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Created June 25, 2024 04:25
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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
class BundleOptParamsTest extends StatelessWidget {
final testData = [
{'name': 'Babes', 'number': 123},
{'name': 'Smokes', 'number': 7890},
{'name': 'Rocks', 'number': 09871234}
final tableProps = {
"headingRowColor": MaterialStateColor.resolveWith((states) {
return const Color.fromRGBO(200, 100, 50, 1);
"horizontalMargin": 48.0
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Bundling Optional Parameters to Class Test'),
body: Center(
child: DataTableFromMap(tableData: testData, tableProps: tableProps),
class DataTableFromMap extends StatelessWidget {
final List tableData;
final Map tableProps;
const DataTableFromMap({
required this.tableData,
this.tableProps = const {},
Widget build(BuildContext context) => createDataTableFromMap(tableData);
DataTable createDataTableFromMap(tableData) {
// Properties must be symbols, "symbolize" props
final props = symbolizeKeys({
"columns": _createColumns(tableData.first),
"rows": _createRows(tableData),
return Function.apply(, [], props);
List<DataColumn> _createColumns(sampleRow) {
return [
for (final e in sampleRow.entries)
DataColumn(label: Text(e.key.toString()), numeric: (e.value is num))
List<DataRow> _createRows(tableData) {
return [
for (final row in tableData)
DataRow(cells: [
for (final v in row.values)
DataCell(Text(v is String ? v : v.toString().asThousands))
/// Return a numeric string formatted in thousands.
/// Example: -123456.toString().asThousands() returns -123,456
extension on String {
String get asThousands {
final numberDigits = List.from(split(''));
int index = numberDigits.length - 3;
while (index > 0) {
numberDigits.insert(index, ',');
index -= 3;
return numberDigits.join();
// Transform the keys of `map` into Symbols so it can be used as named arguments with `Function.apply()`
Map<Symbol, dynamic> symbolizeKeys(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return, v) => MapEntry(Symbol(k), v));
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