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Created August 10, 2019 03:11
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private def cloudwatchLogs(logGroup: String, streamName: String): Source[OutputLogEvent, NotUsed] = {
implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor =
val credentialsProvider = new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(new ProfileCredentialsProvider("10pines").getCredentials)
val logsClient = AWSLogsClientBuilder.standard
.withClientConfiguration(new ClientConfiguration())
Source.unfoldAsync("") { token =>
val request = new GetLogEventsRequest(logGroup, streamName)
if (token.nonEmpty) request.setNextToken(token)
Future { logsClient.getLogEvents(request) }
.map { logs =>
val newToken = logs.getNextForwardToken
if (token == newToken) {
} else {
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
val events: List[OutputLogEvent] = logs.getEvents.asScala.toList
Some((newToken, events))
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