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Last active September 28, 2024 17:31
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Intercepting WebSockets in the browser using JavaScript
const WebSocketProxy = new Proxy(window.WebSocket, {
construct(target, args) {
console.log("Proxying WebSocket connection", ...args);
const ws = new target(...args);
// Configurable hooks
ws.hooks = {
beforeSend: () => null,
beforeReceive: () => null
// Intercept send
const sendProxy = new Proxy(ws.send, {
apply(target, thisArg, args) {
if (ws.hooks.beforeSend(args) === false) {
return target.apply(thisArg, args);
ws.send = sendProxy;
// Intercept events
const addEventListenerProxy = new Proxy(ws.addEventListener, {
apply(target, thisArg, args) {
if (args[0] === "message" && ws.hooks.beforeReceive(args) === false) {
return target.apply(thisArg, args);
ws.addEventListener = addEventListenerProxy;
Object.defineProperty(ws, "onmessage", {
set(func) {
const onmessage = function onMessageProxy(event) {
if (ws.hooks.beforeReceive(event) === false) {
}, event);
return addEventListenerProxy.apply(this, [
// Save reference
window._websockets = window._websockets || [];
return ws;
window.WebSocket = WebSocketProxy;
// Usage
// After a websocket connection has been created:
window._websockets[0].hooks = {
// Just log the outgoing request
beforeSend: data => console.log(data),
// Return false to prevent the on message callback from being invoked
beforeReceive: data => false
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alpgul commented Jun 5, 2021

How do we override the websocket of the created iframe?

 var iframe=document.createElement('iframe');


new iframe.contentWindow.WebSocket(...);

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