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Last active January 27, 2022 14:05
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  • Save CheeryLee/e8693948809d6e8b0ed4ecccaa778feb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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PlayModeView wrapper for Unity that describes which type of Play Mode is currently active on the screen. Useful to determine between GameView and DeviceSimulator.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public static class PlayModeView
public enum Type
private static readonly Version _version;
private static readonly bool _packageFound;
static PlayModeView()
_packageFound = TryGetPackageVersion(out _version);
public static Type GetCurrentViewType()
if (!_packageFound)
return Type.Game;
var editorAssembly = typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly;
var simulatorAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.FirstOrDefault(i => i.GetName().Name == "Unity.DeviceSimulator.Editor");
var gameViewType = editorAssembly.GetType("UnityEditor.GameView");
var simulatorWindowType = simulatorAssembly?.GetType(GetSimulatorWindowType());
var gameViewWindow = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(gameViewType);
var simulatorViewWindow = simulatorAssembly != null ? Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(simulatorWindowType) : null;
if (gameViewWindow.Length > 0)
return Type.Game;
if (simulatorViewWindow != null && simulatorViewWindow.Length > 0)
return Type.DeviceSimulator;
return Type.Unknown;
private static string GetSimulatorWindowType()
if (!_packageFound)
return string.Empty;
return _version >= new Version(3, 0, 0)
? "UnityEditor.DeviceSimulation.SimulatorWindow"
: "Unity.DeviceSimulator.SimulatorWindow";
private static bool TryGetPackageVersion(out Version version)
version = new Version();
var packagesPath = $"{Application.dataPath}/../Packages/manifest.json";
var versionGroup = "";
if (!File.Exists(packagesPath))
return false;
var packageField = File.ReadLines(packagesPath)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Contains("com.unity.device-simulator"));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageField))
return false;
var matches = Regex.Matches(packageField, "\".*?\"");
if (matches.Count == 0)
return false;
versionGroup = matches[matches.Count - 1].Value.Replace("\"", "");
var previewIndex = versionGroup.IndexOf("-preview", StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (previewIndex > -1)
versionGroup = versionGroup.Substring(0, previewIndex);
version = Version.Parse(versionGroup);
catch (Exception ex)
var message = string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionGroup)
? $"Can't get Device Simulator version (version group is {versionGroup}): {ex.Message}"
: $"Can't get Device Simulator version: {ex.Message}";
return false;
return true;
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Updated to use with Device Simulator 3.0.0 and newer.

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