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Created November 20, 2017 15:11
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Modal / owl carousel codes
* File modal.js
* Deal with multiple modals and their media.
window.wdsModal = {};
( function( window, $, app ) {
let $modalToggle,
$tag = document.createElement( 'script' ),
$firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' )[0],
// Constructor.
app.init = function() {
if ( app.meetsRequirements() ) {
$firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore( $tag, $firstScriptTag );
// Cache all the things.
app.cache = function() {
app.$c = {
'window': $( window ),
'body': $( 'body' )
// Do we meet the requirements?
app.meetsRequirements = function() {
return $( '.modal-trigger' ).length;
// Combine all events.
app.bindEvents = function() {
// Trigger a modal to open.
app.$c.body.on( 'click touchend', '.modal-trigger', app.openModal );
// Trigger the close button to close the modal.
app.$c.body.on( 'click touchend', '.close', app.closeModal );
// Allow the user to close the modal by hitting the esc key.
app.$c.body.on( 'keydown', app.escKeyClose );
// Allow the user to close the modal by clicking outside of the modal.
app.$c.body.on( 'click touchend', 'div.modal-open', app.closeModalByClick );
// Listen to tabs, trap keyboard if we need to
app.$c.body.on( 'keydown', app.trapKeyboardMaybe );
// Open the modal.
app.openModal = function( event ) {
// Store the modal toggle element
$modalToggle = $( this );
// Figure out which modal we're opening and store the object.
let $modal = $( $( this ).data( 'target' ) ),
index = $( this ).data( 'index' );
// Display the modal.
$modal.addClass( 'modal-open' );
// Add body class.
app.$c.body.addClass( 'modal-open' );
// Find the focusable children of the modal.
// This list may be incomplete, really wish jQuery had the :focusable pseudo like jQuery UI does.
// For more about :input see:
$focusableChildren = $modal.find( 'a, :input, [tabindex]' );
// Ideally, there is always one (the close button), but you never know.
if ( 0 < $focusableChildren.length ) {
// Shift focus to the first focusable element.
// Trigger modal open event.
$modal.trigger( 'modal-open', [ index ] );
// Close the modal.
app.closeModal = function( event ) {
// Figure the opened modal we're closing and store the object.
let $modal = $( $( 'div.modal-open .close' ).data( 'target' ) ),
// Find the iframe in the $modal object.
$iframe = $modal.find( 'iframe' ),
// Find any video tags.
$videos = $modal.find( 'video' );
// Only do this if there are any iframes.
if ( $iframe.length ) {
// Get the iframe src URL.
let url = $iframe.attr( 'src' );
// Removing/Readding the URL will effectively break the YouTube API.
// So let's not do that when the iframe URL contains the enablejsapi parameter.
if ( ! url.includes( 'enablejsapi=1' ) ) {
// Remove the source URL, then add it back, so the video can be played again later.
$iframe.attr( 'src', '' ).attr( 'src', url );
} else {
// Use the YouTube API to stop the video.
// Kill any videos that may be in this modal.
if ( $videos.length ) {
$videos.each( function() {
$( this ).get( 0 ).pause();
// Finally, hide the modal.
$modal.removeClass( 'modal-open' );
// Remove the body class.
app.$c.body.removeClass( 'modal-open' );
$modal.trigger( 'modal-close' );
// Revert focus back to toggle element
// Close if "esc" key is pressed.
app.escKeyClose = function( event ) {
if ( 27 === event.keyCode ) {
app.closeModal( event );
// Close if the user clicks outside of the modal
app.closeModalByClick = function( event ) {
// If the parent container is NOT the modal dialog container, close the modal
if ( ! $( ).parents( 'div' ).hasClass( 'modal-dialog' ) ) {
app.closeModal( event );
// Trap the keyboard into a modal when one is active.
app.trapKeyboardMaybe = function( event ) {
// We only need to do stuff when the modal is open and tab is pressed.
if ( 9 === event.which && 0 < $( '.modal-open' ).length ) {
let $focused = $( ':focus' ),
focusIndex = $focusableChildren.index( $focused );
if ( 0 === focusIndex && event.shiftKey ) {
// If this is the first focusable element, and shift is held when pressing tab, go back to last focusable element.
$focusableChildren[ $focusableChildren.length - 1 ].focus();
} else if ( ! event.shiftKey && focusIndex === $focusableChildren.length - 1 ) {
// If this is the last focusable element, and shift is not held, go back to the first focusable element.
// Hook into YouTube <iframe>.
app.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function() {
let $modal = $( 'div.modal' ),
$iframeid = $modal.find( 'iframe' ).attr( 'id' );
$player = new YT.Player( $iframeid, {
events: {
'onReady': app.onPlayerReady,
'onStateChange': app.onPlayerStateChange
} );
// Do something on player ready.
app.onPlayerReady = function() {
// Do something on player state change.
app.onPlayerStateChange = function() {
// Set focus to the first focusable element inside of the modal the player is in.
$( ).parents( '.modal' ).find( 'a, :input, [tabindex]' ).first().focus();
// Engage!
$( app.init );
}( window, jQuery, window.wdsModal ) );
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