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Created July 24, 2020 11:38
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8Puzzle - Coursera Algorithms Part 1
* Name: Johanna Mesa Ramos
* Coursera User ID: c02b4bb527298de170192d644483baeb
* Last modified: 07/2020
* Course: Algorithms, Part I
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Stack;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdRandom;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Board {
private final int[] board;
private final int size;
private final int swapTileA;
private final int swapTileB;
// create a board from an n-by-n array of tiles,
// where tiles[row][col] = tile at (row, col)
public Board(int[][] tiles) {
if (tiles == null || tiles.length != tiles[0].length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
board = new int[tiles.length * tiles.length];
size = tiles.length;
int i = 0;
for (int[] row : tiles) {
for (int t : row) {
board[i++] = t;
int[] swapPair = getRandomPair();
swapTileA = swapPair[0];
swapTileB = swapPair[1];
public int dimension() {
return size;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sBoard = new StringBuilder();
sBoard.append(size + "");
for (int i = 0; i < board.length; ++i) {
if (i % size == 0)
sBoard.append(board[i] + " ");
return sBoard.toString();
// num tiles out of place
public int hamming() {
int outOfPlace = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < board.length - 1; ++i) {
if (board[i] == 0)
if (board[i] != i + 1)
if (board[board.length - 1] != 0)
return outOfPlace;
// sum of Manhattan distances between tiles and goal
public int manhattan() {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < board.length; ++i) {
if (board[i] == 0)
int[] iColRow = getColRow(i);
int[] goalColRow = getColRow(board[i] - 1);
sum += Math.abs(iColRow[0] - goalColRow[0]) + Math.abs(iColRow[1] - goalColRow[1]);
return sum;
private int[] getColRow(int p) {
int[] colRow = new int[2];
colRow[0] = p / size;
colRow[1] = p % size;
return colRow;
public boolean isGoal() {
for (int i = 0; i < board.length; ++i) {
if (board[i] == 0)
if (board[i] - 1 != i)
return false;
if (board[board.length - 1] != 0)
return false;
return true;
public boolean equals(Object y) {
if (y == this) return true;
if (y == null) return false;
if (y.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
return Arrays.equals(board, ((Board) y).board);
public Iterable<Board> neighbors() {
int[] movements = { 1, -1, size, -size };
Stack<Board> ns = new Stack<>();
int blankPos = -> 0 == board[i]).findFirst().getAsInt();
for (int mov : movements) {
if (blankPos + mov < 0
|| blankPos + mov >= board.length
|| Math.abs(mov) != size && ((blankPos % size) + mov == size)
|| Math.abs(mov) != size && ((blankPos % size) + mov == -1)
int[] swappedBoard = swap(new int[0], blankPos, blankPos + mov);
ns.push(new Board(map2DArray(swappedBoard)));
return ns;
private int[] swap(int[] swappedBoard, int from, int to) {
if (swappedBoard.length == 0)
swappedBoard = board.clone();
swappedBoard[from] = swappedBoard[from] + swappedBoard[to];
swappedBoard[to] = swappedBoard[from] - swappedBoard[to];
swappedBoard[from] = swappedBoard[from] - swappedBoard[to];
return swappedBoard;
public Board twin() {
return new Board(map2DArray(swap(new int[0], swapTileA, swapTileB)));
private int[][] map2DArray(int[] oneDArray) {
int[][] twoDArray = new int[size][size];
int row = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < oneDArray.length; ++i) {
if (i % size == 0)
twoDArray[row][i % size] = oneDArray[i];
return twoDArray;
private int[] getRandomPair() {
int[] pair = new int[2];
pair[0] = getRandomNum();
do {
pair[1] = getRandomNum();
} while (pair[0] == pair[1]);
return pair;
private int getRandomNum() {
int random;
do {
random = StdRandom.uniform(0, board.length);
} while (board[random] == 0);
return random;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] a = { 0, 1, 3 };
int[] c = { 4, 2, 5 };
int[] d = { 7, 8, 6 };
int[][] g = { a, c, d, };
Board b = new Board(g);
Board boardC = b.twin();
for (Board n : boardC.neighbors())
StdOut.println(b.equals(new Board(e)));
* Compilation: javac-algs4
* Execution: java-algs4 PuzzleChecker filename1.txt filename2.txt ...
