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Last active February 24, 2020 21:40
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using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace ActivityIndicatorCase
public class App
// the static method used as the entry point into your apps
public static Page GetMainPage()
// return your actual root page
// usually this is the point that you wrap it in a NavigationPage
// but for this example, we're not doing that.
return new ActivityPage();
public class ActivityPage : ContentPage
// this isn't important to the example
private int _clickCount;
// constructor of the page
public ActivityPage()
// setup your ViewModel
ViewModel = new ActivityPageViewModel
ButtonText = "Click Me!"
// Set the binding context to the newly created ViewModel
BindingContext = ViewModel;
// the button is what we're going to use to trigger a long running Async task
// we're also going to bind the button text so that we can see the binding in action
var actionButton = new Button();
actionButton.SetBinding(Button.TextProperty, "ButtonText");
actionButton.Clicked += async (sender, args) => await SomeLongRunningTaskAsync();
// here's your activity indicator, it's bound to the IsBusy property of the BaseViewModel
// those bindings are on both the visibility property as well as the IsRunning property
var activityIndicator = new ActivityIndicator
Color = Color.Black,
activityIndicator.SetBinding(ActivityIndicator.IsVisibleProperty, "IsBusy");
activityIndicator.SetBinding(ActivityIndicator.IsRunningProperty, "IsBusy");
// return the layout that includes all the above elements
Content = new StackLayout
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
BackgroundColor = Color.White,
Children = {actionButton, activityIndicator}
// you need a view model to bind to
private ActivityPageViewModel ViewModel { get; set; }
private async Task SomeLongRunningTaskAsync()
// here's your long running task.
// set to busy at the start
ViewModel.IsBusy = true;
// run your task... and MAKE SURE it's a Task, and NOT on the UI Thread
await Task.Delay(2500)
.ContinueWith(task => { _clickCount ++; });
// finish updating if necessary
ViewModel.ButtonText = string.Format("I've been clicked {0} times!", _clickCount);
// make sure you switch the busy indicator back.
ViewModel.IsBusy = false;
// all your view models can inherit from the BaseViewModel
public class ActivityPageViewModel : BaseViewModel
private string _buttonText;
public string ButtonText
get { return _buttonText; }
_buttonText = value;
// This is very important. It indicates to the app that you've changed the content of this property
// Your BaseViewModel MUST inherit from INotifyProprtyChanged.. it's what makes everything work
public class BaseViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
// here's your shared IsBusy property
private bool _isBusy;
public bool IsBusy
get { return _isBusy; }
_isBusy = value;
// again, this is very important
// this little bit is how we trigger the PropertyChanged notifier.
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null) handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
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guiltm commented Jan 20, 2019

Hi there,
When the activity indicator is on how to disable other controls no the page from interaction?


Just create a new attribute, ex: "IsEnabled", to work how "IsBusy". And put it in the pages.

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