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Last active July 17, 2017 04:30
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object IngestImage extends App{
val _spark = SparkSession
.config("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
.config("spark.kryo.registrator", "")
.config("spark.logConf", "true")
import _spark.implicits._
try {
val conf = _spark.sparkContext.getConf
implicit val sc = _spark.sparkContext
implicit val _sql = _spark.sqlContext
val extent = Extent(-109, 37, -102, 41) // Extent of Colorado
def randomPointFeature(extent: Extent) = {
def randInRange (low: Double, high: Double): Double = {
val x = Random.nextDouble
low * (1-x) + high * x
MultiLine(Array(Line(Array(Point(randInRange(extent.xmin, extent.xmax), // the geometry
randInRange(extent.ymin, extent.ymax)), Point(randInRange(extent.xmin, extent.xmax), // the geometry
randInRange(extent.ymin, extent.ymax))))))
val linesArray = (for (i <- 1 to 100000) yield randomPointFeature(extent)).toList
val lines = sc.parallelize (, WebMercator)), 200 )
val tileSize = 512
val layout = ZoomedLayoutScheme(WebMercator, tileSize).levelForZoom(9).layout
def lineToSpatialKey(l: Geometry): Iterator[(SpatialKey, (Geometry, SpatialKey))] = {
val lineextent = l.envelope
//var keySet = Set.empty[SpatialKey]
val gridBounds = layout.mapTransform(lineextent)
val r = for {
(c, r) <- gridBounds.coords
if r < layout.tileLayout.totalRows
if c < layout.tileLayout.totalCols
} yield ( (SpatialKey(c, r), (l, SpatialKey(c, r))))
/** Key geometry by spatial keys of intersecting tiles */
def keyGeom(geom: Geometry): Iterator[(SpatialKey, (Geometry, SpatialKey))] = {
val lineextent = geom.envelope
//var keySet = Set.empty[SpatialKey]
val gridBounds = layout.mapTransform(lineextent)
val layoutRasterExtent = RasterExtent(layout.extent, layout.layoutCols, layout.layoutRows)
val layoutRasterizerOptions = Rasterizer.Options(includePartial=true, sampleType=PixelIsPoint)
var keySet = Set.empty[SpatialKey]
geom.foreach(layoutRasterExtent, layoutRasterizerOptions){ (col, row) =>
keySet = keySet + SpatialKey(col, row)
} { key => (key, (geom, key)) }
//compare the two spatial keys collecction
val ree ={x=>
val key = keyGeom(x)
val lineS= lineToSpatialKey(x)
(key.toList, lineS.toList)
} finally {
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