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Created September 18, 2021 09:26
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Python bracket pattern [simple version]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
__author__ = 'ChenyangGao <>'
__version__ = (0, 0, 4)
__all__ = [
'BRACKET_PATTERN', 'bracket_pattern', 'translate', 'compile',
'replace', 'get_dict_of_match', 'template_replace',
__doc__ = '''
懒惰模糊匹配,translate into (?P<name>.*?)
贪婪模糊匹配,translate into .*
懒惰模糊匹配,translate into .+?
贪婪模糊匹配,translate into .+
贪婪模糊匹配,translate into (?P<name>.*)
贪婪模糊匹配,translate into (?P<name>.+)
启用单行模式 DOTALL (. 会匹配 \\r 和 \\n)
各种模式详见下面文档中的 (?aiLmsux) (?aiLmsux-imsx:...)
禁用单行模式 DOTALL
启用多行模式 MULTILINE (^ 和 $ 会检查 \\r 和 \\n)
懒惰模糊匹配,单行模式,翻译成 (?P<name>(?s:.*?))
贪婪模糊匹配,单行模式,翻译成 (?P<name>(?s:.*))
匹配任意个不等于占位符之前的第1个字符,如果占位符在开头,则用 .
匹配任意个不等于占位符之后的第1个字符,如果占位符在结尾,则用 .
按原样匹配 string,正则表达式元字符会被自动转义
按原样匹配 string,当成嵌入的模式,递归地翻译
匹配任意个不在字符集 chars 中的字符
匹配任意个在字符集 chars 中的字符
匹配正则表达式 pattern
匹配正则表达式 pattern
贪婪匹配,启用 s 和 m 模式,任意个不在字符集 chars 中的字符,
创建命名捕获组 name (如果省略 name,则不创建捕获组)
bracket_pattern: # If all parts are empty, then escape it
[ name? nonempty? desire? flags? pattern? ]
'+' | ''
':' | ''
':' CHAR+ # see
# (?aiLmsux-imsx:...) letters from the set 'a', 'i', 'L', 'm',
# 's', 'u', 'x', optionally followed by '-' followed by one or
# more letters from the 'i', 'm', 's', 'x'.
'=' STRING # STRING as such a string
| '`' STRING '`' # STRING as embedded string may
# contain bracket_pattern
| '[^' STRING # STRING as distinct characters
| '[' STRING # STRING as distinct characters
| '/' STRING '/' # STRING as regular expression
| '~' STRING # STRING as regular expression
import re
from collections import ChainMap
from operator import itemgetter, methodcaller
from re import compile as re_compile, escape, sub, Match, Pattern
from typing import Any, Callable, Final, Mapping, Optional, Union
BARE_PATTERN: Final[str] = ('(?:'
BRACKET_PATTERN: Final[Pattern] = re_compile(r'\[%s\]' % BARE_PATTERN)
ID_DOLLAR_PATTERN: Final[Pattern] = re_compile(
# Roughly equivalent to r'\$(?:([^\d\W]\w*)|\{((?s:.+?))(?<![^\\]\\)\})'
ID_BRACKET_PATTERN: Final[Pattern] = re_compile(r'\[(?P<named>\w+)\]')
NAME_BRACKET_PATTERN: Final[Pattern] = re_compile(r'\[(?P<named>[^\d\W]\w*)\]')
ENCLOSED_BRACKET_PATTERN: Final[Pattern] = re_compile(
def bracket_pattern(prefix: str = '[', suffix: str = ']') -> str:
return '%s%s%s' % (escape(prefix), BARE_PATTERN, escape(suffix))
bracket_pattern.__doc__ = '''\
Create a regular expression, also known as BRACKET PATTERN,
that is enclosing `BARE_PATTERN` with `prefix` and `suffix`.