* Dependencies:
* This program creates an initial board from each filename specified
* on the command line and finds the minimum number of moves to
* reach the goal state.
* % java-algs4 PuzzleChecker puzzle*.txt
* puzzle00.txt: 0
* puzzle01.txt: 1
* puzzle02.txt: 2
* puzzle03.txt: 3
* puzzle04.txt: 4
* puzzle05.txt: 5
* puzzle06.txt: 6
* ...
* puzzle3x3-impossible: -1
* ...
* puzzle42.txt: 42
* puzzle43.txt: 43
* puzzle44.txt: 44
* puzzle45.txt: 45
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.In;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;
public class PuzzleChecker {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// for each command-line argument
for (String filename : args) {
// read in the board specified in the filename
In in = new In(filename);
int n = in.readInt();
int[][] tiles = new int[n][n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
tiles[i][j] = in.readInt();
// solve the slider puzzle
Board initial = new Board(tiles);
Solver solver = new Solver(initial);
StdOut.println(filename + ": " + solver.moves());
for (Board b : solver.solution())
* Name: Johanna Mesa Ramos
* Coursera User ID: c02b4bb527298de170192d644483baeb
* Last modified: 07/2020
* Course: Algorithms, Part I
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.In;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.MinPQ;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.Stack;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class Solver {
private class SearchNode {
private final Board board;
private final int moves;
private final SearchNode previous;
private final int manhattan;
public SearchNode(Board b, int m, SearchNode prev) {
board = b;
moves = m;
previous = prev;
manhattan = b.manhattan();
private class SearchNodeComparator implements Comparator<SearchNode> {
public int compare(SearchNode o1, SearchNode o2) {
int o1Manhattan = o1.manhattan;
int o2Manhattan = o2.manhattan;
int o1Priority = o1Manhattan + o1.moves;
int o2Priority = o2Manhattan + o2.moves;
if (o1Priority < o2Priority) return -1;
if (o1Priority > o2Priority) return 1;
if (o1Manhattan > o2Manhattan) return 1;
if (o1Manhattan < o2Manhattan) return -1;
return 0;
private final Stack<Board> solution = new Stack<>();
private boolean solved;
public Solver(Board initial) {
if (initial == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
solved = false;
MinPQ<SearchNode> mainPQ = new MinPQ<SearchNode>(new SearchNodeComparator());
MinPQ<SearchNode> twinPQ = new MinPQ<SearchNode>(new SearchNodeComparator());
mainPQ.insert(new SearchNode(initial, 0, null));
twinPQ.insert(new SearchNode(initial.twin(), 0, null));
SearchNode minPriority;
SearchNode twinPriority;
boolean alternate = true;
while (!mainPQ.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: the following can be KISSed, it's repeated code controlled by one bool var
if (alternate) {
minPriority = mainPQ.delMin();
if (minPriority.board.isGoal()) {
solved = true;
SearchNode path = minPriority;
do {
path = path.previous;
} while (path != null);
for (Board n : minPriority.board.neighbors()) {
if (minPriority.previous != null && minPriority.previous.board.equals(n))
mainPQ.insert(new SearchNode(n, minPriority.moves + 1, minPriority));
else {
twinPriority = twinPQ.delMin();
if (twinPriority.board.isGoal()) {
solved = false;
for (Board n : twinPriority.board.neighbors()) {
if (twinPriority.previous != null && twinPriority.previous.board.equals(n))
twinPQ.insert(new SearchNode(n, twinPriority.moves + 1, twinPriority));
alternate = !alternate;
public boolean isSolvable() {
return solved;
public int moves() {
return solved ? solution.size() - 1 : -1;
public Iterable<Board> solution() {
return solution.size() > 0 ? solution : null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create initial board from file
In in = new In(args[0]);
int n = in.readInt();
int[][] tiles = new int[n][n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
tiles[i][j] = in.readInt();
Board initial = new Board(tiles);
// solve the puzzle
Solver solver = new Solver(initial);
// print solution to standard output
if (!solver.isSolvable())
StdOut.println("No solution possible");
else {
StdOut.println("Minimum number of moves = " + solver.moves());
for (Board board : solver.solution())
Compilation: PASSED
Spotbugs: PASSED
PMD: FAILED (1 warning)
Checkstyle: PASSED
Correctness: 51/51 tests passed
Memory: 22/22 tests passed
Timing: 125/125 tests passed
Aggregate score: 100.00%
[Compilation: 5%, API: 5%, Spotbugs: 0%, PMD: 0%, Checkstyle: 0%, Correctness: 60%, Memory: 10%, Timing: 20%]
The following files were submitted:
5.2K Jul 24 11:29
4.1K Jul 24 11:29
% javac
% javac
Checking the APIs of your programs.
