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Last active November 14, 2023 19:01
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@name Car Steering v2.3.1
@inputs A D Active Base:entity
@outputs SteeringAngle
@persist E:entity [HoloLastPos LastHoloLastPos]:vector MaxAngle SteeringRate SteeringSmoothRate CasterAngle LastRun
@persist SlipCounterForce GyroCounterForce CounterMax HoloLastYaw
@persist AntiWobbleAngle AntiWobbleMul
@trigger Base
@model models/sprops/rectangles_thin/size_2/rect_12x12x1_5.mdl
####################[READ ME]####################
1. Wire all inputs.
2. Edit HoloPos until the directional indicator is roughly between the two front wheels.
3. Edit HoloAng until the green arrow faces forward, and the blue arrow faces up.
4. Do your ballsockets as normal.
Use this code for whatever you want, share as you wish, modify as you wish, HOWEVER,
if you make any modifications to the code, or use any fragments of code for your own purposes, please do
be willing to share.
]## Active Inactive
interval(Active ? 44 : 250)
if(first() | dupefinished()) {
MaxAngle = 45 #Steering lock angle, in degrees.
SteeringRate = 90 #Steering rate, in degrees per second.
CasterAngle = 2 #Caster angle, in degrees.
SlipCounterForce = 0.5 #A multiplier for countering based on the car's slip velocity. Low values (around 0.25 to 0.75) work best. 0 to disable.
GyroCounterForce = 1 #A multiplier for countering based on the car's angular velocity. 0 to disable.
CounterMax = 200 #Max amount of countersteering force to apply.
#If this is LOWER than your steering rate, you will be able to overpower the E2's countersteering abilities.
#If this is HIGHER than your steering rate, the E2 will be able to overpower your inputs at high slip/rotation amounts.
#If this value is very high, the steering can snap around quickly during rapid directional changes.
ShowHolo = 1 #Set to 0 to hide the directional indicator.
HoloPos = vec(62, 0, 0) #This should be roughly centered between your front wheels.
HoloAng = ang(0, 0, 0) #Green arrow forwards, blue arrow up.
#If your car is wobbling left and right, increase the value below, 1 to 4 degrees works best.
AntiWobbleAngle = 1.5 #Below this steering angle, antiwobble based on the multiplier below will be active - 0 to disable antiwobble.
AntiWobbleMul = 0.3 #Decrease this value to increase the aggressiveness of the antiwobble at low steering angles - value can be between 0 and 1.
#0 instantly locks the steering straight when the angle is less than AntiWobbleAngle, 1 will make it do nothing.
#With antiwobble enabled, you may have to tap left/right in order to help it begin countering in some situations.
E = entity()
LastRun = systime()
holoCreate(1, Base:toWorld(HoloPos), vec(1), Base:toWorld(HoloAng), vec4(255 * ShowHolo), "models/sprops/misc/origin.mdl")
holoParent(1, Base)
HoloLastPos = holoEntity(1):pos()
LastHoloLastPos = HoloLastPos
HoloLastYaw = holoEntity(1):angles():yaw()
timer("freeze", 250)
if(clk()) {
local DT = systime() - LastRun #Multiplying everything by the delta time keeps forces the same even with different intervals.
HoloLastPos = holoEntity(1):pos()
local Delta = HoloLastPos - LastHoloLastPos
LastHoloLastPos = HoloLastPos
local VelL = holoEntity(1):toLocal(holoEntity(1):pos() + Delta / DT)
#Rotate the car's local velocity vector by the current steering angle and use the Y component of that as our slip amount
local Slip = VelL:rotateAroundAxis(vec(0, 0, 1), -SteeringAngle):y() * SlipCounterForce
#Yaw rate ("Gyro") based damping
local YawDamping = HoloLastYaw - holoEntity(1):angles():yaw()
YawDamping += (YawDamping < -180 ) * 360 - (YawDamping > 180) * 360 #Deals with the changeover from 360-0/0-360
YawDamping *= sign(VelL:x())
YawDamping *= GyroCounterForce
YawDamping /= DT
HoloLastYaw = holoEntity(1):angles():yaw()
#Turn += clamp((A - D) * SteeringRate - Turn, -SteeringSmoothRate, SteeringSmoothRate)
local Turn = (A - D) * SteeringRate
SteeringAngle = clamp(SteeringAngle + Turn * DT + clamp(Slip + YawDamping, -CounterMax, CounterMax) * DT, -MaxAngle, MaxAngle)
SteeringAngle *= abs(SteeringAngle) < AntiWobbleAngle & (!A & !D) ? AntiWobbleMul : 1 #AntiWobble courtesy of Chaz
SteeringAngle = Active ? SteeringAngle : 0
E:setAng(holoEntity(1):toWorld(ang(0, SteeringAngle, -CasterAngle * (SteeringAngle / MaxAngle))))
LastRun = systime()
if(clk("freeze")) {
timer("freeze", 250)
if(~Base & Base:isValid()) {
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