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Last active January 22, 2023 09:49
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  • Save CharlieEtienne/f4753e7d2ccdad458c626a8dde4fe3da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CharlieEtienne/f4753e7d2ccdad458c626a8dde4fe3da to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell Welcome Message
$curUser = (Get-ChildItem Env:\USERNAME).Value
$curComp = (Get-ChildItem Env:\COMPUTERNAME).Value
$pvmaj = $Host.Version.Major
$pvmin = $Host.Version.Minor
$psversion = "$pvmaj.$pvmin"
$identity = "$curUser@$curComp"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PowerShell"
# Edit following to your convenience
$line1 = "💻 Windows PowerShell" # First line
$line2 = "📦 Version $psversion" # Second line
$line3 = "👨 $identity" # Third line
$line4 = "🎉 Happy coding!" # Fourth line
$line1color = "Cyan" # First line color
$line2color = "White" # Second line color
$line3color = "Yellow" # Third line color
$line4color = "Green" # Fourth line color
$bgColor = 'Magenta' # Background Color
$padding = 2 # Padding
# Calculate max length based on four lines above
$lengths = [array] $line1.tostring().Length, $line2.tostring().Length, $line3.tostring().Length, $line4.tostring().Length
$size = $lengths | measure -Maximum
$max = $size.Maximum
Write-Host " "
Write-Host ((" " * $padding), (" " * ($max[0]+1)), (" " * $padding)) -BackgroundColor $bgColor;
Write-Host ((" " * $padding), (" " * ($max[0]+1)), (" " * $padding)) -BackgroundColor $bgColor;
Write-Host ((" " * $padding), ("$line1"), (" " * ($max[0]-($line1.Length))), (" " * $padding)) -BackgroundColor $bgColor -ForegroundColor $line1color;
Write-Host ((" " * $padding), ("$line2"), (" " * ($max[0]-($line2.Length))), (" " * $padding)) -BackgroundColor $bgColor -ForegroundColor $line2color;
Write-Host ((" " * $padding), ("$line3"), (" " * ($max[0]-($line3.Length))), (" " * $padding)) -BackgroundColor $bgColor -ForegroundColor $line3color;
Write-Host ((" " * $padding), ("$line4"), (" " * ($max[0]-($line4.Length))), (" " * $padding)) -BackgroundColor $bgColor -ForegroundColor $line4color;
Write-Host ((" " * $padding), (" " * ($max[0]+1)), (" " * $padding)) -BackgroundColor $bgColor;
Write-Host ((" " * $padding), (" " * ($max[0]+1)), (" " * $padding)) -BackgroundColor $bgColor;
Write-Host " "
Write-Host " "
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q25x commented Oct 17, 2022

Looks Great! perhaps consider adding some ascii art or text in the future!

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