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Last active August 20, 2019 06:55
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Kafka Fun

dataDir={ new_data_dir_instead_of_tmp }/data/zookeeper

log.dirs={ new_log_dir_instead_of_tmp }/data/kafka/logs
num.partitions=3 // change this to set default partitions numbers when create topic

producer retry: = 100ms // default setting to retry a send every 100ms = 120 000 ms == 2 minuts // after 2 min, the producer will not retry the failed message anymore

idempotent producers (safe producer)

enable.idempotence=true (producer level) + min.insync.replicas=2 (broker/topic level)

the above implies: acks=all, retires=MAX_INT,

message compression at producer level don't require any configuration change in the brokers or in the consumers

compression.type = 'none' | 'gzip' | 'lz4' | 'snappy' # snappy or lz4 could be a better choice for optimal speed / compression ratio and batch.size at producer level # increase the chances of messages being sent together in a btach
batch.size=16kb | 32kb | 64kb # too big is a memory waste

idempotent consumer (at least once) at consumer level

# kafka generic id
id = record.topic() + "_" + record.partition() + "_" + record.offset();

# or pass uniq id in message
id = = false & mannual commit offset 

consumer offset behaviour

offset.retention.minutes  # default is 7 days otherwise the offset of the consumer will be lost, make sure set this to a high value
data retention peiod # ? set to a high value, default is 7 days

log cleanup policy: delete

log.retention.hours=168 # default is 1 week


log.retention.hours=17520 # set it very high to use size limit
log.retention.bytes=524288000 # 500MB
Happy Coding ^_^
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