% spotbugs *.class
% pmd .
*----------------------------------------------------------- The private instance (or static) variable 'solved' can be made 'final'; it is initialized only in the declaration or constructor. [ImmutableField]
PMD ends with 1 warning.
% checkstyle *.java
% custom checkstyle checks for
% custom checkstyle checks for
Testing correctness of Board
Running 26 total tests.
Tests 4-7 and 14-17 rely upon toString() returning results in prescribed format.
Test 1a: check hamming() with file inputs
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle07.txt
* puzzle17.txt
* puzzle27.txt
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Test 1b: check hamming() with random n-by-n boards
* 2-by-2
* 3-by-3
* 4-by-4
* 5-by-5
* 9-by-9
* 10-by-10
* 127-by-127
==> passed
Test 2a: check manhattan() with file inputs
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle07.txt
* puzzle17.txt
* puzzle27.txt
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Test 2b: check manhattan() with random n-by-n boards
* 2-by-2
* 3-by-3
* 4-by-4
* 5-by-5
* 9-by-9
* 10-by-10
* 127-by-127
==> passed
Test 3: check dimension() with random n-by-n boards
* 2-by-2
* 3-by-3
* 4-by-4
* 5-by-5
* 6-by-6
==> passed
Test 4a: check toString() with file inputs
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle06.txt
* puzzle09.txt
* puzzle23.txt
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Test 4b: check toString() with random n-by-n boards
* 2-by-2
* 3-by-3
* 4-by-4
* 5-by-5
* 9-by-9
* 10-by-10
* 127-by-127
==> passed
Test 5a: check neighbors() with file inputs
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle06.txt
* puzzle09.txt
* puzzle23.txt
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Test 5b: check neighbors() with random n-by-n boards
* 2-by-2
* 3-by-3
* 4-by-4
* 5-by-5
* 9-by-9
* 10-by-10
* 127-by-127
==> passed
Test 6a: check neighbors() of neighbors() with file inputs
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle06.txt
* puzzle09.txt
* puzzle23.txt
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Test 6b: check neighbors() of neighbors() with random n-by-n boards
* 2-by-2
* 3-by-3
* 4-by-4
* 5-by-5
* 9-by-9
* 10-by-10
==> passed
Test 7a: check twin() with file inputs
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle06.txt
* puzzle09.txt
* puzzle23.txt
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Test 7b: check twin() with random n-by-n boards
* 2-by-2
* 3-by-3
* 4-by-4
* 5-by-5
* 9-by-9
* 10-by-10
==> passed
Test 8a: check isGoal() with file inputs
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle16.txt
* puzzle06.txt
* puzzle09.txt
* puzzle23.txt
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
* puzzle3x3-unsolvable1.txt
* puzzle3x3-00.txt
* puzzle4x4-00.txt
==> passed
Test 8b: check isGoal() on n-by-n goal boards
* 2-by-2
* 3-by-3
* 4-by-4
* 5-by-5
* 6-by-6
* 100-by-100
==> passed
Test 9: check that two Board objects can be created at the same time
* random 3-by-3 and 3-by-3 boards
* random 4-by-4 and 4-by-4 boards
* random 2-by-2 and 2-by-2 boards
* random 3-by-3 and 4-by-4 boards
* random 4-by-4 and 3-by-3 boards
==> passed
Test 10a: check equals()
* reflexive
* symmetric
* transitive
