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  • Save Chematronix/5d7e12f7e580652aac46dc8080906e4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Chematronix/5d7e12f7e580652aac46dc8080906e4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TabsOnWheels: Switch browser (or other program's) tabs with your mouse wheel when hovering over the tab bar (and optionally address bar). Press Middle/Wheel Mouse Click to switch tabs from anywhere in the program.
; ---------------------------------------------------- ;
; TabsOnWheels ;
; ---------------------------------------------------- ;
; Switch browser (or other program's) tabs with your mouse wheel when hovering over the tab bar (and optionally address bar).
; Press Middle/Wheel Mouse Click to switch tabs from anywhere in the program.
; If the target window is inactive when starting to scroll, it will be activated.
; Install (Windows only) to run.
; To auto-start, copy the script or a shortcut to your
; Start Menu\Programs\Startup directory
; (%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup)
; Makes tabSwitchAnywhereKey trigger on release, not on click. That's bad for fast games. xD
; Sometimes the tab switch activates randomly
; It's also triggered when using mouse wheel in a web page's select menus, for some reason
; Area to enable tab wheel scroll. ~45 for tab bar, ~80 to include address bar
tabAreaHeight := 80
; Key or button to enable tab scrolling anywhere in the program. RButton for right mouse button, MButton for Middle/Wheel button.
tabSwitchAnywhereKey := "MButton"
; List of WindowClass: "Descriptions". Change a program's "Description" to False to disable it.
enabledPrograms := {Chrome_WidgetWin_1: "Chrome, Chromium", MozillaWindowClass: "Firefox", IEFrame: "Internet Explorer", ApplicationFrameWindow: "Edge", "Notepad++": "Notepad++", TMainForm: "HeidiSQL - heidisql.exe", "SunAwtFrame_NotWorking": "IntelliJ Idea - idea64.exe", AcrobatSDIWindow: "Adobe Acrobat DC Pro", Solitaire: False}
#NoEnv ; Disable using enviroment variables without calling EnvGet(), for performance.
#Warn ; Detect common errors.
#SingleInstance force
#UseHook Off ; Using the keyboard hook is usually preferred for hotkeys - but here we only need the mouse hook.
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000 ; Avoids warning messages for high speed wheel users.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
Menu, Tray, Tip, TabsOnWheels %VERSION%
Menu, Tray, Icon, imageres.dll, 306
; Register tabSwitchAnywhereKey to make it a prefix and prevent its normal behaviour
Hotkey, %tabSwitchAnywhereKey% & WheelUp, TabsOnWheels
Hotkey, %tabSwitchAnywhereKey% & WheelDown, TabsOnWheels
; Enable tabSwitchAnywhereKey when clicked by itself
Hotkey, %tabSwitchAnywhereKey%, SendThisHotkey
;RButton & WheelUp::
;RButton & WheelDown::
Gosub TabsOnWheels
Send {%A_ThisHotkey%}
;; Compare mouse position on the screen with the window beneath
;; to check if we are in the tab area
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, mouseXPos, mouseYPos, winId
WinGetPos, winXPos, winYPos, winWidth, winHeight, ahk_id %winId%
WinGetClass, winClass, ahk_id %winId% ; Get Window class
; Check if we got an enabled class, and if pointer is over tab bar or tabSwitchAnywhereKey is pressed
If (enabledPrograms.hasKey(winClass) AND (GetKeyState(tabSwitchAnywhereKey, "P") OR (mouseYPos > winYPos and mouseYPos < winYPos + tabAreaHeight)))
IfWinNotActive ahk_id %winId%
WinActivate ahk_id %winId% ; Focus target window
If A_ThisHotkey in WheelUp,%tabSwitchAnywhereKey% & WheelUp
Send ^+{Tab}
Send ^{Tab}
Send {%A_ThisHotkey%}
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Can you add support to AutoHotKey v2.0?

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vysmaty commented Apr 8, 2024

I don't know if I missed some fix from @sd016808 – now that I'm looking at it.

But here is the modified version for v2 and some conditions for running. Disabling MButton completely or not blocking it. + Vivaldi:

And thanks a lot @Chematronix !

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Chematronix commented Apr 14, 2024 via email

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vysmaty commented Apr 20, 2024

I could move this to an actual repo, to facilitate merging. What's good about AHK v2? All my scripts are still v1 and w

Repo sounds like a good idea. I'm still getting the hang of repos, but it's kind of working for me.

I don't really know what advantages to disadvantages AHK v2 has. It seems to me that everything is like a function or object in AHK v2 and it's somehow more consistent. But for me scripting is just a hobby, so what i now?

I solved running both v1 and v2 by: AHK Startup v2. The author converted it into a new version. Without that I wouldn't go into v2 at all. After all, autohotkey is a set of tools for me to work with and I will not break my workflow unnecessarily.

You can use for conversion to v2 , but anyway, one ends up in docs wondering what the replacement for some function is... and fiddling around in arrays -> maps -> objects.

So I've taken things one at a time from simple. I tweaked a few things here and there, and when it looked like it would be better not to dig into it, I left it in v1. AHK Startup has been a god thing for me for years and one doesn't really have to worry about it too much.

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