, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{geo, bin} = decode(bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{address, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{provider, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{venue_id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%BotInlineMessageMediaVenue{flags: flags, geo: geo, title: title, address: address, provider: provider, venue_id: venue_id, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<212, 180, 237, 53, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{phone_number, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{first_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{last_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{reply_markup, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%BotInlineMessageMediaContact{flags: flags, phone_number: phone_number, first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name, reply_markup: reply_markup}, bin}
def decode(<<185, 174, 235, 155, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{description, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{thumb_url, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{content_url, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{content_type, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 32) # 5
{w, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 64) # 6
{h, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 64) # 6
{duration, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 128) # 7
{send_message, bin} = decode(bin)
{%BotInlineResult{flags: flags, id: id, type: type, title: title, description: description, url: url, thumb_url: thumb_url, content_url: content_url, content_type: content_type, w: w, h: h, duration: duration, send_message: send_message}, bin}
def decode(<<11, 148, 219, 23, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{type, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{photo, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 1) # 0
{document, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 2) # 1
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{description, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{send_message, bin} = decode(bin)
{%BotInlineMediaResult{flags: flags, id: id, type: type, photo: photo, document: document, title: title, description: description, send_message: send_message}, bin}
def decode(<<61, 86, 211, 204, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{gallery, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{query_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{next_offset, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{switch_pm, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 4) # 2
{results, bin} = decode([:BotInlineResult], bin)
{cache_time, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Messages.BotResults{flags: flags, gallery: gallery, query_id: query_id, next_offset: next_offset, switch_pm: switch_pm, results: results, cache_time: cache_time}, bin}
def decode(<<3, 104, 72, 31, bin::binary>>) do
{link, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%ExportedMessageLink{link: link}, bin}
def decode(<<203, 221, 134, 199, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{from_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{channel_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{channel_post, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{%MessageFwdHeader{flags: flags, from_id: from_id, date: date, channel_id: channel_id, channel_post: channel_post}, bin}
def decode(<<140, 21, 163, 114, bin::binary>>), do: {%Auth.CodeTypeSms{}, bin}
def decode(<<227, 211, 28, 116, bin::binary>>), do: {%Auth.CodeTypeCall{}, bin}
def decode(<<251, 206, 108, 34, bin::binary>>), do: {%Auth.CodeTypeFlashCall{}, bin}
def decode(<<134, 89, 187, 61, bin::binary>>) do
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Auth.SentCodeTypeApp{length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<162, 187, 0, 192, bin::binary>>) do
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Auth.SentCodeTypeSms{length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<167, 229, 83, 83, bin::binary>>) do
{length, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Auth.SentCodeTypeCall{length: length}, bin}
def decode(<<217, 198, 3, 171, bin::binary>>) do
{pattern, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%Auth.SentCodeTypeFlashCall{pattern: pattern}, bin}
def decode(<<164, 94, 88, 54, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{alert, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{has_url, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{message, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{cache_time, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%Messages.BotCallbackAnswer{flags: flags, alert: alert, has_url: has_url, message: message, url: url, cache_time: cache_time}, bin}
def decode(<<230, 221, 181, 38, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%Messages.MessageEditData{flags: flags, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<137, 61, 12, 137, bin::binary>>) do
{dc_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputBotInlineMessageID{dc_id: dc_id, id: id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<159, 98, 32, 60, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{start_param, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InlineBotSwitchPM{text: text, start_param: start_param}, bin}
def decode(<<84, 195, 113, 51, bin::binary>>) do
{dialogs, bin} = decode([:Dialog], bin)
{messages, bin} = decode([:Message], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{state, bin} = decode(bin)
{%Messages.PeerDialogs{dialogs: dialogs, messages: messages, chats: chats, users: users, state: state}, bin}
def decode(<<91, 192, 205, 237, bin::binary>>) do
{peer, bin} = decode(bin)
{rating, bin} = decode(:Double, bin)
{%TopPeer{peer: peer, rating: rating}, bin}
def decode(<<91, 27, 102, 171, bin::binary>>), do: {%TopPeerCategoryBotsPM{}, bin}
def decode(<<226, 119, 134, 20, bin::binary>>), do: {%TopPeerCategoryBotsInline{}, bin}
def decode(<<237, 183, 55, 6, bin::binary>>), do: {%TopPeerCategoryCorrespondents{}, bin}
def decode(<<74, 161, 23, 189, bin::binary>>), do: {%TopPeerCategoryGroups{}, bin}
def decode(<<40, 150, 29, 22, bin::binary>>), do: {%TopPeerCategoryChannels{}, bin}
def decode(<<145, 66, 131, 251, bin::binary>>) do
{category, bin} = decode(bin)
{count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{peers, bin} = decode([:TopPeer], bin)
{%TopPeerCategoryPeers{category: category, count: count, peers: peers}, bin}
def decode(<<245, 110, 38, 222, bin::binary>>), do: {%Contacts.TopPeersNotModified{}, bin}
def decode(<<168, 114, 183, 112, bin::binary>>) do
{categories, bin} = decode([:TopPeerCategoryPeers], bin)
{chats, bin} = decode([:Chat], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Contacts.TopPeers{categories: categories, chats: chats, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<197, 174, 75, 186, bin::binary>>), do: {%DraftMessageEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<31, 113, 142, 253, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{no_webpage, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{reply_to_msg_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{message, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{entities, bin} = decode([:MessageEntity], bin, flags, 8) # 3
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%DraftMessage{flags: flags, no_webpage: no_webpage, reply_to_msg_id: reply_to_msg_id, message: message, entities: entities, date: date}, bin}
def decode(<<207, 227, 237, 4, bin::binary>>), do: {%Messages.FeaturedStickersNotModified{}, bin}
def decode(<<229, 136, 157, 248, bin::binary>>) do
{hash, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{sets, bin} = decode([:StickerSetCovered], bin)
{unread, bin} = decode([:Long], bin)
{%Messages.FeaturedStickers{hash: hash, sets: sets, unread: unread}, bin}
def decode(<<144, 248, 23, 11, bin::binary>>), do: {%Messages.RecentStickersNotModified{}, bin}
def decode(<<112, 9, 226, 92, bin::binary>>) do
{hash, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{stickers, bin} = decode([:Document], bin)
{%Messages.RecentStickers{hash: hash, stickers: stickers}, bin}
def decode(<<200, 169, 203, 79, bin::binary>>) do
{count, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{sets, bin} = decode([:StickerSetCovered], bin)
{%Messages.ArchivedStickers{count: count, sets: sets}, bin}
def decode(<<40, 22, 100, 56, bin::binary>>), do: {%Messages.StickerSetInstallResultSuccess{}, bin}
def decode(<<168, 16, 228, 53, bin::binary>>) do
{sets, bin} = decode([:StickerSetCovered], bin)
{%Messages.StickerSetInstallResultArchive{sets: sets}, bin}
def decode(<<210, 165, 16, 100, bin::binary>>) do
{set, bin} = decode(bin)
{cover, bin} = decode(bin)
{%StickerSetCovered{set: set, cover: cover}, bin}
def decode(<<27, 229, 7, 52, bin::binary>>) do
{set, bin} = decode(bin)
{covers, bin} = decode([:Document], bin)
{%StickerSetMultiCovered{set: set, covers: covers}, bin}
def decode(<<178, 219, 214, 174, bin::binary>>) do
{n, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{x, bin} = decode(:Double, bin)
{y, bin} = decode(:Double, bin)
{zoom, bin} = decode(:Double, bin)
{%MaskCoords{n: n, x: x, y: y, zoom: zoom}, bin}
def decode(<<87, 33, 153, 74, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputStickeredMediaPhoto{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<91, 134, 56, 4, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(bin)
{%InputStickeredMediaDocument{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<59, 101, 249, 189, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{short_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{title, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{description, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{photo, bin} = decode(bin)
{document, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%Game{flags: flags, id: id, access_hash: access_hash, short_name: short_name, title: title, description: description, photo: photo, document: document}, bin}
def decode(<<119, 62, 44, 3, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputGameID{id: id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<10, 232, 49, 195, bin::binary>>) do
{bot_id, bin} = decode(bin)
{short_name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%InputGameShortName{bot_id: bot_id, short_name: short_name}, bin}
def decode(<<208, 252, 255, 88, bin::binary>>) do
{pos, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{user_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{score, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%HighScore{pos: pos, user_id: user_id, score: score}, bin}
def decode(<<153, 253, 59, 154, bin::binary>>) do
{scores, bin} = decode([:HighScore], bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Messages.HighScores{scores: scores, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<79, 130, 61, 220, bin::binary>>), do: {%TextEmpty{}, bin}
def decode(<<224, 148, 70, 116, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%TextPlain{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<196, 171, 36, 103, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%TextBold{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<156, 165, 18, 217, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%TextItalic{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<196, 34, 38, 193, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%TextUnderline{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<149, 187, 248, 155, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%TextStrike{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<185, 25, 63, 108, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%TextFixed{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<193, 132, 40, 60, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{webpage_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%TextUrl{text: text, url: url, webpage_id: webpage_id}, bin}
def decode(<<214, 13, 90, 222, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{email, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%TextEmail{text: text, email: email}, bin}
def decode(<<215, 96, 98, 126, bin::binary>>) do
{texts, bin} = decode([:RichText], bin)
{%TextConcat{texts: texts}, bin}
def decode(<<138, 126, 86, 19, bin::binary>>), do: {%PageBlockUnsupported{}, bin}
def decode(<<253, 195, 171, 112, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockTitle{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<31, 154, 250, 143, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockSubtitle{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<224, 229, 175, 186, bin::binary>>) do
{author, bin} = decode(bin)
{published_date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%PageBlockAuthorDate{author: author, published_date: published_date}, bin}
def decode(<<236, 100, 208, 191, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockHeader{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<225, 182, 43, 241, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockSubheader{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<102, 7, 122, 70, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockParagraph{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<62, 217, 112, 192, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{language, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%PageBlockPreformatted{text: text, language: language}, bin}
def decode(<<153, 9, 135, 72, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockFooter{text: text}, bin}
def decode(<<136, 177, 32, 219, bin::binary>>), do: {%PageBlockDivider{}, bin}
def decode(<<176, 55, 13, 206, bin::binary>>) do
{name, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{%PageBlockAnchor{name: name}, bin}
def decode(<<244, 199, 88, 58, bin::binary>>) do
{ordered, bin} = decode(bin)
{items, bin} = decode([:RichText], bin)
{%PageBlockList{ordered: ordered, items: items}, bin}
def decode(<<38, 124, 61, 38, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockBlockquote{text: text, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<211, 86, 68, 79, bin::binary>>) do
{text, bin} = decode(bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockPullquote{text: text, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<130, 153, 198, 233, bin::binary>>) do
{photo_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockPhoto{photo_id: photo_id, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<102, 24, 215, 217, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{autoplay, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{loop, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{video_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockVideo{flags: flags, autoplay: autoplay, loop: loop, video_id: video_id, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<0, 51, 242, 57, bin::binary>>) do
{cover, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockCover{cover: cover}, bin}
def decode(<<209, 0, 226, 205, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{full_width, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{allow_scrolling, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 8) # 3