* argument is null
* argument is of type String
* argument is of type UncastableString
* Board object stored in a variable of type Object
==> passed
Test 10b: check correctness of equals() on random n-by-n boards
* n = 2
* n = 3
* n = 4
* 5 <= n < 10
==> passed
Test 10c: check equals() when board sizes m and n are different
* m = 4, n = 5
* m = 2, n = 5
* m = 5, n = 3
* m = 2, n = 3
* m = 3, n = 2
==> passed
Test 11: check that Board is immutable by changing argument array after
construction and making sure Board does not mutate
==> passed
Test 12: check that Board is immutable by testing whether methods
return the same value, regardless of order in which called
* puzzle10.txt
* puzzle20.txt
* puzzle30.txt
* 2-by-2
* 3-by-3
* 4-by-4
==> passed
Test 13: check dimension() on a board that is kth neighbor of a board
* 0th neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 1st neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 2nd neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 13th neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 13th neighbor of puzzle00.txt
* 13th neighbor of puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Test 14: check hamming() on a board that is kth neighbor of a board
* 0th neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 1st neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 2nd neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 13th neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 13th neighbor of puzzle00.txt
* 13th neighbor of puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Test 15: check manhattan() on a board that is a kth neighbor of a board
* 0th neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 1st neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 2nd neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 13th neighbor of puzzle27.txt
* 13th neighbor of puzzle00.txt
* 13th neighbor of puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Test 16: check hamming() on a board that is a kth twin of a board
* 0th twin of puzzle27.txt
* 1st twin of puzzle27.txt
* 2nd twin of puzzle27.txt
* 13th twin of puzzle27.txt
* 13th twin of puzzle00.txt
* 13th twin of puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Test 17: check manhattan() on a board that is a kth twin of a board
* 0th twin of puzzle27.txt
* 1st twin of puzzle27.txt
* 2nd twin of puzzle27.txt
* 13th twin of puzzle27.txt
* 13th twin of puzzle00.txt
* 13th twin of puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
==> passed
Total: 26/26 tests passed!
Analyzing memory of Board
Running 10 total tests.
Memory usage of an n-by-n board
[ must be at most 4n^2 + 32n + 64 bytes ]
n student (bytes) reference (bytes)
=> passed 2 80 128
=> passed 3 104 192
=> passed 4 128 240
=> passed 8 320 560
=> passed 12 640 1008
=> passed 16 1088 1584
=> passed 20 1664 2288
=> passed 37 5544 6856
=> passed 72 20800 23088
=> passed 120 57664 61488
==> 10/10 tests passed
Total: 10/10 tests passed!
Student memory = 4.00 n^2 + 0.00 n + 64.00 (R^2 = 1.000)
Reference memory = 4.00 n^2 + 32.00 n + 48.00 (R^2 = 1.000)
* TESTING CORRECTNESS (substituting reference Board)
Testing correctness of Solver
Running 25 total tests.