def _repl(
m: Match, /,
rule_pattern: Union[str, Pattern] = BRACKET_PATTERN,
) -> str:
:param m:
:param rule_pattern:
name = m['name']
quantifier = '+' if m['nonempty'] else '*'
lazy = '?' if not m['desire'] else ''
flags = m['flags']
if not m['pattern']:
if not any(m.groups()):
return escape(
pattern = '.' + quantifier
elif m['noleft'] is not None:
if m.start() == 0:
pattern = '.' + quantifier
pattern = '[^%s]%s' % (escape(m.string[m.start()-1]), quantifier)
elif m['noright'] is not None:
if m.end() == len(m.string):
pattern = '.' + quantifier
pattern = '[^%s]%s' % (escape(m.string[m.end()]), quantifier)
elif m['str'] is not None:
flags = lazy = ''
pattern = escape(m['str'])
elif m['strx'] is not None:
flags = lazy = ''
pattern = translate(m['strx'], rule_pattern)
elif m['outlist'] is not None:
pattern = '[^%s]%s' % (m['outlist'], quantifier)
elif m['inlist'] is not None:
pattern = '[%s]%s' % (m['inlist'], quantifier)
elif m['regexp'] is not None:
lazy = ''
pattern = m['regexp']
elif m['regexp2'] is not None:
lazy = ''
pattern = m['regexp2']
if flags:
pattern = f'(?{flags}:{pattern}{lazy})'
elif lazy:
pattern = f'{pattern}{lazy}'
if name is not None:
pattern = '(?P<%s>%s)' % (name, pattern)
return pattern
def translate(
pattern: str,
rule_pattern: Union[str, Pattern] = BRACKET_PATTERN,
) -> str:
'''Translate a BRACKET PATTERN `pattern` into a regular expression.
:param pattern:
A string you want to translate. Search it with `rule_pattern`,
all matches will be automatically translated into a specific
regular expression, and the mismatches will be escaped.
:param rule_pattern:
A regular expression, that is enclosing `BARE_PATTERN` with
a certain `prefix` and `suffix`. You can use `bracket_pattern`
function in this module to get such a regular expression.
:return: Regular expression from translation.
parts: list[str] = []
push = parts.append
l = 0
for m in re.finditer(rule_pattern, pattern):
push(_repl(m, rule_pattern))
l = m.end()
if not parts:
return escape(pattern)
return ''.join(parts)
def compile(
pattern: str,
rule_pattern: Union[str, Pattern] = BRACKET_PATTERN,
flags: int = re.M | re.U,
) -> Pattern:
'''Translate a BRACKET PATTERN `pattern` into a regular expression,
and then compile it.
:param pattern:
A string you want to translate. Search it with `rule_pattern`,
all matches will be automatically translated into a specific
regular expression, and the mismatches will be escaped.
:param rule_pattern:
A regular expression, that is enclosing `BARE_PATTERN` with
a certain `prefix` and `suffix`. You can use `bracket_pattern`
function in this module to get such a regular expression.
:param flags:
The regex matching flags. This is a combination of the flags given
to re.compile(), any (?...) inline flags in the pattern, and implicit
flags such as UNICODE if the pattern is a Unicode string.
:return: Translate `pattern` into a regular expression, then compile it,
and return a `re.Pattern` object.
return re_compile(translate(pattern, rule_pattern), flags)
def replace(
string: str,
map: Union[Mapping, Callable] = lambda _: '',
key: Union[Callable[[Match], Any], int, str] = lambda m: \
int(g) if (g := m[m.lastindex or 0]).isdecimal() else g,
pattern: Union[str, Pattern] = ID_DOLLAR_PATTERN,
count: int = 0,
flags: int = 0,
) -> str:
'''Searching for `string` using `pattern`, will get a collection of
match objects. First use `key`, and then use `map`, on each match
object, to get a replacement string, and replace the original string
of relevant match object with it respectively.
:param string: The original string to be replaced.
:param map: Take the value from `key`, hereinafter referred to as key,
and return the replacement string.
`map` is `Mapping`:
`map[key]` (if the result is `None`, gets the matched original string)
as the replacement string.
`map` is callable:
`map(key)` (if the result is `None`, gets the matched original string)
as the replacement string.
:param key: Get a value from a single `re.Match` object,
that value will be passed to `map` later.
`key` is `int`: Returns the subgroup of the match object,
which references the index `key`.
`key` is `str`: Returns the subgroup (named group) of the match object,
which references the name `key`.
`key` is callable: Takes a single `re.Match` object argument,
returns a value that is acceptable to `map`.
:param pattern: (That argument will be directly given to re.sub())
The `pattern` may be a string or a `re.Pattern` object.
:param count: (That argument will be directly given to re.sub())
The maximum number of pattern occurrences to be replaced. `count` must be
a non-negative integer. If omitted or zero, all occurrences will be replaced.
Empty matches for the pattern are replaced only when not adjacent to a previous
empty match, so sub('x*', '-', 'abxd') returns '-a-b--d-'.
:param flags: (That argument will be directly given to re.sub())
The regex matching flags. This is a combination of the flags given
to re.compile(), any (?...) inline flags in the pattern, and implicit
flags such as UNICODE if the pattern is a Unicode string.
:return: Return a copy with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new.
if callable(map):
meth = getattr(map, '__call__')
meth = getattr(map, '__getitem__')
if not callable(key):
key = itemgetter(key)
repl = lambda m: if (r := meth(key(m))) is None else str(r)
return sub(pattern, repl, string, count=count, flags=flags)
def get_dict_of_match(
match: Match,
idx_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
extra: Optional[Mapping] = None,
) -> Mapping:
'''Get data from a `re.Match` object and return it as a `Mapping` object.
