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Last active October 13, 2018 10:30
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  • Save CharlieEtienne/d83518862353d88e7552db895394e2bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CharlieEtienne/d83518862353d88e7552db895394e2bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Git hook "post-update" located in "/home/username/.git/hooks/"
# Hook script to pull automatically
# stage branch in /stage folder and master branch in /prod folder
# when a push is detected
# Replace "username" by your username
# Determining which branch was pushed
if ! [ -t 0 ]; then
read -a ref
IFS='/' read -ra REF <<< "${ref[2]}"
echo "Branch pushed: $branch"
# If it was 'stage' branch
if [ "stage" == "$branch" ]; then
echo "#######################################################"
echo "#################### STAGE DEPLOY #####################"
echo "#######################################################"
# Go to site directory
cd /home/${ME}/www/stage
echo "*******************************************************"
# Shutdown the laravel app
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan down
echo "*******************************************************"
# Pull changes from git dir
unset GIT_DIR
git fetch origin stage
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
echo "*******************************************************"
# Install new composer packages
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php ~/composer.phar install
echo "*******************************************************"
# Clear caches
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan cache:clear
echo "*******************************************************"
# Clear expired password reset tokens
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan auth:clear-resets
echo "*******************************************************"
# Clear and cache routes
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan route:clear
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan route:cache
echo "*******************************************************"
# Clear and cache config
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan config:clear
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan config:cache
echo "*******************************************************"
# Go live !
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan up
echo "#######################################################"
echo "###################### DEPLOYED! ######################"
echo "#######################################################"
# If it was 'master' branch
elif [ "master" == "$branch" ]; then
echo "#######################################################"
echo "##################### PROD DEPLOY #####################"
echo "#######################################################"
# Go to site directory
cd /home/${ME}/www/prod
echo "*******************************************************"
# Shutdown the laravel app
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan down
echo "*******************************************************"
# Pull changes from git dir
unset GIT_DIR
git fetch origin master
git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
echo "*******************************************************"
# Install new composer packages
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php ~/composer.phar install --no-dev --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
echo "*******************************************************"
# Clear caches
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan cache:clear
echo "*******************************************************"
# Clear expired password reset tokens
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan auth:clear-resets
echo "*******************************************************"
# Clear and cache routes
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan route:clear
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan route:cache
echo "*******************************************************"
# Clear and cache config
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan config:clear
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan config:cache
echo "*******************************************************"
# Go live !
/usr/local/php7.2/bin/php artisan up
echo "#######################################################"
echo "###################### DEPLOYED! ######################"
echo "#######################################################"
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