Test 1a: check moves() with file inputs
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle01.txt
* puzzle02.txt
* puzzle03.txt
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle05.txt
* puzzle06.txt
* puzzle07.txt
* puzzle08.txt
* puzzle09.txt
* puzzle10.txt
* puzzle11.txt
* puzzle12.txt
* puzzle13.txt
==> passed
Test 1b: check solution() with file inputs
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle01.txt
* puzzle02.txt
* puzzle03.txt
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle05.txt
* puzzle06.txt
* puzzle07.txt
* puzzle08.txt
* puzzle09.txt
* puzzle10.txt
* puzzle11.txt
* puzzle12.txt
* puzzle13.txt
==> passed
Test 2a: check moves() with more file inputs
* puzzle14.txt
* puzzle15.txt
* puzzle16.txt
* puzzle17.txt
* puzzle18.txt
* puzzle19.txt
* puzzle20.txt
* puzzle21.txt
* puzzle22.txt
* puzzle23.txt
* puzzle24.txt
* puzzle25.txt
* puzzle26.txt
* puzzle27.txt
* puzzle28.txt
* puzzle29.txt
* puzzle30.txt
* puzzle31.txt
==> passed
Test 2b: check solution() with more file inputs
* puzzle14.txt
* puzzle15.txt
* puzzle16.txt
* puzzle17.txt
* puzzle18.txt
* puzzle19.txt
* puzzle20.txt
* puzzle21.txt
* puzzle22.txt
* puzzle23.txt
* puzzle24.txt
* puzzle25.txt
* puzzle26.txt
* puzzle27.txt
* puzzle28.txt
* puzzle29.txt
* puzzle30.txt
* puzzle31.txt
==> passed
Test 3a: check moves() with random solvable n-by-n boards
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 1 move from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 2 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 3 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 4 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 5 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 6 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 7 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 8 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 9 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 10 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 11 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 12 moves from goal
==> passed
Test 3b: check solution() with random solvable n-by-n boards
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 1 move from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 2 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 3 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 4 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 5 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 6 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 7 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 8 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 9 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 10 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 11 moves from goal
* 1000 random 3-by-3 boards that are exactly 12 moves from goal
==> passed
Test 4: create two Solver objects at the same time
* puzzle04.txt and puzzle04.txt
* puzzle00.txt and puzzle04.txt
* puzzle04.txt and puzzle00.txt
==> passed
Test 5a: call isSolvable() with file inputs
* puzzle01.txt
* puzzle03.txt
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle17.txt
* puzzle3x3-unsolvable1.txt
* puzzle3x3-unsolvable2.txt
* puzzle4x4-unsolvable.txt
==> passed
Test 5b: call isSolvable() on random n-by-n boards
* 100 random 2-by-2 boards
==> passed
Test 6: check moves() on unsolvable puzzles
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable2.txt
* puzzle3x3-unsolvable1.txt
* puzzle3x3-unsolvable2.txt
* puzzle4x4-unsolvable.txt
==> passed
Test 7: check solution() on unsolvable puzzles
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable1.txt
* puzzle2x2-unsolvable2.txt
* puzzle3x3-unsolvable1.txt
* puzzle3x3-unsolvable2.txt
* puzzle4x4-unsolvable.txt
==> passed
Test 8a: check that Solver is immutable by testing whether methods
return the same value, regardless of order in which called
* puzzle3x3-00.txt
* puzzle3x3-01.txt
* puzzle3x3-05.txt
* puzzle3x3-10.txt
* random 2-by-2 solvable boards
==> passed
Test 8b: check that Solver is immutable by testing whether methods
return the same value, regardless of order in which called
* puzzle3x3-unsolvable1.txt
* puzzle3x3-unsolvable2.txt
* puzzle4x4-unsolvable.txt