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{html, bin} = decode(:String, bin, flags, 4) # 2
{poster_photo_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin, flags, 16) # 4
{w, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{h, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockEmbed{flags: flags, full_width: full_width, allow_scrolling: allow_scrolling, url: url, html: html, poster_photo_id: poster_photo_id, w: w, h: h, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<233, 123, 44, 41, bin::binary>>) do
{url, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{webpage_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{author_photo_id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{author, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{blocks, bin} = decode([:PageBlock], bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockEmbedPost{url: url, webpage_id: webpage_id, author_photo_id: author_photo_id, author: author, date: date, blocks: blocks, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<79, 28, 179, 8, bin::binary>>) do
{items, bin} = decode([:PageBlock], bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockCollage{items: items, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<99, 137, 12, 19, bin::binary>>) do
{items, bin} = decode([:PageBlock], bin)
{caption, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PageBlockSlideshow{items: items, caption: caption}, bin}
def decode(<<68, 108, 238, 141, bin::binary>>) do
{blocks, bin} = decode([:PageBlock], bin)
{photos, bin} = decode([:Photo], bin)
{videos, bin} = decode([:Document], bin)
{%PagePart{blocks: blocks, photos: photos, videos: videos}, bin}
def decode(<<105, 157, 161, 215, bin::binary>>) do
{blocks, bin} = decode([:PageBlock], bin)
{photos, bin} = decode([:Photo], bin)
{videos, bin} = decode([:Document], bin)
{%PageFull{blocks: blocks, photos: photos, videos: videos}, bin}
def decode(<<237, 253, 54, 30, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%InputPhoneCall{id: id, access_hash: access_hash}, bin}
def decode(<<21, 201, 102, 83, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{%PhoneCallEmpty{id: id}, bin}
def decode(<<209, 74, 143, 27, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{admin_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{participant_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{protocol, bin} = decode(bin)
{receive_date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{%PhoneCallWaiting{flags: flags, id: id, access_hash: access_hash, date: date, admin_id: admin_id, participant_id: participant_id, protocol: protocol, receive_date: receive_date}, bin}
def decode(<<232, 138, 68, 108, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{admin_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{participant_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{g_a, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{protocol, bin} = decode(bin)
{%PhoneCallRequested{id: id, access_hash: access_hash, date: date, admin_id: admin_id, participant_id: participant_id, g_a: g_a, protocol: protocol}, bin}
def decode(<<103, 171, 230, 255, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{access_hash, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{admin_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{participant_id, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{g_a_or_b, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{key_fingerprint, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{protocol, bin} = decode(bin)
{connection, bin} = decode(bin)
{alternative_connections, bin} = decode([:PhoneConnection], bin)
{start_date, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%PhoneCall{id: id, access_hash: access_hash, date: date, admin_id: admin_id, participant_id: participant_id, g_a_or_b: g_a_or_b, key_fingerprint: key_fingerprint, protocol: protocol, connection: connection, alternative_connections: alternative_connections, start_date: start_date}, bin}
def decode(<<225, 77, 202, 80, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{reason, bin} = decode(bin, flags, 1) # 0
{duration, bin} = decode(:Int, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{%PhoneCallDiscarded{flags: flags, id: id, reason: reason, duration: duration}, bin}
def decode(<<192, 23, 76, 157, bin::binary>>) do
{id, bin} = decode(:Long, bin)
{ip, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{ipv6, bin} = decode(:String, bin)
{port, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{peer_tag, bin} = decode(:Bytes, bin)
{%PhoneConnection{id: id, ip: ip, ipv6: ipv6, port: port, peer_tag: peer_tag}, bin}
def decode(<<203, 53, 187, 162, bin::binary>>) do
{flags, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{udp_p2p, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 1) # 0
{udp_reflector, bin} = decode(:True, bin, flags, 2) # 1
{min_layer, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{max_layer, bin} = decode(:Int, bin)
{%PhoneCallProtocol{flags: flags, udp_p2p: udp_p2p, udp_reflector: udp_reflector, min_layer: min_layer, max_layer: max_layer}, bin}
def decode(<<64, 225, 130, 236, bin::binary>>) do
{phone_call, bin} = decode(bin)
{users, bin} = decode([:User], bin)
{%Phone.PhoneCall{phone_call: phone_call, users: users}, bin}
def decode(<<1, 35, 228, 133, bin::binary>>), do: {%PhoneCallDiscardReasonMissed{}, bin}
def decode(<<160, 193, 149, 224, bin::binary>>), do: {%PhoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect{}, bin}
def decode(<<144, 198, 173, 87, bin::binary>>), do: {%PhoneCallDiscardReasonHangup{}, bin}
def decode(<<201, 232, 247, 250, bin::binary>>), do: {%PhoneCallDiscardReasonBusy{}, bin}
def decode(bin), do: {%Unknown{}, bin}
# Functions
def req_pq(nonce), do: <<120, 151, 70, 96, encode(:Int128, nonce)::binary>>
def req_dh_params(nonce, server_nonce, p, q, public_key_fingerprint, encrypted_data), do: <<190, 228, 18, 215, encode(:Int128, nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, server_nonce)::binary, encode(:String, p)::binary, encode(:String, q)::binary, encode(:Long, public_key_fingerprint)::binary, encode(:String, encrypted_data)::binary>>
def set_client_dh_params(nonce, server_nonce, encrypted_data), do: <<31, 95, 4, 245, encode(:Int128, nonce)::binary, encode(:Int128, server_nonce)::binary, encode(:String, encrypted_data)::binary>>
def rpc_drop_answer(req_msg_id), do: <<64, 167, 228, 88, encode(:Long, req_msg_id)::binary>>
def get_future_salts(num), do: <<4, 189, 33, 185, encode(:Int, num)::binary>>
def ping(ping_id), do: <<236, 119, 190, 122, encode(:Long, ping_id)::binary>>
def ping_delay_disconnect(ping_id, disconnect_delay), do: <<140, 123, 66, 243, encode(:Long, ping_id)::binary, encode(:Int, disconnect_delay)::binary>>
def destroy_session(session_id), do: <<38, 33, 81, 231, encode(:Long, session_id)::binary>>
def contest_savedeveloperinfo(vk_id, name, phone_number, age, city), do: <<149, 110, 95, 154, encode(:Int, vk_id)::binary, encode(:String, name)::binary, encode(:String, phone_number)::binary, encode(:Int, age)::binary, encode(:String, city)::binary>>
def invokeaftermsg(msg_id, query), do: <<45, 55, 159, 203, encode(:Long, msg_id)::binary, query::binary>>
def invokeaftermsgs(msg_ids, query), do: <<240, 180, 196, 61, enc_v(:Long, msg_ids)::binary, query::binary>>
def initconnection(api_id, device_model, system_version, app_version, lang_code, query), do: <<233, 109, 121, 105, encode(:Int, api_id)::binary, encode(:String, device_model)::binary, encode(:String, system_version)::binary, encode(:String, app_version)::binary, encode(:String, lang_code)::binary, query::binary>>
def invokewithlayer(layer, query), do: <<13, 13, 155, 218, encode(:Int, layer)::binary, query::binary>>
def invokewithoutupdates(query), do: <<183, 89, 148, 191, query::binary>>
def auth_checkphone(phone_number), do: <<251, 29, 229, 111, encode(:String, phone_number)::binary>>
def auth_sendcode(flags, allow_flashcall, phone_number, current_number, api_id, api_hash), do: <<236, 240, 174, 134, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, allow_flashcall, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String, phone_number)::binary, enc_f(current_number, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Int, api_id)::binary, encode(:String, api_hash)::binary>>
def auth_signup(phone_number, phone_code_hash, phone_code, first_name, last_name), do: <<52, 118, 6, 27, encode(:String, phone_number)::binary, encode(:String, phone_code_hash)::binary, encode(:String, phone_code)::binary, encode(:String, first_name)::binary, encode(:String, last_name)::binary>>
def auth_signin(phone_number, phone_code_hash, phone_code), do: <<129, 21, 213, 188, encode(:String, phone_number)::binary, encode(:String, phone_code_hash)::binary, encode(:String, phone_code)::binary>>
def auth_logout, do: <<64, 218, 23, 87>>
def auth_resetauthorizations, do: <<26, 13, 171, 159>>
def auth_sendinvites(phone_numbers, message), do: <<151, 29, 28, 119, enc_v(:String, phone_numbers)::binary, encode(:String, message)::binary>>
def auth_exportauthorization(dc_id), do: <<205, 255, 191, 229, encode(:Int, dc_id)::binary>>
def auth_importauthorization(id, bytes), do: <<19, 150, 239, 227, encode(:Int, id)::binary, encode(:Bytes, bytes)::binary>>
def auth_bindtempauthkey(perm_auth_key_id, nonce, expires_at, encrypted_message), do: <<5, 42, 212, 205, encode(:Long, perm_auth_key_id)::binary, encode(:Long, nonce)::binary, encode(:Int, expires_at)::binary, encode(:Bytes, encrypted_message)::binary>>
def auth_importbotauthorization(flags, api_id, api_hash, bot_auth_token), do: <<44, 255, 163, 103, flags::little-4*8, encode(:Int, api_id)::binary, encode(:String, api_hash)::binary, encode(:String, bot_auth_token)::binary>>
def auth_checkpassword(password_hash), do: <<30, 1, 99, 10, encode(:Bytes, password_hash)::binary>>
def auth_requestpasswordrecovery, do: <<102, 188, 151, 216>>
def auth_recoverpassword(code), do: <<146, 110, 165, 78, encode(:String, code)::binary>>
def auth_resendcode(phone_number, phone_code_hash), do: <<191, 169, 241, 62, encode(:String, phone_number)::binary, encode(:String, phone_code_hash)::binary>>
def auth_cancelcode(phone_number, phone_code_hash), do: <<120, 5, 4, 31, encode(:String, phone_number)::binary, encode(:String, phone_code_hash)::binary>>
def auth_droptempauthkeys(except_auth_keys), do: <<136, 161, 72, 142, enc_v(:Long, except_auth_keys)::binary>>
def account_registerdevice(token_type, token), do: <<120, 168, 126, 99, encode(:Int, token_type)::binary, encode(:String, token)::binary>>
def account_unregisterdevice(token_type, token), do: <<64, 91, 197, 101, encode(:Int, token_type)::binary, encode(:String, token)::binary>>
def account_updatenotifysettings(peer, settings), do: <<147, 91, 190, 132, encode(peer)::binary, encode(settings)::binary>>
def account_getnotifysettings(peer), do: <<49, 173, 179, 18, encode(peer)::binary>>
def account_resetnotifysettings, do: <<71, 23, 126, 219>>
def account_updateprofile(flags, first_name, last_name, about), do: <<117, 87, 81, 120, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:String, first_name, flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:String, last_name, flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:String, about, flags, 4)::binary>>
def account_updatestatus(offline), do: <<44, 86, 40, 102, encode(offline)::binary>>
def account_getwallpapers, do: <<194, 250, 76, 192>>
def account_reportpeer(peer, reason), do: <<95, 157, 24, 174, encode(peer)::binary, encode(reason)::binary>>
def account_checkusername(username), do: <<108, 216, 20, 39, encode(:String, username)::binary>>
def account_updateusername(username), do: <<124, 221, 11, 62, encode(:String, username)::binary>>
def account_getprivacy(key), do: <<80, 201, 219, 218, encode(key)::binary>>
def account_setprivacy(key, rules), do: <<232, 28, 248, 201, encode(key)::binary, enc_v(rules)::binary>>
def account_deleteaccount(reason), do: <<11, 78, 141, 65, encode(:String, reason)::binary>>
def account_getaccountttl, do: <<29, 113, 252, 8>>
def account_setaccountttl(ttl), do: <<94, 72, 66, 36, encode(ttl)::binary>>
def account_sendchangephonecode(flags, allow_flashcall, phone_number, current_number), do: <<235, 125, 229, 8, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, allow_flashcall, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String, phone_number)::binary, enc_f(current_number, flags, 1)::binary>>
def account_changephone(phone_number, phone_code_hash, phone_code), do: <<219, 46, 195, 112, encode(:String, phone_number)::binary, encode(:String, phone_code_hash)::binary, encode(:String, phone_code)::binary>>
def account_updatedevicelocked(period), do: <<50, 53, 223, 56, encode(:Int, period)::binary>>
def account_getauthorizations, do: <<88, 193, 32, 227>>
def account_resetauthorization(hash), do: <<188, 243, 119, 223, encode(:Long, hash)::binary>>
def account_getpassword, do: <<245, 48, 138, 84>>
def account_getpasswordsettings(current_password_hash), do: <<187, 17, 141, 188, encode(:Bytes, current_password_hash)::binary>>
def account_updatepasswordsettings(current_password_hash, new_settings), do: <<134, 75, 124, 250, encode(:Bytes, current_password_hash)::binary, encode(new_settings)::binary>>
def account_sendconfirmphonecode(flags, allow_flashcall, hash, current_number), do: <<189, 215, 22, 21, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, allow_flashcall, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String, hash)::binary, enc_f(current_number, flags, 1)::binary>>
def account_confirmphone(phone_code_hash, phone_code), do: <<195, 120, 33, 95, encode(:String, phone_code_hash)::binary, encode(:String, phone_code)::binary>>
def users_getusers(id), do: <<72, 165, 145, 13, enc_v(id)::binary>>
def users_getfulluser(id), do: <<177, 165, 48, 202, encode(id)::binary>>
def contacts_getstatuses, do: <<238, 83, 163, 196>>
def contacts_getcontacts(hash), do: <<8, 170, 198, 34, encode(:String, hash)::binary>>
def contacts_importcontacts(contacts, replace), do: <<45, 179, 48, 218, enc_v(contacts)::binary, encode(replace)::binary>>
def contacts_deletecontact(id), do: <<68, 55, 149, 142, encode(id)::binary>>
def contacts_deletecontacts(id), do: <<158, 56, 171, 89, enc_v(id)::binary>>
def contacts_block(id), do: <<252, 73, 43, 51, encode(id)::binary>>
def contacts_unblock(id), do: <<189, 0, 65, 229, encode(id)::binary>>
def contacts_getblocked(offset, limit), do: <<15, 53, 124, 245, encode(:Int, offset)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def contacts_exportcard, do: <<55, 55, 229, 132>>
def contacts_importcard(export_card), do: <<254, 150, 225, 79, enc_v(:Int, export_card)::binary>>
def contacts_search(q, limit), do: <<216, 18, 248, 17, encode(:String, q)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def contacts_resolveusername(username), do: <<163, 203, 60, 249, encode(:String, username)::binary>>
def contacts_gettoppeers(flags, correspondents, bots_pm, bots_inline, groups, channels, offset, limit, hash), do: <<181, 45, 152, 212, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, correspondents, flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, bots_pm, flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, bots_inline, flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(:True, groups, flags, 1024)::binary, enc_f(:True, channels, flags, 32768)::binary, encode(:Int, offset)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary, encode(:Int, hash)::binary>>