:param match: A `re.Match` object.
:param idx_prefix: If it is not None, add additional data into
returned mapping.
These additional data are provided by the following dictionary:
f'{idx_prefix}0': match[0],
**{f'{idx_prefix}{i}': v for i, v in enumerate(match.groups(),1)}
:param extra: A `Mapping` object as additional data in returned mapping.
If `idx_prefix` and `extra` are None, returns `match.groupdict()`.
If `idx_prefix` is not None, see `:param idx_prefix:`
for which additional data are added.
If extra is not None, it will be added as additional data.
g: dict = match.groupdict()
g[0] = match[0]
g.update(enumerate(match.groups(), 1))
if idx_prefix is not None:
d = {f'{idx_prefix}0': match[0]}
d.update((f'{idx_prefix}{i}', v) for i, v in enumerate(match.groups(),1))
cm = ChainMap(g, d)
if extra is not None:
return cm
if extra is not None:
return ChainMap(g, extra)
return g
def template_replace(
pattern: Union[str, Pattern],
template: str,
string: str,
get_map_of_match: Callable[[Match], Mapping] = methodcaller('groupdict'),
template_key: Union[Callable[[Match], Any], int, str] = lambda m: \
int(g) if (g := m[m.lastindex or 0]).isdecimal() else g,
template_id_pattern: Union[str, Pattern] = ID_DOLLAR_PATTERN,
count: int = 0,
flags: int = 0,
'''Use `pattern` to search `string`, will get a collection of match
objects. For each match object, render the `template` with its data
(gets data from a match object by the `get_map_of_match` function),
the rendered result is used as a replacement string, to replace the
original string of the match object.
:param pattern:
The `pattern` that contains some capture groups, may be a string
(as a BRACKET PATTERN to be compiled) or a `re.Pattern` object.
When there is a match, it uses the `get_map_of_match` function
to collect data from capture groups of the match object.
:param template: Template to render with data from a match object
(using the `get_map_of_match` function as the data getter).
:param string: The original string to be replaced.
:param get_map_of_match:
Get data from a `re.Match` object and return it as a `Mapping` object.
:param template_key: Get a value from a `re.Match` object (that match
object as a placeholder, see `template_id_pattern`).
`template_key` is `int`: Returns the subgroup of the match object,
which references the index `key`.
`template_key` is `str`: Returns the subgroup (named group) of the match object,
which references the name `key`.
`template_key` is callable: Takes a single `re.Match` object argument,
returns a value that is acceptable to `map`.
:param template_id_pattern: Use `template_id_pattern` to search for
placeholders from `template`. A placeholder contains a name as a key
(gets with `template_key`) that identify when they are rendered.
:param count: (That argument will be directly given to re.sub())
The maximum number of pattern occurrences to be replaced. `count` must be
a non-negative integer. If omitted or zero, all occurrences will be replaced.
Empty matches for the pattern are replaced only when not adjacent to a previous
empty match, so sub('x*', '-', 'abxd') returns '-a-b--d-'.
:param flags: (That argument will be directly given to re.sub())
The regex matching flags. This is a combination of the flags given
to re.compile(), any (?...) inline flags in the pattern, and implicit
flags such as UNICODE if the pattern is a Unicode string.
:return: Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost non-overlapping
occurrences of `pattern` in `string` by the replacement rendered `template`.
if isinstance(pattern, str):
pattern = compile(pattern)
return replace(
map=lambda m: replace(
if __name__ == '__main__':
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(description='BRACKET PATTERN translator and template replacer')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
parser_translate = subparsers.add_parser(
'translate', aliases=['t'],
help='Translate a BRACKET PATTERN into regular expression.')
'pattern', nargs=1, help='A valid BRACKET PATTERN to be translated')
parser_translate.set_defaults(func=lambda args: translate(args.pattern[0]))
parser_replace = subparsers.add_parser(
'replace', aliases=['r'],
help='Search for the BRACKET PATTERN `pattern` in `string`, '
'to get a collection of matches, replace the placeholders '
'in the `template` with the capture group data in each '
'match to get the replacement string')
'--pattern', '-p', required=True, help='A valid BRACKET PATTERN')
'--template', '-t', required=True,
help='A template, uses placeholders like $name and ${name}')
'--string', '-s', required=True, help='Original string to be replaced')
parser_replace.set_defaults(func=lambda args: template_replace(
pattern=args.pattern, template=args.template, string=args.string))
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.__dict__:
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