* random 2-by-2 unsolvable boards
==> passed
Test 9a: check that equals() method in Board is called
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle05.txt
* puzzle10.txt
==> passed
Test 9b: check that equals() method in Board is called only
with an argument of type Board
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle05.txt
* puzzle10.txt
==> passed
Test 9c: check that equals() method in Board is called only
with a neighbor of a neighbor as an argument
* puzzle00.txt
* puzzle04.txt
* puzzle05.txt
* puzzle10.txt
* puzzle27.txt
==> passed
Test 10: check that constructor throws exception if board is null
==> passed
Test 11a: check moves() with 2-by-2 file inputs
* puzzle2x2-00.txt
* puzzle2x2-01.txt
* puzzle2x2-02.txt
* puzzle2x2-03.txt
* puzzle2x2-04.txt
* puzzle2x2-05.txt
* puzzle2x2-06.txt
==> passed
Test 11b: check solution() with 2-by-2 file inputs
* puzzle2x2-00.txt
* puzzle2x2-01.txt
* puzzle2x2-02.txt
* puzzle2x2-03.txt
* puzzle2x2-04.txt
* puzzle2x2-05.txt
* puzzle2x2-06.txt
==> passed
Test 12a: check moves() with 3-by-3 file inputs
* puzzle3x3-00.txt
* puzzle3x3-01.txt
* puzzle3x3-02.txt
* puzzle3x3-03.txt
* puzzle3x3-04.txt
* puzzle3x3-05.txt
* puzzle3x3-06.txt
* puzzle3x3-07.txt
* puzzle3x3-08.txt
* puzzle3x3-09.txt
* puzzle3x3-10.txt
* puzzle3x3-11.txt
* puzzle3x3-12.txt
* puzzle3x3-13.txt
* puzzle3x3-14.txt
* puzzle3x3-15.txt
* puzzle3x3-16.txt
* puzzle3x3-17.txt
* puzzle3x3-18.txt
* puzzle3x3-19.txt
* puzzle3x3-20.txt
* puzzle3x3-21.txt
* puzzle3x3-22.txt
* puzzle3x3-23.txt
* puzzle3x3-24.txt
* puzzle3x3-25.txt
* puzzle3x3-26.txt
* puzzle3x3-27.txt
* puzzle3x3-28.txt
* puzzle3x3-29.txt
* puzzle3x3-30.txt
==> passed
Test 12b: check solution() with 3-by-3 file inputs
* puzzle3x3-00.txt
* puzzle3x3-01.txt
* puzzle3x3-02.txt
* puzzle3x3-03.txt
* puzzle3x3-04.txt
* puzzle3x3-05.txt
* puzzle3x3-06.txt
* puzzle3x3-07.txt
* puzzle3x3-08.txt
* puzzle3x3-09.txt
* puzzle3x3-10.txt
* puzzle3x3-11.txt
* puzzle3x3-12.txt
* puzzle3x3-13.txt
* puzzle3x3-14.txt
* puzzle3x3-15.txt
* puzzle3x3-16.txt
* puzzle3x3-17.txt
* puzzle3x3-18.txt
* puzzle3x3-19.txt
* puzzle3x3-20.txt
* puzzle3x3-21.txt
* puzzle3x3-22.txt
* puzzle3x3-23.txt
* puzzle3x3-24.txt
* puzzle3x3-25.txt
* puzzle3x3-26.txt
* puzzle3x3-27.txt
* puzzle3x3-28.txt
* puzzle3x3-29.txt
* puzzle3x3-30.txt
==> passed
Test 13a: check moves() with 4-by-4 file inputs
* puzzle4x4-00.txt
* puzzle4x4-01.txt
* puzzle4x4-02.txt
* puzzle4x4-03.txt
* puzzle4x4-04.txt
* puzzle4x4-05.txt
* puzzle4x4-06.txt
* puzzle4x4-07.txt
* puzzle4x4-08.txt
* puzzle4x4-09.txt
* puzzle4x4-10.txt
* puzzle4x4-11.txt
* puzzle4x4-12.txt
* puzzle4x4-13.txt
* puzzle4x4-14.txt
* puzzle4x4-15.txt
* puzzle4x4-16.txt
* puzzle4x4-17.txt
* puzzle4x4-18.txt
* puzzle4x4-19.txt
* puzzle4x4-20.txt
* puzzle4x4-21.txt
* puzzle4x4-22.txt
* puzzle4x4-23.txt
* puzzle4x4-24.txt
* puzzle4x4-25.txt
* puzzle4x4-26.txt
* puzzle4x4-27.txt
* puzzle4x4-28.txt
* puzzle4x4-29.txt
* puzzle4x4-30.txt
==> passed
Test 13b: check solution() with 4-by-4 file inputs
* puzzle4x4-00.txt
* puzzle4x4-01.txt
* puzzle4x4-02.txt
* puzzle4x4-03.txt
* puzzle4x4-04.txt
* puzzle4x4-05.txt
* puzzle4x4-06.txt
* puzzle4x4-07.txt
* puzzle4x4-08.txt
* puzzle4x4-09.txt
* puzzle4x4-10.txt
* puzzle4x4-11.txt
* puzzle4x4-12.txt
* puzzle4x4-13.txt
* puzzle4x4-14.txt
* puzzle4x4-15.txt
* puzzle4x4-16.txt
* puzzle4x4-17.txt
* puzzle4x4-18.txt
* puzzle4x4-19.txt
* puzzle4x4-20.txt
* puzzle4x4-21.txt
* puzzle4x4-22.txt
* puzzle4x4-23.txt
* puzzle4x4-24.txt
* puzzle4x4-25.txt
* puzzle4x4-26.txt
* puzzle4x4-27.txt
* puzzle4x4-28.txt
* puzzle4x4-29.txt
* puzzle4x4-30.txt
==> passed
Test 14a: check moves() with random solvable n-by-n boards
* 100 random 2-by-2 boards that are <= 6 moves from goal
* 200 random 3-by-3 boards that are <= 20 moves from goal
* 200 random 4-by-4 boards that are <= 20 moves from goal
* 200 random 5-by-5 boards that are <= 20 moves from goal
==> passed
Test 14b: check solution() with random solvable n-by-n boards
* 100 random 2-by-2 boards that are <= 6 moves from goal
* 200 random 3-by-3 boards that are <= 20 moves from goal
* 200 random 4-by-4 boards that are <= 20 moves from goal
* 200 random 5-by-5 boards that are <= 20 moves from goal
==> passed
Total: 25/25 tests passed!