def contacts_resettoppeerrating(category, peer), do: <<172, 115, 227, 26, encode(category)::binary, encode(peer)::binary>>
def messages_getmessages(id), do: <<116, 250, 34, 66, enc_v(:Int, id)::binary>>
def messages_getdialogs(flags, exclude_pinned, offset_date, offset_id, offset_peer, limit), do: <<197, 169, 27, 25, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, exclude_pinned, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Int, offset_date)::binary, encode(:Int, offset_id)::binary, encode(offset_peer)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def messages_gethistory(peer, offset_id, offset_date, add_offset, limit, max_id, min_id), do: <<70, 40, 169, 175, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, offset_id)::binary, encode(:Int, offset_date)::binary, encode(:Int, add_offset)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary, encode(:Int, max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, min_id)::binary>>
def messages_search(flags, peer, q, filter, min_date, max_date, offset, max_id, limit), do: <<72, 146, 86, 212, flags::little-4*8, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:String, q)::binary, encode(filter)::binary, encode(:Int, min_date)::binary, encode(:Int, max_date)::binary, encode(:Int, offset)::binary, encode(:Int, max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def messages_readhistory(peer, max_id), do: <<58, 109, 48, 14, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, max_id)::binary>>
def messages_deletehistory(flags, just_clear, peer, max_id), do: <<9, 91, 1, 28, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, just_clear, flags, 1)::binary, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, max_id)::binary>>
def messages_deletemessages(flags, revoke, id), do: <<210, 149, 142, 229, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, revoke, flags, 1)::binary, enc_v(:Int, id)::binary>>
def messages_receivedmessages(max_id), do: <<192, 84, 169, 5, encode(:Int, max_id)::binary>>
def messages_settyping(peer, action), do: <<80, 94, 130, 163, encode(peer)::binary, encode(action)::binary>>
def messages_sendmessage(flags, no_webpage, silent, background, clear_draft, peer, reply_to_msg_id, message, random_id, reply_markup, entities), do: <<122, 66, 136, 250, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, no_webpage, flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:True, silent, flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:True, background, flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:True, clear_draft, flags, 128)::binary, encode(peer)::binary, enc_f(:Int, reply_to_msg_id, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String, message)::binary, encode(:Long, random_id)::binary, enc_f(reply_markup, flags, 4)::binary, enc_vf(entities, flags, 8)::binary>>
def messages_sendmedia(flags, silent, background, clear_draft, peer, reply_to_msg_id, media, random_id, reply_markup), do: <<145, 103, 241, 200, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, silent, flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:True, background, flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:True, clear_draft, flags, 128)::binary, encode(peer)::binary, enc_f(:Int, reply_to_msg_id, flags, 1)::binary, encode(media)::binary, encode(:Long, random_id)::binary, enc_f(reply_markup, flags, 4)::binary>>
def messages_forwardmessages(flags, silent, background, with_my_score, from_peer, id, random_id, to_peer), do: <<149, 1, 142, 112, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, silent, flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:True, background, flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:True, with_my_score, flags, 256)::binary, encode(from_peer)::binary, enc_v(:Int, id)::binary, enc_v(:Long, random_id)::binary, encode(to_peer)::binary>>
def messages_reportspam(peer), do: <<219, 146, 21, 207, encode(peer)::binary>>
def messages_hidereportspam(peer), do: <<155, 112, 241, 168, encode(peer)::binary>>
def messages_getpeersettings(peer), do: <<156, 224, 114, 54, encode(peer)::binary>>
def messages_getchats(id), do: <<135, 161, 106, 60, enc_v(:Int, id)::binary>>
def messages_getfullchat(chat_id), do: <<102, 28, 131, 59, encode(:Int, chat_id)::binary>>
def messages_editchattitle(chat_id, title), do: <<85, 40, 69, 220, encode(:Int, chat_id)::binary, encode(:String, title)::binary>>
def messages_editchatphoto(chat_id, photo), do: <<216, 121, 76, 202, encode(:Int, chat_id)::binary, encode(photo)::binary>>
def messages_addchatuser(chat_id, user_id, fwd_limit), do: <<9, 170, 160, 249, encode(:Int, chat_id)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, fwd_limit)::binary>>
def messages_deletechatuser(chat_id, user_id), do: <<22, 31, 97, 224, encode(:Int, chat_id)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary>>
def messages_createchat(users, title), do: <<110, 18, 203, 9, enc_v(users)::binary, encode(:String, title)::binary>>
def messages_forwardmessage(peer, id, random_id), do: <<249, 59, 150, 51, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, id)::binary, encode(:Long, random_id)::binary>>
def messages_getdhconfig(version, random_length), do: <<80, 137, 207, 38, encode(:Int, version)::binary, encode(:Int, random_length)::binary>>
def messages_requestencryption(user_id, random_id, g_a), do: <<67, 175, 77, 246, encode(user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, random_id)::binary, encode(:Bytes, g_a)::binary>>
def messages_acceptencryption(peer, g_b, key_fingerprint), do: <<21, 4, 188, 61, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Bytes, g_b)::binary, encode(:Long, key_fingerprint)::binary>>
def messages_discardencryption(chat_id), do: <<197, 35, 217, 237, encode(:Int, chat_id)::binary>>
def messages_setencryptedtyping(peer, typing), do: <<237, 81, 20, 121, encode(peer)::binary, encode(typing)::binary>>
def messages_readencryptedhistory(peer, max_date), do: <<10, 105, 75, 127, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, max_date)::binary>>
def messages_sendencrypted(peer, random_id, data), do: <<115, 103, 119, 169, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Long, random_id)::binary, encode(:Bytes, data)::binary>>
def messages_sendencryptedfile(peer, random_id, data, file), do: <<102, 27, 144, 154, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Long, random_id)::binary, encode(:Bytes, data)::binary, encode(file)::binary>>
def messages_sendencryptedservice(peer, random_id, data), do: <<164, 57, 212, 50, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Long, random_id)::binary, encode(:Bytes, data)::binary>>
def messages_receivedqueue(max_qts), do: <<102, 187, 165, 85, encode(:Int, max_qts)::binary>>
def messages_reportencryptedspam(peer), do: <<15, 140, 12, 75, encode(peer)::binary>>
def messages_readmessagecontents(id), do: <<119, 63, 167, 54, enc_v(:Int, id)::binary>>
def messages_getallstickers(hash), do: <<177, 24, 150, 28, encode(:Int, hash)::binary>>
def messages_getwebpagepreview(message), do: <<36, 62, 34, 37, encode(:String, message)::binary>>
def messages_exportchatinvite(chat_id), do: <<137, 82, 136, 125, encode(:Int, chat_id)::binary>>
def messages_checkchatinvite(hash), do: <<187, 177, 173, 62, encode(:String, hash)::binary>>
def messages_importchatinvite(hash), do: <<28, 5, 80, 108, encode(:String, hash)::binary>>
def messages_getstickerset(stickerset), do: <<14, 169, 25, 38, encode(stickerset)::binary>>
def messages_installstickerset(stickerset, archived), do: <<96, 228, 143, 199, encode(stickerset)::binary, encode(archived)::binary>>
def messages_uninstallstickerset(stickerset), do: <<222, 85, 110, 249, encode(stickerset)::binary>>
def messages_startbot(bot, peer, random_id, start_param), do: <<120, 115, 223, 230, encode(bot)::binary, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Long, random_id)::binary, encode(:String, start_param)::binary>>
def messages_getmessagesviews(peer, id, increment), do: <<93, 165, 200, 196, encode(peer)::binary, enc_v(:Int, id)::binary, encode(increment)::binary>>
def messages_togglechatadmins(chat_id, enabled), do: <<225, 217, 139, 236, encode(:Int, chat_id)::binary, encode(enabled)::binary>>
def messages_editchatadmin(chat_id, user_id, is_admin), do: <<46, 159, 230, 169, encode(:Int, chat_id)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary, encode(is_admin)::binary>>
def messages_migratechat(chat_id), do: <<227, 184, 163, 21, encode(:Int, chat_id)::binary>>
def messages_searchglobal(q, offset_date, offset_peer, offset_id, limit), do: <<176, 172, 60, 158, encode(:String, q)::binary, encode(:Int, offset_date)::binary, encode(offset_peer)::binary, encode(:Int, offset_id)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def messages_reorderstickersets(flags, masks, order), do: <<57, 119, 51, 120, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, masks, flags, 1)::binary, enc_v(:Long, order)::binary>>
def messages_getdocumentbyhash(sha256, size, mime_type), do: <<100, 36, 142, 51, encode(:Bytes, sha256)::binary, encode(:Int, size)::binary, encode(:String, mime_type)::binary>>
def messages_searchgifs(q, offset), do: <<107, 119, 154, 191, encode(:String, q)::binary, encode(:Int, offset)::binary>>
def messages_getsavedgifs(hash), do: <<82, 61, 191, 131, encode(:Int, hash)::binary>>
def messages_savegif(id, unsave), do: <<203, 48, 122, 50, encode(id)::binary, encode(unsave)::binary>>
def messages_getinlinebotresults(flags, bot, peer, geo_point, query, offset), do: <<157, 153, 78, 81, flags::little-4*8, encode(bot)::binary, encode(peer)::binary, enc_f(geo_point, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:String, query)::binary, encode(:String, offset)::binary>>
def messages_setinlinebotresults(flags, gallery, private, query_id, results, cache_time, next_offset, switch_pm), do: <<6, 162, 94, 235, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, gallery, flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, private, flags, 2)::binary, encode(:Long, query_id)::binary, enc_v(results)::binary, encode(:Int, cache_time)::binary, enc_f(:String, next_offset, flags, 4)::binary, enc_f(switch_pm, flags, 8)::binary>>
def messages_sendinlinebotresult(flags, silent, background, clear_draft, peer, reply_to_msg_id, random_id, query_id, id), do: <<254, 6, 110, 177, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, silent, flags, 32)::binary, enc_f(:True, background, flags, 64)::binary, enc_f(:True, clear_draft, flags, 128)::binary, encode(peer)::binary, enc_f(:Int, reply_to_msg_id, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Long, random_id)::binary, encode(:Long, query_id)::binary, encode(:String, id)::binary>>
def messages_getmessageeditdata(peer, id), do: <<54, 141, 166, 253, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, id)::binary>>
def messages_editmessage(flags, no_webpage, peer, id, message, reply_markup, entities), do: <<202, 228, 145, 206, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, no_webpage, flags, 2)::binary, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, id)::binary, enc_f(:String, message, flags, 2048)::binary, enc_f(reply_markup, flags, 4)::binary, enc_vf(entities, flags, 8)::binary>>
def messages_editinlinebotmessage(flags, no_webpage, id, message, reply_markup, entities), do: <<133, 44, 12, 19, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, no_webpage, flags, 2)::binary, encode(id)::binary, enc_f(:String, message, flags, 2048)::binary, enc_f(reply_markup, flags, 4)::binary, enc_vf(entities, flags, 8)::binary>>
def messages_getbotcallbackanswer(flags, game, peer, msg_id, data), do: <<236, 159, 10, 129, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, game, flags, 2)::binary, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, msg_id)::binary, enc_f(:Bytes, data, flags, 1)::binary>>
def messages_setbotcallbackanswer(flags, alert, query_id, message, url, cache_time), do: <<10, 19, 143, 213, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, alert, flags, 2)::binary, encode(:Long, query_id)::binary, enc_f(:String, message, flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:String, url, flags, 4)::binary, encode(:Int, cache_time)::binary>>
def messages_getpeerdialogs(peers), do: <<185, 118, 151, 45, enc_v(peers)::binary>>
def messages_savedraft(flags, no_webpage, reply_to_msg_id, peer, message, entities), do: <<75, 225, 57, 188, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, no_webpage, flags, 2)::binary, enc_f(:Int, reply_to_msg_id, flags, 1)::binary, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:String, message)::binary, enc_vf(entities, flags, 8)::binary>>
def messages_getalldrafts, do: <<101, 141, 63, 106>>
def messages_getfeaturedstickers(hash), do: <<79, 202, 172, 45, encode(:Int, hash)::binary>>
def messages_readfeaturedstickers(id), do: <<38, 129, 17, 91, enc_v(:Long, id)::binary>>
def messages_getrecentstickers(flags, attached, hash), do: <<201, 146, 161, 94, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, attached, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Int, hash)::binary>>
def messages_saverecentsticker(flags, attached, id, unsave), do: <<248, 24, 39, 57, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, attached, flags, 1)::binary, encode(id)::binary, encode(unsave)::binary>>
def messages_clearrecentstickers(flags, attached), do: <<45, 96, 153, 137, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, attached, flags, 1)::binary>>
def messages_getarchivedstickers(flags, masks, offset_id, limit), do: <<146, 118, 241, 87, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, masks, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Long, offset_id)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def messages_getmaskstickers(hash), do: <<159, 199, 184, 101, encode(:Int, hash)::binary>>
def messages_getattachedstickers(media), do: <<204, 103, 91, 204, encode(media)::binary>>
def messages_setgamescore(flags, edit_message, force, peer, id, user_id, score), do: <<192, 236, 248, 142, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, edit_message, flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, force, flags, 2)::binary, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, id)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, score)::binary>>
def messages_setinlinegamescore(flags, edit_message, force, id, user_id, score), do: <<100, 159, 173, 21, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, edit_message, flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, force, flags, 2)::binary, encode(id)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, score)::binary>>
def messages_getgamehighscores(peer, id, user_id), do: <<157, 100, 34, 232, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, id)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary>>
def messages_getinlinegamehighscores(id, user_id), do: <<27, 94, 99, 15, encode(id)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary>>
