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Created August 27, 2020 00:02
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Split multi SCORM
define('BASEDIR', "splitted/");
$unite = 0;
foreach( glob("MODULE*/*/imsmanifest.xml") as $file ) {
$chapitre = 0;
$parent_dir = dirname($file);
$dest_parent_dir = BASEDIR . $parent_dir;
$xmlstr = file_get_contents($file);
$manifest = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
foreach( $manifest->organizations->organization->item as $item ) {
$new_content = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
unset($new_content->organizations->organization[ 0 ]->item);
Splitter::xml_adopt($new_content->organizations->organization[ 0 ], $item);
$new_item = $new_content->organizations->organization->item[ 0 ];
foreach( $manifest->resources->resource as $resource ) {
if( (string)$new_item[ "identifierref" ] === (string)$resource[ "identifier" ] ) {
Splitter::xml_adopt($new_content->resources, $resource);
$new_resource = $new_content->resources->resource[ 0 ];
$title = (string)$new_item->title;
$resource_href = (string)$new_resource[ 'href' ];
$resource_dir = dirname($resource_href);
$resources_full_path = $parent_dir . '/' . $resource_dir;
$dest_resource_dir = $dest_parent_dir . '/' . $unite . '-' . $chapitre . '/' . $resource_dir;
$new_manifest_path = $dest_parent_dir . '/' . $unite . '-' . $chapitre . '/' . 'imsmanifest.xml';
$zip_file_path = $dest_parent_dir . '/' . $unite . '-' . $chapitre;
echo "### TRAITEMENT chapitre " . $unite . '-' . $chapitre, PHP_EOL, $parent_dir, PHP_EOL, $title, PHP_EOL;
Splitter::recursive_copy((string)$resources_full_path, (string)$dest_resource_dir);
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
ExtendedZip::zipTree($zip_file_path, $zip_file_path .'.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE, $unite . '-' . $chapitre);
class Splitter
* Add child nodes to XML root recursively
* @param \SimpleXMLElement $root
* @param \SimpleXMLElement $new
* @param null $namespace
public static function xml_adopt( SimpleXMLElement $root, SimpleXMLElement $new, $namespace = null ) {
$node = $root->addChild($new->getName(), (string)$new, $namespace);
foreach( $new->attributes() as $attr => $value ) {
$node->addAttribute($attr, $value);
$namespaces = array_merge(array( null ), $new->getNameSpaces(true));
foreach( $namespaces as $space ) {
foreach( $new->children($space) as $child ) {
self::xml_adopt($node, $child, $space);
public static function recursive_copy( $src, $dst ) {
if( !is_dir($src) ) {
echo "$src is not a valid directory\n";
return false;
$dir = opendir($src);
@mkdir($dst, 0777, true);
while( false !== ( $file = readdir($dir) ) ) {
if( ( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' ) ) {
if( is_dir($src . '/' . $file) ) {
self::recursive_copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file);
else {
copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file);
class ExtendedZip extends ZipArchive {
// Member function to add a whole file system subtree to the archive
public function addTree($dirname, $localname = '') {
if ($localname) {
$this->_addTree($dirname, $localname);
// Internal function, to recurse
protected function _addTree($dirname, $localname) {
$dir = opendir($dirname);
while ($filename = readdir($dir)) {
// Discard . and ..
if ($filename == '.' || $filename == '..')
// Proceed according to type
$path = $dirname . '/' . $filename;
$localpath = $localname ? ($localname . '/' . $filename) : $filename;
if (is_dir($path)) {
// Directory: add & recurse
$this->_addTree($path, $localpath);
else if (is_file($path)) {
// File: just add
$this->addFile($path, $localpath);
// Helper function
public static function zipTree($dirname, $zipFilename, $flags = 0, $localname = '') {
$zip = new self();
$zip->open($zipFilename, $flags);
$zip->addTree($dirname, $localname);
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