* MEMORY (substituting reference Board)
Analyzing memory of Solver
Running 12 total tests.
Maximum allowed time per puzzle is 5.0 seconds.
Maximum allowed memory per puzzle = 200000000 bytes.
Test 1: Measure memory of Solver.
filename moves memory
=> passed puzzle10.txt 10 4640
=> passed puzzle15.txt 15 5568
=> passed puzzle20.txt 20 2752
=> passed puzzle25.txt 25 3392
=> passed puzzle30.txt 30 4032
=> passed puzzle35.txt 35 5536
==> 6/6 tests passed
Test 2: Measure memory of MinPQ.
deep max ending
filename memory size size
=> passed puzzle10.txt 29024 34 33
=> passed puzzle15.txt 36304 52 51
=> passed puzzle20.txt 168704 446 445
=> passed puzzle25.txt 1161248 3146 3145
=> passed puzzle30.txt 5030416 13284 13283
=> passed puzzle35.txt 40730400 119291 119290
==> 6/6 tests passed
Total: 12/12 tests passed!
* TIMING (substituting reference Board)
Timing Solver
Running 125 total tests.
Maximum allowed time per puzzle is 5.0 seconds.
Test 1: Measure CPU time and check correctness
filename moves n seconds
=> passed puzzle20.txt 20 3 0.01
=> passed puzzle22.txt 22 3 0.01
=> passed puzzle21.txt 21 3 0.00
=> passed puzzle23.txt 23 3 0.05
=> passed puzzle24.txt 24 3 0.00
=> passed puzzle25.txt 25 3 0.01
=> passed puzzle27.txt 27 3 0.01
=> passed puzzle29.txt 29 3 0.01
=> passed puzzle26.txt 26 3 0.00
=> passed puzzle28.txt 28 3 0.10
=> passed puzzle30.txt 30 3 0.02
=> passed puzzle31.txt 31 3 0.02
=> passed puzzle39.txt 39 4 0.03
=> passed puzzle41.txt 41 5 0.02
=> passed puzzle34.txt 34 4 0.14
=> passed puzzle37.txt 37 4 0.05
=> passed puzzle44.txt 44 5 0.32
=> passed puzzle32.txt 32 4 0.41
=> passed puzzle35.txt 35 4 0.24
=> passed puzzle33.txt 33 4 0.57
=> passed puzzle43.txt 43 4 1.35
=> passed puzzle46.txt 46 4 0.66
=> passed puzzle40.txt 40 4 0.32
=> passed puzzle36.txt 36 4 2.99
=> passed puzzle45.txt 45 4 1.50
==> 25/25 tests passed
Test 2: Count MinPQ operations
filename insert() delMin()
=> passed puzzle20.txt 1118 673
=> passed puzzle22.txt 3008 1775
=> passed puzzle21.txt 1978 1173
=> passed puzzle23.txt 4384 2607
=> passed puzzle24.txt 2266 1377
=> passed puzzle25.txt 7806 4661
=> passed puzzle27.txt 5972 3645
=> passed puzzle29.txt 10955 6685
=> passed puzzle26.txt 5647 3413
=> passed puzzle28.txt 15595 9497
=> passed puzzle30.txt 33988 20705
=> passed puzzle31.txt 40609 24843
=> passed puzzle39.txt 40733 20103
=> passed puzzle41.txt 28333 12165
=> passed puzzle34.txt 149056 71581
=> passed puzzle37.txt 63349 30359
=> passed puzzle44.txt 151281 68059
=> passed puzzle32.txt 400721 191823
=> passed puzzle35.txt 236207 116917
=> passed puzzle33.txt 461512 221839
=> passed puzzle43.txt 648654 319145
=> passed puzzle46.txt 599099 299781
=> passed puzzle40.txt 315112 155065
=> passed puzzle36.txt 1987598 966995
=> passed puzzle45.txt 929744 459267
==> 25/25 tests passed
Test 3: Count Board operations (that should not get called)
filename hamming() toString()