def messages_getcommonchats(user_id, max_id, limit), do: <<196, 72, 10, 13, encode(user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def messages_getallchats(except_ids), do: <<240, 15, 168, 235, enc_v(:Int, except_ids)::binary>>
def messages_getwebpage(url, hash), do: <<145, 143, 202, 50, encode(:String, url)::binary, encode(:Int, hash)::binary>>
def messages_toggledialogpin(flags, pinned, peer), do: <<106, 190, 137, 50, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, pinned, flags, 1)::binary, encode(peer)::binary>>
def messages_reorderpinneddialogs(flags, force, order), do: <<68, 246, 159, 149, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, force, flags, 1)::binary, enc_v(order)::binary>>
def messages_getpinneddialogs, do: <<78, 214, 84, 226>>
def updates_getstate, do: <<42, 136, 212, 237>>
def updates_getdifference(flags, pts, pts_total_limit, date, qts), do: <<81, 150, 147, 37, flags::little-4*8, encode(:Int, pts)::binary, enc_f(:Int, pts_total_limit, flags, 1)::binary, encode(:Int, date)::binary, encode(:Int, qts)::binary>>
def updates_getchanneldifference(flags, force, channel, filter, pts, limit), do: <<120, 61, 23, 3, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, force, flags, 1)::binary, encode(channel)::binary, encode(filter)::binary, encode(:Int, pts)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def photos_updateprofilephoto(id), do: <<82, 81, 187, 240, encode(id)::binary>>
def photos_uploadprofilephoto(file), do: <<152, 192, 50, 79, encode(file)::binary>>
def photos_deletephotos(id), do: <<47, 127, 207, 135, enc_v(id)::binary>>
def photos_getuserphotos(user_id, offset, max_id, limit), do: <<168, 50, 205, 145, encode(user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, offset)::binary, encode(:Long, max_id)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def upload_savefilepart(file_id, file_part, bytes), do: <<33, 166, 4, 179, encode(:Long, file_id)::binary, encode(:Int, file_part)::binary, encode(:Bytes, bytes)::binary>>
def upload_getfile(location, offset, limit), do: <<181, 207, 166, 227, encode(location)::binary, encode(:Int, offset)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def upload_savebigfilepart(file_id, file_part, file_total_parts, bytes), do: <<61, 103, 123, 222, encode(:Long, file_id)::binary, encode(:Int, file_part)::binary, encode(:Int, file_total_parts)::binary, encode(:Bytes, bytes)::binary>>
def help_getconfig, do: <<107, 24, 249, 196>>
def help_getnearestdc, do: <<38, 48, 179, 31>>
def help_getappupdate, do: <<150, 225, 45, 174>>
def help_saveapplog(events), do: <<72, 247, 2, 111, enc_v(events)::binary>>
def help_getinvitetext, do: <<67, 35, 57, 77>>
def help_getsupport, do: <<205, 8, 223, 156>>
def help_getappchangelog, do: <<122, 25, 33, 185>>
def help_gettermsofservice, do: <<243, 112, 1, 53>>
def help_setbotupdatesstatus(pending_updates_count, message), do: <<205, 207, 34, 236, encode(:Int, pending_updates_count)::binary, encode(:String, message)::binary>>
def channels_readhistory(channel, max_id), do: <<55, 73, 16, 204, encode(channel)::binary, encode(:Int, max_id)::binary>>
def channels_deletemessages(channel, id), do: <<78, 253, 193, 132, encode(channel)::binary, enc_v(:Int, id)::binary>>
def channels_deleteuserhistory(channel, user_id), do: <<27, 215, 13, 209, encode(channel)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary>>
def channels_reportspam(channel, user_id, id), do: <<16, 120, 8, 254, encode(channel)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary, enc_v(:Int, id)::binary>>
def channels_getmessages(channel, id), do: <<71, 179, 215, 147, encode(channel)::binary, enc_v(:Int, id)::binary>>
def channels_getparticipants(channel, filter, offset, limit), do: <<146, 143, 217, 36, encode(channel)::binary, encode(filter)::binary, encode(:Int, offset)::binary, encode(:Int, limit)::binary>>
def channels_getparticipant(channel, user_id), do: <<166, 215, 109, 84, encode(channel)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary>>
def channels_getchannels(id), do: <<187, 107, 127, 10, enc_v(id)::binary>>
def channels_getfullchannel(channel), do: <<9, 106, 115, 8, encode(channel)::binary>>
def channels_createchannel(flags, broadcast, megagroup, title, about), do: <<127, 61, 137, 244, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, broadcast, flags, 1)::binary, enc_f(:True, megagroup, flags, 2)::binary, encode(:String, title)::binary, encode(:String, about)::binary>>
def channels_editabout(channel, about), do: <<30, 127, 226, 19, encode(channel)::binary, encode(:String, about)::binary>>
def channels_editadmin(channel, user_id, role), do: <<208, 17, 118, 235, encode(channel)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary, encode(role)::binary>>
def channels_edittitle(channel, title), do: <<208, 236, 109, 86, encode(channel)::binary, encode(:String, title)::binary>>
def channels_editphoto(channel, photo), do: <<201, 87, 46, 241, encode(channel)::binary, encode(photo)::binary>>
def channels_checkusername(channel, username), do: <<44, 189, 230, 16, encode(channel)::binary, encode(:String, username)::binary>>
def channels_updateusername(channel, username), do: <<222, 179, 20, 53, encode(channel)::binary, encode(:String, username)::binary>>
def channels_joinchannel(channel), do: <<197, 36, 181, 36, encode(channel)::binary>>
def channels_leavechannel(channel), do: <<149, 170, 54, 248, encode(channel)::binary>>
def channels_invitetochannel(channel, users), do: <<108, 58, 159, 25, encode(channel)::binary, enc_v(users)::binary>>
def channels_kickfromchannel(channel, user_id, kicked), do: <<20, 222, 114, 166, encode(channel)::binary, encode(user_id)::binary, encode(kicked)::binary>>
def channels_exportinvite(channel), do: <<133, 8, 86, 199, encode(channel)::binary>>
def channels_deletechannel(channel), do: <<227, 31, 17, 192, encode(channel)::binary>>
def channels_toggleinvites(channel, enabled), do: <<7, 147, 96, 73, encode(channel)::binary, encode(enabled)::binary>>
def channels_exportmessagelink(channel, id), do: <<45, 210, 70, 200, encode(channel)::binary, encode(:Int, id)::binary>>
def channels_togglesignatures(channel, enabled), do: <<6, 182, 105, 31, encode(channel)::binary, encode(enabled)::binary>>
def channels_updatepinnedmessage(flags, silent, channel, id), do: <<82, 237, 45, 167, flags::little-4*8, enc_f(:True, silent, flags, 1)::binary, encode(channel)::binary, encode(:Int, id)::binary>>
def channels_getadminedpublicchannels, do: <<215, 130, 141, 141>>
def phone_requestcall(user_id, random_id, g_a, protocol), do: <<228, 165, 26, 164, encode(user_id)::binary, encode(:Int, random_id)::binary, encode(:Bytes, g_a)::binary, encode(protocol)::binary>>
def phone_acceptcall(peer, g_b, key_fingerprint, protocol), do: <<32, 11, 15, 34, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Bytes, g_b)::binary, encode(:Long, key_fingerprint)::binary, encode(protocol)::binary>>
def phone_discardcall(peer, duration, reason, connection_id), do: <<220, 205, 251, 93, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:Int, duration)::binary, encode(reason)::binary, encode(:Long, connection_id)::binary>>
def phone_receivedcall(peer), do: <<97, 79, 213, 23, encode(peer)::binary>>
# Type - heads
def head(<<0x05162463::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ResPQ"
def head(<<0x83C95AEC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "P_Q_Inner_Data"
def head(<<0x79CB045D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Server_DH_Params_Fail"
def head(<<0xD0E8075C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Server_DH_Params_Ok"
def head(<<0xB5890DBA::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Server_DH_Inner_Data"
def head(<<0x6643B654::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Client_DH_Inner_Data"
def head(<<0x3BCBF734::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Dh_Gen_Ok"
def head(<<0x46DC1FB9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Dh_Gen_Retry"
def head(<<0xA69DAE02::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Dh_Gen_Fail"
def head(<<0x62D6B459::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Msgs_Ack"
def head(<<0xA7EFF811::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Bad_Msg_Notification"
def head(<<0xEDAB447B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Bad_Server_Salt"
def head(<<0xDA69FB52::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Msgs_State_Req"
def head(<<0x04DEB57D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Msgs_State_Info"
def head(<<0x8CC0D131::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Msgs_All_Info"
def head(<<0x276D3EC6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Msg_Detailed_Info"
def head(<<0x809DB6DF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Msg_New_Detailed_Info"
def head(<<0x7D861A08::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Msg_Resend_Req"
def head(<<0xF35C6D01::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Rpc_Result"
def head(<<0x2144CA19::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Rpc_Error"
def head(<<0x5E2AD36E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Rpc_Answer_Unknown"
def head(<<0xCD78E586::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Rpc_Answer_Dropped_Running"
def head(<<0xA43AD8B7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Rpc_Answer_Dropped"
def head(<<0x0949D9DC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Future_Salt"
def head(<<0xAE500895::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Future_Salts"
def head(<<0x347773C5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Pong"
def head(<<0xE22045FC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Destroy_Session_Ok"
def head(<<0x62D350C9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Destroy_Session_None"
def head(<<0x9EC20908::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "New_Session_Created"
def head(<<0x3072CFA1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Gzip_Packed"
def head(<<0x9299359F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Http_Wait"
def head(<<0xBC799737::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BoolFalse"
def head(<<0x997275B5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BoolTrue"
def head(<<0x3FEDD339::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "True"
def head(<<0xC4B9F9BB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Error"
def head(<<0x56730BCC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Null"
def head(<<0x7F3B18EA::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPeerEmpty"
def head(<<0x7DA07EC9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPeerSelf"
def head(<<0x179BE863::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPeerChat"
def head(<<0x7B8E7DE6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPeerUser"
def head(<<0x20ADAEF8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPeerChannel"
def head(<<0xB98886CF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputUserEmpty"
def head(<<0xF7C1B13F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputUserSelf"
def head(<<0xD8292816::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputUser"
def head(<<0xF392B7F4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPhoneContact"
def head(<<0xF52FF27F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputFile"
def head(<<0xFA4F0BB5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputFileBig"
def head(<<0x9664F57F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaEmpty"
def head(<<0x630C9AF1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaUploadedPhoto"
def head(<<0xE9BFB4F3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaPhoto"
def head(<<0xF9C44144::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaGeoPoint"
def head(<<0xA6E45987::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaContact"
def head(<<0xD070F1E9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaUploadedDocument"
def head(<<0x50D88CAE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaUploadedThumbDocument"
def head(<<0x1A77F29C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaDocument"
def head(<<0x2827A81A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaVenue"
def head(<<0x4843B0FD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaGifExternal"
def head(<<0xB55F4F18::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaPhotoExternal"
def head(<<0xE5E9607C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaDocumentExternal"
def head(<<0xD33F43F3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMediaGame"
def head(<<0x1CA48F57::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputChatPhotoEmpty"
def head(<<0x927C55B4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputChatUploadedPhoto"
def head(<<0x8953AD37::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputChatPhoto"
def head(<<0xE4C123D6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputGeoPointEmpty"
def head(<<0xF3B7ACC9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputGeoPoint"
def head(<<0x1CD7BF0D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPhotoEmpty"
def head(<<0xFB95C6C4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPhoto"
def head(<<0x14637196::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputFileLocation"
def head(<<0xF5235D55::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputEncryptedFileLocation"
def head(<<0x430F0724::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputDocumentFileLocation"
def head(<<0x770656A8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputAppEvent"
def head(<<0x9DB1BC6D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PeerUser"
def head(<<0xBAD0E5BB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PeerChat"
def head(<<0xBDDDE532::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PeerChannel"
def head(<<0xAA963B05::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Storage.FileUnknown"
def head(<<0x007EFE0E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Storage.FileJpeg"
def head(<<0xCAE1AADF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Storage.FileGif"
def head(<<0x0A4F63C0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Storage.FilePng"
def head(<<0xAE1E508D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Storage.FilePdf"
def head(<<0x528A0677::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Storage.FileMp3"
def head(<<0x4B09EBBC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Storage.FileMov"
def head(<<0x40BC6F52::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Storage.FilePartial"
def head(<<0xB3CEA0E4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Storage.FileMp4"
def head(<<0x1081464C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Storage.FileWebp"
def head(<<0x7C596B46::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "FileLocationUnavailable"
def head(<<0x53D69076::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "FileLocation"
def head(<<0x200250BA::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UserEmpty"
def head(<<0xD10D979A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "User"
def head(<<0x4F11BAE1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UserProfilePhotoEmpty"
def head(<<0xD559D8C8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UserProfilePhoto"
def head(<<0x09D05049::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UserStatusEmpty"
