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Last active June 23, 2023 22:31
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Script Include to make dealing with ServiceNow Variable Easier
var helperOptions = {
"useLabel": true,
"useDisplayValue": true ,
"expandRef": false
var varHelper = new variableHelper(helperOptions);
varHelper.setDebug(true); //example of using setter function
var myVariables = varHelper.getVariables(myGlideRecordObject); //Get an object containing all variables
var myMRVS = varHelper.getMRVS(myGlideRecordObject.variables[mrvsName]); //Get a specific MRVS as an array of objects

Helper script include for dealing with variables in servicenow

var variableHelper = Class.create();
variableHelper.prototype = {
initialize: function(options) {
this.useDisplayValue = options.useDisplayValue || false;
this.expandRef = options.expandRef || false;
this.useLabel = options.useLabel || false;
this.debug = options.debug || false;
_print: function(msg) {
if (!this.debug) {
}"Variable Helper: " + msg);
* Description: Parse Multi Row Varible set and return array of objects
* Parameters: mrvs - multi row variable set variable
* Returns: array
getMRVS: function(mrvs) {
var dataToReturn = [];
this._print('IN GetMRVS');
if (typeof mrvs === 'undefined') {
return dataToReturn;
this._print('got past blank check');
var cellObj = {};
if (this.expandRef) {
var questionObj = this._getQuestions(mrvs.getQuestionIds().join(',')) || {};
this._print(JSON.stringify(questionObj, null, "\t"));
var rows = mrvs.getRows();
this._print('Row Lengh-' + rows.length);
for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
this._print('Row -' + j);
var row = rows[j];
var cells = row.getCells();
for (var k = 0; k < cells.length; k++) {
var cell = cells[k];
var varName = cell.getName();
var objKey = this.useLabel ? cell.getLabel() : varName;
this._print('MRVS -' + varName);
if (this.expandRef && questionObj[varName].table && questionObj[varName].table != '') {
if (["21"].indexOf(questionObj[varName].type_id) >= 0) {
cellObj[objKey] = this.getMultipleRef(questionObj[varName].table, cell.getCellValue().split(','));
} else {
cellObj[objKey] = this.getRef(questionObj[varName].table, cell.getCellValue());
} else {
cellObj[objKey] = this.useDisplayValue ? cell.getCellDisplayValue() : cell.getCellValue();
cellObj = {};
return dataToReturn;
* Description: Returns Object of questions with thir type and reference table. Used for MRVS when the expandRef function is true
* Parameters: questionArr - array of sys_id
* Returns: Object
_getQuestions: function(questionArr) {
var q = {};
var grQuestion = new GlideRecordSecure('question');
grQuestion.addQuery('sys_id', 'IN', questionArr);
while ( {
q[grQuestion.getValue('name')] = {
"type": grQuestion.getDisplayValue('type'),
"type_id": grQuestion.getValue('type'),
"table": grQuestion.getValue('reference') || grQuestion.getValue('lookup_table') || grQuestion.getValue('list_table') || grQuestion.getValue('choice_table')
return q;
getMultipleRef: function(tbl, arr) {
var arrToReturn = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arrToReturn.push(this.getRef(tbl, arr[i]));
return arrToReturn;
* Description: Return object containing all fields and values of reference field
* Parameters:
tbl - table name
id - sys_id from reference field
* Returns: array
getRef: function(tbl, id) {
this._print('Table: ' + tbl + "\nsys_id: " + id);
if (!tbl || tbl == '' || !id || id == '') {
return false;
var objToReturn = {};
var grObj = new GlideRecordSecure(tbl);
if (!grObj.get(id)) {
return false;
var fields = grObj.getFields();
objToReturn['sys_id'] = grObj.getValue('sys_id');
for (var f = 0; f < fields.size(); f++) {
var field = fields.get(f);
if (field.hasValue()) {
objToReturn[this.useLabel ? field.getLabel() : field.getName()] = this.useDisplayValue ? field.getDisplayValue() : field.getValue();
return objToReturn;
* Description: Return object containing all variables for a given record. The object will possibly be nested if expandRef is true
* Parameters: rec - GlideRecord
* Returns: Object
getVariables: function(rec) {
rec = rec || current;
if (!rec || rec == '') {
var variablesToReturn = {};
if (!rec.isValidRecord()) {
return variablesToReturn;
//var variables = rec.variables;
var variables = rec.variables.getElements(true);
var refTable,objKey,question;
//for (var v in variables) {
for (var v = 0; v < variables.length;v++) {
question = variables[v].getQuestion();
objKey = this.useLabel ? question.getLabel() : v;
if (variables[v].isMultiRow()) {
this._print(variables[v] + ' MRVS');
variablesToReturn[this.useLabel ? variables[v].getLabel() : v] = this.getMRVS(variables[v]);
} else {
this._print(variables[v] + ' - ' + question.getLabel());
if (this.expandRef) {
if (question.type == '21') {
variablesToReturn[objKey] = this.getMultipleRef(question.lookupTable || question.listTable, question.getValue().split(','));
} else {
variablesToReturn[objKey] = this.getRef(question.reference || question.choice_table || question.choiceTable, question.getValue());
} else {
variablesToReturn[objKey] = this.useDisplayValue ? question.getDisplayValue() : question.getValue();
return variablesToReturn;
* Description: get Record from sys_id.
* Parameters:
sysid = sys_id of record to retrieve
tbl = table to retrieve record from. Defaults to task
* Returns: Object
getRecord: function(sysid, tbl) {
if (!sysid || sysid == '') {
tbl = tbl || 'task';
var grRec = new GlideRecordSecure(tbl);
if (!grRec.get(sysid)) {
var recClassName = grRec.getRecordClassName() + '';
if (recClassName != tbl) {
return this.getRecord(sysid, recClassName);
return grRec;
setUseDisplayValue: function(val) {
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
this.useDisplayValue = val;
setExpandRef: function(val) {
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
this.expandRef = val;
setDebug: function(val) {
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
this.debug = val;
setUseLabel: function(val) {
if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
this.useLabel = val;
type: 'variableHelper'
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