=> passed puzzle20.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle22.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle21.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle23.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle24.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle25.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle27.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle29.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle26.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle28.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle30.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle31.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle39.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle41.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle34.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle37.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle44.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle32.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle35.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle33.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle43.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle46.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle40.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle36.txt 0 0
=> passed puzzle45.txt 0 0
==> 25/25 tests passed
Test 4a: Count Board operations (that should get called)
filename Board() equals() manhattan()
=> passed puzzle20.txt 1788 1778 1791
=> passed puzzle22.txt 4780 4774 4783
=> passed puzzle21.txt 3148 3140 3151
=> passed puzzle23.txt 6988 6980 6991
=> passed puzzle24.txt 3640 3630 3643
=> passed puzzle25.txt 12464 12456 12467
=> passed puzzle27.txt 9614 9606 9617
=> passed puzzle29.txt 17637 17629 17640
=> passed puzzle26.txt 9057 9051 9060
=> passed puzzle28.txt 25089 25079 25092
=> passed puzzle30.txt 54690 54684 54693
=> passed puzzle31.txt 65449 65441 65452
=> passed puzzle39.txt 60833 60825 60836
=> passed puzzle41.txt 40495 40485 40498
=> passed puzzle34.txt 220634 220628 220637
=> passed puzzle37.txt 93705 93697 93708
=> passed puzzle44.txt 219337 219327 219340
=> passed puzzle32.txt 592541 592531 592544
=> passed puzzle35.txt 353121 353111 353124
=> passed puzzle33.txt 683348 683340 683351
=> passed puzzle43.txt 967796 967788 967799
=> passed puzzle46.txt 898877 898869 898880
=> passed puzzle40.txt 470174 470168 470177
=> passed puzzle36.txt 2954590 2954580 2954593
=> passed puzzle45.txt 1389008 1389000 1389011
==> 25/25 tests passed
Test 4b: count Board operations (that should get called),
rejecting if doesn't adhere to stricter caching limits
filename Board() equals() manhattan()
=> passed puzzle20.txt 1788 1778 1791
=> passed puzzle22.txt 4780 4774 4783
=> passed puzzle21.txt 3148 3140 3151
=> passed puzzle23.txt 6988 6980 6991
=> passed puzzle24.txt 3640 3630 3643
=> passed puzzle25.txt 12464 12456 12467
=> passed puzzle27.txt 9614 9606 9617
=> passed puzzle29.txt 17637 17629 17640
=> passed puzzle26.txt 9057 9051 9060
=> passed puzzle28.txt 25089 25079 25092
=> passed puzzle30.txt 54690 54684 54693
=> passed puzzle31.txt 65449 65441 65452
=> passed puzzle39.txt 60833 60825 60836
=> passed puzzle41.txt 40495 40485 40498
=> passed puzzle34.txt 220634 220628 220637
=> passed puzzle37.txt 93705 93697 93708
=> passed puzzle44.txt 219337 219327 219340
=> passed puzzle32.txt 592541 592531 592544
=> passed puzzle35.txt 353121 353111 353124
=> passed puzzle33.txt 683348 683340 683351
=> passed puzzle43.txt 967796 967788 967799
=> passed puzzle46.txt 898877 898869 898880
=> passed puzzle40.txt 470174 470168 470177
=> passed puzzle36.txt 2954590 2954580 2954593
=> passed puzzle45.txt 1389008 1389000 1389011
==> 25/25 tests passed
Total: 125/125 tests passed!
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