def head(<<0xEDB93949::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UserStatusOnline"
def head(<<0x008C703F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UserStatusOffline"
def head(<<0xE26F42F1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UserStatusRecently"
def head(<<0x07BF09FC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UserStatusLastWeek"
def head(<<0x77EBC742::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UserStatusLastMonth"
def head(<<0x9BA2D800::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatEmpty"
def head(<<0xD91CDD54::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Chat"
def head(<<0x07328BDB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatForbidden"
def head(<<0xA14DCA52::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Channel"
def head(<<0x8537784F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelForbidden"
def head(<<0x2E02A614::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatFull"
def head(<<0xC3D5512F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelFull"
def head(<<0xC8D7493E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatParticipant"
def head(<<0xDA13538A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatParticipantCreator"
def head(<<0xE2D6E436::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatParticipantAdmin"
def head(<<0xFC900C2B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatParticipantsForbidden"
def head(<<0x3F460FED::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatParticipants"
def head(<<0x37C1011C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatPhotoEmpty"
def head(<<0x6153276A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatPhoto"
def head(<<0x83E5DE54::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEmpty"
def head(<<0xC09BE45F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Message"
def head(<<0x9E19A1F6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageService"
def head(<<0x3DED6320::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageMediaEmpty"
def head(<<0x3D8CE53D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageMediaPhoto"
def head(<<0x56E0D474::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageMediaGeo"
def head(<<0x5E7D2F39::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageMediaContact"
def head(<<0x9F84F49E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageMediaUnsupported"
def head(<<0xF3E02EA8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageMediaDocument"
def head(<<0xA32DD600::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageMediaWebPage"
def head(<<0x7912B71F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageMediaVenue"
def head(<<0xFDB19008::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageMediaGame"
def head(<<0xB6AEF7B0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionEmpty"
def head(<<0xA6638B9A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionChatCreate"
def head(<<0xB5A1CE5A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionChatEditTitle"
def head(<<0x7FCB13A8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionChatEditPhoto"
def head(<<0x95E3FBEF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionChatDeletePhoto"
def head(<<0x488A7337::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionChatAddUser"
def head(<<0xB2AE9B0C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionChatDeleteUser"
def head(<<0xF89CF5E8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionChatJoinedByLink"
def head(<<0x95D2AC92::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionChannelCreate"
def head(<<0x51BDB021::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionChatMigrateTo"
def head(<<0xB055EAEE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionChannelMigrateFrom"
def head(<<0x94BD38ED::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionPinMessage"
def head(<<0x9FBAB604::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionHistoryClear"
def head(<<0x92A72876::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionGameScore"
def head(<<0x80E11A7F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageActionPhoneCall"
def head(<<0x66FFBA14::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Dialog"
def head(<<0x2331B22D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhotoEmpty"
def head(<<0x9288DD29::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Photo"
def head(<<0x0E17E23C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhotoSizeEmpty"
def head(<<0x77BFB61B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhotoSize"
def head(<<0xE9A734FA::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhotoCachedSize"
def head(<<0x1117DD5F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "GeoPointEmpty"
def head(<<0x2049D70C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "GeoPoint"
def head(<<0x811EA28E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.CheckedPhone"
def head(<<0x5E002502::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.SentCode"
def head(<<0xCD050916::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.Authorization"
def head(<<0xDF969C2D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.ExportedAuthorization"
def head(<<0xB8BC5B0C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputNotifyPeer"
def head(<<0x193B4417::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputNotifyUsers"
def head(<<0x4A95E84E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputNotifyChats"
def head(<<0xA429B886::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputNotifyAll"
def head(<<0xF03064D8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPeerNotifyEventsEmpty"
def head(<<0xE86A2C74::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPeerNotifyEventsAll"
def head(<<0x38935EB2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPeerNotifySettings"
def head(<<0xADD53CB3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PeerNotifyEventsEmpty"
def head(<<0x6D1DED88::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PeerNotifyEventsAll"
def head(<<0x70A68512::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PeerNotifySettingsEmpty"
def head(<<0x9ACDA4C0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PeerNotifySettings"
def head(<<0x818426CD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PeerSettings"
def head(<<0xCCB03657::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "WallPaper"
def head(<<0x63117F24::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "WallPaperSolid"
def head(<<0x58DBCAB8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputReportReasonSpam"
def head(<<0x1E22C78D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputReportReasonViolence"
def head(<<0x2E59D922::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputReportReasonPornography"
def head(<<0xE1746D0A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputReportReasonOther"
def head(<<0x0F220F3F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UserFull"
def head(<<0xF911C994::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contact"
def head(<<0xD0028438::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ImportedContact"
def head(<<0x561BC879::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ContactBlocked"
def head(<<0xD3680C61::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ContactStatus"
def head(<<0x3ACE484C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contacts.Link"
def head(<<0xB74BA9D2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contacts.ContactsNotModified"
def head(<<0x6F8B8CB2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contacts.Contacts"
def head(<<0xAD524315::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contacts.ImportedContacts"
def head(<<0x1C138D15::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contacts.Blocked"
def head(<<0x900802A1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contacts.BlockedSlice"
def head(<<0x15BA6C40::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.Dialogs"
def head(<<0x71E094F3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.DialogsSlice"
def head(<<0x8C718E87::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.Messages"
def head(<<0x0B446AE3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.MessagesSlice"
def head(<<0x99262E37::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.ChannelMessages"
def head(<<0x64FF9FD5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.Chats"
def head(<<0x9CD81144::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.ChatsSlice"
def head(<<0xE5D7D19C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.ChatFull"
def head(<<0xB45C69D1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.AffectedHistory"
def head(<<0x57E2F66C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterEmpty"
def head(<<0x9609A51C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterPhotos"
def head(<<0x9FC00E65::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterVideo"
def head(<<0x56E9F0E4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo"
def head(<<0xD95E73BB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterPhotoVideoDocuments"
def head(<<0x9EDDF188::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterDocument"
def head(<<0x7EF0DD87::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterUrl"
def head(<<0xFFC86587::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterGif"
def head(<<0x50F5C392::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterVoice"
def head(<<0x3751B49E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterMusic"
def head(<<0x3A20ECB8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterChatPhotos"
def head(<<0x80C99768::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls"
def head(<<0x1F2B0AFD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateNewMessage"
def head(<<0x4E90BFD6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateMessageID"
def head(<<0xA20DB0E5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateDeleteMessages"
def head(<<0x5C486927::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateUserTyping"
def head(<<0x9A65EA1F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChatUserTyping"
def head(<<0x07761198::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChatParticipants"
def head(<<0x1BFBD823::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateUserStatus"
def head(<<0xA7332B73::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateUserName"
def head(<<0x95313B0C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateUserPhoto"
def head(<<0x2575BBB9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateContactRegistered"
def head(<<0x9D2E67C5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateContactLink"
def head(<<0x12BCBD9A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateNewEncryptedMessage"
def head(<<0x1710F156::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateEncryptedChatTyping"
def head(<<0xB4A2E88D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateEncryption"
def head(<<0x38FE25B7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateEncryptedMessagesRead"
def head(<<0xEA4B0E5C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChatParticipantAdd"
def head(<<0x6E5F8C22::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChatParticipantDelete"
def head(<<0x8E5E9873::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateDcOptions"
def head(<<0x80ECE81A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateUserBlocked"
def head(<<0xBEC268EF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateNotifySettings"
def head(<<0xEBE46819::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateServiceNotification"
def head(<<0xEE3B272A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdatePrivacy"
def head(<<0x12B9417B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateUserPhone"
def head(<<0x9961FD5C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateReadHistoryInbox"
def head(<<0x2F2F21BF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateReadHistoryOutbox"
def head(<<0x7F891213::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateWebPage"
def head(<<0x68C13933::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateReadMessagesContents"
def head(<<0xEB0467FB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChannelTooLong"
def head(<<0xB6D45656::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChannel"
def head(<<0x62BA04D9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateNewChannelMessage"
def head(<<0x4214F37F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateReadChannelInbox"
def head(<<0xC37521C9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateDeleteChannelMessages"
def head(<<0x98A12B4B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChannelMessageViews"
def head(<<0x6E947941::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChatAdmins"
def head(<<0xB6901959::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChatParticipantAdmin"
def head(<<0x688A30AA::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateNewStickerSet"
def head(<<0x0BB2D201::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateStickerSetsOrder"
def head(<<0x43AE3DEC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateStickerSets"
def head(<<0x9375341E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateSavedGifs"
def head(<<0x54826690::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateBotInlineQuery"
def head(<<0x0E48F964::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateBotInlineSend"
def head(<<0x1B3F4DF7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateEditChannelMessage"
def head(<<0x98592475::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChannelPinnedMessage"
def head(<<0xE73547E1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateBotCallbackQuery"
def head(<<0xE40370A3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateEditMessage"
def head(<<0xF9D27A5A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateInlineBotCallbackQuery"
def head(<<0x25D6C9C7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateReadChannelOutbox"
def head(<<0xEE2BB969::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateDraftMessage"
def head(<<0x571D2742::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateReadFeaturedStickers"
def head(<<0x9A422C20::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateRecentStickers"
def head(<<0xA229DD06::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateConfig"
def head(<<0x3354678F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdatePtsChanged"
def head(<<0x40771900::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateChannelWebPage"
def head(<<0xAB0F6B1E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdatePhoneCall"
def head(<<0xD711A2CC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateDialogPinned"
def head(<<0xD8CAF68D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdatePinnedDialogs"
def head(<<0xA56C2A3E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Updates.State"
def head(<<0x5D75A138::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Updates.DifferenceEmpty"
def head(<<0x00F49CA0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Updates.Difference"
def head(<<0xA8FB1981::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Updates.DifferenceSlice"
