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Last active June 26, 2017 15:58
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  • Save ChefAndy/fa440516c3d081e7bb2057e0d719dd64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ChefAndy/fa440516c3d081e7bb2057e0d719dd64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This simple script takes two directories of CSVs made by DROID and essentially diffs them, assuming that the entries will have the same file names, same file size, same immediate parent directory names, but different overall paths. It's SUPER EXTRA commented on purpose.
import csv
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join, basename
import re
This simple script takes two directories of CSVs made by DROID and essentially diffs
them, assuming that the entries will have the same file names, same file size, same
immediate parent directory names, but different overall paths.
It's SUPER EXTRA commented on purpose, and designed to be more conceptually simple
than elegant on purpose.
def main():
The main function pretty much just assigns the two lists of files from the
spreadsheets to variables and compares them. Be sure you read through the
code and comments in the procdir directory to get a better sense of how this
processing is being done!
server = procdir('./server') #get the list of server hashes/files
harddrive = procdir('./harddrive') #get the list of hard drive hashes/files
found = 0 # this is to tally up the number of matched files
orphans = {} # this is to store files that aren't matched
for servermd5 in server: # loop through the md5sum entries in server
for file in server[servermd5]: #loop through each file in the md5sum array
This is a little tricky. It sets the 'located' variable to False, and
loops through the files listed under the same checksum in the harddrive
dictionary, looking for a match. As soon as it finds an exact match, it
will set the variable to True. If it never finds a match, the variable
will remain set to False. After the loop, we check to see if the variable
is set to false. If it is, then we know there wasn't an exact match in the
harddrive list, so we add it to the 'orphans' list
located = False
for hdfile in harddrive[servermd5]:
if file == hdfile:
located = True
if located == False:
if servermd5 not in orphans: #need to make sure that the md5sum is set in orphans
orphans[servermd5] = []
found = found + 1 # it was found, so update the found tally by adding 1 to itself
# We're all done! Print out the results!
def procdir(mypath):
This function:
iterates over the files in the given directory, for each file it
makes sure it's an actual file
makes sure it's a csv file
opens each file and iterates over each row in the file
get's each column and assigns the ones we want to keep to variables
uses some processing to get the file name, and the parent folder
writes some of the data to the filelist variable
filelist[(md5checksum)][(numeric array key)]["parentfolder/filename/filetype/filesize/]
We're grouping all of these files into their checksums, so filelist is a dictionary, and
they keys to the dictionary are checksums. Since there may be multiple files
with the same checksum, we allow an array of files to be stored under each checksum. In
each array entry, there's a dictionary of file properites, including the parent folder,
file type, file size, and file name.
for example, checksum 5ac6684746b3998852cbc8793812fa92 has two files associated with it:
so we would access 205828-ZIP-158548-ZIP-0.winpe with the following variable
so we would access 205828-ZIP-158548-ZIP-0_WZSHLEXT.DLL with the following variable
in filelist["5ac6684746b3998852cbc8793812fa92"][0] is a dictionary of file properties:
{'parentfolder': '000', 'filetype': 'File', 'filesize': '25088', 'filename': '205828-ZIP-158548-ZIP-0_WZSHLEXT.DLL'}
in filelist["5ac6684746b3998852cbc8793812fa92"][1] is a dictionary of file properties:
{'parentfolder': '000', 'filetype': 'File', 'filesize': '25088', 'filename': '205828-ZIP-158548-ZIP-0.winpe'}
so if we wanted to print the parent folder of the 0th file with the checksum 5ac6684746b3998852cbc8793812fa92:
that would print '000' to the terminal.
Here is a key of the columns in the csv files i was using
row[2] is the URI
row[3] is the FILE_PATH
row[4] is the NAME
row[5] is the METHOD
row[6] is the STATUS
row[7] is the SIZE
row[8] is the TYPE
row[9] is the EXT
row[10] is the LAST_MODIFIED
row[12] is the MD5_HASH
row[13] is the FORMAT_COUNT
row[14] is the PUID
row[15] is the MIME_TYPE
row[16] is the FORMAT_NAME
row[17] is the FORMAT_VERSION
filelist = {} #declare the filelist variable
for f in listdir(mypath): #get the file names, assign each to 'f'
if isfile(join(mypath, f)): #check if it's a real file
if f.endswith('csv'): #check to see if the file string ends with csv
with open(join(mypath, f), newline='') as csvfile: #open the file
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') #turn the csv into an array of rows
for row in reader: #loop through the rows
#grab some values from the columns
fullpath = row[3]
filetype = row[8]
# this will split row[3], the file path, into an array of things
# in between the \ character... so individual components of the
# file path
pathcomponents = re.split(r'\\', row[3])
# from pathcomponents, we get the second to the last one, which
# is the parent directory
parentfolder = pathcomponents[len(pathcomponents) - 2 ]
# here, we see if it's a regular file or a folder, and get the
# file/folder name using the appropriate method
# if it's neither, it's probably the column header, and should
# be skipped with 'continue'
if filetype == 'File' or filetype == 'Container':
filename = basename(row[2])
elif filetype == 'Folder':
filename = pathcomponents[len(pathcomponents) - 1 ]
# if the checksum isn't already in filelist, add it now, and make it an array
if md5 not in filelist:
filelist[md5] = []
# make the dictionary of file properties
file_dict = {
'parentfolder': parentfolder,
'filename': filename,
'filetype': filetype,
'filesize': row[7]
# append that dictionary to the array under filelist[md5]
return filelist
if __name__ == '__main__':
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