def head(<<0x4AFE8F6D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Updates.DifferenceTooLong"
def head(<<0xE317AF7E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdatesTooLong"
def head(<<0x914FBF11::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateShortMessage"
def head(<<0x16812688::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateShortChatMessage"
def head(<<0x78D4DEC1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateShort"
def head(<<0x725B04C3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdatesCombined"
def head(<<0x74AE4240::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Updates"
def head(<<0x11F1331C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "UpdateShortSentMessage"
def head(<<0x8DCA6AA5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Photos.Photos"
def head(<<0x15051F54::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Photos.PhotosSlice"
def head(<<0x20212CA8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Photos.Photo"
def head(<<0x096A18D5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Upload.File"
def head(<<0x05D8C6CC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DcOption"
def head(<<0x3AF6FB5F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Config"
def head(<<0x8E1A1775::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "NearestDc"
def head(<<0x8987F311::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Help.AppUpdate"
def head(<<0xC45A6536::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Help.NoAppUpdate"
def head(<<0x18CB9F78::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Help.InviteText"
def head(<<0xAB7EC0A0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "EncryptedChatEmpty"
def head(<<0x3BF703DC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "EncryptedChatWaiting"
def head(<<0xC878527E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "EncryptedChatRequested"
def head(<<0xFA56CE36::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "EncryptedChat"
def head(<<0x13D6DD27::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "EncryptedChatDiscarded"
def head(<<0xF141B5E1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputEncryptedChat"
def head(<<0xC21F497E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "EncryptedFileEmpty"
def head(<<0x4A70994C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "EncryptedFile"
def head(<<0x1837C364::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputEncryptedFileEmpty"
def head(<<0x64BD0306::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputEncryptedFileUploaded"
def head(<<0x5A17B5E5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputEncryptedFile"
def head(<<0x2DC173C8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputEncryptedFileBigUploaded"
def head(<<0xED18C118::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "EncryptedMessage"
def head(<<0x23734B06::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "EncryptedMessageService"
def head(<<0xC0E24635::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.DhConfigNotModified"
def head(<<0x2C221EDD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.DhConfig"
def head(<<0x560F8935::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.SentEncryptedMessage"
def head(<<0x9493FF32::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.SentEncryptedFile"
def head(<<0x72F0EAAE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputDocumentEmpty"
def head(<<0x18798952::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputDocument"
def head(<<0x36F8C871::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DocumentEmpty"
def head(<<0x87232BC7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Document"
def head(<<0x17C6B5F6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Help.Support"
def head(<<0x9FD40BD8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "NotifyPeer"
def head(<<0xB4C83B4C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "NotifyUsers"
def head(<<0xC007CEC3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "NotifyChats"
def head(<<0x74D07C60::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "NotifyAll"
def head(<<0x16BF744E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageTypingAction"
def head(<<0xFD5EC8F5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageCancelAction"
def head(<<0xA187D66F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageRecordVideoAction"
def head(<<0xE9763AEC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageUploadVideoAction"
def head(<<0xD52F73F7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageRecordAudioAction"
def head(<<0xF351D7AB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageUploadAudioAction"
def head(<<0xD1D34A26::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageUploadPhotoAction"
def head(<<0xAA0CD9E4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageUploadDocumentAction"
def head(<<0x176F8BA1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageGeoLocationAction"
def head(<<0x628CBC6F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageChooseContactAction"
def head(<<0xDD6A8F48::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "SendMessageGamePlayAction"
def head(<<0x1AA1F784::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contacts.Found"
def head(<<0x4F96CB18::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp"
def head(<<0xBDFB0426::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPrivacyKeyChatInvite"
def head(<<0xFABADC5F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall"
def head(<<0xBC2EAB30::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp"
def head(<<0x500E6DFA::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PrivacyKeyChatInvite"
def head(<<0x3D662B7B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PrivacyKeyPhoneCall"
def head(<<0x0D09E07B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPrivacyValueAllowContacts"
def head(<<0x184B35CE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPrivacyValueAllowAll"
def head(<<0x131CC67F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPrivacyValueAllowUsers"
def head(<<0x0BA52007::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts"
def head(<<0xD66B66C9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPrivacyValueDisallowAll"
def head(<<0x90110467::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers"
def head(<<0xFFFE1BAC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PrivacyValueAllowContacts"
def head(<<0x65427B82::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PrivacyValueAllowAll"
def head(<<0x4D5BBE0C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PrivacyValueAllowUsers"
def head(<<0xF888FA1A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PrivacyValueDisallowContacts"
def head(<<0x8B73E763::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PrivacyValueDisallowAll"
def head(<<0x0C7F49B7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PrivacyValueDisallowUsers"
def head(<<0x554ABB6F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Account.PrivacyRules"
def head(<<0xB8D0AFDF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "AccountDaysTTL"
def head(<<0x6C37C15C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DocumentAttributeImageSize"
def head(<<0x11B58939::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DocumentAttributeAnimated"
def head(<<0x6319D612::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DocumentAttributeSticker"
def head(<<0x5910CCCB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DocumentAttributeVideo"
def head(<<0x9852F9C6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DocumentAttributeAudio"
def head(<<0x15590068::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DocumentAttributeFilename"
def head(<<0x9801D2F7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DocumentAttributeHasStickers"
def head(<<0xF1749A22::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.StickersNotModified"
def head(<<0x8A8ECD32::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.Stickers"
def head(<<0x12B299D4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "StickerPack"
def head(<<0xE86602C3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.AllStickersNotModified"
def head(<<0xEDFD405F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.AllStickers"
def head(<<0xAE636F24::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DisabledFeature"
def head(<<0x84D19185::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.AffectedMessages"
def head(<<0x5F4F9247::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ContactLinkUnknown"
def head(<<0xFEEDD3AD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ContactLinkNone"
def head(<<0x268F3F59::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ContactLinkHasPhone"
def head(<<0xD502C2D0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ContactLinkContact"
def head(<<0xEB1477E8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "WebPageEmpty"
def head(<<0xC586DA1C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "WebPagePending"
def head(<<0x5F07B4BC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "WebPage"
def head(<<0x85849473::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "WebPageNotModified"
def head(<<0x7BF2E6F6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Authorization"
def head(<<0x1250ABDE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Account.Authorizations"
def head(<<0x96DABC18::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Account.NoPassword"
def head(<<0x7C18141C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Account.Password"
def head(<<0xB7B72AB3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Account.PasswordSettings"
def head(<<0x86916DEB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Account.PasswordInputSettings"
def head(<<0x137948A5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.PasswordRecovery"
def head(<<0xA384B779::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ReceivedNotifyMessage"
def head(<<0x69DF3769::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatInviteEmpty"
def head(<<0xFC2E05BC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatInviteExported"
def head(<<0x5A686D7C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatInviteAlready"
def head(<<0xDB74F558::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChatInvite"
def head(<<0xFFB62B95::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputStickerSetEmpty"
def head(<<0x9DE7A269::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputStickerSetID"
def head(<<0x861CC8A0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputStickerSetShortName"
def head(<<0xCD303B41::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "StickerSet"
def head(<<0xB60A24A6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.StickerSet"
def head(<<0xC27AC8C7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BotCommand"
def head(<<0x98E81D3A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BotInfo"
def head(<<0xA2FA4880::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "KeyboardButton"
def head(<<0x258AFF05::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "KeyboardButtonUrl"
def head(<<0x683A5E46::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "KeyboardButtonCallback"
def head(<<0xB16A6C29::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "KeyboardButtonRequestPhone"
def head(<<0xFC796B3F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "KeyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation"
def head(<<0x0568A748::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "KeyboardButtonSwitchInline"
def head(<<0x50F41CCF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "KeyboardButtonGame"
def head(<<0x77608B83::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "KeyboardButtonRow"
def head(<<0xA03E5B85::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ReplyKeyboardHide"
def head(<<0xF4108AA0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ReplyKeyboardForceReply"
def head(<<0x3502758C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ReplyKeyboardMarkup"
def head(<<0x48A30254::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ReplyInlineMarkup"
def head(<<0xAF7E0394::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Help.AppChangelogEmpty"
def head(<<0x2A137E7C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Help.AppChangelog"
def head(<<0xBB92BA95::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityUnknown"
def head(<<0xFA04579D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityMention"
def head(<<0x6F635B0D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityHashtag"
def head(<<0x6CEF8AC7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityBotCommand"
def head(<<0x6ED02538::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityUrl"
def head(<<0x64E475C2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityEmail"
def head(<<0xBD610BC9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityBold"
def head(<<0x826F8B60::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityItalic"
def head(<<0x28A20571::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityCode"
def head(<<0x73924BE0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityPre"
def head(<<0x76A6D327::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityTextUrl"
def head(<<0x352DCA58::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageEntityMentionName"
def head(<<0x208E68C9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputMessageEntityMentionName"
def head(<<0xEE8C1E86::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputChannelEmpty"
def head(<<0xAFEB712E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputChannel"
def head(<<0x7F077AD9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contacts.ResolvedPeer"
def head(<<0x0AE30253::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageRange"
def head(<<0x3E11AFFB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Updates.ChannelDifferenceEmpty"
def head(<<0x410DEE07::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Updates.ChannelDifferenceTooLong"
def head(<<0x2064674E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Updates.ChannelDifference"
def head(<<0x94D42EE7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelMessagesFilterEmpty"
def head(<<0xCD77D957::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelMessagesFilter"
def head(<<0x15EBAC1D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelParticipant"
def head(<<0xA3289A6D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelParticipantSelf"
def head(<<0x91057FEF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelParticipantModerator"
def head(<<0x98192D61::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelParticipantEditor"
def head(<<0x8CC5E69A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelParticipantKicked"
def head(<<0xE3E2E1F9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelParticipantCreator"
def head(<<0xDE3F3C79::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelParticipantsRecent"
def head(<<0xB4608969::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelParticipantsAdmins"
def head(<<0x3C37BB7A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelParticipantsKicked"
def head(<<0xB0D1865B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelParticipantsBots"
def head(<<0xB285A0C6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelRoleEmpty"
def head(<<0x9618D975::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelRoleModerator"
def head(<<0x820BFE8C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ChannelRoleEditor"
def head(<<0xF56EE2A8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Channels.ChannelParticipants"
def head(<<0xD0D9B163::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Channels.ChannelParticipant"
def head(<<0xF1EE3E90::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Help.TermsOfService"
def head(<<0x162ECC1F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "FoundGif"
def head(<<0x9C750409::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "FoundGifCached"
def head(<<0x450A1C0A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.FoundGifs"
def head(<<0xE8025CA2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.SavedGifsNotModified"
def head(<<0x2E0709A5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.SavedGifs"
def head(<<0x292FED13::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto"
def head(<<0x3DCD7A87::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineMessageText"
def head(<<0xF4A59DE1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo"
def head(<<0xAAAFADC8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue"
def head(<<0x2DAF01A7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineMessageMediaContact"
def head(<<0x4B425864::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineMessageGame"
def head(<<0x2CBBE15A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineResult"
def head(<<0xA8D864A7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineResultPhoto"
def head(<<0xFFF8FDC4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineResultDocument"
def head(<<0x4FA417F2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineResultGame"
def head(<<0x0A74B15B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BotInlineMessageMediaAuto"
def head(<<0x8C7F65E2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BotInlineMessageText"
def head(<<0x3A8FD8B8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BotInlineMessageMediaGeo"
def head(<<0x4366232E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BotInlineMessageMediaVenue"
def head(<<0x35EDB4D4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BotInlineMessageMediaContact"
def head(<<0x9BEBAEB9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BotInlineResult"
def head(<<0x17DB940B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "BotInlineMediaResult"
def head(<<0xCCD3563D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.BotResults"
def head(<<0x1F486803::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ExportedMessageLink"
def head(<<0xC786DDCB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MessageFwdHeader"
def head(<<0x72A3158C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.CodeTypeSms"
def head(<<0x741CD3E3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.CodeTypeCall"
def head(<<0x226CCEFB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.CodeTypeFlashCall"
def head(<<0x3DBB5986::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.SentCodeTypeApp"
def head(<<0xC000BBA2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.SentCodeTypeSms"
def head(<<0x5353E5A7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.SentCodeTypeCall"
def head(<<0xAB03C6D9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Auth.SentCodeTypeFlashCall"
def head(<<0x36585EA4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.BotCallbackAnswer"
def head(<<0x26B5DDE6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.MessageEditData"
def head(<<0x890C3D89::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputBotInlineMessageID"
def head(<<0x3C20629F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InlineBotSwitchPM"
def head(<<0x3371C354::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.PeerDialogs"
def head(<<0xEDCDC05B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TopPeer"
def head(<<0xAB661B5B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TopPeerCategoryBotsPM"
def head(<<0x148677E2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TopPeerCategoryBotsInline"
def head(<<0x0637B7ED::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TopPeerCategoryCorrespondents"
def head(<<0xBD17A14A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TopPeerCategoryGroups"
def head(<<0x161D9628::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TopPeerCategoryChannels"
def head(<<0xFB834291::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TopPeerCategoryPeers"
def head(<<0xDE266EF5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contacts.TopPeersNotModified"
def head(<<0x70B772A8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Contacts.TopPeers"
def head(<<0xBA4BAEC5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DraftMessageEmpty"
def head(<<0xFD8E711F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "DraftMessage"
def head(<<0x04EDE3CF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.FeaturedStickersNotModified"
def head(<<0xF89D88E5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.FeaturedStickers"
def head(<<0x0B17F890::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.RecentStickersNotModified"
def head(<<0x5CE20970::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.RecentStickers"
def head(<<0x4FCBA9C8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.ArchivedStickers"
def head(<<0x38641628::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.StickerSetInstallResultSuccess"
def head(<<0x35E410A8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.StickerSetInstallResultArchive"
def head(<<0x6410A5D2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "StickerSetCovered"
def head(<<0x3407E51B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "StickerSetMultiCovered"
def head(<<0xAED6DBB2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "MaskCoords"
def head(<<0x4A992157::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputStickeredMediaPhoto"
def head(<<0x0438865B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputStickeredMediaDocument"
def head(<<0xBDF9653B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Game"
def head(<<0x032C3E77::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputGameID"
def head(<<0xC331E80A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputGameShortName"
def head(<<0x58FFFCD0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "HighScore"
def head(<<0x9A3BFD99::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Messages.HighScores"
def head(<<0xDC3D824F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TextEmpty"
def head(<<0x744694E0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TextPlain"
def head(<<0x6724ABC4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TextBold"
def head(<<0xD912A59C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TextItalic"
def head(<<0xC12622C4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TextUnderline"
def head(<<0x9BF8BB95::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TextStrike"
def head(<<0x6C3F19B9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TextFixed"
def head(<<0x3C2884C1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TextUrl"
def head(<<0xDE5A0DD6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TextEmail"
def head(<<0x7E6260D7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "TextConcat"
def head(<<0x13567E8A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockUnsupported"
def head(<<0x70ABC3FD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockTitle"
def head(<<0x8FFA9A1F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockSubtitle"
def head(<<0xBAAFE5E0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockAuthorDate"
def head(<<0xBFD064EC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockHeader"
def head(<<0xF12BB6E1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockSubheader"
def head(<<0x467A0766::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockParagraph"
def head(<<0xC070D93E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockPreformatted"
def head(<<0x48870999::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockFooter"
def head(<<0xDB20B188::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockDivider"
def head(<<0xCE0D37B0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockAnchor"
def head(<<0x3A58C7F4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockList"
def head(<<0x263D7C26::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockBlockquote"
def head(<<0x4F4456D3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockPullquote"
def head(<<0xE9C69982::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockPhoto"
def head(<<0xD9D71866::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockVideo"
def head(<<0x39F23300::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockCover"
def head(<<0xCDE200D1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockEmbed"
def head(<<0x292C7BE9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockEmbedPost"
def head(<<0x08B31C4F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockCollage"
def head(<<0x130C8963::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageBlockSlideshow"
def head(<<0x8DEE6C44::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PagePart"
def head(<<0xD7A19D69::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PageFull"
def head(<<0x1E36FDED::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "InputPhoneCall"
def head(<<0x5366C915::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneCallEmpty"
def head(<<0x1B8F4AD1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneCallWaiting"
def head(<<0x6C448AE8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneCallRequested"
def head(<<0xFFE6AB67::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneCall"
def head(<<0x50CA4DE1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneCallDiscarded"
def head(<<0x9D4C17C0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneConnection"
def head(<<0xA2BB35CB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneCallProtocol"
def head(<<0xEC82E140::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "Phone.PhoneCall"
def head(<<0x85E42301::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneCallDiscardReasonMissed"
def head(<<0xE095C1A0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect"
def head(<<0x57ADC690::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneCallDiscardReasonHangup"
def head(<<0xFAF7E8C9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "PhoneCallDiscardReasonBusy"
# Function - heads
def head(<<0x60469778::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "req_pq"
def head(<<0xD712E4BE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "req_dh_params"
def head(<<0xF5045F1F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "set_client_dh_params"
def head(<<0x58E4A740::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "rpc_drop_answer"
def head(<<0xB921BD04::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "get_future_salts"
def head(<<0x7ABE77EC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ping"
def head(<<0xF3427B8C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "ping_delay_disconnect"
def head(<<0xE7512126::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "destroy_session"
def head(<<0x9A5F6E95::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contest_savedeveloperinfo"
def head(<<0xCB9F372D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "invokeaftermsg"
def head(<<0x3DC4B4F0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "invokeaftermsgs"
def head(<<0x69796DE9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "initconnection"
def head(<<0xDA9B0D0D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "invokewithlayer"
def head(<<0xBF9459B7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "invokewithoutupdates"
def head(<<0x6FE51DFB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_checkphone"
def head(<<0x86AEF0EC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_sendcode"
def head(<<0x1B067634::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_signup"
def head(<<0xBCD51581::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_signin"
def head(<<0x5717DA40::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_logout"
def head(<<0x9FAB0D1A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_resetauthorizations"
def head(<<0x771C1D97::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_sendinvites"
def head(<<0xE5BFFFCD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_exportauthorization"
def head(<<0xE3EF9613::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_importauthorization"
def head(<<0xCDD42A05::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_bindtempauthkey"
def head(<<0x67A3FF2C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_importbotauthorization"
def head(<<0x0A63011E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_checkpassword"
def head(<<0xD897BC66::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_requestpasswordrecovery"
def head(<<0x4EA56E92::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_recoverpassword"
def head(<<0x3EF1A9BF::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_resendcode"
def head(<<0x1F040578::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_cancelcode"
def head(<<0x8E48A188::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "auth_droptempauthkeys"
def head(<<0x637EA878::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_registerdevice"
def head(<<0x65C55B40::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_unregisterdevice"
def head(<<0x84BE5B93::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_updatenotifysettings"
def head(<<0x12B3AD31::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_getnotifysettings"
def head(<<0xDB7E1747::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_resetnotifysettings"
def head(<<0x78515775::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_updateprofile"
def head(<<0x6628562C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_updatestatus"
def head(<<0xC04CFAC2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_getwallpapers"
def head(<<0xAE189D5F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_reportpeer"
def head(<<0x2714D86C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_checkusername"
def head(<<0x3E0BDD7C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_updateusername"
def head(<<0xDADBC950::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_getprivacy"
def head(<<0xC9F81CE8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_setprivacy"
def head(<<0x418D4E0B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_deleteaccount"
def head(<<0x08FC711D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_getaccountttl"
def head(<<0x2442485E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_setaccountttl"
def head(<<0x08E57DEB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_sendchangephonecode"
def head(<<0x70C32EDB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_changephone"
def head(<<0x38DF3532::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_updatedevicelocked"
def head(<<0xE320C158::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_getauthorizations"
def head(<<0xDF77F3BC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_resetauthorization"
def head(<<0x548A30F5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_getpassword"
def head(<<0xBC8D11BB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_getpasswordsettings"
def head(<<0xFA7C4B86::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_updatepasswordsettings"
def head(<<0x1516D7BD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_sendconfirmphonecode"
def head(<<0x5F2178C3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "account_confirmphone"
def head(<<0x0D91A548::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "users_getusers"
def head(<<0xCA30A5B1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "users_getfulluser"
def head(<<0xC4A353EE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_getstatuses"
def head(<<0x22C6AA08::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_getcontacts"
def head(<<0xDA30B32D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_importcontacts"
def head(<<0x8E953744::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_deletecontact"
def head(<<0x59AB389E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_deletecontacts"
def head(<<0x332B49FC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_block"
def head(<<0xE54100BD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_unblock"
def head(<<0xF57C350F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_getblocked"
def head(<<0x84E53737::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_exportcard"
def head(<<0x4FE196FE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_importcard"
def head(<<0x11F812D8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_search"
def head(<<0xF93CCBA3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_resolveusername"
def head(<<0xD4982DB5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_gettoppeers"
def head(<<0x1AE373AC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "contacts_resettoppeerrating"
def head(<<0x4222FA74::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getmessages"
def head(<<0x191BA9C5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getdialogs"
def head(<<0xAFA92846::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_gethistory"
def head(<<0xD4569248::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_search"
def head(<<0x0E306D3A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_readhistory"
def head(<<0x1C015B09::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_deletehistory"
def head(<<0xE58E95D2::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_deletemessages"
def head(<<0x05A954C0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_receivedmessages"
def head(<<0xA3825E50::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_settyping"
def head(<<0xFA88427A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_sendmessage"
def head(<<0xC8F16791::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_sendmedia"
def head(<<0x708E0195::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_forwardmessages"
def head(<<0xCF1592DB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_reportspam"
def head(<<0xA8F1709B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_hidereportspam"
def head(<<0x3672E09C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getpeersettings"
def head(<<0x3C6AA187::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getchats"
def head(<<0x3B831C66::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getfullchat"
def head(<<0xDC452855::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_editchattitle"
def head(<<0xCA4C79D8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_editchatphoto"
def head(<<0xF9A0AA09::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_addchatuser"
def head(<<0xE0611F16::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_deletechatuser"
def head(<<0x09CB126E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_createchat"
def head(<<0x33963BF9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_forwardmessage"
def head(<<0x26CF8950::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getdhconfig"
def head(<<0xF64DAF43::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_requestencryption"
def head(<<0x3DBC0415::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_acceptencryption"
def head(<<0xEDD923C5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_discardencryption"
def head(<<0x791451ED::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_setencryptedtyping"
def head(<<0x7F4B690A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_readencryptedhistory"
def head(<<0xA9776773::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_sendencrypted"
def head(<<0x9A901B66::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_sendencryptedfile"
def head(<<0x32D439A4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_sendencryptedservice"
def head(<<0x55A5BB66::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_receivedqueue"
def head(<<0x4B0C8C0F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_reportencryptedspam"
def head(<<0x36A73F77::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_readmessagecontents"
def head(<<0x1C9618B1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getallstickers"
def head(<<0x25223E24::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getwebpagepreview"
def head(<<0x7D885289::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_exportchatinvite"
def head(<<0x3EADB1BB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_checkchatinvite"
def head(<<0x6C50051C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_importchatinvite"
def head(<<0x2619A90E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getstickerset"
def head(<<0xC78FE460::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_installstickerset"
def head(<<0xF96E55DE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_uninstallstickerset"
def head(<<0xE6DF7378::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_startbot"
def head(<<0xC4C8A55D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getmessagesviews"
def head(<<0xEC8BD9E1::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_togglechatadmins"
def head(<<0xA9E69F2E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_editchatadmin"
def head(<<0x15A3B8E3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_migratechat"
def head(<<0x9E3CACB0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_searchglobal"
def head(<<0x78337739::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_reorderstickersets"
def head(<<0x338E2464::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getdocumentbyhash"
def head(<<0xBF9A776B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_searchgifs"
def head(<<0x83BF3D52::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getsavedgifs"
def head(<<0x327A30CB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_savegif"
def head(<<0x514E999D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getinlinebotresults"
def head(<<0xEB5EA206::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_setinlinebotresults"
def head(<<0xB16E06FE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_sendinlinebotresult"
def head(<<0xFDA68D36::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getmessageeditdata"
def head(<<0xCE91E4CA::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_editmessage"
def head(<<0x130C2C85::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_editinlinebotmessage"
def head(<<0x810A9FEC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getbotcallbackanswer"
def head(<<0xD58F130A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_setbotcallbackanswer"
def head(<<0x2D9776B9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getpeerdialogs"
def head(<<0xBC39E14B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_savedraft"
def head(<<0x6A3F8D65::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getalldrafts"
def head(<<0x2DACCA4F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getfeaturedstickers"
def head(<<0x5B118126::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_readfeaturedstickers"
def head(<<0x5EA192C9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getrecentstickers"
def head(<<0x392718F8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_saverecentsticker"
def head(<<0x8999602D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_clearrecentstickers"
def head(<<0x57F17692::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getarchivedstickers"
def head(<<0x65B8C79F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getmaskstickers"
def head(<<0xCC5B67CC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getattachedstickers"
def head(<<0x8EF8ECC0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_setgamescore"
def head(<<0x15AD9F64::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_setinlinegamescore"
def head(<<0xE822649D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getgamehighscores"
def head(<<0x0F635E1B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getinlinegamehighscores"
def head(<<0x0D0A48C4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getcommonchats"
def head(<<0xEBA80FF0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getallchats"
def head(<<0x32CA8F91::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getwebpage"
def head(<<0x3289BE6A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_toggledialogpin"
def head(<<0x959FF644::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_reorderpinneddialogs"
def head(<<0xE254D64E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "messages_getpinneddialogs"
def head(<<0xEDD4882A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "updates_getstate"
def head(<<0x25939651::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "updates_getdifference"
def head(<<0x03173D78::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "updates_getchanneldifference"
def head(<<0xF0BB5152::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "photos_updateprofilephoto"
def head(<<0x4F32C098::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "photos_uploadprofilephoto"
def head(<<0x87CF7F2F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "photos_deletephotos"
def head(<<0x91CD32A8::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "photos_getuserphotos"
def head(<<0xB304A621::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "upload_savefilepart"
def head(<<0xE3A6CFB5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "upload_getfile"
def head(<<0xDE7B673D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "upload_savebigfilepart"
def head(<<0xC4F9186B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "help_getconfig"
def head(<<0x1FB33026::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "help_getnearestdc"
def head(<<0xAE2DE196::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "help_getappupdate"
def head(<<0x6F02F748::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "help_saveapplog"
def head(<<0x4D392343::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "help_getinvitetext"
def head(<<0x9CDF08CD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "help_getsupport"
def head(<<0xB921197A::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "help_getappchangelog"
def head(<<0x350170F3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "help_gettermsofservice"
def head(<<0xEC22CFCD::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "help_setbotupdatesstatus"
def head(<<0xCC104937::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_readhistory"
def head(<<0x84C1FD4E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_deletemessages"
def head(<<0xD10DD71B::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_deleteuserhistory"
def head(<<0xFE087810::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_reportspam"
def head(<<0x93D7B347::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_getmessages"
def head(<<0x24D98F92::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_getparticipants"
def head(<<0x546DD7A6::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_getparticipant"
def head(<<0x0A7F6BBB::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_getchannels"
def head(<<0x08736A09::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_getfullchannel"
def head(<<0xF4893D7F::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_createchannel"
def head(<<0x13E27F1E::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_editabout"
def head(<<0xEB7611D0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_editadmin"
def head(<<0x566DECD0::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_edittitle"
def head(<<0xF12E57C9::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_editphoto"
def head(<<0x10E6BD2C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_checkusername"
def head(<<0x3514B3DE::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_updateusername"
def head(<<0x24B524C5::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_joinchannel"
def head(<<0xF836AA95::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_leavechannel"
def head(<<0x199F3A6C::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_invitetochannel"
def head(<<0xA672DE14::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_kickfromchannel"
def head(<<0xC7560885::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_exportinvite"
def head(<<0xC0111FE3::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_deletechannel"
def head(<<0x49609307::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_toggleinvites"
def head(<<0xC846D22D::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_exportmessagelink"
def head(<<0x1F69B606::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_togglesignatures"
def head(<<0xA72DED52::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_updatepinnedmessage"
def head(<<0x8D8D82D7::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "channels_getadminedpublicchannels"
def head(<<0xA41AA5E4::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "phone_requestcall"
def head(<<0x220F0B20::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "phone_acceptcall"
def head(<<0x5DFBCDDC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "phone_discardcall"
def head(<<0x17D54F61::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "phone_receivedcall"
def head(<<0x73F1F8DC::little-4*8, _::binary>>), do: "msg_container"
def head(_), do: "unknown"
# Extra
def req_pq, do: <<120, 151, 70, 96, :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16)::binary>>
def messages_sendmessage(peer, message), do: <<122, 66, 136, 250, 0, 0, 0, 0, encode(peer)::binary, encode(:String, message)::binary, :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8)::binary>>
def messages_sendmedia(peer, media), do: <<145, 103, 241, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, encode(peer)::binary, encode(media)::binary, :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8)::binary>>
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